despise not being able to train properly on this trip. All offense to your personal sense as a martial artist aside, the borderline slothful behavior feels like a betrayal of your deceased friends and kidnapped family. Gaining more
power won't bring Fu back from her awful state, or bring Gramps and Flamemon back to life. However every step on the path up leads you closer towards avenging those wrongs.
Even the pastime of studying and mediation fail to quell the tension slowly rising in your body as the days crawl by. You never realized just how boring spending day after day trapped in such a small space could be, but it's become a very real problem. One day you'll be faster than the Locomon and be able to traverse land without their assistance and thus this horrid boredom. Though that is likely not to happen anytime soon.
Between the small bit of kata circuits with Beat along with the supplements given to you by Gorimon and the Mayor, progress
is being made. Albeit only at what you feel to be a crawling pace. To make matters worse, the caravan of compartments do actually have workout facilities for champions, meaning Pit, Sparks and Beat are all able to keep on training like normal.
Finding jealousy in your allies privilege's is a very tempting thing, but you endeavor to avoid such emotions. The simple fact is that you're too large to access the facility, and even if you
could, most of the equipment wouldn't be able to support your size. In the end, there's nothing they or you for that matter can do about it. This handicap is something you'll have to live with due to your path, so there's no point in wasting time being frustrated about it.
Plus it's not like your days are spent totally alone. Far from it.
Sparks is not exactly the constant presence by your side, like even a week before, but he still makes a few hours of time to visit you every day and help with something. The sudden gap between you is a little worrying, but at the same time also something that's not strictly bad even if it brings a certain sense of loneliness. You're glad that the one-armed champion is getting more independent. If something happens to cause your deletion, then he needs to be able to carry on for vengeance in your place.
When he does pop in, the magic-using champion is quite happy to help you finish off the last bit of studying required to cast the last of Sorcerymon's gifted spells. Though you're able to pick out something interesting as the days continue. Namely, that despite his species, the two of you actually have rather similar levels of mental talent when it comes to this particular spell. Perhaps in the wider sense of this particular joint school of high programming as well, but you'd need additional programs of this nature to know for certain.
Sparks prodigious status in regards to the other fields such as the elemental subjects of fire and electricity, doesn't seem to fully extend here to holy/healing. The Wizardmon is still much faster anything you could manage as a Drimogemon, but as a Gryzmon... well you've gotten oddly better at learning this field of High Programming. Praying to the deity Pit venerates isn't exactly either of your forte, but your ability to understand the healing portion of things has skyrocketed.
The entire thing makes you wonder if learning these lines of coding technically makes you a member of Pit's religion which leads to another line of uneasiness. You're a bit put off by HolyAngemon and some of the more overt zealotry put on display, but they
are fighting the Gloaming. Plus if SlashAngemon and if Pegasusmon were any indication the Blessed Hosts religion can bring about a lot of good. So long as you don't get on their bad side. Something that hopefully won't be a problem.
But that topic brings up yet another line of thought. Neither you, nor Sparks actually know much about the Sefirot organization itself. According to your friend, Gramps had planned to give him more instruction on the subject after they traveled to Electown but…
Count and his servants had put a stop to that.
With your conscription and all the training he hasn't been able to find out much of anything, if only due to lack of time. He does admit to being interested in finding out more, but all of that is secondary to taking out
Count and his servants.
The days continue to pass, falling into a steady schedule of sleeping, meditation and social interaction. Within the first few days you manage to finally cast the more powerful healing spell and while you haven't exactly tested it on any injuries yet, the fact that energy isn't leaking out means it should be quite potent. Sparks on the other paw is unable to finish the entire thing, so settles for copying the coding into his own grimoire for independent study later. Knowing that you finally have a capable healing spell once more is a rather relieving thing. After evolving to Gryzmon your pool of internal energy and it's quality had improved so much that the lesser one had become a massive waste of power. What's more it wouldn't do much actual healing to your allies now that they've improved so much. So you're happy about the new one, even if it means have to pray to some foreign figure for aid.
Your practice Katas with Beat continue along once per day, and over the week you feel like you're starting to get a real handle on his self control. It's not perfect, not yet anyways, but give it another couple weeks and you should be able to restrain yourself in spars without much worry.
Overall you really don't get to interact with Pit that much. Not that the lack of contact is from some sort of malicious intent on his part, but HolyAngemon has been personally tutoring your angelic friend now that he's officially an officer. That fact worries you a little, but the likelihood of something bad coming out of it is small. HolyAngemon while... not a mon you like, isn't the same as Count or the now deceased Phelesmon. The holy Ultimate is firmly on the side of good.
Naturally the mon whom you spend the most time with during the week is Ardat.
And all of said time is extremely pleasant. You feel like you've grown closer with the mutant LadyDevimon, which makes sense considering that the two of you have spent nearly thirty hours and twenty-six minutes together. Now you can say with certainty that you
like the wommon instead of it just be the obligations of friendship and oaths.
Spending time with her is great and it's something you find yourself liking more and more.
The way her laughs ring through the air no longer seem so creepy, if anything the haunting sounds are more...
beautiful than anything else. In fact you feel lucky to be able to hear them at all. Despite being a LadyDevimon and thus the same species as
her, Ardat's body is... not so unpleasent to gaze upon. Really the red-garbed Ultimate
hardly reminds you of Repulsa anymore. And her presence on your back, the safety and comfort she brings to your naps. It's all so pleasing that
you really want it to continue forever.
Though part of you does protest at the fact that she's using you like a glorified bed.
