20th Of Wind: *Stingmon (Black)
[] Just Beat.


Just as Mikemon had assured, your friend emerges from the splicing tent a short while later, his chest completely utterly healed and bereft of any mark. Meaning the *thread* Weddingmon used had to have dissolved or been absorbed somehow. Something that while fascinating, takes a back seat as you continue to examine the now much darker Stingmon. The extra data stuffed into his core has absolutely changed him, giving him an extra iota of power that while not overwhelming is something you can feel. Beyond that however, your friend is definitely bigger seeming to have grown a few centimeters with an increased width to match... which you realize officially makes him taller than Pit.

"Heh. 'Tis a suiting look for you, prick."

"Friend Beat? What in the Holy Lord's name happened to you?!" The Stingmon however ignores his question in favour of uncrossing his arms and launching a kick into the empty air.

He is faster as well, if not overly much. Perhaps an effect of the black Digitron?

However while he's too engrossed in testing himself to answer, another mon is happy to explain things.

"Worry not over this matter Sergeant Pit."
Wendimon smoothly cuts in. "Through our talks I learned of his fascination of obtaining strength and just so it happened that I was carrying a special material that could bring him aid among my collection."

Collection?... I do not like the sound of that.

"Sir... you just gifted it to him?"
Rinkmon asks incredulously. However the enormous champion smiles at her and shakes his head.

"Not at all. He promised to let me study the effects it had on a digimon undergoing Bulwark Data Splicing surgery along with... certain services rendered upon my time and choosing."

"So, thine price for the prick was a nebulous favour?"

"Just so Wizardmon."

"Yo-you've!..." Pit sputters rounding on the exercising Stingmon. "You've subjected yourself to giving the Accursed Gloaming an undisclosed request!"

Beat replies, cutting off further discourse. "There are conditions."

Ah, that is, good.

"It is exactly as the the Bellator stated, I cannot ask anything of him that betrays his allies or *morals* without being declined. A most unfortunate condition, yet an accord he gave no leeway upon."

Then... what kind of favour can he ask? Wendimon is part of the Gloaming, any favour he puts forward would go against the Host... right? No, there is something else at work here, but what? I do not believe that he'll reveal it if asked.

Pit loosens up a bit after hearing that, but still grips his weapon with slightly more strength than strictly needed. Rinkmon crosses her arms, mumbling something about: "Not helping the enemy." but doesn't actively bring the subject up to her superior.

"Alright then, well... Friend Beat, are you feeling well?" The insect champion nods at that, then steps closer to the shorter angel.

"Will you battle me?"

He's... actually asking?

"Of course!" Your angelic compatriot exclaims, raising his weapon up into a guard-just in time to block Beat's fist. The two champions rise into the air in a veritable whirlwind of attacks, nearly equals once more.

"Friggen' fight junkies."

I must learn to fly. If only to join fights such as this... perhaps Wendimon would be up for a spar?

You turn towards the beast digimon-and then blink in surpise. Said champion is halfway through enveloping Dinobeemon's corpse into a pocket of shimmering air, an effect similar to his prior use of just appearing in places.

Perhaps... it would be best not to disturb such a thing... and I wonder what would happen if it's body was just left out?

Shortly thereafter Galgomon and Mikemon interrupts the sparring so they can make an announcement.

"Bad news kids. Your squad's have been consuming more supplies and... stuff than initially projected. Feral's and sweets are good eating but they can't make up everything, mon need a healthy, balanced diet to stay strong and stuff."

"Right, right. So we'll stopping at a town at some point soon yeah? We're totally gonna hit one more target on the way there tho'. A tricky fella we don't exactly have'a name for."

A species the Bulwark has yet to encounter? Curious.

"So this one'll be a bit different. We know where this feral's staying. Its burrow got tagged by a scouting group just after digivolving. Bastard ambushed a hunting squad and wiped most of'em out. Tho' the survivor's report said it was a real long and white digimon that likes to coil around its prey. He even said one poor mon got impaled by it spitting out some sorta polearm."

"And pray tell, what 'tis the terrain like?"

"Ohoho, good question but no luck there. Snowy tundra ain't exactly the best place to lay traps ya hear? Plus it's either a good digger or got a ton of tunnels to move around. Not gonna lie dudes, if any of you have suggestions on how to help hunt this thing I'm all ears."


