Black to White 11
"Thank you for the help Angewomon, that was… quite the display from your squad." MagnaAngemon murmurs, glancing first to Pit before looking at you with an expression of mixed feelings. "I didn't expected your use of champions, Sargent Knightmon their actions is most impressive. I nearly believed that-*ahem*" The eight-winged angel coughs into his fist.
"Congrats on becoming an Angewomon again." He avoided looking at you again.
You coughed too to catch their attention and interrupt Drunky.
"Throne Angewomon needed a bit more time to return again to her peak, the plan wouldn't have resulted successfully without the ferals of the last days." You knew that she only needed data and obtaining an additional Ultimate was top priority. "Otherwise, we would have to put Parrotmon aside temporarily and search for another Ultimate to trigger her ascension."
"Right... Knightmon, I had my doubts but your crazy bullshit is insane enough to work." Angewomon had it very easy and your only had a line to her in your plans 'Watch over me once I return to the fortress and I will give you a chance to reach Ultimate'. "Hah! I bet you're feeling pretty stupid right now!" Your leader crows, her face twisting into a mocking grin.
You face palmed, couldn't she wait to twist the knife?
"Maybe you should step down, let somemon who isn't a dumb-ass take charge of this shitshow." The larger mon frowns intensely at your leader, clearly considering something, before shrugging and pointing towards the damaged walls.
You feel the same, you gave him a side-eye look and he feels camaraderie between Ultimates.
"Go rest up, our mission is only half finished." He also gave a prayer to your soul as he knew he made you her minder.
You genuinely expected to things end like this, it was a castle siege, and the group needed to play as defenders at the moment, if they could find the enemy there was a good chance that they could delete their whole garrison.
One of the Pidmon returned with your missing blades both of them in pristine condition and sharpened.
"Thank you for saving my life Legend Killer." The angel then returned to his position and then you began to notice how many digimon around the shelters were looking at you with interest and something else that was familiar.
Respect? You can use this.
"If you have time to gap like idiots come here and give me a list of status and capabilities." You stopped and called the attention of the soldiers. "Move! Every single one that isn't doing an action that is of priority or repairing come at me."
One by one moved and formed files from the smallest to the biggest inspecting every single one of them and getting information on their specialties and talents, how to use them, and understanding their best use for this.
"He became mad with the power." Sparks is lucky that you expect disrespect and insubordination from him.
Two hours passed like this and you made sure to remember every single one of them, capabilities and names. All of them were important pieces to your plan. A very good use of the time while the Pidmons finished healing these digimons, as MagnaAngemon allowed you to do what you wanted if you produced results, but part of you knew that he was intimidated by your actions. Your read of him made clear that he leagues weaker than HolyAngemon of Alt city and he was lacking in command.
You managed in less than an hour to make these weaklings follow you and gift them direction to focus even when the rain began.
An Owlmon drops to the ground in front of him a minute later to give some sort of report. Which prompts the officer to pump his fist into the air.
This is going to end badly.
Using your newly installed order the Angel Ultimate began to give the news.
"Soldiers of the Host!" MagnaAngemon shouts over the tumultuous rainfall. "Our scouts have identified this region's nest! We finally know where our enemy rests, and while they busy themselves licking their wounds we shall strike!"
He was relaying the location of their base. Not planning done before it?
"So we're attacking those cowardly fucks where they sleep? That sounds just freaking perfect!" Drunky as expected wanted revenge.
"The Lord truly favours us this evening!" Your angelic heal-bot roars, "Tell us where those false believers rest so we may render judgement upon them!" You gave a tired sigh at Pit, who's proclamation is bringing cheers from his fellows. You noted how Sparks is slowly edging away from the taller champion as his reaction was similar to yours.
Drunky rather disgustedly rolls her eyes at the display not a fan of this.
And Beat just does his normal thing and shrugs in indifference because he has priorities.
"Well said young sergeant. The Sefirot worshipers are half a day's flight northwest and completely unaware that we've found their position. I have gathered you all here for one reason, and that is to strike! We cannot waste any time in wiping those infidels clean from the face of this great world!" With that exclamation, MagnaAngemon crushes a small disc of some sort in his hand and shudders as a ripple of *something* flows through his body.
