Grand Army of the Republic: A Star Wars Plan Quest

Any chances that there are agents of palpatine in our own organization structure. The nightsister mentioned might be one but its a coin toss at this point. If anything its likely that some of the kaminoans or last minute additions to the trainers might be more aligned with palps.
Any chances that there are agents of palpatine in our own organization structure. The nightsister mentioned might be one but its a coin toss at this point. If anything its likely that some of the kaminoans or last minute additions to the trainers might be more aligned with palps.

It sounds like we are using the Legends Canon Cuy'val Dar as trainers, so while there is a pair of Death Watch sympathizers, there's no Palpatine lackeys there.

Not sure about some of the quest-only folks
[X] Travel to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.

>Barges into Jedi temple
>"Heres the massive galaxy spanning army you paid for"
>"also chancellor palpatine is a sith lord"
>Refuses to elaborate further

Should we bring some lads (clones) with us as an example?
You know what is hilarious? Sifo-Dyas got the final laugh and will probably get declared a hero among the Jedi, on the level of Revan, Bastilla Shan, Shastele Shan or Nomi Sunrider.
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You know what is hilarious? Sifo-Dyas got the final laugh and will probably get declared a hero among the Jedi, on the level of Revan, Bastilla Shan, Shastele Shan or Nomi Sunrider.
...Yeah. The best part is that anyone looking a the bigger picture, would realize that Sifo-Dyas set up the Siths' downfall by getting them to try and co-opt his creation, only for it to backfire. Now it only happened in this timeline because the Sith didn't choose their organizer well, but it is still his actions that set the dominos in motion in this verse!:lol::rofl:
Sifo-Dyas: "I did wha-! I mean... Of course I did! It all went according to my design! Start to finish. Honest. All according to Keikaku!"
I'm just wondering if we can personally introduce Palpatine to our completed Dreadnaughts. We should personally show our backer that we don't skimp out on quality. I believe a demonstration is in order.

I'm sure he will love it when we introduce all our Dreadnaughts and starships to his front door. It really is different seeing such things in person instead of on a report.
Can one just walk up to the Jedi Temple and get a meeting reserved or are we going with the shock and awe approach by mailing them about their finished army, thereby forcing them into a meeting? Do they have secretaries?
Can one just walk up to the Jedi Temple and get a meeting reserved or are we going with the shock and awe approach by mailing them about their finished army, thereby forcing them into a meeting? Do they have secretaries?
I am quite certain that Jango, along with a body of Clone Commandos (most likely this universe's Delta Squad), can go wherever he wants.
>Barges into Jedi temple
>"Heres the massive galaxy spanning army you paid for"
>"also chancellor palpatine is a sith lord"
>Refuses to elaborate further
I was going to go with the Space Zoom Conference as another called it, but you convinced me.

[X] Travel to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.
Can one just walk up to the Jedi Temple and get a meeting reserved or are we going with the shock and awe approach by mailing them about their finished army, thereby forcing them into a meeting? Do they have secretaries?
Basically, what we will likely do is walk in and inform them that we have evidence regarding a rogue force user's crimes. Once we drop the extensive evidence of the Clone Army's existence and a pair of sith likely being behind it, we get the full attention of the council wanting a full debrief from us. This likely sees them send a Jedi back with us to confirm our claims.
Changing my vote

[X] Meet up with a wandering Jedi

This Jango doesn't actually have a reason to save the Jedi and it mostly interferes with his desire to deal with the Sith. We don't need them to dispose of Palpatine and going directly to them is needlessly suspicious.

On a different note.
Palps had his Sparthi Clones in Canon, that were used to deal the final blow against the CIS after the Battle of Coruscant. I wonder whether he will go for them this time around, since Kamino is producing at truly unforseen capacities.
Q4 23 BBY - Finale - Part 1

Q4 23 BBY - Finale - Part 1

[X] Travel to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.

This is it. The end of the project and it will be done on your terms not those of the Sith. The die is cast and the Great Peace is at end, mostly due to the plots of the Sith, but your hand is involved in that.

You have no doubts that the first galaxy-spanning war since the Ruusan Reformation is at hand. Between this clone army, the rearmament of both the Judicial Forces and the megacorps and the Sith masterminding both the Republic and the Separatists from behind the scenes, there will be war and it will be a big one.

You might have spent this entire project working for the Sith, but officially speaking, this is a project for the Jedi Order and this is technically their army not the Sith's. Kriff, thanks to your efforts, it is actually an army for the Jedi and not the Sith. Because of that, you plan to walk up to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant and let the Jetiise know their secret clone army is ready for them.

Nice and simple if it wasn't for the small, little detail that Darth Sidious is the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic. Just a minor detail like to complicate things because the kriff not.

Sidious has whatever resources that the Supreme Chancellor has, not to mention over six hundred thousand clones that he took from you plus whatever Sith tricks he might have up his sleeve. He could be a problem and while you are confident in your ability to make it to the Jedi Temple, you are less confident in your ability to make it back to Kamino. Sidious might not be able to stop you getting in, but he will almost certainly notice your presence and he could certainly do something about it.

That leads to figuring out what sort of assets you will bring with you. You cannot bring an entire army or fleet with you to Coruscant, but you could have one waiting nearby and you could get away with bringing a small cadre of bodyguards and 'assistants' to Coruscant proper

No Plan Voting.

Size of Bodyguard Cadre (Pick One)
[] [BG] None.
[] [BG] Small.
[] [BG] Medium.
[] [BG] Large.

Size of Standby Forces (Pick One)
[] [SF] None.
[] [SF] Small.
[] [SF] Medium.
[] [SF] Large.
[] [SF] Democracy.

What do you tell the Jedi Order? (Pick Any)
[] [JO] About the clone army.
[] [JO] About Darth Tyranus and Darth Sidious.
-[] [JO] Bring proof that Count Yan Dooku is Darth Tyranus.
-[] [JO] Bring proof that Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine is Darth Sidious.
[] [JO] Inform them about the mind control chips.
[] [JO] Inform them about the clones that you handed over to the Sith.


This is the start of the finale and the final bit of preparation where you choose what backup you want to bring with you and what you tell the Jedi Council. I won't say this is your last major choice, but it is the last one I currently have planned and any choices beyond here will be more reactive than active.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to.
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