[] Write-In suggested potential tactics (note, you don't have to copy other's votes. Individual suggestions are enough)

===Choose One:

[] Beat & Pit: Due to Beat's new boost in power, he can theoretically team up with Pit to give you a decent challenge. Well, providing that you're pulling your punches at least. A few good sparring sessions on the way there would be a good warmup for what's to come. Plus it could improve their teamwork further.

[] Wendimon & Rinkmon: You haven't really been able to sate your curiosity on the odd Gloaming digimon assigned to your squad. The next few days could be your chance to learn more about them... and potentially get in a spar against a mon your equal. He's certainly strong, perhaps enough to defeat you outright.

[] Sparks & The Bulwark Team: You've spent a lot of time with Sparks recently, but he is your closest friend after all. Any step towards getting him able to fuse with that digimental the better. Plus since he's attempting to learn about traps from Galgomon this could be your chance to learn more about the hunter and his assistant's as well.

=== Beat's Post Surgery & Black Digitron Stats:

Strength: 2000
Fortitude: 2310
Endurance: 1650
Agility: 2340
Special: 1300
Spirit: 1300

===Authors Note: I wanted to have this out last night, but I couldn't get to writing. Special thanks to @Demenos for the drawing and coloring of *Black Beat* the slide evolution which will be called Stingmon (Black).
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"So this one'll be a bit different. We know where this feral's staying. Its burrow got tagged by a scouting group just after digivolving. Bastard ambushed a hunting squad and wiped most of'em out. Tho' the survivor's report said it was a real long and white digimon that likes to coil its prey. He even said one poor mon got impaled by it spitting out some sorta polearm."


Sandiramon I think?

Also godamnit another Ultimate and now its a speed ambush spec'd one that likes playing mole

Fuck that's bad for Verge ain't it? Thing can just pick whatever target it wants while below ground
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[X] Beat & Pit: Due to Beat's new boost in power, he can theoretically team up with Pit to give you a decent challenge. Well, providing that you're pulling your punches at least. A few good sparring sessions on the way there would be a good warmup for what's to come. Plus it could improve their teamwork further.

Nothing like sparing to raise friendships between Battle Nuts.
"So this one'll be a bit different. We know where this feral's staying. Its burrow got tagged by a scouting group just after digivolving. Bastard ambushed a hunting squad and wiped most of'em out. Tho' the survivor's report said it was a real long and white digimon that likes to coil around its prey. He even said one poor mon got impaled by it spitting out some sorta polearm."


O _ O



[X] Wendimon & Rinkmon: You haven't really been able to sate your curiosity on the odd Gloaming digimon assigned to your squad. The next few days could be your chance to learn more about them... and potentially get in a spar against a mon your equal. He's certainly strong, perhaps enough to defeat you outright.
Ya know thinking about who would actually benefit the most out of a speedy Ambush SpearSnake?

Rinkmon or Maybe Pit? If anyone other than Beat fts for this it'd probably be them considering Speed and power are their things.
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[X] Plan Bait and Kingfishers

[X] Wendimon & Rinkmon: You haven't really been able to sate your curiosity on the odd Gloaming digimon assigned to your squad. The next few days could be your chance to learn more about them... and potentially get in a spar against a mon your equal. He's certainly strong, perhaps enough to defeat you outright.

traps will be useful in the coming fight, also interaction with the Bulwark team is good too.

edit: *heavy sighs* goddammit people, traps would be fucking useful as fuck in this situation, but I guess noone wants Verge to have something that could seriously turn the tide so I'm tying this shit so the Pit option doesn't win.
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[x] Beat & Pit: Due to Beat's new boost in power, he can theoretically team up with Pit to give you a decent challenge. Well, providing that you're pulling your punches at least. A few good sparring sessions on the way there would be a good warmup for what's to come. Plus it could improve their teamwork further.

How long has it been since Verge had a decent spar with allies?

As for tactics for the next hunt... I got nothing.
[X] Wendimon & Rinkmon: You haven't really been able to sate your curiosity on the odd Gloaming digimon assigned to your squad. The next few days could be your chance to learn more about them... and potentially get in a spar against a mon your equal. He's certainly strong, perhaps enough to defeat you outright.
Wasn't it said before that Black Digitron usually makes things slower?

