Probably not likely to happen but Apollomon is a bit similar looking to grappleomon, has allusions to both Luna and Agunimon, and could be what Verge and Spark's jogress form alluded to.
You know, inheriting his old friends flames of justice and all that.
Drexal commented in discord that an AncientWisemon Sparks would be the kind of wizard powerful, and trollish, enough to turn an entire mountain into cheese for shits and giggles
Well. We have become unexpectedly buff. Didn't expect it, but I'll take it. So, uh, @drexal15 , new character sheet when? I'd like to see what new tricks we just got.
So Drexal, how does Strategist Kumbhiramon feel about his student being the reincarnation of Daemons chief strategist? Was he around in a leading fashion during the war? If so, was there a rivalry between the two strategists?
Drexal commented in discord that an AncientWisemon Sparks would be the kind of wizard powerful, and trollish, enough to turn an entire mountain into cheese for shits and giggles
We've now finally digivolved. We apparently were like 2% away from cap too, so awesome timing. GrapLeomon was something i actually thought unlikely, but it certainly fits. Now, from what I recall, both from thread discussion and otherwise, GrapLeomon is basically Leomon, except even more shonen. Which says a lot, because Leomon is shonen as f**k when he isn't dead. On another note: we may now be at risk of the Leomon curse. Let us hope we dodge it.
All Leomon types, from what I know, use some variation of an attack called Juoudaken. I don't know if GrapLeomon's differs, but it's basically a Kamehameha/Hadoken, Digimon style. This is awesome as all hell AND gives us a non- magic or throwing ranged attack, which I am a big fan of. We also presumably have a new martial art, as Gryz style doesn't really fit now. In addition, the turbines on our arms which apparently literally run on hot bloodedness can presumably fire wind blasts, as well as augment our punching.
In short, we gained ranged options and a new fighting style at minimum. I'd rather wait for @drexal15 to get the character sheet ready before we start seriously planning, but beating Count just got vastly easier. Here's hoping Luna and Thresh stay with us.
Verge has two versions of the Leomon Juouken, the normal GrappLeomon Shishi Jūhazan, where he spins his turbines at top speed and punches to launch the resulting tornado at his opponents, and MadLeomon's Jūoudaken, which is more in line with their KameHadoken, but powered by wrath and corrosive like Gale Claw, but we would need to learn how to do this first.
[X] Hold back for now. Make sure to clear up everything first, then work out your new capabilities in a less... destructive manner.
Yeah, ever hear of a little thing called Collateral Damage? let's not, not while we're in the middle of town. Ult-on-Ult fights have pretty big collateral.
Verge has two versions of the Leomon Juouken, the normal GrappLeomon Shishi Jūhazan, where he spins his turbines at top speed and punches to launch the resulting tornado at his opponents, and MadLeomon's Jūoudaken, which is more in line with their KameHadoken, but powered by wrath and corrosive like Gale Claw, but we would need to learn how to do this first.
We reached second tier with magic and martial arts so probably those talents grew, probably martial arts way more because GrappLeomon and our martial styles leveling up
As a side note while more slender in buid Verge is still quite the big digimon and thus still has quite a bit of 'HP' probably a stupid amount for humaniod mon of his level.
It's just that now he also had armor that you have to get through before going into that HP and his metal skeleton.
Hey wasn't there something awhile back about Drexel saying high agility and endurance talent gives you more training action or something like that? If that's true then thanks to this digivoltion it's now a none problem as our talents for both of those are now B at least.
[X] Hold back for now. Make sure to clear up everything first, then work out your new capabilities in a less... destructive manner.
-[X] Extend an offer for a spar sometime, later in the day perhaps?
[X] Hold back for now. Make sure to clear up everything first, then work out your new capabilities in a less... destructive manner.
-[x] Maybe just try out your agility on a Sprint. Save damage for something less politically frustrating to attack and might be a good idea to hide some capabilities for the future.
I guess it wouldn't be two much of a stretch to use the spinning turbines to enhance the corrosive nature of Madleomon's version to make an upgraded juoudaken.
As a side note while more slender in buid Verge is still quite the big digimon and thus still has quite a bit of 'HP' probably a stupid amount for humaniod mon of his level.
It's just that now he also had armor that you have to get through before going into that HP and his metal skeleton.
