Grand Army of the Republic: A Star Wars Plan Quest

[X] [BG] Large.
[X] [SF] Democracy.
[X] [JO] About the clone army.
[X] [JO] About Darth Tyranus and Darth Sidious.
-[X] [JO] Bring proof that Count Yan Dooku is Darth Tyranus.
-[X] [JO] Bring proof that Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine is Darth Sidious.
[X] [JO] Inform them about the mind control ships.
[X] [JO] Inform them about the clones that you handed over to the Sith.
[X] [BG] Small.
[X] [SF] Democracy.
[X] [JO] About the clone army.
[X] [JO] About Darth Tyranus and Darth Sidious.
-[X] [JO] Bring proof that Count Yan Dooku is Darth Tyranus.
-[X] [JO] Bring proof that Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine is Darth Sidious.
[X] [JO] Inform them about the mind control chips.
[X] [JO] Inform them about the clones that you handed over to the Sith.
The vote is now closed.
Adhoc vote count started by Oshha on Jan 23, 2022 at 3:27 PM, finished with 77 posts and 47 votes.
Do our Clones have any loyalty to the Republic, the Jedi or the Chancellor? I'm interested in how they are going to react to this little "revelation".
I can hear the Senators sweating already. Is it wrong I want the clones to turn around and clean house after the war is over?
Not just Senators.


An army of billions of super-long-lived super soldiers. Equipped with the best tech and weaponry the Galaxy has to offer. Just got bloodied in combat and won against the most murderous force of droids and war bots in millennia.

All the while the Hutt Slave Empire relies on its trump card of a secret and upgraded army of billions of battle droids posing as statues on Nal Hutta, to use in case any one powerful ever decides to end the Galactic slave market for good.

The sleaze slimeballs slavocrats will be oozing fear by the bucket load even before the Clone Wars end, I promise.
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sith probably started cloning the clones they got on their secret worlds with their own cloning stuff
sith probably started cloning the clones they got on their secret worlds with their own cloning stuff
I doubt that, cloning a clone in fiction tends to make the resulting clones defective.
The Spartoi clones in Legends were based off Kaminoan clone blueprints, so it's doable. Given how far beyond the "canon clone template" these ones are though, it'll almost certainly be an order of magnitude or two harder to achieve, and the chances of genetic deviation is probably astonomically high for the Spartoi processes since their clones are created with far less time to develop. We suffered mutation ourselves cause of how much genetic enhancement we implemented, despite the Kaminoans being the best at cloning in all of SW. Luckily we were able to patch everything except the one that resulted in female clones, since we decided that could be a feature instead of a bug, but I foresee a lot of trouble by anyone that tries to duplicate the Grand Republic's Mando-clone-ians.
honestly this will collapse of the separatists too

most of the outrim worlds that would otherwise had lined with doku,will realize he was in the cahoots with a corrupt politician of the republic to play them against each other

while unlikely they will re-join the republic,is very likely we will see the separatists schism

>corporate and tyranicals on sidious and doku side
>corporates that are independent
>and the separatists congres/parlament and whatever corporations choose to align with it

on the republic side of things a similar schism could happen

>pro-coup against the republic done by the jedi and clone army
>pro sidious/dokuu elements

this will make syria look like a picnic day
honestly this will collapse of the separatists too

most of the outrim worlds that would otherwise had lined with doku,will realize he was in the cahoots with a corrupt politician of the republic to play them against each other

while unlikely they will re-join the republic,is very likely we will see the separatists schism

