Hm… if fanglongmon is the core of every server in this fic would this not make the hosts god a pagan idol? Btw do fanglongmons just attach themselves(bite into) to yggys trunk and become leafs(servers)?
Given they exist in plenty of servers without Yiggy its more likley the tree extends its 'roots' into the various servers the center sov forms around it.

So the conflict is more likley a case of 'get off my lawn' on the part of said center dragon who seems to be de-jure in charge of the Sovs even if de-facto the Sovs mostly act independently or via consulting the other 3.
Given they exist in plenty of servers without Yiggy its more likley the tree extends its 'roots' into the various servers the center sov forms around it.

So the conflict is more likley a case of 'get off my lawn' on the part of said center dragon who seems to be de-jure in charge of the Sovs even if de-facto the Sovs mostly act independently or via consulting the other 3.
So what you're saying is...

I do like the idea of Verge running weird mon full of potential and helping them reach it, helps that the player base will adopt just about anything ( again I am convinced if Verge found a new scion in the younger stages people vote take them home)
I mean theirs only like one DL scion left running around at this point either way.

... Mind you a proto version of a Dark Master or other such scary mon is also something I could see the voters adopting.
Each server starts with a Fanglongmon. Each server has a Lucemon slap said Fanglongmon into the center of the server so hard it gets trapped there and earns a fancy name for it. Every server then has something slap Lucemon for going insane. The fact that these things happen in every server suggests that server creation is inevitably a thing of accidentally cooperative violence.
Also, for people wanting a squirrel for Yggdrasil, were any of you kind of disappointed by Nidhoggmon? You'd think its name would give it a special relationship with Yggdrasil, but in fact it's just a big hungry snake.
Astamon, Ardat, Morningstar, Schwartz, Pit... that still leaves Barbamon and Leviamon.
A reminder that aside from Lucemon their is one other DL that does not make Scions.

So that's basically just 1 proto DL left unless its another unwillingly created Scion is present.

Also, for people wanting a squirrel for Yggdrasil, were any of you kind of disappointed by Nidhoggmon? You'd think its name would give it a special relationship with Yggdrasil, but in fact it's just a big hungry snake
I mean the thing did fight a pertnered Omegamon in its preview so presumably its actually a pretty scary snake even if it has no unique reaction to Yiggy.
Well DL ones no idea about other groups/mons.
I swear to god if we hear about a bunch of Japanese delinquents and a group of nerds with a unhealthy obsession for the letter "D", I am going to flip my KingSukamon…

Edit: btw it would be hilarious if a jogress between ardat and Verge would result in a Bancholillymon… sparks would be like: "I have mixed feelings right now…"
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I wonder if there is anyone in the host with the potential to hit Rasielmon ( there are at last two from the Meicrackmon line in that city if I remeber right) , would do the host some good to have 2 great angels instead of potentially losing Ophanimon and having Pit replace her.
Canon Omake: Ultimate Thunder: By Zwart Yaeger
Inside Warren's home, you take a single calming breath as you close your eyes, followed by another inhaling and exhaling in steady rhythm as you focus on manipulating your spirit, your mind drifting towards Thresh and analyzing potential weaknesses that you could have taken advantage of in your previous match.

You reminiscences through all the conflicts you fought together with Thresh, the ones where you fought side by side and the ones where you fought against one another, and you suddenly recall a scene of vulnerability.

Thresh shakes off his paralysis a moment later, then joins you, thrusting his arms into the ground with a groan.

"Urgh… bro, shoulds've warned me about that lightning." He grumbles spitting out a cloud of smoke. "Internalals got fried-fried-fried-" The Demon-Dragon's head makes a sudden jerking motion and you swear a spark of crimson energy flies out one ear. "-burnt. Ow… that really hurts Vee."

Yes as a cyborg, Thresh is particularly vulnerable to lightning and I could use Lightning Slash for close-range combat, but what do I have as a projectile, could I extend my technique's range?

As you ponder upon the mechanics of turning Lightning Slash into a projectile, you recall another memory involving the Mad Tyrant's tournament, one where you fought a lightning user, one where you slayed another member of the Legendary Ten, and you recall his technique.

What should be a simple task for one at Pit's level of power, proves anything but. His dark body is lined with sweat, his holy fire flickers with every burst. As you look on, a burst of laser-fire from the Bolgmon's collides with his side, searing his side an even darker shade.

The long format of this fight has not suited him overmuch. No matter, aid has come my friend.

You charge at the Legendary Warrior from behind, channeling spirit to one claw for a Gale Claw-

-only to abandon the technique and jerk to the side as Bolgmon's upper half rotates around. The redirected gatlings spits a constant hail of crackling bullets your way. Dodging and deflecting the constant barrage of electrically charged projectiles proves more difficult than you'd predicted, with the sheer weight and volume of fire leading to a number of the bullets ripping into your limbs and body. Even your cuirass only provides limited protection, denting and warping with each impact. Your only respite is that the electrical energy imbued in each round is nothing compared to what Aegiochusmon dolled out.

With gritted teeth, you ignore the pain and push through the barrage of gunfire, bouncing to and fro around the air to avoid the vast majority of the attack and closing in on the Legendary Warrior. You dive across the last dozen meters in a spin, taking the worst of a point blank barrage on your pauldron, then using the momentum to make your Crescent Dawn all the swifter.

"Ultimate Thunder." The upper arms whir forward and the errant sparks of lightning magnify into a powerful stream of voltage… just as you predicted.

Bolgmon's technique his Ultimate Thunder... They also involve using rotating arms in order to create electrical projectile attacks, much like my Lightning Slash requires my turbines rotation to generate the electrical qi needed for the attack.

As you realize the similarities between the two techniques, you believe that you found the another useful tool for your arsenal of techniques.

Slowly your turbines begins to turn, your enthusiasm at learning another new technique conveniently starting up the process to generate the needed electrical qi for the technique.

And as your eyes open, you snap into a standing position exiting your previous posture as electricity gathers in your hands, your turbines rotational rate increasing by the moment as you try to coalescence the electricity generated into a sphere in your palms, but as the moments pass by all you have achieved is having two Lightning Slash in both your hands.

As you stare at your lightning wreathed claws you hear the distinctive sound of a lighting strike and a quake shakes the tunnels and you look up towards the source.

Hmm... An electrical attack that means either *Boy* or Warren perhaps both is training up there, considering their electrical abilities they are bound to have some insight for this dilemma.

As you exit the tunnel you caught sight of the aforementioned two sparring with *Boy* in his Aegiomon champion form clashing with the red Ultimate level AtlurKabuterimon.

"Charging Strike" Using an ultimate level technique in his champion stage *Boy* charges Warren with his head lowered aiming his horn forwards.

"Rhino Charge" Choosing to meet the attack head-on, Warren reciprocates with his own horn strike his experience and *Boy*'s lowered Agility allowed Warren to make the attacks meet dead-on, the air filling with lightning from their struggles.

With Warren's greater strength and bulk he handily wins the struggle and he knocks *Boy* back to land at your feet.

"Sensei/Ser Verge!" Both exclaimed at your sudden presence.

"Your diligence is commendable." You nodded, praising the pair's sparring. "Hrm, those last techniques of yours, why were those chosen for the final clash?"