What with being over twenty feet tall, the high stats, the layers and layers of protection(thick armor, on top of thick fur, on top of thick slabs of muscle, on top of digimetal bones), and his various buff/healing spells I wouldn't be surprised if Verge is one of, if not the, tankiest digimon in the entire host.
What with being over twenty feet tall, the high stats, the layers and layers of protection(thick armor, on top of thick fur, on top of thick slabs of muscle, on top of digimetal bones), and his various buff/healing spells I wouldn't be surprised if Verge is one of, if not the, tankiest digimon in the entire host.
Name: Verge (Vergil) "The Brutal Brawler" & "The Mad Lion Of Bulwark"
Species: GrappLeomon
Level: Ultimate
Type: Beast Man/Mutant
Attributes: Vaccine/Virus
Main Diet: Endurance Focused/Balanced + Bulwark Supplements
Rank: Chevalier (Bulwark)
Pay Per Day: 1500
Personal Mantras:
"Clear Mind, Calm Heart. My Fists Are Heavy."
"Roiling Instinct, Savage Wrath, My Claws are Light."
=== Eye Healed Version:
Nervous. (Hidden)
Zen. (For the most part)
Honorable. (Path Of The Martial Artist) (Dislikes attacking wounded opponents, sneak attacks or outnumbering foes, especially weak ones)
Pessimistic. (Very Minor)
Slightly Naive, does not understand most sarcasm or metaphors.
Is great with numbers.
Wrathful. (Partially controlled)
Devoted. (HIGHLY)
Friendly. (Partially suppressed by past events)
Enjoys Fighting/Training.
Nap-Friendly. (i.e. enjoys taking naps and will do so when the mood strikes or strenuous actions)
Sweet Tooth. (Enjoys rich food with high sugar or other sweeteners)
Really, really, really, good sense of smell.
Possesses Dark Vision. (Can see in low-light environments and indeed, even
Laugh: Zehahaha!
Attempts to view most things as battles to seek victory in or challenges that must be overcome.
Mutant Of Mutants: Verge was noted to have a slightly more humanoid champion and rookie forms than the norm. Furthermore possesses data composition is made of both Viral and Vaccine data. Verge is considered one of the weirdest digimon alive in the server, and rightly so. Because of this he's notably larger than a Ultimate of his species should be, standing at twenty-five feet instead of the usual nine to thirteen. This allows him a large boost to strength but a similar malus to agility.
Mark Of Desire: A visceral scar on the left side of Verge's face, originally borne from when the LadyDevimon Repulsa dragged her claw through his eye and injected her data into the wound. However it has since been purged and replaced by data from the Scion Of Lust, healing Verge's eye and permanently bonding him to the Lady Of Desire. (Small decrease to needed training sessions to raise agility.)
Minor High Programming Affinity, Healing Sorcery: Increases rate at which healing spells are learnt by a factor of 1.25
Medium Martial Arts Affinity: Increases rate at which martial skills are increased by a factor of 1.50
??? Spear Affinity: Increases the rate at which spear related skills are increased by a factor of 2.
Tie Mao: ???: Metal transmutation.
Solais Regia: A permanent holdover from the fusion with Pit through the Crest Of Miracles to become Apollomon. Gives Verge the ability to create Solar Flame, in the same capacity as Dark Flame, as well the potential to learn certain moves and even absorb sunlight.
===Short Descriptive Paragraphs:
Verge is a curious, yet cautious individual. He wants to understand the world, and figure aspects/mon/things out, though is wary of the potential consequences that could come with investigating. Can get nervous about various things, excepting for martial matter where he's for the most part confident. He worries very much about his friends health.
This mutant GrappLeomon much enjoys counting, and numbers in general as they're organized. He also has an almost obsessive compulsion when it comes to counting, keeping things organized and as un-chaotic as possible. When that fails, when things don't make sense, he gets angry.
At his core Verge has a great deal of Wrath, but with his evolution he has learned to for the most part control it. However it's true limits have yet to be tested. Despite the boost in maturity he is still deeply traumatized because of what Repulsa and Count plus his forces did. Giving him a slight phobia of feminine humanoid digimon, winged shadows, and claws near his face. Despite that trauma, his kind friendly nature still shows through.
He cares deeply for his friends and family, and as whole suffers emotions very strongly. When he devotes himself to something it's with his entire being. Which is both a good and a bad thing. Verge heavily enjoys both fighting and training, but it helps that he's also personally driven for the sake of his family and seeking revenge.
