"Giga Destroyer!" Your war-gauntlets rise up just in time to intercept the thick form of a grim-faced missile. It explodes directly upon contact, blowing your arms back and washing your body with a wave of heat and force.
It's Giga Destroyer II, as seen here Metal Tyranomon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
One against a NeoDevimon in the air above while the other struggled against a six-armed digimon wreathed in fire
Drexal Asuramon only has four arms as seen here in this link Asuramon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki.

"Time's up junior! Pulling rank on ya! "The cyborg reaches down with one claw, grasps the stunned champion by his neck and grunts, hoisting him back up.
There's a space in the ending quotation marks.
3rd Of Wind: A BlackGrowlmon's Dissapointing Battle ; Thresh's POV
[] Thresh The Hazardous BlackGrowlmon.


The slightly painful pressure around your throat vanishes as MetalTyrannomon gives you an annoying smirk. "Go play with the Megadramon for a bit!" You stare at the arrogant Ultimate for a second, angry for the interruption and more than a little confused at why the past minute is just a haze. Then pain.

Urgh, feel like a Locomon ran straight into my noggin' sure thing mon whatever.

Your head lowers in deference to the older mon.


Could use a few seconds break anyways. But then! Back to fighting! Need to get the ole' data pumping again!

You throw a regretful glance towards that strong as heck Gryzmon, disappointed that your fight with him had to stop this way, then turn away. With the immediate threat being taken care of, you sigh, letting your tongue loll comfortably out your mouth for a good panting session. A few of the small white creatures you never bothered learning what they were called jump out at you, but it's not hard to swat those annoyances out of the air.

By Daemon I had no idea what the heck was up with that champ. Hadn't felt an odd pressure like that since the hal-haloosin... hall loo sin a... vision thingy after biting that root. And... that bag, the dark fur looked like.... Pain. No!

You growl in anger, backhanding some weakling with a knife hard enough to send him flying away.

He was a coward. And weak. That guy was strong. And fought good and stuff.

"Moon Night Kick!"
Big sis's voice draws your attention right in time to see her nail a small bug-thing right in the head with her foot.

Gigi, nice!

Her other opponent shouts something vague and pretentious, then dives down. But little Luna cartwheels away with time to spare.

Those two aren't bad. Still a bit weak, but fighting them might be neat to test some moves on. Meh, I got to fight that other guy. My combos do work Gigi! Ever since Auger began to wuss out the only mon I could test'em on was MT. and he doesn't fight fair. Stupid lasers and missiles and rules about not biting.


You glance about the battlefield, ignoring the various pathetic brawls to look for what's truly important. But sadly you don't find what you're looking for.

Boo. No food. They should have had a snack cart! All this fighting is hungering!.. Could load that Greymon over there. Nah, MT wanted me to *play* with a Megadramon. Sounds fun. Should be stronger than that other guy I guess? Eh, if he took one out that quickly than prolly not. Oh yeah, how is he doing anyway? Is he done yet?

For curiosities sake, you look back over your shoulder to see how things are progressing-just in time to watch MetalTyrannomon be yoinked right off his feet and lifted over the Gryzmons head. The screaming Ultimate hangs in the air for less than a second before your former opponent bends back, slamming him into the ground headfirst.

Unholy Daemonshit... that's awesome! Is he bigger now? I don't remember him being that tall. Meh, not my problem. Good luck MT, gigigi.

You look away from the fight with a shrug and pull up behind *Sir* Asuramon, who's struggling to keep the Megadramon's jaws from closing around his body.

"Hey Sura. How you doing?"

"Rgh... Well. Enough!" Your four-armed ally grunts, tossing the cyborg left into a few squabbling weaklings before summoning fire on each of his fists. "Asura Shinken!"

"Cool. Mind, tagging out? MT said I should fight this guy."

"Ah, so you seek an honorable duel? Very well, I shall-"

"Yeah, that's great, honour and stuff. Fight time now!"

"Grr... Don't ignore me you evil bastards! Ultimate Slicer!" Your eyes roll at the oh-so-common declaration.

Good? Evil? By Daemon who really cares?! I just want a good fight!

You slip under the first barely visible vaccum blade, leaving it to hit one of those feline thingies in the process and slice it in half. Which is just what it deserves for not paying attention in a fight! The following attack is predicable, a horizontal strike to catch your duck, which is avoided by simply hopping left.