"W-well sensei, I was trying to er, concentrate the force of my attack to a small point." The Aegiomon explained. "Seeing if I could crack Sir Warren's exoskeleton."

"And I Ser Verge, was intent on proving his gamble to be a poor idea." The insect digimon chittered in good humor. "Forcing a head on collision can only work in my favour given the difference in weight and durability."

"I see… Well strategized both of you. However, in the future *Boy*, that tactic must be applied with caution. As Warren proved, a larger fighter will nearly always hold the advantage in direct clashes."

"Forgive me Verge, but I thought you were meditating? Why stop? It can't have been because of our sparring." Warren murmured.

"Huh, he's right Sensei. You're normally not one to stop halfway through training…"

"Indeed, I've sought you out for help." The GrappLeomon confessed. "I was having difficulties with the manifestation of an electrical technique." You explained, raising both of your arm-mounted turbines high. "Bolgmon was able to create and link a pair of lightning spheres, and he used rotational force to amp up the power."

"I can help Sensei!/I can provide assistance." The Aegiomon and AtlurKabuterimon volunteered without hesitation.

Warren spoke up first. carefully detailing his experience in shaping electricity via his technique Mega Blaster. He'd long since mastered the technique, and had worked endlessly in order to bolster its usefulness. "Multiple currents working alternately together might help. A direct current is simpler, but only has a single point of failure."

Boy chimed in next trying explain his more instinctive use of electricity. Which was… less helpful. "So then I reach out to the growing static in the sky, bolster it with my Qi then connect it with a-uh, an anchor point."

Both of the electric digimon proceeded to perform their techniques for the GrappLeomon, allowing him to examine each closely.

"Alternating currents and an anchor point…" You murmured in understanding. Analyzing their techniques first hand like this, along with the explanations had been enough.

"Ultimate…" Twin currents of lightning sparked off his turbines, each flowed into, then past the other. The currents swirled around each set point, growing charge with each passing moment. "Thunder."

"Well done/good job Sensei!" Both Boy and Warren exclaimed, joy for their teacher's success evident in their features.

"So would you like to learn this technique?" You asked your student and ward.
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@Zwart Jaeger

Rewards: 3 Spirit, 3 Special, 4 Spirit manipulation & Verge adds the technique to his arsenal.

Though there's something to be fixed. The part where I helped with the dialogue is in third person, not second. Er, sorry about that zwart.
Neat more lighting.

Once again Verge once again taking someone's technique and adding it to his own growing list of em. Wonder how he compares to other veterans in terms of techniques learnt.

Also how has Ardat's and who I'm more curious of Skire's training going. Like last we saw of the guy he was in a bad head space and has had over 100 days of training by now right?
Black To White 12
Black to White 12

It took a lot of effort in keeping yourself from stabbing your blades in her eye, how many times have you hoped for a chance of getting your revenge? To truly end the womon who took everything that you held dear and smashed it into pieces? Your partner was trembling, just your arm on his shoulder keep his head straight.

Sadly the former LadyDevimon couldn't see you as her bitching turned so irritating that she was knocked down by the fist of Drunky.

Not immediately but the show was too good to stop an Angewomon punching the face of Repulsa for about a dozen or so minutes until she passed out.

"Knightmon, I see that your mission was also successful." MagnaAngemon greeted you, his eyes looking beyond you at the new Ultimates in the camp. "I have to say we didn't expect to find Shutumon like this."

"Nobody expects a bluff at the beginning of an ambush." You managed to trick Wolfmon into receiving a hit by doing that. "So I see that this is the other side of the deal, but I think that the Lord truly is rewarding me for my actions in the war."

You had learned the tongue of zealots, it made way easier to use them like this.

"Quite true, you have a particular sort of luck at attracting heretics." Magna Angemon didn't have at some point you believed that you exist to end them. "But you are more bloodthirsty than any other moment."

Is that so? Well, you couldn't hide everything.

"I joined the host to delete this digimon." You admitted it wasn't a secret just never said. "She has been the enemy of my comrade and mine since the time that I was a rookie, you can say that my existence is thanks to her and a digimon called Agunimon."

Your words made your superior laugh so much, Drunky began to say some things about the irony that the Legend Killer was created by the Sephirot. She wasn't wrong per say, your goal to become a hero still stands but you weren't Agunimon you had a lady and comrade that you will have at your side against the entire world if necessary.

In the end, there wasn't time for a chat, there was many task that needed to be done but you got a Digimental from Drunky, returning the favor for her evolution and making sure of passing to Sparks.

They had missions to do and you had an interrogation to do, so you were assigned to a room where you could do everything that you wanted without being heard outside as the... loudness would interrupt or annoy the task of the other digimon around. You couldn't just delete her and call the day, it was an important duty to get all the important information that you could take and then inform the members of the Host, well most of it.

Luna and Thresh alongside everyone else status was personal.

Sparks electrocuting her into conscience was probably a bit out of measure but if he doesn't delete her then all was right.

"Good day, it has been a while." You greeted Repulsa. "I didn't think we would see again like this."

Bound by chains, crippled by her wings taken, defeated by hand of others, once again you had to appreciate that power came in many ways instead of just a martial and magical form.

"I'm Knigtmon, the same Drimogemon that you took the Guilmon and Lunamon from." You could have stepped on her head but you weren't a low class existence like her.

You were someone who had to act in a higher set of laws and rules, give direction to your hatred, and make sure that it means something. If you are incapable of doing that then it would be an insult to your lady the having a barbarian as her greatest Knight and protector. Just like a true Knight like Sir Scratch your name needs to be capable of follow his standard in a greater extent than anything else that he had managed at the bare minimum.

"You! That pathetic weakling..." You let her talk and get everything out for the chance of admitting something important.

Sparks was getting angry at her words but you really weren't paying attention to the rambling until you heard something about the members of your family that Gloaming took away.

"No, my only enemy is the Count." That hurt her more than anything else, her pride was frail as a Digiegg "You just are a stepping stone for my revenge." It was a lie, the most dishonest thing that you had ever said in your existence.

You were going to enjoy this much, but at the same time you had to control yourself to have your cake and eat it.

"There are weak points in humanoid digimon, some that sadly never had a chance to test." So many different parts that were, in fact, crippling if you hit them in your research but different sizes and body shapes made it difficult to nail in the middle of the battle so you preferred larger cuts.

Now you pierced a specific part of her arm but Repulsa just laughed at your attempt at interrogation.

"Sparks, thunder." Your order and with a got it began to enjoy himself as the lightning goes through your blade.

Her scream lasted five seconds, whether the nerve was correct or not will depend on the next set of experiments.

She was tough enough to handle a lot of them but sadly not the most destructive ones so you used the spells that you learned to heal a few of the injuries.

"Why thou are healing her Verge." The look of confusion of Sparks made you want to shook your head.

Alas your dear friend and comrade truly was brilliant but his sadist and rage was clouding his judgement.

"My partner, I have too much more to experiment, do you have any idea how much I struggled in my battle against Wolfmon? This opportunity to test what can hurt the next tier of my preys." You had a posture of 'what else could you do?' Shutumon was frail in comparison to most Ultimate tier Legendary Warriors. "We can't allow her to just die like this."

