Local Shield Generators (Phase 2) = 358/300 58/300
Our luck with shields is a meme. Perhaps we should invest in Planetary Defences for better luck.
Democracy-class Dreadnought Construction Aurek (Phase 4) = 922/1,500
Democracy-class Dreadnought Construction Besh (Phase 4) = 932/1,500
578 and 568 progress leftover to completion. With our bonuses at +55, five dice to each for the next two turns virtually guarantee completion, since that's 550 progress overall.
Off-World Expansion (Phase 10) = 599/550 49/600
We still need 551 progress to get rid of our Facilities debt. It's a shame we rolled below average on this one. Do we need to roll free dice on this one? We have a
56.44% chance of getting 551 Progress on an 8 (1d100+20). On 11D, it goes up to a near-certain
99.13% chance, of completing the one more Phase needed to cover the cost of early Clone production expansion. I think we should aim for overflow since we still need to probably get more facilities past two more stages of Shields/Defences (each stage cost 2 Facilities, and we'd be at 4 once we settle our facilities debt).
Expand DP20 Frigate Contract (Phase 1) = 303/40 263/40 223/40 183/40 143/40 103/40 63/40 23/40
Phase 1, 2 , 3 , 4 ,5 6 & 7 are complete. The Navy should be set for Escorts and have plenty of screens now, we can probably focus on getting up more Republics and Bombers. Remember too, we have a lot of Acclamators and Venators that require serious anti-capital ship capabilities in their battle group. We have many Warriors, but we should also be getting the even more powerful Republics to anchor battle groups.
Burying Secrets = 410 (DC 216/236/256/276/296)
With 3 Dice to Secrets, we would only hit the second highest exposure reduction. In principle six dice allow us to get more NTBs and Republics - but the Falchion is probably our best Anti-Air ground vehicle too (going off Wookiepedia), in addition to our best shot of increasing our ratio of self-propelled artillery. And the Candaereous Tanks fills up our lack of heavy tanks. We probably also should boost the Starfighter corps and production lines of Liberators and ARCs.
There is an opportunity cost to 4 dies to Secrets continually, even if it increases our headroom to build our army before hitting the unknown exposure cap. My suspicion is that the Separatist Crisis keeping the Jedi busy means this threshold is increasing. So these are things to consider in continually Burying Secrets, especially when its effectiveness is further influenced by off-screen Jedi/Sith rolls. The main case for keeping Exposure down, is that we are buying room for more facilities off-world, and buying time to build defences.
A thought about Sith Support - once we finish the Dreadnoughts and the Clone Production, we'd be at +64 Sith Support. I suspect how high our Sith Support is affects the outcome of the endings and what we can get away with during the mini turns, except for the Sithfall ending.