Basically it seems as Verge a good headspace for learning programming but has little innate talent for it.
Pretty much.
We know programming 'talent' goes in the following ranges:
-Poor memory and concentration - Lowest ability, cannot learn anything and couldn't cast if they did.
-Low patience or no interest - Second lowest, they can theoretically learn spells, but they don't enjoy learning spells, so they'd rather train a lot instead unless they literally have no choice(i.e. stat capped or otherwise dead ended). Learning spells will never be enjoyable for them, its a tool.
-Patient or good memory but not otherwise talented beyond a few areas of personal interest - This is Verge. He's likely to master Basic High Programming eventually and start working on regular High Programming over time, but he'd be unlikely to touch Trinary barring a casty-evolution changing his attitude. He'd have spells mostly of a single element, strongly favoring Healing, Support and Buffs because he has Muscles for the rest.
-Mage digimon - This is where the typical Wizardmon, Witchmon, Taomon, Sorcerymon end up at. They're expected to develop skill in multiple areas of magic, they'd normally master High programming, and longer lived ones are going to be starting on Trinary pretty much as normal progression...if they reach Ultimate as a caster.
Then you have those who've been Mage type digimon for basically their whole evolutionary line to be reality hackers. Or Mage type megas.