"Thine is thou greatest ideas mine comrade." Sparks agreed

"T-That did nothing, you intimidation will not-!" Your kneed meet her face to shut her up and then grab the hair like feathers to force her to raise her head to look you in the eye.

You could feel a little trembling from your hand and didn't know if it was yours or hers.

"Tsk, tsk, I am sorry Repulsa but I don't expect you to talk while I test my spells." Your remaining eye just looked down at the mass of data. "I expect you to shout something that will make me pause and just delete you."

You began by the use of purification, the Light that Pit - he hasn't annoyed you in a while- in so many cases had said that had the capability of Purifying the corrupted data so your first item on the list is to test if you could learn how to clean that data and being corrupted by the data of Repulsa, truly a hard work when your healing and spells had to try to grasp this Light of the Lord.

But even a purified fragment of data was better than nothing, in fact, you could admit that it was quite therapeutic when it shut up Repulsa when she began to tell you that your siblings had been deleted.

Your next test was the abilities of Blitzmon and Sparks began to explain to you again the hidden tricks of the sorcery of the Lightning Sorcery that was common for Wizardmon and the things that he had found by improving his craft so much. There was a bit of difficulty to amp up the voltage but in the end, you needed control instead of power so a paralysis effect would work better in the long run, you always preferred to have a good amount of coverage and options to use.

Your latent abilities weren't up to part but it was very fair considering that you didn't loaded Blitzmon's completely, the annoying cries of Repulsa ended up turning into something that you could use like the location of a few bases of Sephirot and Gloaming but nothing of any other Legendary Warrior, Thresh, Luna or your other wards waiting for you.

The next series of testing was using the element of Ice, a thing that sadly was something let you embarrassed as you never once had used this one, Chackmon was the weakest that you had met or the easiest to deal with. But in particular, you didn't have a spell or technique to match your newest affinity towards cold, but freezing the wounds, cracking the freezing parts, and extracting pieces to regrow... badly done, your skills truly hadn't reached the level to heal an Ultimate.

But was a good test, you had tried to use multiple elements but always failed an issue that you talked with Sparks over lunch and even talked with him about this particular set of issues, and oh! You also learned about Thresh and Luna's evolution to Champion Stage. That made you a bit prouder, she was becoming more and more willing to talk.

Modifying spells had a habit of exploding and collapsing but you think that you were more motivated than usual to improve yourself with a target to test, the dual elemental manipulation was also sadly a skill that you didn't manage to master even with the help of your comrade and test subject, the insights were there but you believed that you were missing the last element to make it work, what was lacking be another Legendary Warrior element or something extra as you could admit that it wasn't something that skill or talent could manage to surpass.

You could admit to this point that you were rather tired, the whole day you had been training and putting your efforts into improving yourself to hunt more of your preferred prey and goal to reach. The information of Repulsa didn't change much, in a few moments you caught her lying to extend her life or just because she didn't remember anything else, she is, after everything was said and done, just a tool and idiot with power that never once in her path had to think, plan or truly be anything else but an attack dog.

Was this the demon that haunted the nightmares of a Drimogemon? The infinitely stronger existence that you didn't dream to reach before being away from your place of birth? That Sparks and you were putting so much effort in becoming stronger for someone like her was basically an insult to this camaraderie.

It feels so pitiful and boring, you were disappointed in yourself for having such an unworthy creature as an enemy.

But a thing truly was need to be shared with the Higher-ups of the Host the existence of The Antibody X, something that she didn't truly know the details of but was being implemented as Digimentals.

"I think that we have everything." You told Sparks, and your partner nodded

"I-!" The Shutumon began to say.

One of your blades pierced her body and the other decapitated her.

You didn't want to hear her excuses.

You feel the date settled, it was a rush different from any other, your muscles bulged, your spirit exploded in terms of intensity, the sheer amount of power that you got was just insane and still shared the same sensation that had been driving you so far since you took Wolfmon's data.

The elements of Fire and Wind joined the others, all of them were important in making you reach the next threshold of understanding. Inspiration hit you, so much that you could do as you began to see manners of improved your most used spells enhancement and attacks like Flame Weapon Shroud, Holy Light Strike, and Lightning Weapon Shroud began to mesh themselves and balance each other there was potential there waiting to be explored, as you just now could truly begin to refine your spells.

"So this it is, this one really feels weird at how it ended." Sparks lost his flowery speech, he was too stunned by part of their oath completed like this and observing a Digispirit in the middle of the room.

A lot of his anger and hatred abandoned him at this moment but a lot of it still was in him, this would calm him a lot and preferred it like that as emotions needed to be controlled instead of allowing them to take over your mind.

"Ah but my trusted comrade, why I would give the satisfaction of 'mean anything' to us?" An insect like her shouldn't have survived against Agunimon much less someone like Sparks or you. "Repulsa will be a forgotten footnote of our tale, driven down by thirds and not managing to even meet the protagonist of a tale."

...That was when. your control broke!

Not even you could say all that bullshit with a straight face! Your comrade stared at you with worry but it doesn't matter! You then began to laugh because she dead! That bitch that took your eye and cursed you had finally paid for her sin! Your eye returned! This feeling of liberation can't be an error as your vision expanded so much more!

You were complete once again!

"Imagine how she feel when it clicked in her mind, that we just were doing a job and duty!" The excitement was too much, your mood was just at its peak, and the greatest happiness that you feel since your days of peace was now. "Her last moments of despair must be the worst insult in her whole life!"

Sparks was hit by the realization and began to follow you in your laughter.

"Thou are such a Magnificent trickster, truly this one must lower their hat at you." He hit you in the back as both came out of the room and shared your good mood, truly if you could return to that day where you almost lost everything.

You would choose to prioritize Sparks over everyone else.

"I who desires power and wisdom, only has the best equals my mind and might wouldn't have developed without you as my brother in arms." You weren't going to deny his part in your successes.

"Keep praising me thine lady will get jealous." He jokingly warned you.

"Is that envy that I heard? Don't worry as my equal there will be somemon to dedicate your life." A knight needs someone to believe on maybe not your Lady Ardat as they wouldn't get along. "Not as glorious as mine but I can't see you not catching the eye of another great one."

"This time thou don't need to help me." Grumbled the Wizard. "What we will do with this Digispirit?" He asked curious, a reminder that even with our high affinity and synchrony Sparks truly didn't follow all your plots.

The answer was so simple that you didn't even have to think about it.

"It belongs to Lady Ardat now." You nodded, it was very simple and easy to understand.

Lady Ardat was trying to recover her wind sorceries and return to her former form to turn away from the species called LadyDevimon, if Repulsa was of the same species as your lady it means that there was the possibility of the Digispirit working on her.

"This one is impressed, in all the wrong ways." Shut up Sparks.