Combative Skills:
General Fighting: 1015/1700
Martial Arts, GrappLeomon *Maul* Style: 1007/1700 [The evolved form of Gryzmon Martial arts utilizing the new speed and mobility of GrappLeomon to amp up the Power based fighting style. Controlled and powerful, lethal strikes along with counters and grapples are utilized, and it's become far more offense oriented in nature. The style now includes new types of attacks and more angles to strike from, though the largest boon is the sheer number of blows that can now be thrown out in quick combination.]
Spear Throwing: 93/180 The art of throwing, punching, and or kicking spears at other mon.
Non-Combative Skills:
Basic High Programming: 282/540
Digging: 33/60
Slide Evolution (Vertical) : 131/180 (+10%base at 20) (+30% at 100. 4points=1%)
Inheriting The Embers Of Heroism: Agnimon may have been deleted by Repulsa, but his ideals, his dream have not gone out. Even in death you won't abandon your best friend or your oath to him. If he's gone, then you'll just have to carry the dream in his place.
Sibling Guardian: Lunamon & Thresh, your family were taken but not forgotten. Your brother has been rescued, whilst your sister has chosen to stay behind in the Gloaming in order to ultimately thwart Astamon. Now you must help Thresh recover and wait for Luna's call for when you're needed against the Scion of Sloth.
Fire & Claw,The Road To VengeanceFulfilled: The oath you made with Sparks, to avenge your village by deleting every mon responsible for it's destruction has been brought to completion. Count along with the worst of his servants lay dead, and Repulsa has finally been defeated. With this, a great weight has been lifted from your shoulders. Your vengeance… is complete.
TheScion's Defender: You've sworn an oath to uphold sir Scratch's dying wish and defend his *daughter*. Despite her form and mental instability, Ardat is a digimon you will protect with your life. Even if that sometimes means stopping her.
Sworn Assistance In Holy Brotherhood: You've sworn an oath alongside Beat, Pit and Sparks to assist each other in your time of need, no matter what.
Sworn To The Forgemaster, Apprehending Vulcanusmon's Bane: You've made an oath to personally catch the thief who stole from Flux Volcano and return them to Vulcanusmon for judgement.
*Minor* Goals:
Hold your oath to not get overwhelmed by your fear.
The Shield: Train Fortitude to become tougher and thus protect Sparks
Pay Auger back the bits you borrowed from him including interest: Oath Fulfilled
Fulfill Angemon's last request by assisting Pit in staying on his path to Righteousness and his goal of becoming Seraphimon.
Don't tell Ardat about Frigimon's condition
Technique List:
Physical Techniques:
Mach Jab: A quick accurate punch, though not a very strong attack.
Mach Jab Combo: A flurry of quick accurate punches sent from a single hand, meant to pressure opponents.
Crusher Bone: Creates a heavy, metal fossil in the ground which can be plucked out from the ground and thrown.
Crusher Bomb: Combination of Crusher Bone & Spinal Tap. Injects the projectile with Qi causing it to explode.
Crusher... Javelin!(?) : ??? : Creates a metal construct in the shape of a wide-bladed spear, which is then thrown.
Crusher "Claíomh Solais" : In which Verge pulls an eighty foot, double sided, metal swordspear from the ground and uses it to hit the opponent.
Tremor: Strikes the ground, creating a localized earthquake and throwing up debris.
Rodha: Slams the ground with a foot and his palms, generating enormous fissures that extend outwards and shaping the ground with Qi. Shards of metal are also hurled out from the shock waves as they erupt from underground, inflicting damage on those nearby.
Thousand Spikes: Metal Version: Transmutes the innumerable roots lurking in the ground to metal, then forces them up onto the surface all at once, skewering enemies in the area.
Rodha: Houtengeki: Slams the ground with a foot and his palms, causing a massive shockwave and thrusting thousands of metal spears up into the sky.
Uppercut: A short, powerful close ranged punch meant to hit the foes head. Potentially stunning if landed correctly.
Tai Atari/Body Attack: A basic tackle using either shoulder, not very damaging but can move most mon around.
Atemigaeshi/Maul Attack: Counters an opponents strike while knocking them down. May also include a follow up strike.
Crescent Dawn: A wide-arcing powerful sweeping strike with either set of claws.
