[] Everyone gets
one, which is to say, it would be the height of hypocrisy to say that others don't deserve vengeance against your own works--you strive to not delete more than you must at your current level, but you cannot necessarily claim that all of those who have met the end of their path at your hands had none who cared for them either. Nor are you one who seeks to bathe in a sea of shattered data, too fearful of potential consequences to let a single weak foe walk away, potentially able to grow mighty enough to threaten you. So, everyone gets
one shot to challenge you for vengeance, with no grudge, and no deletions, or another means of making amends. You are strong enough now to have the luxury of showing mercy against most. But it would be absurd to maintain an open door policy, where any with a grievance against you can try again and again--as your strength has grown, so have your obligations and responsibilities, and neither of those are things you can set down so lightly. One free shot, where they can attempt to gain their vengeance by challenging you to battle when their life is not on the line, or seek redress in some other fashion. But after that is done, it is
finished. Persistence can be an admirable trait, but one should never seek to count on their foe to show unlimited forbearance either, a second such challenge would not be so gentle
[] "I know there are those that I have ended the path of whom did not deserve it." You think briefly of Chackmon. "Such is unfortunately the way of war, especially when I was weaker. Mercy is the privilege of those with
Power, and I try to indulge it as best I can. I do not seek out conflict for it's own sake.
I am a Shield, not a sword. I defend my companions and friends. But those who feel I have wronged them, I will give them one chance. I do not refer to the youngsters of course, let revenge be the ambition that fuels their growth, I find no fault in this. But once they grow strong enough to pose a threat, they should also be wise enough to see my terms as just. Either I win, and let them live, or they win and claim their own vengeance. But it ends there. If they cannot accept that, then that is their choice, as are the consequences."
-[] He brings up a good point and you have spared people whom have tried to kill you before. But the difference is those people targeted you. If someone tried to revenge themselves against you by slaying someone you cared for instead of targeting you the one that wronged them? You would give those no mercy.
Hrmm, that is... Not an easy question to answer.
Strictly speaking this could be something you
could answer easily enough, it would be a simple matter to swear to one extreme or another. However a topic of this importance deserves a far more in depth consideration than that. As your strength has grown, so have your obligations and responsibilities, and none of those are things you can set down so lightly.
At the base of it all lies your own philosophy on violence and deletion. Flamemon was strictly against killing, and only changed his mind as Agnimon once Gramps' perished. Gramps only believed in doing deleting when necessary and you… the necessities of war and battle pushed you further. You may strive to not delete more than you must (at your current level of strength needing to kill has become much rarer) however exceptions have to be made situationally.
It would be the height of hypocrisy to say that others don't deserve their chance at retribution against you for your own action. On the other hand, nor are you willing to ruthlessly seek out and expunge all those holding potential enough to threaten you. The sea of shattered data and broken lives such destruction would cause…
It would be a never ending slaughter.
Even the thought of it is sickening.
But it would be likewise absurd to maintain a free for all policy of openness, where any dangerous mon with a grievance can challenge you again and again without retaliation. Persistence can be an admirable trait, but one should never seek to count on their foe to show unlimited forbearance either.
"Verge?" You blink, Ardat's words knocking out of the philosophical funk.
"My apologies, I was lost in thought." A breath flows from your lungs, and you straighten up in your seat. That was a great deal of philosophizing. However, to condense it into a proper answer… "One chance."
Wolfmon nods at your statement, but his curious aura and expression call for further explanation.
"I am aware that there are those who did not deserve my ending of their path." You murmur solemnly, a flash of Chackmon's last words ringing through your mind. "But mercy is the privilege of those with
Power. I can only give to those I can defeat without killing them."
You are a Shield, not a sword. Now that your vengeance has been quelled, your purpose as a Warrior is to defend your companions and friends. That more sedentary piece of you however is tempered by your purpose as a Martial Artist calls for the purity of training and battle.
"I will give one chance to those seeking vengeance upon me. In our first battle I will not delete them. However if they choose to continue, If they cannot accept that I am beyond their reach, then that is their choice." The barrel in your hand nearly shatters, and only a tinge of Qi prevents it from buckling inwards. "As are the consequences."
You pause, letting the full weight of your words and promise hang in the air. Ardat nods along, slightly confused by thankfully supporting. Your rival on the other hand has a question.