2.6K done. Repulsa died without a bang but just a wimper, Verge has two eyes now and half of the Ten Legendary Warriors Data. Now he only needs to get Wood, Water, Darkness, Earth, and Steel.
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Your partner was trembling, just your arm on his shoulder keep his head straight
Sadly the former LadyDevimon couldn't see you as her bitching turned so irritating that she was knocked down by the fist of Drunky.
I think you meant knocked out going by the following sentences.
You had learned the tongue of zealots, it made way easier to use them like this.
Add it between made and way.
Magna Angemon didn't have at some point you believed that you exist to end them.
Remove the space to make MagnaAngemon, also did you "MagnaAngemon didn't have a point but you believed that you exist to end them".
"I didn't think we would see again like this."
Bound by chains, crippled by her wings taken,
Add having between by and her.
"I'm Knigtmon, the same Drimogemon that you took the Guilmon and Lunamon from."
"You just are a stepping stone for my revenge."
Switch the placement of the bolded words.
You were going to enjoy this much,
Add very before much.
but at the same time you had to control yourself to have your cake and eat it.
The phrase adds too at the end.
Your order and with a got it began to enjoy himself as the lightning goes through your blade.
Did you mean grin? Alsp change it to he.
The look of confusion of Sparks made you want to shook your head.
Shake since Verge never actually did it.
Alas your dear friend and comrade truly was brilliant but his sadist and rage was clouding his judgement.
This opportunity to test what can hurt the next tier of my preys."
This is an opportunity.
Your kneed meet her face to shut her up and then grab the hair like feathers to force her to raise her head to look you in the eye.
Your Knee met her face.
Your latent abilities weren't up to part but it was very fair considering that you didn't loaded Blitzmon's completely,
a thing that sadly was something let you embarrassed as you never once had used this one,
Add be between you and embarrassed.
and extracting pieces to regrow... badly done
Add was before badly.
You feel the date settled,
so much that you could do as you began to see manners of improved your most used spells enhancement and attacks like Flame Weapon Shroud,
Improvement for your.
"So this it is, this one really feels weird at how it ended."
Switch these two around.
this would calm him a lot and preferred it like that as emotions needed to be controlled instead of allowing them to take over your mind.
Add you between the bolded words.
"Ah but my trusted comrade, why I would give the satisfaction of mean anything?"
...Then it was when your control broke!
That was when.
That bitch that your eye and cursed you had finally paid for her sin!
That took your eye.
"Her last moments of despair must be the worst insult in her whole live!"
"I who desires power and wisdom, only has the best equals my mind and might wouldn't have developed without you as my brother in arms." y
Either a typo or an incomplete word.
Lady Ardat was trying to cover her wind sorceries and her former form to turn away from the species called LadyDevimon,
Return to her former form.
Black To White 13
Black to White 13

Your Lady has sent you letters to Scourge, Warren, and you! This day turned even better! Not only the fly called Repulsa has fallen into your trap but you also had news from the place that Lady Ardat was a prisoner, in a way she was getting better but on the other there was a degree of separation between sides. One part of her wasn't her, that was a problem even your changes as Gladimon was more gradual and natural as you began to choose and select what aspects you liked to maintain and what others reject until it your personality formed completely.

It must be admitted that you feel part of you forced to follow her but that aspect was fully embraced by your own choice.

Without duty and oath, what leaves you? At that point, it was just Sparks and you, Beat was a rival, Pit was just another Pidmon, and the digimon that gave you the path to Knightship loaded by you. Your wards were separated from you, incapable of following you by their lag of strength and frailness.

You wanted more, you were made for more was the gift that she gave you.

The gratitude that you feel and the oath that you made turned into true loyalty because everyone deserves to have someone that will always be at their side.

Your gaze moves through the camp on your final day in the camp, victory was reached as there weren't more enemies to delete. The victory was just overwhelming and the losses were better than expected, many soldiers have interrupted your last inspection.

""Thank you and goodbye Lord Knightmon!""​

They all shouted at the same time, giving a salute... A few days ago nobody

A CyberDramon in the middle offered a cape, long cape that fits your whole back.

"For the Legend Killer that avenged us, may you reach Mega." He declared his goodbyes.

He was a Strikedramon a few days ago.

During the evening of the last day, MagnaAngemon leads what remains of your group to a newly arrived Locomon, so many of them were already Ultimates and were reassigned to others missions. According to him, it was time for you to "join the subjugation force". You can't bring yourself to overly care, the cape that you had now was filled with different sorts of feelings.

Was this what made Agunimon so strong?

You slowly lumber out of the rearmost Locomon compartment and take a seat, waiting for the rest of your squad to leave their own chambers. Sparks bids you to look at the main camp and you see no reason not to follow his request-and then you blink.

Rows upon rows of carefully arranged tents stretch out into the distance, carefully lined up in perfect blocs with the kind of consistency only brought on by discipline and practice. The utterly pristine white fabric practically gleams under the evening light, each one clearly maintained and uniform in construction. It's... beautiful. Indeed, the thousands of digimon milling about might as well be an afterthought in comparison.

You never have seen something more strange, not even the titanic mass of what you'd thought was stone, pivots from it's spot in the middle of camp to wave towards you.


You stare at the monumental creature, not able to do more than dumbly return the gesture, trying to cope with it's existence. Mayor MasterTyrannon had been the largest digimon you'd seen up to this point, towering over any of Electown's buildings. Not even Ultimates were as big as this Digimon, was it a Mega? No, it would feel more and you wouldn't mistake it as a status or pile of blocks.

You spend a good amount of time looking at the titanic Digimon and doubted that you had something that could truly hurt this behemoth.

The tense energy roiling through your body slides away and you drop back down to all fours. Sparks nearly falls beside you if he didn't had his staff to support himself . Once again the dour, oppressive feeling returns but... this time it doesn't feel quite so overwhelming. You still almost feel numb, but the world isn't a dark, colorless blur anymore. Details that would have been blurred out, come into stark focus. Like the ridiculous number of Locomon behind you.

A full score of the Ultimates are lined up in uniform behind the camp, their metal wheels resting on bolted tracks that are clearly temporary in nature given how none of them are secured to the ground. That explains why the ride over was so much more bumpy than normal. But all of this brings up another question, why would so many be here? If you remember correctly, then they're supposed to be neutral. After a few seconds, the question fades away. Noise assaults your ears as the camp bustles with thousands of digimon.

It happens between blinks. You're following the rest of the squad, and then your senses scream in warning. There's something else here, something.... powerful. You rear up and whirl about looking for the source, but there's nothing around-

-your head snaps back.

GrandLocomon, a Mega descends from the sky. Dozens if not hundreds of tons of metal somehow managing to gently float down like some sort of leaf. You see his red eyes, full of wrath, burning with the familiar desire of revenge. Just like Astamon, you feel tiny, weak compared to this vast ocean of strength. Beat freezes beside you, seemingly the only other member of your squad aware of the unconscious pressure.

It takes you a half-dozen seconds to move again and it's only then that you realize something. He's not alone.

"Steward. With all due respect you will not strike out alone." Cherub HolyAngemon states coldly, his arms crosses in resolution.


"They must. Be destroyed." The mega's mechanical voice booms out, making your ears ring. However, a sinking feeling tells you that the colossal train isn't technically shouting. "Shutumon broke. The truce. Vortex Isle. Cannot go unpunished. I alone. Am enough." The robed angel doesn't back down, calmly meeting the assertion with a shake of his head.