Hammer Rush: A continuous series of powerful punches meant to pressure opponents and deal heavy damage.
Dash Knuckle: A technique that transfers the momentum of a run or sprint into a concentrated punch.
Winning Straight: A fast, powerful strike delivered in a straight line.
Sharp Fangs: An enhanced bite that also utilizes energy to make a mon's teeth both tougher and sharper for a short period of time.
Highland Fang: A pouncing bite from an elevated position, while using spirit to enhance the size and power of one's fangs.
Highland Fang: Bite Of The Divine Tiger: An enhanced version of the Highland Fang, the fang construct further empowered by a manifested spark of primal divine power, alongside a pair of side-mounted blades.
Vortex Kick: A roundhouse/reverse roundhouse strike with the leg, quick, powerful and far-reaching.
Cyclonic Kick: A spinning roundhouse/reverse roundhouse kick, utilizing the power of increased momentum to deal even greater damage than normal.
Shishi Jūhazan (The King Of Fists) : GrappLeomon's Ultimate Technique. Utilizes a mixture of centrifugal force, internal energy and maximized turbine power to unleash a punch strong enough to carry its own field of gravity, further drawing opponents in for incredible damage.
Kurenai Shishi no Mai:A powerful combination of blazing punches and kicks.
Mega Punch: A very powerful, slightly telegraphed strike using all the force your body can produce to unleash a single powerful blow.
Elemental/Special Techniques:
Muscle Charge: Acts to temporarily increase strength by reinforcing the muscles and empowering them with a trickle of Qi.
Hasten Overdrive:Uses Qi to overclock Verge's reflexes and movement speed, more advanced versions use trinary to also lighten Verge's frame. Cannot Currently stack with Muscle Charge
Tier 1: 10% Agility Increase
Tier 2: 20% Agility Increase, -5% Strength
Tier 3: 30% Agility Increase, -10% Strength
Void-Step: Uses spirit to create a *platform* under one's limb to step off of.
Internal Propulsion: The process of manipulating one's inner spirit to provide thrust, and therefore flight.
Satori: Reads the opponent's spirit to anticipate their attacks.
Howling: A power enhanced roar that chills foes to their very cores and sends lesser opponents flying.
Seisei no Houkou: (Purifying Roar) : Roars to release a fiery shock wave that purifies and destroys the enemy.
Solar Laser:Absorbs solar energy and shoots a laser beam out of his mouth.
Engetsugeri: Half Moon Kick: A powerful kick in the shape of a crescent moon, can fire a blade of energy at the opponent.
Gale Claw (Desire Empowered Variant) : Forms a series of wind-blades on each claw; Special Property: Bonus Corrosive Viral Damage Over Time.
Razor Wind (Desire Empowered Variant) : Uses energy to form a blade of wind over one's claws, which can then be thrown. Special Property: Corrosive viral damage over time.
Gilgamesh Slicer: Technique Of The Wind's Legendary Warrior: Forms an enormous set of wind blades, which are then thrown with enough force to split the sky.
Raigekiken: Lightning Slash(Improvised Variant) : Consists of catching lightning whilst in the air, then channeling it into your claw for electric damage. Special Property: Has a possibility of inflicting a stun effect on opponents.
Raigekiken: Lightning Slash: Wide arcing claw strike utilizing lighting Qi, can be further empowered by GrappLeomon's turbines for greater affect.
Ultimate Thunder: Creates, then fires/throws a twin-linked electric blast generated from the turbines.
Shinkeigeki: Spinal Tap: A special strike, that injects energy into the opponent's spine or corresponding area, temporarily paralyzingly them.
Jūoudaken (Fist Of The Fallen Beast King) (Wrath Variant) : A blast of dark energy in the shape of a roaring lion's head, both fast and powerful. Special Property: Burning viral damage.
Gurenjūouha: (Crimson Beast King Wave)Unleashes a wave of expanding sunfire in the shape of a lion.
Hyakujūken: (Hundred Beast Fist) Throws a rapid series of small darkfire lion heads.
Fira Claw: A darkfire or sunfire covered swipe with the claws.
Fire Dash: Uses a mixture of compressed wind and fire to launch Verge forward using all four turbines.
Crimson Knuckle: A powerful punch covered in either sunfire or darkfire.