Zealotry aside, you find yourself frowning at the idea of using a sneak attack in such a basic form, there are better ways, better forms of how you could use all this manpower and how their skills will make this attack more efficient. The assembled warriors for this was ridiculous by just counting two Angewomon, nine Angemon, five Pegasusmon, and thirteen Darcmon to your troops a simple sneak would end with deletion and many losses so you took one of the maps of Owlmon and began to inspect the zone.
Minutes feel like hours to you, MagnaAngemon was counting on five Ultimates counting himself and you to defeat their weak Ultimates while the true leaders were out.
But did you really needed the Ultimates for this mission?
...No, you really didn't if you took the weather and position of the nest.
A laughter began to come from your mouth and began to spread through the camp. It was just perfect, the information truly was the perfect natural balancer to everything even the quality of troops!
"Knightmon what are you laughing about?"
"It's a bluff." You told him blindly with a smile hidden. "They are planning to sacrifice seven Ultimates and the remaining troops as a distraction."
"What? What made you think that?" Good, you have their attention.
"The localization of this map, look at this it doesn't make sense to install their base in such a place without importance unless they are red-herring us into taking action while the objective is taken." You explained in more details your thought process and were met with reactions that changed the more you talked about the weaknesses if they claimed it.
"Those fuckers." Drunky believed you and that made the other Ultimates shift their positions feeling unsure of this.
A reaction that MagnaAngemon had equally to Drunky who feel like a lightning fell into him.
"The courier." He murmured, as rage began to show in his features. He hated being played, the enemy was planning to bait them, and then eliminate more of them.
"If you allow me, I will give you the victory but I will need more troops meanwhile I will ask that you do something important in exchange." You had him, his attention was on you.
"Tell me what it is." MagnaAngemon, a type of pragmatic leader but he lacked in comparison to you.
"If there is an Ultimate I want to Interrogate it, we are in this position because of our lack of information." And load it, you had very few chances to truly gain power by loading but now? You will kill many DarkLizardmon with a stroke. "We were ambushed on the first day because we didn't know, my group was attacked on the second day because they believed us ignorant and on the fourth day we turned the situation because they didn't know that we were coming."
You could see that many digimon began to look at you with light in their eyes, they were attracted at your words by your power, your infamy, and the truths that you were telling them. They needed something to blame, something to unite them and put their grudges into and they did it to the lack of information instead of blaming themselves.
"This will be won by flipping the board and using their own tactics, so I ask you all to trust me to allow me to command and impart my advice." Your last words will mean if this will become your greatest show or not. "I will put my own life into this for success and for the Great One." Your lady.
At the end that was what you needed to say.
"You will follow the orders of Sargent Knightmon!" MagnaAngemon voice sounded through the camp and you almost laughed at a plan so well done, your lady will love to hear about this.
You began to choose one by one the champions that would follow you to war, not a single Ultimate was required, all of them were needed to ambush the trap of the 'courier', so you managed to choose amount all the perfect formations between bulk, strength and sheer pure destruction with Sparks cackling as he was watching one of the funniest shows in existence, alas your friend was a bit sadistic.
The travel wasn't anything special it was just a moment where dozens of Digimon began to follow your guide and obey your commands as it was the most natural thing of the world as it should be.
Fools need to have a true noble guiding hand.
But how could you describe the results of your actions?
You had the disadvantage of numbers, lacking Ultimates to compete against those inside the nest, and you could only genuinely put your trust into the team that you had been raised to complete this task.
It turned into complete chaos, you didn't hold back anything. Every single tool in your arsenal was used from a rock slide, to the rain to strengthen the calls of the thunder, the water to drown, the fire to seal the exit, the blinding and deafening effects, of the assassinations done inside of their own fortress the picking one by one of the weakened Ultimates to trigger the evolution of some of your soldiers by the influx just like you ascended to Gladimon but not a single one of them was truly special, it was a method that robbed them of future potential.
And they thanked you for this.
Fools all of them.