Not that you stare at her for long lengths of time or anything. You don't notice the way her her raven hair flows majestically when moving or how her curves-
anyway. Your oath, the drive to protect
la-Ardat has only grown stronger, feeling almost like the urge inside your core has redoubled in intensity. And with it...
something else.
It's hard to get a read on exactly what's occurring given that the change is taking place internally, but as a Gryzmon you're more in tune with your physical body than ever. Your internal energy is... changing somehow, altering through the contact and... perhaps even growing more
powerful. Thinking about the matter always sets off
alarm bells in your mind,
as a part of it screams in disgust. Not that you understand why.
How could anything gained by getting closer to Ardat be a bad thing?
Your studying together has also gone rather well. While the subject of slide evolution isn't the exact same as High Programming the basic points are similar enough for a grounding of the subject to occur quickly. According to frigimon's manual a digimon's base code isn't made from 0's and 1's like the lines in Sorcery. But rather living beings such as digimon run on trinary type coding, i.e. zero, one
and two. It's only a small difference at the base level, but it allows for far more complex designs to function.
Ardat is really good at learning this type of theory for some reason. From where you're standing it almost seems as if her new form took away her aptitude for magic and replaced it with this new field.
Now, the process of slide evolution isn't quite an exact science that can simply be taught en-masse. Rather the manual explains that the process is drastically different from mon to mon depending on their current and previous forms. It requires not only a basic understanding of oneself but a certain amount of instinct to guide oneself back to their previous form. Which is luckily enough, something you've gained in spades upon evolving to Gryzmon.
You haven't quite reached the point of slide evolution yet, but you're close. In just another few days of intense studying with
the lovely Ardat you should be able to manage it. From there it will just be a matter of practice through trail and error as continue practicing the skill.
The subject of your protection on the other paw...
=Takes place on the seventh day:
"Yes, yes, yes! We've got it!" Ardat shouts in triumph, leaping off your shoulder with one arm held high in victory.
"Watch this Verge!-Yes servant this will be spectacular!-We'll become a Witchmon again! Then it'll all be back and we'll be so cool!" The LadyDevimon drops her manual to the padded floor, spins around once in place and flashes you a
breathtaking smile.
"Congratulations, my la-, Ardat! I knew you'd be able to learn it quickly!"
"Why of course we did! We're going to be this world's leading lady! Master of all and the fairest of all lands! AHa!!"
The giggle sends a rush down your body. You're not sure whether or not the shaking is from
happiness or the odd sense of
"Now watch as we attain mastery over our body!" The wommon's sparkling lavender eyes close, her clawed hand clenches tightly and Ardat's chest swells with an intake of breath.
Seconds pass with the compartments jostling being only sound being heard.
And then, her body begins to glow
white. Your eye widens in wonder as her entire body begins to shine, transitioning into the malleable form of data-a blinding flash of purple pours out from her core searing your gaze with solid pain.
Erk, that! What is that?!
"Wh-what?" Your eye flashes open up in curiosity, then widen in surprise. Standing in front of you is...
A LadyDevimon garbed in crimson clothing.
It didn't work?
"That was-we weren't ready! Let's try again!-We won't let simple failure deter us."
Something else is going on here.
Taking a deep breath, you shut your eye once more. A sinking feeling in your core tells you what's about to happen.
"N-no. We-we can't fail here!"
"Work! Darnit work!"
"Come on, please... don't-don't do this to us. We-we tried so hard."
"Just-just one more time..." You hear the sobs, coming as she begins to break down.
It's not going to work for her. Not now.
There's only one option, you step forward and wrap an arm around the dark digimon's body muffling her crying with your thick fur. There's pain as she returns the gesture, cracking bone and bruising muscle. But you bear with it silently.
It doesn't work. Why? Why can't we..."
You stay silent,
fulfilling your role to comfort her. Hearing and seeing her so sad is an awful experience, for now you'll do your very to bring the Lady comfort.
=== Choose One:
[][Studying Week 2] Hasten Burst: 0/12
[][Studying Week 2] Muscle Burst: 0/12
[][Studying Week 2] Slide Evolution: (If chosen again, will complete first level of Vertical Slide Evolution Training )
[][Studying Week 2] The Science Of Grappling: (Raises Grappling to 24) (Can only be taken once)
=Social Plan: Most interaction to least interaction.
Four characters available:
[] Ardat
-[] Sparks
—[] Pit
—-[] Beat
Stat/Skill Increases:
Special: 123.75
Spirit: 90
Strength: 7
Endurance: 5.5
Special: 5.5
Spirit: 4
Strength: 31.5
Fortitude: 22.00
Endurance: 16.5
Agility: 16.75
Training: Kata's (Endurance Training) divided by 2
57.50 Endurance,
16.75 Agility
24.5 Strength
- Strength: 2559.00->2590.50->2615.00
- Fortitude: 2304.25->2326.25
- Endurance: 1671.25->1687.75->1745.25
- Agility: 1600.75->1617.50->1634.25
- Special: 1873.50->1997.25
- Spirit: 1628.00->1718.00
General Fighting Skill goes up, Gryzmon martial arts rises up a couple points.
- General Fighting: 38/100->39/100
- Martial Arts, Maul (Gryzmon) Style: 17/100->19/100
Basic High Programming: 33.75/100->37.25/100
Next Tier Healing Spell Revealed:
"By The Power of God I Command Thee Healed!"
Slide Evolution (Vertical) : 2/???->16/???
Authors Note: This was a big set! I hope you all enjoyed it! Yeah big levels of corruption happened with Verge, nearing a certain threshold. Which if reached has its positives and negatives.