Gatling Burst: Bombards the enemy with a series of rapid punches covered in fire.
Thermal Mane: Channels thermal energy through Verge's fur, then detonates generating a bursting cloak of flames.
Screw Claw (Wind Of Desire Variant): Channels from the turbines to cover each claw in a corrosive drill of wind.
Drill Spin: A turbine mounted Drill construct formed from hardened Qi, reinforced with Desire and Will to pierce even the heavens.
Meditation Cure: Circulates *Healing Qi* around the body to encourage rapid healing.
Mantra Chant: Utilizes spirit to harden and increase the density of the body.
Erase Claw: Channels spirit to cause intense vibration in one's claws, sending out super-oscillatory waves that destroy configuration data.
Maverick: (Wrath Version) A piercing kick shrouded in the fiery Qi of Wrath.
Celestial Techniques:
『God Bless』 : Invoke the power of AVALON to become temporary (nearly) invulnerable for a period of 3 seconds. Incredibly draining to both spirit and physical stamina.
End Waltz: Supercharges a pair of turbines to release a sonic wave that completely crushes the foes' data.
Tekkousou: A slash with one's claws... the Divine, iron claws of aSovereign.
Relevant Spell List:
Holy Light Strike: Forms a conical blast of holy energy. Size dependent on energy spent.
By The Power of God I Command Thee Healed!: A champion level healing spell, calls upon the Host's deity for extra power.
Flame Weapon Shroud: Adds fire damage to claws and fangs based on special stat. Lasts for 30 seconds
Improved Muscle Burst: Acts in a similar way to Muscle Burst but is more significant, increases strength by 5 to 20 thousand depending on the spirit used. However it also causes recoil damage.
Improved Hasten Burst: Increases agility by 5 to 20 thousand depending on the spirit used. However it also causes recoil damage.
Improved Tandem Body Burst: Gives the effects of both prior spells for three seconds, contains the recoil of both.
Improved Frame Reinforce: Uses Special to increase the body's toughness by five to twenty thousand for 5 seconds, raising Fortitude at the cost of Agility
Light Wall: Creates a sturdy wall of solid divine light in front of the user.
Holy Barrier Enclose: Calls upon the assistance of divine power to form an exceptionally tough dome. With enough power it can theoretically withstand Mega-level attacks.
Divine Zone Heal: Creates a field of divine assisted healing energy around the user. Very costly, but extremely effective.
Divinely Wreathed Thrust: Launches the caster forward covered in holy light.
Sanctus Infirmare: Emit a pulse that generally debuffs dark and undead digmon.
Sol Quidem Infirmare Magnam: A solar-based debuff spell meant to weaken Vamdemon and other species weak to sunlight.
Large, Sheet Of Tough White Paper: Holds Baromon's prophecies regarding Verge & Pit.
3 & 4/5th Vigor Potions *Mega Grade*: Oblong flasks filled with a viscous red liquid. Able to heal even grievous wounds nigh instantly, and restore the drinker's stamina to full.
5 Mana Potions *Mega Grade*: Oblong flasks filled with a dark purple sludge studded with flecks of starlight. Capable of refilling Verge's reserves of Qi/spirit at least twiceover.
"A light that has fallen! Grown, cut and reborn! Risen from the pit on divine wrath!"
"A descendant weeps under the fury of four! One sacrifice harkening the gate to herald priest sinful!"
"Scion of Magic and Metal! Abomination before the world! A body crushed and soul bargained!"
"Successor to the failed shield! Champion of corrupted Desire. Half of war yet joined in structure and purpose!"
"The Slayer lives! He returns to find that which is his!"
Muscle Burst: Acts in a similar way to Muscle Charge but is more significant, giving a large boost to strength for 5 seconds. However it also causes recoil damage. (12/12) (Cost Variable)
Improved Muscle Burst 18/18: Acts in a similar way to Muscle Burst but is more significant, increases strength by 5 to 20 thousand depending on the spirit used. However it also causes recoil damage.
Improved Hasten Burst 18/18: Increases agility by 5 to 20 thousand depending on the spirit used. However it also causes recoil damage.
Improved Tandem Body Burst 26/26: Gives the effects of both prior spells for three seconds, contains the recoil of both.
Improved Frame Reinforce 18/18: Uses Special to increase the body's toughness by five to twenty thousand for 5 seconds, raising Fortitude at the cost of Agility
===Holy Manuscript Spells: Bought at a bookstore, carries four spells, most of which make use of the *holy* element.