The victory came at the price of five champions, an exchange that resulted in the elimination of almost a hundred of Digimon. Sadly that involved the loss of many of the supplies as you needed to lower the mission objectives and turn retrieval for denial of healing resources. Your body ached so much from the injuries gathered by this battle that those made by Wolfmon's feel like one of Gnaw's attempts to mess with you in your younger days.
A single crippled Ultimate, paralyzed and poisoned is the proof that victory was obtained.
You still made yourself look stronger than you were using your own spells to recover instead of accepting help, you were on your last feet in the return to the camp even if victory was decisive and the morale reached its peak. But once you were back to the fortress, the excellent mood of your army was returned with silence, the Guardromon in the turrets, the guards that saw your return nobody could say anything
It was clear when your group returning so early wasn't possible in normal circumstances, those that didn't follow you and believed that it was a suicide mission just saw a MetalGreymon following and carrying a few injuries soldiers but behind him were many more digimon that made their presence know.
"Victory is ours!" Pit thankfully broke the silence spreading the news.
A moment of celebration came when everyone entered, Pidmons flying out and beginning to heal those soldiers that were injuried, others digimon began to talk with friends and comrades that were left out of the mission and you just were tired of everything, Beat caught you moments where you were just about to pass out, this moment you were just too running on pure willpower that you didn't know where your conscience begins and ends.
But you will didn't let you, the invincible knight will not waver.
For your oaths, you couldn't allow yourself a second of it.
"Unhand me, cretins! Don't you know who I'm?! When the count hears of this you will die!" That voice, that so damn familiar voice that drills nails inside your brain every time that dared to rest. "You hear me!? All of you will die soon and I will be free!"
Her shouts continue as you began to fill pieces of a puzzle, she and the gloaming were using the zealots of the faith of the Legendary Warriors to have cheap manpower to use, they were using them as pawns to sacrifice as she wanted. Even if her form and powers were different, even if the scar on your eye was making your data destabilized by sheer pain, there wasn't a way that your mind could allow itself to rest as you slowly began to feel the burning feeling of Rage come into existence.
She was the same mon that took your siblings away.
Repulsa. Truly was here now.
But satisfaction, a cruel eye glint in your eye, and you dare to say a feeling of happiness that couldn't be fake truly began to form as the situation truly began to sink inside your mind.
Defeated, crippled, driven ragged, and destroyed by those that didn't have a fragment of her might.
Because of your tactics, the weak managed to turn the situation around.
You feel it, deep in your digicore, just how perfect this situation was.
She was a Legendary Warrior.
"Sparks come, we have an acquaintance to meet." You laughed your mood changed just for the better but paused as you didn't received and answer.
Your comrade, didn't react for a few seconds he didn't know how to react to this situation to him it was too early, to him this wasn't a miracle but the sort of impossible that never should happen even in his wildest dreams but now it was here. It truly was made possible but not by the might of the body but of the mind as he received a slap in the back of the head to finally react.
"Do thou need to hit so hard?" Of course otherwise how could your partner awake?
"This isn't a dream, come Sparks part of our Oath will be fulfilled now." You managed to keep your smugness down but sadly by the smile of Sparks you truly didn't manage it.
The element of Fire of Agnimon and the element of Wind of Repulsa, yours to claim with her data. Deep in your Digicore, you feel yourself starving for that latent power that you could get now. The memory of your friend will live in you, and his power will be used by a truly deserving inheritor, and never by something unworthy as Repulsa, even if you were a bit thankful that she doesn't share anymore the shape of your lady Ardat.
Today truly is an excellent day.
Five down, now there was just the other half to claim.
2.6K This is an important moment for Verge, I think that this ending for Repulsa fits more than any other because DarkKnightmon is a digimon whose most dangerous trait is his mind instead power, and that is what Verge used. He basically betrayed everyone, was a step beyond basically everyone and even his betrayal of Bagramon was coldly calculated to pull at the last moment and wasn't the final boss because a last asspull.
Here Verge didn't even fight her, he won without lifting a single finger against her and just played the Ultimates of the host to do the dirty work. Repulsa is strong but she is a frail speedster. I abused that.