The fact that Beat is faster than he was before means that without that add-on his speed increase probably would have been huge.
and I wonder what would happen if it's body was just left out?
Shortly thereafter Galgomon and Mikemon interrupts the sparring so they can make an announcement.
Feral's and sweets are good eating
wiped most of'em out.
Forgot a space there.
Tho' the survivor's report said it was a real long and white digimon that likes to coil around its prey. He even said one poor mon got impaled by it spitting out some sorta polearm."
As others have noted, definitely the snake Deva.
I must learn to fly. If only to join fights such as this... perhaps Wendimon would be up for a spar?
Next spellbook.
"Bad news kids. Your squad's have been consuming more supplies and... stuff than initially projected. Feral's and sweets are good eating but they can't make up everything, mon need a healthy, balanced diet to stay strong and stuff."

[Eyes Verge]
I wonder why.

[X] Beat & Pit: Due to Beat's new boost in power, he can theoretically team up with Pit to give you a decent challenge. Well, providing that you're pulling your punches at least. A few good sparring sessions on the way there would be a good warmup for what's to come. Plus it could improve their teamwork further.
Once against if Beat was in a Squad of normal Digimon he would be horrifying, and even in a force with abominations like Pit and Verge himself in he still manages to pull his weight.

He's going to be one powerful Ultimate when that happens, which is probably very soon if surgery does raise caps.

If it does and Verge undergoes one.... well that'll be interesting.
[X] Beat & Pit: Due to Beat's new boost in power, he can theoretically team up with Pit to give you a decent challenge. Well, providing that you're pulling your punches at least. A few good sparring sessions on the way there would be a good warmup for what's to come. Plus it could improve their teamwork further.
Once against if Beat was in a Squad of normal Digimon he would be horrifying, and even in a force with abominations like Pit and Verge himself in he still manages to pull his weight.
Being surrounded by monsters is actually one of the reason's why Beat trains so hard in a bid to keep up. He really, really doesn't want to be left behind. It's also why he's so willing to seek out other methods of gaining strength, like the Black Digitron Wendimon had.
Being surrounded by monsters is actually one of the reason's why Beat trains so hard in a bid to keep up. He really, really doesn't want to be left behind. It's also why he's so willing to seek out other methods of gaining strength, like the Black Digitron Wendimon had.
Ironically I think a fear of being left behind is something everyone but Pit has to a degree I mean even Verge himself was stuck as a Rookie for a loooooooong time (Longer than Sparks was alive) and was born as basically the weakest in his group.
Mulling over strategies:
-Counter tunneling is crazy, downshifting lets us dig down, but we'd be fighting in its favored terrain when most of our team can't.

-Bait tactics might work, but the bait is going to have a shitty day with no buffs.

-We have flyers who can't be detected while the enemy is underground, even if it can hear the rest of us moving. We should take advantage of that to counter ambush. Rinkmon may or may not be detectable since they're so fast they barely touch the ground.

-This is tundra, so no trees or the like to provide cover

Trying something out.