Light Wall: Summons a flat barrier of hard light in front of the user. Size and length of effect are dependent on energy expenditure. (12/12)
Holy Barrier Enclose: Calls upon the assistance of divine power to form an exceptionally tough dome. With enough power it can theoretically withstand Mega-level attacks. (18/18)
Divinely Wreathed Thrust: Covers the user's body in holy elemental power. And additionally imparts impressive physical momentum upon the caster. (20/20)
Gramps Bag: A grey buckled satchel that uses sorcery to manipulate space, making it bigger on the inside.
Sorcerymon's Wand: Sorcerymon's gift to you along with a Grimoire for proving your dedication to learning High Programming. (Provides minor boost frost and holy type magic) (By Demenos & KnightRadiant)
Flamemon's Pendant: Flamemon's last gift to you before that fateful day. By Knight Radiant
Basic Wrestling Handbook: Given by Gorimon, allows Verge to train grappling skill independently. (Maxed Out)
Slide Evolution Manual: Given by Frigimon, allows Verge to train slide evolution skill independently. (Maxed Out)
Eyepatch: Made by Grip, covers your destroyed left eye. Subsumed by evolution to GrappLeomon
Main Equipment/Mutations: Modified Kuma Tsume: A twin pair of heavy metal gloves originally sized for a Gryzmon, but reformed through evolution to fit your new hands. The black and red material is extremely sturdy, acting as a firm guard while the three golden spiked knuckles on each piece are well suited to piercing through armor. *Gryzmon* Pauldrons: Large black and red metal pieces of armor that are punctuated by golden studs. Originally strapped to your shoulders as a Gryzmon, but they've reformed to become part of your armor as a GrappLeomon. Much like your gauntlets, they are not only heavy, but absurdly sturdy. Retractable Silver Claws: Short, metallic claws that can extend from your fingertips at a moment's notice. Are exceedingly effective in both holding and manifesting spells. GrappLeomon Armor (Modified, increased coverage, Chrome Digizoid) : A series of metal plates bolted atop your body-suit, that while sturdy, barely affect your ability to maneuver. The thigh guards, sabatons and headgear in particular have picked up traits from your mutant Gryzmon gear. Turbines (Modified, Corrosive Winds) : A series of power-generating turbines located on the fore-section of each limb that increase in intensity with your emotional state. The wind they create is naturally corrosive in nature, adding the viral effect to whatever your strikes hit. Chrondigizoit Sabertooth Fangs, High Purity Strain:
Through loading SaberLeomon's highly compatible data, Verge's fangs have grown and transformed into living metal. New hardness and durability firmly above most Megas. Their ability to channel and hold spirit has also skyrocketed to new heights, and bite attacks have become far more deadly. Chrondigizoit Skeleton (Low Purity Strain) : Through *mutation* your bones have been transmuted into a sort of living metal similar in composition to Chrome Digizoid. This provides not only increased defense of your vital data-concentrations, but additional weight. Thick Fur (Purple & Dark Grey) : Soft, yet incredibly dense and tough hair that lines your body. While there's less now than you possessed as a Gryzmon, its density has increased to never-before seen levels. Moreover the mane flowing around your neck is dense enough to act as a hardier defense than your actual armor itself. In fact, not only is its toughness equal to some strains of Chrome digizoid, it's been revealed to bear traces of black digizoid; allowing for limited storage capabilities, increased affinity for manipulating spirit & ???.
GrappLeomon: Wrath Mode:
Mode change made possible through maximized Wrath corruption, and observing Vajramon's Burst Mode. Temporarily increases Verge's height by 5 feet, increases the sizes of his claws and fangs, and alights his turbines with the Dark Flames of fury. Mechanically serves to increase Verge's Strength by 45%, then Agility and Special stats by 40% each.
Comes at a high cost to both Stamina and Spirit, and afterwards leaves Verge exhausted for several hours, or one hour's meditation.
Looking at our Technique list I've got the feeling we ought to up our kicking game. We've never been able to use them before, and sure enough, the vast majority of our moves are focused on our claws and fists, with only a few basic kicks we got from our evolution. I suspect that figuring out how to effectively incorporate leg movements into our fighting style will sharply increase our effective combat power.