>corporate and tyranicals on sidious and doku side
>corporates that are independent
>and the separatists congres/parlament and whatever corporations choose to align with it

on the republic side of things a similar schism could happen

>pro-coup against the republic done by the jedi and clone army
>pro sidious/dokuu elements

this will make syria look like a picnic day
Or not. Because palps could use the connection and the context of the whole OTL Clone war to turn this into chaos by pulling 'The Good Chancellor' card...
doubtful,because the jedi will come blast his door one way or another
and the clones will obey the jedi
Exactly why I could see things get really messy. While fortunately we are short-circuiting the war limiting his attacks on the Jedi image, there still is the affects of a few thousand years of subversive activity, and the Chancellor is a legitimately voted in head of state...
It really matters how the evidence and arrest is handled, as clones or no clones, we DON'T want to repeat the OTL arrest attempt...
That was just a massive PR disaster ripe for exploitation.
honestly this will collapse of the separatists too

most of the outrim worlds that would otherwise had lined with doku,will realize he was in the cahoots with a corrupt politician of the republic to play them against each other

while unlikely they will re-join the republic,is very likely we will see the separatists schism

>corporate and tyranicals on sidious and doku side
>corporates that are independent
>and the separatists congres/parlament and whatever corporations choose to align with it

on the republic side of things a similar schism could happen

>pro-coup against the republic done by the jedi and clone army
>pro sidious/dokuu elements

this will make syria look like a picnic day
New Sith Wars Electric Boogaloo Round II!!! LETS GO!!!
Q4 23 BBY - Finale - Part 2

Q4 23 BBY - Finale - Part 2

[X] [BG] Large.
[X] [SF] Democracy.
[X] [JO] About the clone army.
[X] [JO] About Darth Tyranus and Darth Sidious.
-[X] [JO] Bring proof that Count Yan Dooku is Darth Tyranus.
-[X] [JO] Bring proof that Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine is Darth Sidious.
[X] [JO] Inform them about the mind control chips.
[X] [JO] Inform them about the clones that you handed over to the Sith.

In the end, you decide that if you are going to go to Darth Sidious' hometurf, you are going to bring as much backup as possible. Five hundred clone commandos is a large number of Mando'ade to tag along with you, but small enough to slip in unnoticed and their presence will be much welcomed if things take a turn for the worse.

Meanwhile you'll go for the biggest guns and have one of the Democracy-class Dreadnoughts waiting in a nearby system. Backing up the massive warship will be a dozen Republic-class Star Destroyers for direct combat and a dozen Valour-class Cruisers for fire support. Hammerhead-class Cruisers, Harbinger-class Cruisers, Arquitens-class Light Cruisers and DP20 Frigates will make for acceptable escort warships so you'll have a hundred and twenty of each. A trio of CC-2100 Interdictor Cruisers to stop Sidious from escape should it come to that and to top it all off, enough starfighters the hangars of every warship whilst several legions of clone troopers will be carried across the various warships.

As for what you'll tell the Jetiise, well, you have nothing to gain from holding anything back so you'll just put it all on the table. No guarantee that they'll believe you, especially given your history with them, but telling the Jedi everything is more likely to hurt the kriffing Sith than holding back vital information.

Kriff the dar'jetiise trying to destroy or enslave the Clans. Kriff the dar'jetiise using the ade as their disposal pawns.


The journey to Coruscant requires splitting up your forces. The warships leave almost a whole month before the rest of you do as their need to avoid detection requires them to take a much slower and indirect route to the galactic capital. Meanwhile the rest of you split up. Leaving Kal Skirita in command, you and the five hundred clone commandos split up as you take a variety of light freighters.

Purchasing them is a drop of water in the ocean with your budget while the freighters are common enough that they won't draw suspicion and enough of them travel to Coruscant everyday that they won't stand out. You yourself travel aboard a second-hand Corellian YT-1300 Light Freighter with a couple teams of commandos. You would have preferred to take the Slave I, but your personal ship is too distinctive and impossible to hide from Sidious.

Despite your fears, all of the journeys go without issue. Only a handful of the freighters are stopped and nobody cottons on that all of the Mandos are clones nor do any of the officials show any interest in detaining them. Not after receiving suitable bribes that is.

Once you are on Coruscant, you make your way to the Senate District with only a squad of commandos directly following you. The other squads set themselves up in the rest of the district and the surrounding ones with a small handful seeding themselves further away to act as emergency fallback points.