Boo. Use it in conjunction with your missy things! Not like you'll hurt anything that matters with them.

*Unfortunately* the Ultimate fails to take your mental advice into consideration, leaving you to get into range without a single further injury. His left arm swings down as you approach, but something isn't right.

The trashectory is wrong! That'll miss me. He's either a stupid-head or ah, it could be a trap!

And then he screams "Mega Death Scythe! making his intentions clear and further muddling things. The center of his arm pops open and something pops out in a blur. If he hadn't announced his intentions, then it might have hit but his declaration had already warned you.

Both maybe? Dude just kinda lost whatever surprise he had. No feinting at all. Eh whatever, just gotta block this.

You shrug and throw an arm forward, letting your chrome digi-whatever coated blade hit the extending piece of sharp metal and shear right through it.

Maybe not block then. This metal stuff is awesome! Thank you big tree!.. just wish it wasn't itchy. Or made scratching myself hurt.

The Ultimate gapes at your totally awesome capabilities, halting his attempt to dodge just long enough for your arm-blade to cut through his side. You keep on the slithering cyborg, thrusting a hand between the metal plates on his tail and letting the larger digimon pull you up into the air.

"Gah! Get off! Metal Arm!" The Ultimate bends over, and thrusts the three closed metal digits towards your head.

"No thanks! Dragon Slash!" You pull yourself up the dramon's squirming body and rend through his fist? Claw? Whatever it is, you tear right through it and get within biting range of his neck.

Woot! And now for the ender! Thanks for teaching this MT!

"Sharp Fangs!"
Megadramon screams (the wuss) as your teeth plunge around his short neck. His struggling redoubles, but you slam an arm blade into each shoulder to stop his arms from mucking things up and take a a few seconds to have fun just shaking his head back and forth. Once that stops being fun, you take a breath through your nose and finish things.

Fire Blaster!

A black Inferno pours out from your throat and into the Ultimate's body. After around a second of waiting, your attack explodes out from the cyborg's eyes, mouth and even the wound you made on his mid-section.

That's neato. Should have made more holes!

You hit the ground a little while later, already absorbing some of the Ultimate's data to heal your wounds.

At least he wasn't compleatly useless, I'm not hungry anymore now... kind of still want to eat something. But... oh yeah.

"Hey Sura, wanna have some?"

"No my formidable student, you were the one to finish him, so the honour is yours."

"Kay." you take the last scraps of data before sighing in contentment.

Totally feel stronger now. Wish the fight had been better, mon didn't know what to do against my awesome claws. Stupid not to just shoot those missi-... explodey thingies-oh right. Gigigu, Suras training was great for this... better than Skullsatomon's dude was a cur. MTs is... oh right. He was getting uh, suplecced? How's he now?

You pivot around, ignoring the screams and battle-cries of the unimportant weaklings. Lord Count's plan was working just as intended. With the reinforcement Astamon had provided overwhelming the segment of Host soldiers.

Not a good thing. Using numbers like this. The weak shouldn't be overwhelming the strong. It sucks. Gigigi, maybe I should even the odds-Pain.

The last MegaDramon is running like a total wuss while NeoDevy is busy fighting some sort of half-bird thing…

Wow. That thing has a rider on its back too. Like the angry dino and that Yokey. Weird. Eh, not If they fight better toegetter than so what, I should focus on the last... Daemonshit! Its too far away! I want to fly soon too! And... oh yeah, was checking MT and... Oof.

The Ultimate looks to be nearly done with his fight with the Gryzmon and is now repeatedly smashing his jaw into the smaller digimon's face. You're not sure why there's a *clang* with every hit, but then again you don't really care. What draws your eyes more is your *superior's* condition. His body is covered in a multitude of long wounds and puncture marks, how many you're not sure of given that counting is hard, but it's a lot. More than ten. You could totally kick his ass in that condition.

By Daemon he's really messed up, those gauntlets really hit hard huh? Oh look a Wizardmon! It's really going to try and interrupt things? Gigigi. Like it can do anyth-

"Burst! Greater Sparkling Thunder!"
And then a pillar of purple lighting tears a hole through MetalTyrannomon's mid-section. The Ultimate freezes in hilarious shock, looking down at the massive hole that had deleted a full third of his torso.