"Representative, I am well aware of the penalties they have incurred. It is in the Host's best interest to see justice done upon them. But." The newly promoted Cherub floats up to *stare* the enormous mega straight in the eye. "The military of Vortex Isle undoubtedly possesses at least one Mega. And the Legendary Warrior Shutumon. If you charge alone, then the risk of your deletion is too great. Trust in Cherub BishopChessmon and his plan. The Union will have it's revenge, all that needs be had is patience. I swear by our holy Lord that in one days time, we will set it into motion."

You coughed a bit to catch the attention of both.

"Lord GrandLocomon, Cherub HolyAngemon is wrong on a detail that may call your attention." You were risking a lot in this but your siblings were in danger of deletion if the Mega goes to their zone.

The Cherub looked at you and you could feel that he was trying to snap your mind using the power of his mind.

"Talk." A single word and you almost feel your data destabilizing.

"Shutumon has been slain already and in honor of my services her data has been loaded by me after the interrogation was done." You managed to explain without collapse your mind and body were fatiguing at a rate that not even your most difficult training sessions have managed to push you. "The Host has worked hard on ambushing her and eliminating her for her sins against both of our organizations."

"Is There. Proof Of. Your Word?" Terror invade your body as you feel the weight of the world crushing you, but the loyal that your brother and sister, their safety and health were prioritized.

Your hand entered your bag, you knew that this act was against your lady but you needed to live and return to her, there will be more opportunities, there will be more chances...

But you can't capitalize them if you are dead.

"I was transporting the Beast Digispirit of Wind, proof of her demise to Cherub Holy Angemon." And so you showed them the item that was once upon a time a tribute to your lady. "We couldn't just notify without giving clues to spies and have the Digispirit stolen."

". . .Very Well. As Promised. Their temple. Will burn." GrandLocomon's wheel revs once, then his tremendous bulk vanishes.

You almost died, by the Great Tree. You had risked everything to calm a Mega.

"Fricken bastard stared that monster down. Guess that stick up his ass is-" Not now Drunky!

"That is enough Imperius." Your superior snaps, descending to meet with the squad.

"Pfft. Sure thing *sir*." The Ultimate makes a noise of frustration at his subordinate's sarcasm and turns to regard the rest of you.

"Sergeant Pit, I have heard word of your exploits on this mission." The mon lets a warm smile come to his normally dour face. "Your dedication to our righteous cause is impressive."

"Th-thank you sir!" If his eyes were visible, you're pretty sure they'd be sparkling right about now. "I will continue fighting in the Lord's name!"

"Imperius Knightmon." Imperius?

You snap, throwing a salute trying hard to not fall and collapse the dignity of a Ultimate needed to be maintained. Surprisingly, the angel returns, albeit in a crisper, well practiced manner.

"You have struck a great blow for the Host, and assuaged a personal worry. Be at ease, I will make sure that the world will hear of your actions." You feel that he was trusting you more. "Keep it safe."

He was giving you the Digispirit.

"You have my gratitude." For the first time you truly mean it and HolyAngemon nods, before moving back to addressing your immediate leader.

"Imperius Angewomon... you have my personal thanks for keeping the squad safe."

"Bleh, l-like I need thanks for that." You eye the wommon with amusement, her cheeks are turning red. Well, the parts that aren't already painted red anyways. For once, the Ultimate doesn't seem affected by her words and just smirks at her like he'd won some sort of victory. "Daemonshit. Bloody freaking bastard-"

Well at least you had something in common with her.

"The subjugation army moves tomorrow." HolyAngemon states, ignoring the Ultimate's muttering. "For now, get some rest. Tent-bloc D-four-C has the needed faculties to fulfill your needs." He pauses for a second, then glances towards you and Sparks. "Including a messenger post for more personal requirements."

Good, you have multiple letters to prepare to Grip, Frigimon, and your Lady Ardat.

"Tch, 'tis a weird thing to specify." Sparks grumbles, glaring down at the winged digimon.

"And booze?" You facepalmed.

"*Sigh* Bloc B-two-A." He gave you a look of understanding, you have received a lot of them lately.

You took a lot of time of feeling the element of Wind and Fire, and the connections that formed were clear to you that things changed completely with the additional elements. Wind with Lightning and Ice, Fire with Light and Lightning... combos that could be formed now and your spells could be upgraded many times but you hadn't the time to truly indulge in creating them.

Tomorrow, will be the day that you will have to meet your siblings where you will have to capture or choose to leave them to get away. And for the first time, you rested with a smile on your face, no matter how the initial meeting goes it will be conflict but you are going to meet them again.

The next morning you wake up to the sound of a panicked uproar of screaming rookies and even a few champions. The cause turns out to be three enormous cyberized Dramon descending from the sky right into the encampment's center. Ultimates, a bit stronger than you but reached their peak.

This will be an assault to kill, survivors are undesirable.

Just a single day, it wasn't enough to change a whole operation your influence was minimum at best as a recently raised Imperius, still far from Cherub, and what else more to implement the necessary changes to the operation. This will be a greeting and temporal visit, not a rescue.

An hour later, the entire army begins its final march north, ready to put an end to the war. Even with a number of mon having to build temporary tracks for the many Locomon the trek isn't slow, far from it, but it's not exactly a forced march either. BishopChessmon sets a brisk pace meant to conserve energy for the fight ahead.

GrandLocomon was going to delete a Mega, there wasn't another possible reason for his presence being missing with his hatred at Vortex Island.

HolyAngemon personally assigns your squad as part of the MegaDramon's protective detail, massively disappointing Pit. While a very important position, the officer also deems it to be one of the very safest spots in the upcoming battle against Vortex Isle. If only because the three Ultimates will be able to shoot down pretty much anything the nation's roster can muster. Several other old faces are likewise assigned, such as MetalGreymon and Sealdramon. Though aside from them, the largest concentration of defenders are Tailmon. All of which cannot fly.

They didn't know what Repulsa told you, the traitors informed of this to the Gloaming and would interrupt with their rising stars BlackGrowlmon and Lekismon... Thresh and Luna.

So much in your travel your spend casting and canceling spells, every minute or so using the most important combinations.

Three to four hours, that was when the Host finally entered in contact with the enemy.

Finally, they appear en-masse spreads out in front of a dissipating barrier in the thousands. What looks almost like a living shadow fall over the land as your numerically superior foe soars forward. A few begin to unleash attacks, but at this range, you doubt any will actually hit. There's still more than a kilometer to go.

"Bishop Laser!"

The battle finally began, a full tenth of the swarming mass was obliterated. A visible hole has opened up in the flock's center from where hundreds of lives were snuffed out in a single instant... and BishopChessmon doesn't even look tired from his attack. Your gaze turned very appreciative at this show of power.

You closed your eyes, numbers chanted you didn't care who will be the monster of Gloaming that will attack now without caring about the losses in their files. You heard attacks, your heard passing that you didn't care about and when the giant dropped.

You were prepared.

"Thrones! Take the battle forward! Elite Bellators to me!" Cherub HolyAngemon roars, drawing his sword from its sheath.

