FATHER QUEST - A Cartoon Network: Villains Victorious CK2-Style Quest Cross Over

[X] Operation: D.E.A.T.H. and T.A.X.E.S. (Doing Everything Acceptable To Help Take An eXceptional Enterprise Skyward)
-[X] Smash KND Holdouts (DC 60)
--[X] Toilenator
-[X] Reach out to US Government (DC 60)
-[X] Restructure Adult Co. (DC 65)
--[X] Hank Hill
-[X] Catch up on the news (DC 20)
-[X] Build a giant robot (DC 60)
-[X] Find a wizard (DC ?)

--[X] Check in on your sister-in-law (Father)
--[X] Call the moonbase (Father)
--[X] Go through your rolodex (Father)
--[X] Work on Sir Toasty (Father)
--[X] Hold a barbeque (Hank)
--[X] DESTROY THE KND (Toilenator)

Destroying the KND is going to be the first priority. Left unchecked, they can almost certainly snowball into a major threat from the minor nuisance they are now, and while Toilenator doesn't have the best martial, he makes this action a little more likely. His personal is... dubious at best, but it technically does the same thing so we could hope for some potential synergy there.

Let's not notify the world we're back in business until we're actually back in business. I think it's best to reach out to the US this turn, at the very least we can get some corporate tax breaks and set up the potential for further cooperation later on. There are several threats out there that we can't take on alone, we should try to get whoever's left in the government on our side out of sheer pragmatism if nothing else.

We put Hank in charge of Adult Co, let's let him do his job. Simple as that, plus we can start making money right away. Candy stock exchange looks important, but I think it can wait for a turn.

Aliens and the guild are both important, but let's wait a bit till we get an intrigue hero. Catching up on the news needs to be done and is certain to pass.

Building a giant robot is... not the greatest option, I'll admit, I would be willing to switch over to ice cream if anyone thinks that'd be better. No hero to assign so our odds aren't fantastic.

Father's personals should be self-explanatory, except for the barbeque. I expect his personals to be in high demand later on, but we could always hold one later- perhaps even next turn. Let Hank do something he'll enjoy.
[X] Operation: D.E.A.T.H. and T.A.X.E.S. (Doing Everything Acceptable To Help Take An eXceptional Enterprise Skyward)
[X] Operation: D.E.A.T.H. and T.A.X.E.S. (Doing Everything Acceptable To Help Take An eXceptional Enterprise Skyward)
Destroying the KND is going to be the first priority. Left unchecked, they can almost certainly snowball into a major threat from the minor nuisance they are now, and while Toilenator doesn't have the best martial, he makes this action a little more likely. His personal is... dubious at best, but it technically does the same thing so we could hope for some potential synergy there.
Honestly Toiletnator has a very high success chance on KND, 37+14+3=+54, making us effectively remove the critfail threshold and get to a 9% Crit Success (From his trait).

Also you did Sir Toasty which is very fun for me, one issue is you have Hero personals and on nationals. Im gonna jump real quick because I think attacking the KND is important for our villain rep.

[X] Operation: D.E.A.T.H. and T.A.X.E.S. (Doing Everything Acceptable To Help Take An eXceptional Enterprise Skyward)
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Honestly Toiletnator has a very high success chance on KND, 37+14+3=+54, making us effectively remove the critfail threshold and get to a 9% Crit Success (From his trait).

Also you did Sir Toasty which is very fun for me, one issue is you have Hero personals and on nationals.

[X] Operation: D.E.A.T.H. and T.A.X.E.S. (Doing Everything Acceptable To Help Take An eXceptional Enterprise Skyward)
Father gets 4 Personal actions; Heros get 1 plus being able to be assigned to a national action
Heroes get personals and nationals in this system.
[X] Operation: D.E.A.T.H. and T.A.X.E.S. (Doing Everything Acceptable To Help Take An eXceptional Enterprise Skyward)
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[X] Operation: D.E.A.T.H. and T.A.X.E.S. (Doing Everything Acceptable To Help Take An eXceptional Enterprise Skyward)
[X] Operation: D.E.A.T.H. and T.A.X.E.S. (Doing Everything Acceptable To Help Take An eXceptional Enterprise Skyward)
[X] Operation: D.E.A.T.H. and T.A.X.E.S. (Doing Everything Acceptable To Help Take An eXceptional Enterprise Skyward)

Doing actual EBIL things is fun (there is no typo it's on purpose if you get the reference)
[X] Operation A.C.I.D.S. (Adult Co. is doing swell)
-[X] Smash KND Holdouts (DC 60)
--[X] Toiletnator
-[X] Reach out to US Government (DC 60)
-[X] Restructure Adult Co. [DC 65]
--[X] Hank Hill
-[X] Catch Up on the News [DC 20]
-[X] Invent New Ice Cream flavor [DC 60]
-[X] Find a Wizard [DC: ?]
--[X] Check in on your sister-in-law (Father)
--[X] Call the moonbase (Father)
--[X] Go through your rolodex (Father)
--[X] Work on Sir Toasty (Father)
--[X] Check on Peggy and Bobby (Hank Hill)
--[X] DESTROY THE KND (Toilenator)

Toiletnator rolling at a +54 here means that going after the KND is actually fairly achievable here and it helps make sure our territory is fairly controllable.

Catching up on the news is incredibly important and as we don't have any Intrigue Heroes barring Father, we should take the important low hanging fruit. Wizard is mostly done over Artifacts for hopeful hero hunting.

Restructuring Adult Co. is important so that we can get our income flow going again. As Hank is the CEO of Adult Co., our best Steward, and frankly this is one of the highest DCs it makes sense to put him on it.

Reaching out to the government is mostly a matter that we haven't actually restructured Adult Co. yet. Get that done before reaching out to other businesses.

Invent New Ice Cream Flavor is mostly thinking that the extra income early getting set up couldn't hurt and getting some rage down while we're watching the News couldn't hurt.

While we want Hank to be able to accept what his position entails, he's a family man and making sure his family is caught up on everything makes sense to me. Toiletnator is straightforward with his Martial assignment. All of Father's personals are straightforward.
[X] Operation: D.E.A.T.H. and T.A.X.E.S. (Doing Everything Acceptable To Help Take An eXceptional Enterprise Skyward)

As it is a KND quest I am obligated to vote for anything that uses an absurd acronym.
I feel that since we're just starting the quest, we should focus on hero recruitment by the rolodex for a few turns. We need some learning and intrigue heros right now to get that ball rolling.

Father and Toiletinator, or however you spell his name, are a suprisingly good Martial group just due to stats and loyalty, while Hank and Father are great with Stewardship.

We need outside ideas and hands though. It dosent even matter all that much if their learning or intrigue isn't all that high so long as they open up new options. We could even find a wizard by accident.
At first I was a bit surprised at Father's 37 martial, but then I got to his traits and rage mechanic and it made perfect sense. Now THAT'S the martial I'd expect from Father.

Made in Heaven's post basically reflect my thoughts on everything but the giant robot. Luckily Pawn here has almost the exact same plan but with the ice cream option for the extra income (sorry Hank, I guess that means no barbecue for you).

[X] Operation A.C.I.D.S. (Adult Co. is doing swell)
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[X] Operation: D.E.A.T.H. and T.A.X.E.S. (Doing Everything Acceptable To Help Take An eXceptional Enterprise Skyward)
[X] Operation: D.E.A.T.H. and T.A.X.E.S. (Doing Everything Acceptable To Help Take An eXceptional Enterprise Skyward)