"And what If one of those mon try to avenge themselves against you by slaying another you cared for?" Garummon asks, throwing a glance towards the Demon Lord at your side.
"Then I would
not be merciful." You growl, not liking the implications of his words. Not that Ardat herself would be easy to slay, but Astamon made that very threat against your mentor MayorTyrannmon. He could very well murder half of your acquaintances should you move against him.
Your rival nods again, and you think the matter over. That is until Ardat clears her throat, and puts hand on your arm.
"Verge, a moment if you please." The Demon Lord says, her delicate features set ina cute, you mean serious frown.
"You can't mean every mon that challenges you?" A strange question and your tilting head prompts her to continue
. "Nihihi, foolish Knight. Naive and brave simpletons shall assault you heedless of the gap in power!"
"As you get older, most of the server will come to be considered young to you." Garummon snorts, though it's difficult to tell if it's supposed to be amusement or wry mockery. In the end you shrug and give a simple answer.
"Mayhaps. You let out a breath as Ardat relaxes. "Either I find victory in the first match, and let them live. Or they win and claim their vengeance. However…" Your gaze hardens and Wolfmon twitches, his hands nearly going for his blades. "It ends there. If they cannot accept that, then that is their choice. As are the consequences."
"Hmhmph, a grander answer than I expected." Wolfmon grunts.
"I am satisfied."
"But why ask me this? It cannot be a mere whimsy of the mind."
"Can you not see my Knight?" Ardat speaks up before the mon can answer.
"*Garummon* here is the Sephirot's premier executioner." The smug knowing look on her face comes to rival's Sparks'.
"He must have slain plenty of mons for the Sephirot's *Greater Good* And it's weighing heavily on his mind."
The Legendary Warrior of Light blinks at her words, opens his mouth to retort, then shuts it again. He mulls it over for a moment, then lets out a low and bitter chuckle.
"She's right my rival. It was for my own satisfaction." He rises up from the seat, pausing only to toss a silver bit chit onto the table.
"For the Tea Chevalier Verge, and…" He throws a final smile over his shoulder.
"I will be awaiting news of your victory over Morningstar." With that he steps out the teashop's door.
You stand up a few seconds later likewise ready to depart, however Ardat waivering aura draws your attention. It takes a few seconds of silently prodding the nervous womon, but eventually she speaks up.
"My Knight we, as Lilithmon we could…" She trails off into a wince, aura fluttering widely with worry.
"We possess an ability that could help you achieve a dark Burst Mode." The Demon Lord finally admits.
"It would be more than enough to triumph against that arrogant and conceited angel. But…" She takes another breath.
"I know that you wouldn't appreciate me trying to hand you that power."
"You would be correct."
And if it's a Demon Lord triggered Burst Mode, that may cause a dark evolution in my current state. That would be… unfortunate. Mayhaps as a a last resort against Astamon...
"You have my thanks for not pressing the issue." Your words cause the womon to blush, however she manages to avoid stutteri-
"Y-you are most welcome!" She stutters before flying up from the table
. "Now my knight, we have a match to reach! You can't be late for your victory!"
Not long after that, you drop Ardat off in Bulwarks' booth, then make your way towards the appointed spot set by Tuwarmon. However to your surprise, there's already a familiar presence waiting there.
Hold, on that's…
Scourge step out into the wallway, the S
corpiomon glaring as always.
His protest makes you snort, the absurdity truly laughable.
"My thanks Scourge, but I have no intention of shaming you by *getting bodied*"
"*Chitter, Chitter, Screech*!"
"No." You answer back sternly. "Warren deserved to win our match, I set my own level of strength and willingess to use techniques. Stopping myself from exiting the ring would have been-"
"Aye, I could have won if I'd wanted. However it was not a defeat given out of pity." You clarify with a sigh. Scourge scoffs at that and turns away as if angry… then stop himself and through great effort forces himself to look back.
"*Hiss*... GoOda LucKa" He struggles out, saying the first normal words since… you can remember.
"Thank you." You grin back, touched by his effort. "Fret not my Ward. Your caretaker is strong."
AN: Those write ins were interesting to get through. I had to beef up my initial draft since it didn't do them justice. Anyways! I was well enough to write today so I'm happy. Next snippet should be coming in the next hour or so, I split it up here because of how I want to threadmark the match.