We could also reach out to K'nuckles (and, more importantly, Flapjack) through Sticky and take on Bogey for his claim to the Hand of Horror and the Rio Styx.
Yeah, no. Revenge won't bring him back. Mandark was the spark, but Spankulot refused to adjust to the changing world, and it was only a matter of time until something like that happened. As for the Warden...Look, dude's seemingly-omnipotent within Superjail, and barely ever LEAVES Superjail...I don't give us good odds. We're really strong...But we're not unbeatable.
Revenge never brings someone back. That's not the point of revenge. The point of revenge is that someone should not simply get away with doing something like that. And emotional catharsis. Frankly I don't really see Father as the kind of character to simply "let bygones be bygones", especially not when it comes to something of this magnitude.
Also Spankulot very clearly was trying to change and adapt.
I am willing to give Mandark an out though if they can give us the impression that they meant the whole "Spankulot prison" thing as a more surface level rivalry thing that they didnt expect to turn out so dark and cut so deep. Sometimes you can go too far, if he can admit that then perhaps he can be spared our immense and potent rage. I doubt Mandark planned for Spakulot to go EVO and have to be put down by our own hands. We'll see if Mandark is wise enough to realise he's gone too far.
Thinking about it, further interaction with Warden actually could be fun. He has a lot of parallels with Father in a lot of interesting ways. Daddy issues and childhood trauma impacting their personalities, being authority figures imparting their own brands of order. Depending on the specifics of the Warden's Villain Victory, he might even have fire powers related to his own emotional motifs.
Hey, the Mandark thing is because Spankulot broke into his house and was spanking his sister. He also didn't pay prisoners to harass Spankulot, they're just doing it because he's a husk of a man and they gotta posture. Don't know where you guys got that idea from.
Hey, the Mandark thing is because Spankulot broke into his house and was spanking his sister. He also didn't pay prisoners to harass Spankulot, they're just doing it because he's a husk of a man and they gotta posture. Don't know where you guys got that idea from.
On the mandark factor does anyone else think Spankulot might have been the source of his mysterious grudge or petty rivalry with us?
As considering our/Father ties with Spankulot Mandark might have taken that as attack from us, that and there's factor of Numbuh 2 but still.
So considering we just put down Spankulot you think Mandark will deem to let this petty rivalry go? After all not like we're Dexter or done anything to really antagonize him it's always come from his end.
While I normally get the whole revenge train thing, I think that just doesn't really work for the next few turns. We can look at cutting into them bit by bit more in the future but the immediate next few turns have more immediate goals that we can/should work on. Namely getting our Finances sorted, getting the book read, and using our likely Martial Bonus at the moment to weigh the odds in our favor for that brawl with Jasper.
I am still against trying for revenge. It's not healthy to try and solve our problems by blasting people with fire until they go away. And, besides, can we really blame ANY OF THEM for this happening? Like, this was...Not to speak ill of the dead, but I don't think this was an instance of Mandark being unreasonable, honestly?
While we wait for the next update, just a list of things I am willing to back up. I know that we are getting new actions and reduction to the DC due Touletnators success.
[ ] Refurbish Ice Cream Factories
DC 8090(Raised by Toilet Haunting)
Now that he's been formally invited onto the staff, Professor XXXL is chomping at the bit to get back to his life's work. Trouble is, Adult Co's ice cream plants have been left abandoned for much too long. Turns out your Ice Cream Men are a lot better at serving and eating frozen treats than they are at making them. A little elbow grease to get them back up to code should bring them into working order.
Reward: Start manufacturing ice cream, new Learning actions to develop your products, Adult Co. actually starts making money again
We have to attempt to finish this in order to avoid any loyalty points from our dear scientist that has delivered with the giant handship and etc.
[ ] Redevelop The Swim
DC 115125 (Raised by Toilet Haunting)
The yawning crater that used to be the neighborhood is getting to be an eyesore. To make matters worse, it's starting to stink. Burst pipes and rainwater have collected in it to form a great big stagnant pond. Folks have taken to calling it The Swim. Those other villains chewed you out about responsibility, and you'd hate to prove them right. It'll be a pain in your keister to fix it and it sure as heck won't be cheap, but it's on your turf. And that makes it your problem.
Cost: 4 Funds.