Wearing a long hooded cloak, nobody can see your armour unless they are looking directly at your face. Not only are people around you unable to tell that you are a Mandalorian, you wouldn't be surprised if they assumed you were a Jedi between your cloak and destination. You doubt that the Jedi will be so easily fooled however.

A suspicion that proves to be true as a pair of Jedi guardsmen approach you in their pristine robes and concealing-makes.

"Can we help you?" asks one of the Jetiise as they stop in front of you, making it clear that you aren't getting any further without giving an answer.

"I'm here to inform the Jedi Order that their secret clone army is ready for them to take command of," you inform them blandly even as you smirk beneath your helmet.


Letting the Jedi know that they were nominally the ones behind all of the mysterious military build up was enough to get you a meeting with the Jedi High Council if just barely. The Jetiise guards were in favour of throwing you in detention while they got to the bottom of the business, but the High Council themselves had something of a better reaction to the news. You still got escorted by armed guards to the High Council, but it was clear the High Council had far less suspicion of you than the guards did.

Of course, that just meant that the High Council was willing to hear you out. They weren't any happier with the news that you had to bring them, but they were wise enough to not shoot the messenger. The news about Sifo-Dyas being the mind behind the project was something that the Jetiise took well. The news about the Sith killing him and subverting the project was taken less well, but was equally believed.

You gave them the rundown of the last several years, letting them know what sort of equipment you had acquired, the training given to the clones, just how many clones there are and what sort of genetic modifications you had been given them and finally about the secret mind control chips that the Sith had you insert into the clones and you had Tanasi disable. While they had plenty of questions, the High Council took all of that in their stride once they got over their initial shock.

When you got to the identities of the Sith, there was where you began to have problems. Even if you had brought plenty of evidence, the kriffing Jetiise refused to believe that their old buddy Dooku was one of the Sith Lords plotting their downfall. How could such an esteemed Jedi Master and former student of Master Yoda himself fall to the dark side? How could he kill one of his closest friends and work for the individual responsible for killing his own student Qui-Jon Gym or something like that. No, clearly you must have been mistaken or were fooled by the Sith. Just ignore all of the kriffing evidence saying otherwise.

On the other hand, they somehow believed that the kriffing Supreme Chancellor of the kriffing Galactic Republic is a Sith Lord despite that evidence being much flimsier and circumstantial because why the kriff not.

Kriffing Jetiise.

All of which led to an intense debate about how to react to that tidbit of information combined with the news that they had an army of Mandalorian supersoldier clones. You barely followed half of it, but in the end, the Jedi High Council had decided to arrest the Supreme Chancellor because he is a secret Sith Lord. To their credit, they did say that they were officially doing it on some technical legal basis, but you were quick enough to figure out why they were really doing it.

And then they had to go and complicate things by inviting you along. They already made it clear that they would be roping in the clone commandos that you had brought along into it and while you know that the ade would be very eager to serve the Jetiise after waiting for so long, you have less clear feeling on the matter. On the one hand, kriff the Sith. On the other hand, you aren't particularly eager to get caught up helping the Jetiise forcibly remove the Supreme Chancellor from power though you aren't sure if said Supreme Chancellorbeing Darth Sidious made you more or less eager to get involved.

What does Jango do now?
[] He joins the Jedi when it comes to removing Darth Sidious.
[] He stays behind in the Jedi Temple.
[] He returns to Kamino.
[] He goes to Zeltros to wait out all of this drama.


I was hoping to put some more dialogue into this, but it just wasn't coming to me so I've ended up going for a more overview/summary take on what happened. Anyway, the Jedi didn't particularly like you, but they heard you out and somehow ended up believing you about Palpatine whilst not believing you about Dooku.

Anyway, the Jedi are going to arrest Palpatine and they are going to be taking the clone commandos you brought with you as backup. Now you have to decide what Jango does and whether or not he gets involved.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to.