"Don't be sad that it's ended. Be glad that it happened."
I'm sad to see the final end of this glorious quest. I never quite gave up hope of seeing the end of Verge's story, but your health takes priority,
@drexal15 - if you don't feel you can do QM with your condition, then that's the end of the matter. Don't think this is giving up, either - if you ever want to, there's nothing stopping you from writing out the rest of this tale as a story rather than a quest.
The remainder of this post is me reacting to the final arc as outlined. Don't read if you haven't read that yet.
So it all came down to which move we'd have picked, huh? Power, technique and tenacity... so much of Verge's life comes down to these three things. I think it would've been Tenacity for the victory. From the very beginning of this quest, Verge's defining trait has been that he will never, ever quit. I feel it wouldn't have failed us here.
And then... it all falls down. Astamon, you
treacherous fuck. So this is his grand plan to save the server? Murder SlashAngemon in cold blood, intentionally trigger Ophanimon Falldown Mode, and then
orbital bombard cities? Fuck off, jackass - the only thing you're trying to save is your own ego.
HELL YES!! God even when we only have a basic description, he's cool. If that Jewelbeemon X art was ever finished, I'd love to see it. And the squad reunites at last... man I wish I could see that moment. It must've been shounen as fuck.
Still though, it really does come down to the Royal Knights versus
literally this entire disaster of a server, huh? Even AncientGreymon himself... the Machine Precinct I fully expected, hell I looked forward to crushing the slaver piece of shit, but I expected better from one of the Ten than this. Did we have
any allies for the last round? His fight with ImperialDramon must've been obscenely hype tho.
Also, Yggdrasil having to personally set the universe to minimal graphics mode so we don't BSOD reality is so fucking funny.
That art for Marsmon Jogress is
GLORIOUS. So we were right - it really was him that the prophecy meant when it called us "half of war". And even that wouldn't have been enough go overcome Astamon using Belphemon's power... Christ he must've been unreasonably swole.
AHAHAHAHAHA! Oh my God, we literally couldn't have Digivolved at a better moment! Nothing could possibly rival the hype! And Pit and Beat reaching Apollomon and GrandisKuwagamon? Astamon realising Beat is exactly who he says he is at the last moment? The squad making the comeback to throw down with Belphemon Rage Mode as he slaughters everything around him to grow his horrific might!?
Holy shit, drex. You fucking cooked.
Huh. The Slayer.... actually chilled the fuck out. Well. At least Verge has one parent sane and not evil.
Also I choose to believe that the epilogue arc begins with Yggdrasil using whatever it uses to contact the Knights to tell Verge that this is his fault so he gets to fix it.
I told you that Pit would be Seraphimon one day. Can't think of a better refutation of anyone who thought having been Daemon made him irredeemable by default than
that. And Ardat and Luna share the Gloaming! Beat must be so damn annoyed he gets stuck with them, he absolutely bullies Verge until we let him join the Zone Jump Tour. Lol at how epically Sparks and Thresh fumble the city they're protecting. Only you two numbskulls could end up evil overlords unintentionally.
And so, our heroes' journeys come to a close. Though I have no doubt there were many adventures yet to come. I suppose it's fitting for Craniumon to set up shop right in front of the tree - he is it's protector, after all. Ultimate Bonsai time! And yeah even if Verge one day got Baihumon as a slide evolution I really cannot think of many situations where he'd actually
need it. Definitely the last ditch fuck you, there. Craniumon Verge Form looks bad ass as hell, BTW. What's a HeavyGabumon? And who is Tinkermon - never heard of that Digimon.
D'aww, Sparks still makes sure to stop by home when he's not LARPing as the resident evil vizier.
Oh my God.
Househusband Beat. MY SIDES.
Yay! Pit saved Ophanimon! And she gets to meet Cherubimon again, too! Although uh, Blanc may need some therapy regarding her feelings about her family. Poor Drunky. She has to do paperwork now. At least she gets to boast about having been the superior officer to half the heroes of the server!
Arachnemon: *is released*
Also Arachnemon: *instantly gets more community service*
Pffft, of course Xia stole the Wind Spirits so she could be Smol once more. And of course, even if she spends a lot of time as Junomon, she is, and will always remain, the bestest dragon there is.
So Thresh and Fonte end up as the "active" members for the Royal Knights, then? Fitting, for our resident fight junkies. Hopefully, Fonte manages to keep a hold on Crusadermon's obsession with strength instead of falling into contempt of the weak. Even if she does though, I don't think we need to wory too much about her going villain, so long as Thresh is there by her side. They better remember they have backup, though! Even if UlForceVeedramon is stubbornly sticking with the Gloaming instead of doing her job. Speaking of absentee Knights - where's Alphamon? Gone instantly into ludicrously terrifying hermit mode?
All in all, I would be more than happy with this ending. There's drama, there's feels, there's moments that are
hype as fuck, and above all; our heroes and their friends get to enjoy the peace they fought so hard for. What more can we ask for?
Of course there are still some questions regarding the setting, and things I'd like to know, but I'm on my phone right now and my thumb is getting sore, so I think I'll save my barrage of questions for when I have a computer. But there is one thing I'd like to ask early, just in case:
How badly will Verge scar the Digidestined for life when they see this amazingly terrifying bastard for the first time!?