With that, the subjugation army truly goes on the offensive, charging across the pockmarked, stony earth. The many Locomon launch a long range bombardment of steam bombs, but during the distraction created by Shutumon's replacement your opponents had spread out, severely limiting the number of casualties taken by the assault. Others simply duck back behind the cyclones, letting those attacks harmlessly disperse among the pillar of wind.

A few moments later, thousands of digimon meet in the air, talons clashing against blade and rod and are followed by screams as hundreds of attacks land. Within minutes, the space outside your opponent's ritual has devolved into a disordered brawl as both sides do their very best to just kill each other.

You feel right at home.

"Zero." The upgraded version of your Fire Armament came into existence.

Then you used, your newest technique.

"Gilgamesh Slicer."

2.6K. Part done, next one is meeting Luna and Thresh. And yes, Verge added the fire of Agunimon and the Wind of Ardat to the technique of Repulsa.
Not only the fly called Repulsa has fallen into your trap but you also had news from the place that Lady Ardat was a prisoner, in a way she was getting better but on the other there was a degree of separation between sides.
Not only has the fly.
One part of her wasn't her, that was a problem even your changes as Gladimon was more gradual and natural as you began to choose and select what aspects you liked to maintain and what others reject until it your personality formed completely.
Add as between problem and even.
Without duty and oath, what leaves you?
What does that leaves you?
nd the digimon that gave you the path to Knightship loaded by you.
Add was between the two bolded words.
Your wards were separated from you, incapable of following you by their lag of strength and frailness.
They all shouted at the same time, giving a salute... A few days ago nobody
Add would have after nobody.
You stare at the monumental creature, not able to do more than dumbly return the gesture, trying to cope with it's existence. Mayor MasterTyrannon had been the largest digimon you'd seen up to this point, towering over any of Electown's buildings.
Not even Ultimates were as big as this Digimon, was it a Mega? No, it would feel more and you wouldn't mistake it as a status or pile of blocks.
Sparks nearly falls beside you if he didn't had his staff to support himself .
Remove the space.
You eye the wommon with amusement, her cheeks are turning red.
This will be a greeting and temporal visit, not a rescue.
Black To White 14
Black to White 14

The sound of deletion, screams, and destruction permeated the battlefield but you only feel yourself a bit more than fatigued. The sheer pain in your body made it clear that you weren't ready to use this sort of power, the attack end causing too much pressure into your body, and needed to rest before fighting again.

As if.

"Sparks!" You shouted to your comrade.

"Great Sparkling Thunder!"

Just as two Digmon pop out of the earth right in the midst of your group and leap away from the opening to reveal a horde of Gloaming troopers was when the spell of your comrade hit them all.

Some were deleted and others didn't.

"Using my own tactics? You are too young for it!" You knew that it was coming and told your partner to prepare.

Nobody can't outgambit a Knight like him.

The scores of Vilemon and Bakemon that came from the hole deleted were used to recharge your reserve, your strength didn't manage to rise but this amount returned you to fighting condition. Pit and Beat took care of the Boogeymon before helping your wards with the Devimon. All while you were in the same position, the excitement came at the same time as pride as you knew who had this idea.

The roar of a tyranically strong creature made you smile a bit more sincerely.

A BlackGrowlmon leap free from the hole, teeth barred and metal-tipped claws ready for violence. Yellow eyes turn towards you, pupils narrowing to focused slits as it straightens to a height of twenty-four feet. Thresh, so strong and healthy, so you nodded a few times in approval. It stares at you with brow furrowing in confusion and in response your head tilts to the side.

"Aren't you say hello younger brother?" You asked your youngest sibling, the chaos of the battlefield didn't stop you from greeting. "Or you don't recognize your brother Verge as a Knightmon?"

"You can't be him! He was weak! A coward! He is dead."

"A coward? You can say that, but cowards want to live, they plot and then grew further to catch up." You were a coward, there wasn't a way to go against it but cowards can have dignity, and their own desire to live no matter how things are. "We aren't Rookies anymore, Repulsa and the Count took you, I was incapable of my duties and so I'm sorry for failing you Thresh."

You were weak, you were scared, and you were so many different things but you turned into more.

"Moon Night Bomb!"

And Sparks fell into sleep, ah your sister so soft and merciful to give your comrade a way to avoid the war.

"Perfect, that annoying little nuisance has been dealt with." An undeniably feminine voice condescends. Is this what some mons in the camp called a tsundere when you recruited for your Lady? "Oh, you are not getting away with just a kick this time."

Luna, once again was healthy instead of hurt.

"Hello to you too sister, if this was a different situation I would have knocked the both of you and taken you to the Host." Your words froze her, as you stopped to hold back your might so many strong digimon have become your data to the point that Repulsa made you almost reach the limits of your growth and ripe for evolution. "Sadly, my influence as Imperitus isn't enough to keep you alive, for a reformation plan like my Lady."

Sadly, no matter how you wished it, you had to fight now both for their own good and yours.

"Go away, this war isn't one where you both belong." So you pissed them off by moving your hand in shush gesture.

Pit dives towards Luna's figure with a battle-cry, Beat hot on his tail to support him.

You knew they weren't ready to delete her even with all the opportunities that you had given them to develop, she was just too strong at the moment.

Then MetalTyrannomon climbs up and your eyes turn red.

"Mine!" Thresh shouted at MetalTyrannomon and you simultaneously claiming the battle.

Two tremendous clawed feet crash against your chest, such a cute attempt. For a second you began to remember the days young and playing around with him attacking you while you let it happen.

But you weren't that Drimogemon and wasn't that Gigimon.

You grabbed the two of them, your red eyes looked directly at your brother.

"Zero." Muscle Burst activated and with the strength filling your body the body of Thresh was lifted.

"What?" Your allies MetalGreymon and Sealsdramon fighting MetalTyrannomon paused at the sheer ridiculous moment.

"What?" They weren't the only ones as Devimon of Gloaming stopped to watch,

"...What?" Even Thresh couldn't believe it.

And then you twisted your body using the sheer bulk and size of your brother as a weapon, crushing any mon that tried to get out of the hole as you slammed Thresh into it.

"I never disciplined you, I never lift a claw against you, I never aimed to hurt you." You moved forward, your cape began to flutter with the aura of power. "But now I need to teach you that your elder brother became a Knight!"

A myriad of different emotions came through your mind, but the greatest amount of them was anger. An older brother came first for the sake of their younger siblings to bring them protection and teach them the many things that were discovered.

Your brother never trusted you? Thinks that all this time you haven't put hours and hours of effort to surpass yourself.

"All this time, I have trained until data bleed from my body until I couldn't feel my own breath until my mind was too stunned to form new arrays of numbers." Never once wavering, never once feeling regret and never once stepping back from the danger. "Can you truly deny the dignity that a Knight haves, the Steel Will to continue when the world turns so dark that you can't see the sunrise... do you believe me to be so weak that you couldn't take me seriously!" You shouted at your brother who attempted to rise.

You can't say that you knew everything that they lived under the Count, what they suffered, and what sacrifices they ended doing to survive but their pain even if those things can't be denied then your side can't be ignored.

"Or the infamy of the man that deleted Shutumon." You declared freezing the motion of the area amount your allies and enemies.

So many emotions came into the eyes

"Repulsa is dead." The words of Thresh were filled with pain.