Unholy heck! What kind of Wizardmon is that?! That was awesome! Maybe he'd be worth a good fight after all!

You just the cyborgs injured state off. After all, *Sir* Asuramon has a supply of healing disks for stuff like this. With that your attention focuses on the Wizardmon... but he's already keeled over amid a swarm of Vilemon.

Lame. I thought you were gonna be cool. Not a pansy like the other Wizardmon! Fine. I'll go make my own entertainment! With-huh. Gryzmon's getting back up. Now he's-oh wow!

With a final roar, the burnt, bruised and battered champion thrusts his claws into the remnants of the shocked Ultimate's torso and rips MetalTyrannomon in half.

"Gigigi! Nice one!"
you laugh even as the Gryzmon finally collapses.

Shows him for interrupting my fight!... is MT gonna be okay? Probably? Not like his core was damaged. Dude takes after Lord Count that way. Is tough. Yeah, go help him Sura I've got stuff to do.

You just shrug the entire thing off, ignoring the Asuramon's worried cries and saunter back on over towards where Luna is fighting.

Any chance either of Big Sis's opponents digivolved?... nope. Angel is doing a pushup, not the time mon. Bug is struggling to stand. Boo. If you're fighting two against one at least have the decency to win! She's not strong! Gigi, stronger than you two at least. Not surprising.

Sighing in dejection, you swat away another of those annoying tiny white creatures and look out towards the distant battle between the birbs (yes you're calling them that, it's funny) and angels.

Not fair! Why don't I have wings?! Then I could go up there and kick butt! But no! Stuck on the ground. Sure they'd add drag to my movement but I could totally make up for it by flapping them, yeah! Sura said that once a mon gets strong enough they can learn, but I'm plenty strong! Why can't I learn yet?! Boo! Boooooo-

-"Darcmon Digivolve To!"

You whirl around towards the noise, jaws morphing into a grin.


=== Choose One:

[] Cherub HolyAngemon: (Front row seat to how the Shutumon fight ends)
[] Verge The Very Injured Gryzmon: (Back to the regularly scheduled programming)

===Authors Note: Wow, Writing Thresh is actually very fun. I was dreading it before, but after I got started it just kinda flowed. He's hilariously different from Verge, who's very reserved most of the time. Plus he's not very detail oriented, so I can leave certain things out.

Anyway, if you're worred about Sparks, don't be. He's being attack by Vilemon and his Fortitude is over 800. They might as well be trying to claw solid stone. Which is confusing to them as your average Wizardmon has fortitude that's lower than 400.
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the dark fur looked like.... Pain. No!
He was a coward. And weak. That guy was strong. And fought good and stuff.
Lord Counts plan was working just as intended.
Dude takes after Lord Count that way.
Well, isn't that a familiar text color. Looks like Thresh got mind-whammied by the fucking Count. But! That means that if we can find a way to remove it, we can save him! Luna's probably in the same boat, which means until we can take down Count we're not going to be able to rescue them.

vision thingy after biting that root.
Welp, Yggy influence confirmed.

This metal stuff is awesome! Thank you big tree!.. just wish it wasn't itchy. Or made scratching myself hurt.
... very confirmed.

[X] Cherub HolyAngemon: (Front row seat to how the Shutumon fight ends)

I want to see what his hot take is on this.
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[X] Verge The Very Injured Gryzmon: (Back to the regularly scheduled programming)

Because I want to be there with Verge when he finishes off another name on his list. Plus you totally know Sparks will load the shit out of MT and that would be something to see with how close he is to going Ult here.

Also, damn did Thresh become a fight junkie, though can't really say I'm surprised with his line. But I am surprised how he seems to consider the Count in a respectable light, as I would have figured that would have been hard to do with all of his other village mates with him there when they were grabbed.

Still, at least we got the confirmation we all figured was going about the tree and why thresh was so very bitty when he was younger there. Kind of sad he didn't get a moment to connect the dots before he was side tracked. As I'm betting the reaction to finding out it was big bro Verge he was fighting would have been special.
Unfortunately, no. MetalTyranomon is still recoverable; from what Thresh seems to think. So MetalTyranomon, Repulsa, Count, and possibly Asuramon, who used to be Musyamon.