Result: The Swim is redeveloped under AdultCo's banner, marking your first formal territorial claim as a corporate King. Thread vote on how you'd like to go about rebuilding the place in your image with various benefits.
I believe with our popularity and our influence and business growing that would be reasonable to start making our first territorial claim. Depending on how we design the whole thing, it should be one that gives a positive view or branding/company, perhaps a reflection of our values, idk I am spitballing here but you get it right?
[ ] Gem Solar Power
DC 100
Even ignoring their ability to generate matter from light, gemtech generators offer unparalleled solar efficiency. If you can learn how to replicate it you might just be able to edge out that little blonde sourpuss from Endsville with a cheaper and less theologically dubious source of clean energy.
Reward: Unlocks Stewardship action to build advanced solar arrays, inroads into competing with Mandy in the energy sector.
[ ] Hard Light Vehicles
DC 110
Integrating Gem technology into Earth vehicles could enable AdultCo to create the most lightweight, fuel efficient, and most importantly the DEADLIEST vehicles on the market. It's only a matter of miniaturizing hard light generators enough to run off a car battery.
Reward: Unlock Martial actions to develop hard light air and ground vehicles. Unlock Hard Light Propulsion Learning action.
Because we had already completed the hard light scaffolding, it already make sense that at this point we should dedicate our industry to be "gem powered" stuff. Would be sick to have our own fleets made from the stuff that we currently own while also be energy independent from any other corporate king. That been said I know that between the two we can only vote on one, so I'm leaning on getting the hard light vehicle's getting down first.
There are also other actions and potentially new ones that I would be interested to vote on but for the mean time these are the ones I will be a bit more interested in voting
While we wait for the next update, just a list of things I am willing to back up. I know that we are getting new actions and reduction to the DC due Touletnators success.
[ ] Refurbish Ice Cream Factories
DC 8090(Raised by Toilet Haunting)
Now that he's been formally invited onto the staff, Professor XXXL is chomping at the bit to get back to his life's work. Trouble is, Adult Co's ice cream plants have been left abandoned for much too long. Turns out your Ice Cream Men are a lot better at serving and eating frozen treats than they are at making them. A little elbow grease to get them back up to code should bring them into working order.
Reward: Start manufacturing ice cream, new Learning actions to develop your products, Adult Co. actually starts making money again
We have to attempt to finish this in order to avoid any loyalty points from our dear scientist that has delivered with the giant handship and etc.
[ ] Redevelop The Swim
DC 115125 (Raised by Toilet Haunting)
The yawning crater that used to be the neighborhood is getting to be an eyesore. To make matters worse, it's starting to stink. Burst pipes and rainwater have collected in it to form a great big stagnant pond. Folks have taken to calling it The Swim. Those other villains chewed you out about responsibility, and you'd hate to prove them right. It'll be a pain in your keister to fix it and it sure as heck won't be cheap, but it's on your turf. And that makes it your problem.
Cost: 4 Funds.
Result: The Swim is redeveloped under AdultCo's banner, marking your first formal territorial claim as a corporate King. Thread vote on how you'd like to go about rebuilding the place in your image with various benefits.
I believe with our popularity and our influence and business growing that would be reasonable to start making our first territorial claim. Depending on how we design the whole thing, it should be one that gives a positive view or branding/company, perhaps a reflection of our values, idk I am spitballing here but you get it right?
[ ] Gem Solar Power
DC 100
Even ignoring their ability to generate matter from light, gemtech generators offer unparalleled solar efficiency. If you can learn how to replicate it you might just be able to edge out that little blonde sourpuss from Endsville with a cheaper and less theologically dubious source of clean energy.
Reward: Unlocks Stewardship action to build advanced solar arrays, inroads into competing with Mandy in the energy sector.
[ ] Hard Light Vehicles
DC 110
Integrating Gem technology into Earth vehicles could enable AdultCo to create the most lightweight, fuel efficient, and most importantly the DEADLIEST vehicles on the market. It's only a matter of miniaturizing hard light generators enough to run off a car battery.
Reward: Unlock Martial actions to develop hard light air and ground vehicles. Unlock Hard Light Propulsion Learning action.