"By my sword." You told him with steel in your voice. "Come avenge her, I don't care what relation was shared between you and her as she was alongside the Count who destroyed my home and tearer, our family, into pieces."

Thresh roared, and began to unleash his strongest techniques for the sake of deleting you, to avenge Repulsa like you tried to avenge Agunimon if you were in his place.

You moved forward, your blades parrying his claws. They lacked the finesse of Wolfmon's strokes to give more with his bulk.

"That anger blinds you, you are better than that." You told him and drive him backward by a few steps.

He charges his next attack a stream of pitch-black fire washes over your body. But the flames of Agunimon covered your frame, your armor heats up so much but this fire wasn't capable of burning as much as the injury that Repulsa gave you.

"That is it? Show me brother that you aren't just a pet for the count!" You declared as your body covered in flames slammed into the body of Thresh.

Hits after hit came from your side not leaving him a second breath before your feet used his belly to impulse yourself for his head.

"Uppercut!" You feel the teeth of your brother shake and his body was lifted in the air.

Enemies attempted to assist him but you just kicked Thresh in the face and used him as a platform to rampage into the sky, you feel the wind covering and impulsing you forward. Inspiration hit you, and a new array of numbers began to form in your mind as you began to chant while attacking more and more enemies that were deleted by your blades.

Faster than the clouds, faster than the wind itself, and even faster than the sound itself!

"Wind Blessing." Wind shaped around your armor, the impulse came and your legs began to kick up the air itself to change directions.

Twisting in the air you saw your brother looking at you with anger, preparing a burst of flames as you moved to meet him with your blades out to make this lesson sink into his code. This battle's inevitable climax just came and you had become even stronger after understanding the elements of fire and wind.

Thresh probably also knew it but refused to fall, just like you expected of your brother.

But this time, you will have to stop the lesson.

Your body twisted and blades rise up just in time to intercept the thick form of a grim-faced missile. It explodes directly upon contact, blowing your arms, and washing your body with a wave of heat and force as your cape began to be damaged. Your body was sent into ground and crashed multiple times by skipping until your arms throbbing in protest managed to drill into the ground and stop the movement.

Ears-ringing and armor smoking you managed to rise and glare the bastard that attacked you.


MetalTyrannomon crashes into the smaller dinosaur jaw first, striking his skull hard enough to create an audible *crack* and bowling the demon-dragon over. The aura around his body winks out, as if the impact had cut off whatever strange power had been taking hold of his body.

"Time's up junior! Pulling rank on ya! "The cyborg reaches down with one claw, grasps the stunned champion by his neck, and grunts, hoisting him back up. "Go play with the Megadramon for a bit!" You can't help but feel anger coming from your digicore as Threst flinches at his statement, then lowers his head in submission.

Your brother spares one last sad look your way, his eyes back to their normal yellow then charges off to the place where two Megadramon were fighting.

Before you can check the battle for anything else, MetalTyrannomon bellows out a wordless challenge and charges.

Gramps's murderer slams into your guard head on, shoving you back a dozen meters through the rocky earth. You struggle to hold the titanic force back, the only thing keeping your limbs from buckling is the reinforcing energy of Wrath.

"Boss told me who deleted SkullSatamon." The Ultimate growls oddly quietly. "Now I'm going to burn you alive." He draws back, the metallic maw twisting into a smirk "Just like that cowardly Elecmon."

Your mind stops. As a memory came forward.

"Dread Fire!"

Black flame rips through the air and envelops the ancient rookies unconscious body. Gramps wakes within the blaze squirming in absolute agony, mouth open to scream. But nothing comes out. Your caretaker, the mon whom had raised you from an egg burns alive and all you can do is look away.

The wisdom and intellect that you became so proud about, the duty and oaths that you hold with your will, the sheer desire and love that you feel for your dearest.

All burned when the Wyvern opened its hateful eyes completely.

The Fire Rages Uncontrolled.

A roar that doesn't belong to a humanoid digimon, a roar that shakes the battlefield, a roar that made your cape burn into existence by a blazing white flame that came from your armor.

The Knight sleeps. The Wyvern awakens.

[D****N *O*L**ER]

And so the greatest destructive force of Yggdrasil was unleashed for the first time in the world.

2K. Decided to end it here because the Omake 15 needs to be special. And lets be honest after Loading Repulsa Verge should have evolved but lacked the requirements in skill, Thresh really didn't had a chance.
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Dude you are a beast! Very good chapter👏

I mean seriously don't fuse with whatever you are writing with… I still can't believe Max0r became one with his editing software (sigh)…
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Black To White 15
Black to White 15.

An explosion of power came, and from there a monster came into existence, power as such that devastation became incarnation as champions that came close turned into mere data. While a titanic being covered in flames strikes, pierces, and disintegrated the body of MetalTyrannomon in half, moving faster and faster beyond it reducing hundreds into nothing.

A pillar of flame that rises into the sky that made all those unworthy of its presence dissipate in.


A single word that was synonymous with this creature.

With a final roar, the entire battlefield shakes.

And then it disappeared.

The armies of Gloaming lost this fight so many losses made it impossible to win, there weren't more digimons that dared to fight again after the display of power, a crippling injury in their moral that will never be forgotten as Vamdemon smiles at something new coming into existence.

And so the world turned around.


"Alright Sleepy Beauty, it's about time for you to get up! Heaven's Cure!"

The pain, exhaustion and darkness shrouding your barely conscious mind recoils back under her words, though the physical damage is another matter. Several long seconds go by before your eyes melted and holes cauterized began to fully reverts to its normal state and longer still for your skin and armor to reshape again from melted pieces of steel.

Weakness invade your body, a great amount power disappeared completely from your frame.

"You devolved, must suck after reaching Mega." You blinked at her statement.

"W-Were are my blades." Your throat feels too raw and hurts so much.

The Angewomon just pointed at a pair of crimson spears that looked so strangely familiar.

"Apparently they keep that shape since your little act of pyromania." Snarked the Angewomon but you could hear a bit of fear in her voice "Good luck learning to wield those heavy things."

The battle wasn't over, your comrades were still fighting and the soldiers were dying.

You began to rise, your weakened body made it a challenge but you refused to allow others to die without your perfect tactics. Hands reaching the Twin Spears, the earth shakes as you lift them with your maximum strength even if your arms feel like dropping there was an expression of satisfaction on your face, and your digicore moves as you began to fight to move.

This was the only thing that you know that being alive means to fight.

"Catch!" Your commander blinks at the shout, then curses as Lekismon kicks Pit and Beat's kneeling forms directly at her. For a moment you worry about the two's state, but breathe a sigh of relief as both twitching Digimon prove to just be beaten up and in Pit's case, unconscious.

Your sister once again proved herself to be the same kind digimon in sparring your squad.

Your relief grew as you saw Sparks stumbling and falling boneless with Pit and Beat, while Warren and Scourge just crashed into the ground with MetalGreymon following but Sealsdramon didn't joined the group.

Not all of them came back.

Thresh looks ready to lunge at all of them, but a single arrow of ice strikes his head, drawing his attention back to Luna. You couldn't feel more proud of her as she made him get his head straight. He throws one last look over his shoulder, this time towards you for some reason, then grunts in disappointed affirmation and darts back.