Also, damn did Thresh become a fight junkie, though can't really say I'm surprised with his line. But I am surprised how he seems to consider the Count in a respectable light, as I would have figured that would have been hard to do with all of his other village mates with him there when they were grabbed.

Still, at least we got the confirmation we all figured was going about the tree and why thresh was so very bitty when he was younger there. Kind of sad he didn't get a moment to connect the dots before he was side tracked. As I'm betting the reaction to finding out it was big bro Verge he was fighting would have been special.
The way the text changed color whenever Thresh thought about the count, which was also the same color as the flashes of "pain" indicate that Thresh's view of Count isn't normal. It's like Verge with Ardat, a mind-whammy, albeit a relatively subtle one. So if Thresh starts thinking in ways that are counter to Count's wishes, like Verge surviving the attack on the village, or "evening the odds" on a fight by turning on the Gloaming forces, he gets the mental equivalent of a shock collar going off. And you notice how exacting his references to Count were, when he had nicknames for almost everyone else? Always "Lord" Count. Always.

But yeah, it seems that Thresh was a lot more special than we realized, if he's the reborn Megidramon. Though having that chrome-digizoid enhancement makes me think that Yggy may be setting him up as a Gallantmon for this server, or another one of the Royal Knights.
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You know, is it just me or do you guys also want to genocide the gloating? I can't bring myself to like any of those curs.
[X] Verge The Very Injured Gryzmon: (Back to the regularly scheduled programming)
Ever since Auger began to wuss out the only mon I could test'em on was MT. and he doesn't fight fair.
Yo! Auger is still kicking and was at one point tanky enough to be Thresh's sparring test dumby!
"Ah, so you seek an honorable duel? Very well, I shall-"
Well that explains where the skills came from.
Shows him for interrupting my fight!... is MT gonna be okay? Probably? Not like his core was damaged. Dude takes after Lord Count that way. Is tough. Yeah, go help him Sura I've got stuff to do.
*Whistles* Once again digimon once more sjow their durability not many things can survive being blasted in da gut and being ripped in half.
-"Darcmon Digivolve Too
Ehhh, BossLady is evolving! Wonder if she's going to end up as Angewomon again or get a new evo for having been knocked back a stage.

[X] Cherub HolyAngemon: (Front row seat to how the Shutumon fight ends)
I'm curious as to how the fight with da wind beast is going on.
Hadn't felt and odd pressure like that since the hal-haloosin
hal-haloosin... hall loo sin a... vision thingy after biting that root. And... that bag, the dark fur looked like.... Pain. No!
Looks like Thresh met the tree too. Good for him.
His struggling redoubles, but slam an arm blade into each shoulder to stop his arms
Missing a word here.
your attack explodes out from the cyborgs eyes,
already absorbing some of the Ultimates data
If they fight better toegetter than so what
together then
What draws your eyes more is your *superiors* condition.
how many you're not sure of giving that counting is hard
tears a hole through MetalTyrannomons mid-section.
You just the cyborgs injured state off.
I think you missed one or more words here?
-"Darcmon Digivolve Too!"
For curiosities sake, you look back over your shoulder to see how things are progressing-just in time to watch MetalTyannmon be yoinked right off his feet and lifted over the Gryzmons head.
With the reinforcement Astamon had provided overwhelming the segement of Host soldiers.
Is this a typo or is this intentional.

[X] Cherub HolyAngemon: (Front row seat to how the Shutumon fight ends)
The Ultimate looks to be nearly done with his fight with the Gryzmon and is now repeatedly smashing his jaw into the smallers digimon's face.
With a final roar, the burnt, bruised and beaten champion thrusts his claws into the remnants of the shocked Ultimate's torso and rips MetalTyrannomon in half.
Battered might fit better than beaten, considering that Verge proceeds to rip MetalTyrannomon in half in just bit further down the sentence, so beaten might not work.
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Unfortunately, no. MetalTyranomon is still recoverable; from what Thresh seems to think. So MetalTyranomon, Repulsa, Count, and possibly Asuramon, who used to be Musyamon..

Thresh also can't seem to be able to focus unless he is on mega murder mode and before anyone mention Tamers, Next Order had a very serious calm Guilmon so its not a standard species behavior, standard species behavior for the BlackGuilmon line is something more akin to fucking Velociraptor of Jurassic Park