Because we had already completed the hard light scaffolding, it already make sense that at this point we should dedicate our industry to be "gem powered" stuff. Would be sick to have our own fleets made from the stuff that we currently own while also be energy independent from any other corporate king. That been said I know that between the two we can only vote on one, so I'm leaning on getting the hard light vehicle's getting down first.
There are also other actions and potentially new ones that I would be interested to vote on but for the mean time these are the ones I will be a bit more interested in voting
I've had a rough idea of what I want to get accomplished next turn, and as we have a more limited selection of units than usual we'll probably have to do atleast two of them hero-less. Luckily, that should be well accomplishable if the two I have in mind.
Martial- Jasper, hero-less
Look. I get the whole revenge train stuff, but I don't think it's in the cards for us right now. Both just not feasible and got bigger fish to fry. If y'all really want to then we can look at building toward it the next few turns or something, not like either is likely to play ball with us anyway. Now, since we don't have enough units to cover all of our actions I feel the two actions that can be safely left without are Martial and one of our Diplomacys, if used for a particularly safe option I'll get into in its section. Now as for why I chose Jasper out of the Martials. For one, she's a weirdly trustable enemy in that she will follow through on the word of a mano e mano and will give Father some respect as long as he does as well. For another it gives us, the readers, a chance of catharsis in seeing one of our enemies being hit, bonus points in that it's an enemy we can actually hit now. For one more it's also just not that unsafe of an action since it's a vs roll and there's a non-zero chance Father will be rocking a bonus to Martial still.
Stewardship- Ice Cream- Hank
Ice Cream needs done, that's just how it is. The Swim would be nice but we need Tolitenator back and to do his personal for it given the DC is really not in our range at the moment. The negatives of not being super great on Stewardship just yet. Ice cream however is needed for loyalty, tech tree, and income purposes while also being a more feasible DC so takes priority for now.
Diplomacy- Candy Stock- Hero-less
Candy Stock should, and emphasis on should, be entirely reachable DC wise even without a unit thanks to last turns bare failure. Given our lack of hero units, that's valuable in and of itself. The income it gives however, is also nice.
Diplomacy- Izzy's Show- Izzy
Izzy should attempt to cover another priority Diplo action, given the synergy of our Dethklok deal? I'm thinking Izzy's should could get started. Income, publicity, good timing. Seems nice eh?
Intrigue- Anti-Scrying- B&W
A vital boost to our defenses that shouldn't be too hard for them to accomplish. Really just kind of a nice bonus in general. Alternatively if for whatever reason people don't want to cut of remote viewing of our assets...uh Paradigm or Total Drama maybe?
Learning- ???- Hex or Skips
I prefer Hex here though I have no particular action in mind. Hex's learning score goes a tad under appreciated and with XXXL out of comission and not enough units for all our actions I feel that Learning is not really one of the ones that is safe enough to leave heroless. If I had to pick then I'd probably choose between Artificial Shadowstuff or 2x4 Technology.
Occult- Book of KND- Skips or Hex
I prefer Skips for this one, if his trait applies atleast. If it does then I feel his solid, steady wisdom could be a real helper with dealing with this kinda thing. Also maybe his connection to the time babies will make some mystic mojo synergy happen? If not then Hex should be able to cover it and is one of our closest hero units anyway. The action itself is one that we've been waiting on for quite a while and should provide a measure of catharsis from all this stress atleast.
Thanks to sudden growth of T-Rex arms XXXL cannot do anything this next turn unless someone is assigned to be his hands. For obvious reasons that's not really a possibility at the moment. Hopefully we'll pass the ice cream factories will be back on line and fix things up.
Then can he shadow Hank, nd make them both to an ice cream related action, like a consultor helping a fellow employee with his knowledge of the Ice cream arts?
Then can he shadow Hank, nd make them both to an ice cream related action, like a consultor helping a fellow employee with his knowledge of the Ice cream arts?
As far as I'm aware? No. And really there's no point, he wouldn't add anything, he cannot take any action (national or personal) and I don't even think XXXL really cares for people only ice cream. Well, like that atleast. He's one of our more moral folks so I'm sure he'd like to do good for people but I'm unsure if he likes talking to people or personal interaction in general.
True, but ain't nothing wrong with just..letting him rest up if we aren't gonna get Ice Cream stuff done. Plus I believe his Loyalty malice won't decrees since he's depressed about small arms