If he is jealous for the Mega bullshit then evolve and become an Ultimate, you were now even further back before this damn battle.

There weren't many members of the gloaming around and it looked like a massive chunk of the forces disappeared even with reinforments reaching to recover many of the injured Digimon. An odd, armored Dinohumon is amongst the enemy reinforcements, though the champion is just staring at you with open shock and... what feels like despair. The fact that he has a Youkomon nearby cements him as that particular Dinohumon with nothing but revenge on his mind, but for some odd reason he isn't screaming his head off about revenge. Which you suppose is just as well, given how as Gladimon you'd be able to bring an end to his path with a single strike.

Weaklings who don't know when to give up.

Even with your massive loss of power you were still more than enough Knight to delete both of them.

Overall, the situation looks dire. Your squad and the remaining survivors are surrounded and if the Asuramon pops back up, then he'd surely be able to team up with those two other champions to take on your leader... You liked these odds so much. The chances of victory are slim but you feel the need to test your newest spears.

But the Imperius hovering in front of you just laughs.

"Don't think you've won dipshits, you've forgotten one wee, very important thing!" Her left hand moves away to point back towards the aerial battle, or rather what had been a battle. It was empty, the flying soldiers of Vortex and Gloaming just weren't there anymore and what was left was a massive army of Holy Digimon.

... By the Great Tree, you did not believe they'd obtain such a clear victory with minimum loss.

"Retreat!" Luna's smooth voice slices over the battlefield, almost hypnotic in their authority. You almost applaud like an older proud of her and semi-sarcastic but her order strikes the enemy forces in an almost physical wave, the survivors just didn't doubt abandoning everying that they had been doing to just abandon the battle it didn't matter the species be lesser like Bakemon, be greater like Devimon or savage brutes like Devidramon all just stop their assaults and fly towards their escape route. Youkomon wraps her tails around the nearly comatose warrior and carries him away toward the tunnel. The last two to actually start moving are Thresh and Luna, the latter of which tosses you a wink before her ride rushes towards the tunnel.

Brocon, never change sister.

Pit sits up suddenly, his attention focused on a fleeing DeviDramon off in the distance. Golden fire flares across his wings, but surprisingly the angel doesn't chase after the enemy champion. Choosing to instead grip his rod tightly and growl under his breath.

The discipline had made him mature so much.

Up above NeoDevimon forgoes the tunnel entirely, instead just backhanding HippoGriffomon away and soaring off by himself. A few moments later, the flying host forces finish closing the distance and unleash their fury on the few remaining stragglers. A Pegasusmon and two Angemon flash towards the tunnel, aiming to pick off the rear-most ranks-only for Luna to take a spinning leap up off the Dinosaur and thrust out her hand towards the advancing mon.

"Tear Arrows!"

All three vanish amidst a storm of glowing white icicles, their bodies ripped to shreds by the storm before they so much as scream. Amusement and a small amount of pride flow out from your core as she deletes three powerful champions with a single technique. Moments later after falling back down, the tunnel's mouth collapses, cutting off further pursuit.

She has grow so much, and you feel so much like a hypocrite at the moment for some reason.

The battle is over.

Then everything vanishes in a haze of agony and your body seizes up, as if invaded by a force that demands it stay wholly still as your data began to move in a such an unstable manner, blurs of data showed in some parts of your body.


With clenched teeth you fight against the oppressive feeling, struggling to move again. It's exhausting, but you manage to force your limbs to start obeying your commands once more.

"Warriors of the Host! Retreat!" Cherub HolyAngemon screams desperately his voice actually tinted with fear. "To the Locomon, now!"

It's hard to think through the pain and pressure, but you barely managed to his order and slowly begin to plod towards the distant Ultimates. Whose attendants are working furiously at setting up tracks and hooking up carry cars.

"Daemonshit! Something's wrong with Hefty! Ironsides get down here and help!" HippoGriffomon swoops down in front of you, his body covered in a myriad of claw marks and reaches out to grab you by the pauldron. Something else presses against your rear, pushing you forward while the bestial Ultimate pulls.

Your spears were so damn heavy, but you refused you abandon part of yourself here.

"They are under my protection!" BishopChessmon's rumbling voice booms over the battlefield, drawing your attention away to where he's fighting with-

The Count.

Count says something back to the titanic Ultimate which makes him begin to shake, but he's too far away for you to make anything out. With that the Cherub lowers his staff, and the enemy Digimon vanish.

"We meet again Knightmon... no, Verge." Only to appear just right in front of you.

"Get on the Locomon." You shouted before trying to stab the vampire with your spear but barely moved an inch.

All your spells, all your training, all your effort... everything turned into nothing as your body was just incapable of just fighting.

"I should have taken you with me too, your will, your might, your mind, and genius tactics." The Count words were filled with regret that made you your teeth "Oh how much I regret our last meeting, if I only wasn't blinded by your appearance Legend Killer, fighting and winning against so many Legendary Warrior, even Repulsa herself fell to your plots if my spy is right, and now? At this moment you were the fastest Digimon to rise to the Mega stage."

You heard your comrades shout many things, but your body refused to respond or understand, your attention was caught only

"Only to fall once touching the last threshold." With those words the Count dissipated into a swarm of bats.

Memories came, hundreds of experiences, from your time as a Rookie to Champion, battle after battle against foes that should have deleted you, hours and hours put into turning stronger to become a better knight to turn the mask into reality, and when the Count came into your view.

You were scared for the first time.

Your body trembled and you collapsed into four defeated, for the first time since your transition to champion you feel absolutely powerless. The mission was successful, the goals reached, and the loss of life was minimum, but you could only feel the bitterness of failure as nothing mattered when the Count just came to mock you.

You punched the rock solid rock imagining the face of your enemy and allowed your squad to help you rise.

The idea of defeating the Count now was farther than ever, nearly reaching despair at the thought of ever defeating him as your progress was just lost like that.

But the sheer emotion that you feel, all this Wrath, Devotion, and your Oaths made refuse to let that be a reality.

The weight of two spears that you put into your back made it impossible to forge this day, this insult to your honor and dignity as a Knight, this error caused by losing control over your wrath by the words of MetalTyrannomon.

Step by step you began to reach the Locomon, rows and rows of digimon making space to let your squad travel without nobody obstaculising them all. No, all wasn't lost completely. Your actions, your mind, your spells, your skills, the Data of the Legendary Warriors and their affinities... All those troves of power that you haven't truly grasped completely, that you just had begun to use as your weapon.

The words of the Count filled with regret makes your mind get a twisted idea and plan to use, because even if you were a Knight you were also a liar and manipulator.


You will reach your former peak and surpass it, pass the threshold and evolve this time to show the count the despair of an Ultimate with the strength of a Mega.

This part of your life is just beginning.

The journey ahead shall be difficult but... There are more legendary warriors to load.

A wyvern closest its eyes again and the next time that it awakens, its power would be matured.

2K. Butterflymon all of those Digimons, this arc was amazing to write and honestly I find myself so damn happy of writing how things changed by having a weapon of mass destruction rising to reach max talents and count as two digimons to evolve into DarkKnightmon.
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