[X] Plan Bait and Kingfishers
-[X] Verge and Wendimon play bait. You're both tough enough that it probably can't just oneshot either of you, and the other will be able to prevent it from disengaging with a group grapple. You're both also too large to possibly drag away into a tunnel fight
-[X] Sparks stay off the ground, on Verge's back, to get off when the opponent is tied up with the bait, and provide support.
-[X] Rinkmon stays in close range of the bait, keep watch and maintain an irregular orbit around the middle duo. Make it too much trouble to pick them off with a minimal ground footprint. If Rinkmon is attacked first, the rest can come to the rescue, but they SHOULD be best suited to assault and stun the feral once it pops out.
-[X] The flyers(Pit, Beat) keep WELL off the ground, they'd be there to divebomb the feral once it attacks the ground party.
--[X] If they can do so without much encumbrance, they should carry Mikemon as well, to maximize the surprise value of additional combatants. If not, Mikemon joins Rinkmon
[X] Beat & Pit: Due to Beat's new boost in power, he can theoretically team up with Pit to give you a decent challenge. Well, providing that you're pulling your punches at least. A few good sparring sessions on the way there would be a good warmup for what's to come. Plus it could improve their teamwork further.
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[X] Plan Bait and Kingfishers
-[X] Verge and Wendimon play bait. You're both tough enough that it probably can't just oneshot either of you, and the other will be able to prevent it from disengaging with a group grapple. You're both also too large to possibly drag away into a tunnel fight
-[X] Weddingmon and Sparks stay off the ground, on Verge's back, to get off when the opponent is tied up with the bait, and provide support.
-[X] Rinkmon stays in close range of the bait, keep watch and maintain an irregular orbit around the middle duo. Make it too much trouble to pick them off with a minimal ground footprint. If Rinkmon is attacked first, the rest can come to the rescue, but they SHOULD be best suited to assault and stun the feral once it pops out.
-[X] The flyers(Pit, Beat) keep WELL off the ground, they'd be there to divebomb the feral once it attacks the ground party.
--[X] If they can do so without much encumbrance, they should carry Mikemon as well, to maximize the surprise value of additional combatants. If not, Mikemon joins Rinkmon

[X] Wendimon & Rinkmon: You haven't really been able to sate your curiosity on the odd Gloaming digimon assigned to your squad. The next few days could be your chance to learn more about them... and potentially get in a spar against a mon your equal. He's certainly strong, perhaps enough to defeat you outright.
[X] Plan Bait and Kingfishers
-[X] Verge and Wendimon play bait. You're both tough enough that it probably can't just oneshot either of you, and the other will be able to prevent it from disengaging with a group grapple. You're both also too large to possibly drag away into a tunnel fight
-[X] Sparks stay off the ground, on Verge's back, to get off when the opponent is tied up with the bait, and provide support.
-[X] Rinkmon stays in close range of the bait, keep watch and maintain an irregular orbit around the middle duo. Make it too much trouble to pick them off with a minimal ground footprint. If Rinkmon is attacked first, the rest can come to the rescue, but they SHOULD be best suited to assault and stun the feral once it pops out.
-[X] The flyers(Pit, Beat) keep WELL off the ground, they'd be there to divebomb the feral once it attacks the ground party.
--[X] If they can do so without much encumbrance, they should carry Mikemon as well, to maximize the surprise value of additional combatants. If not, Mikemon joins Rinkmon
[X] Beat & Pit: Due to Beat's new boost in power, he can theoretically team up with Pit to give you a decent challenge. Well, providing that you're pulling your punches at least. A few good sparring sessions on the way there would be a good warmup for what's to come. Plus it could improve their teamwork further.

Damn, this is a well thought-out plan, I like it.

[X] Beat & Pit: Due to Beat's new boost in power, he can theoretically team up with Pit to give you a decent challenge. Well, providing that you're pulling your punches at least. A few good sparring sessions on the way there would be a good warmup for what's to come. Plus it could improve their teamwork further.
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While I like the suggested tactics, Weddingmon is a non-combatant. So she won't be participating in the actual "Hunting" but otherwise it's well thought out. For IC reasons Verge won't be the one coming up with the entire plan, but it'll be an amalgamation from several sources.
[] Write-In suggested potential tactics (note, you don't have to copy other's votes. Individual suggestions are enough)

So I'm confused by this, by this I mean the bit I turned bold.

Are people throwing out suggestions for how the planning is happening or what?
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So guys I've been putting s lot of thought into my stat system and I've come to the conclusion that Agility really isn't scaling as well as the other stats. Through just level alone the combat speed gets quite ridiculous with big monstrous ults moving at high supersonic speeds which ends up being kind of silly.

So I was thinking of putting in a setting-wide nerf on current agility and agility gains. Meaning going forward the difference won't be as insane. The smaller mon won't be effected nearly as much.

Any opinions?

[] Write-In suggested potential tactics (note, you don't have to copy other's votes. Individual suggestions are enough)

So I'm confused by this, by this I mean the bit I turned bold.

Are people throwing out suggestions for how the planning is happening or what?
It was soemthing that sadly got entirely annoyed. It meant that everyone could go ahead and do separate and unique write-in tactics of which I'd take the most sensible. They weren't supposed to copy the plan of anyone else. But fug it.
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