I really hope we find a way to reverse corruption like shedding some of it when we slide one way or another because while I do think Ardat deserves a friend in times like this I also want to be more our Verge's own volition and not that whole mess.

Still Verge appears to have finally taken notice this, so hopefully it'll let us do something about it soon enough.
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[X][Studying Week 2] Slide Evolution: (If chosen again, will complete first level of Vertical Slide Evolution Training )
[X] Sparks
-[X] Ardat
--[X] Pit
---[X] Beat

Think she might need to go down TWO levels to get through the corrupted data
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L[X][Studying Week 2] Slide Evolution: (If chosen again, will complete first level of Vertical Slide Evolution Training )
[X] Ardat
-[X] Pit
--[X] Sparks
---[X] Beat
Nice update, as always. Similarly, seeing Ardat's growing corruption has once again managed to prompt intense, undirected frustration from me, so good work there too. God I hope we find a way to mitigate that soon. As it stands, Verge is going to be corrupted too quickly and too thoroughly to be the reliable, steady friend she needs to hopefully pull her out of this, which is really the only thing I've liked about their friendship lately. Hopefully she realizes what's happening before it's too late. And hopefully it shocks her enough that she actually tries to stop it instead of considering it a good thing.

[X][Studying Week 2] Slide Evolution: (If chosen again, will complete first level of Vertical Slide Evolution Training)

[X] Pit
-[X] Sparks
--[X] Beat
---[X] Ardat
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[X][Studying Week 2] Slide Evolution: (If chosen again, will complete first level of Vertical Slide Evolution Training )
[x] Pit
-[x] Sparks
--[x] Beat
---[x] Ardat

I am not willing to risk any more corruption unless we absolutely have to until find some way of dealing with it, we can't do much for others if we can't keep from going nuts from this stuff, and weather or not the grey text is good or just letting the corruption run rampant is not an acceptable alternative.

Naturally I am willing to change plans if need but at the moment I am not taking risks with that stuff.
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Your studying together has also gone rather well. While the subject of slide evolution isn't the exact same as High Programming the basic points are similar enough for a grounding of the subject to occur quickly. According to frigimon's manual a digimon's base code isn't made from 0's and 1's like the lines in Sorcery. But rather living beings such as digimon run on trinary type coding, i.e. zero, one and two. It's only a small difference at the base level, but it allows for far more complex designs to function.

Ardat is really good at learning this type of theory for some reason. From where you're standing it almost seems as if her new form took away her aptitude for magic and replaced it with this new field.

Now, the process of slide evolution isn't quite an exact science that can simply be taught en-masse. Rather the manual explains that the process is drastically different from mon to mon depending on their current and previous forms. It requires not only a basic understanding of oneself but a certain amount of instinct to guide oneself back to their previous form. Which is luckily enough, something you've gained in spades upon evolving to Gryzmon.

Not good~.

Okay from what I remember of Demon Lords they do several shenanigans with Data

In Digital World Data Squad they can reform from the sins of others and consume them to create their new body. That is a 'Demon Lord' but every manifestation is a new one despite having the memories of the previous self

In Null Canon Digimon deleted by Demon Lords are either whole absorbed or immediately sent into the Dark Area with no reincarnation option

Lilithmon has Phantom Pain which directly fucks with a digimon's format
Curses the opponent with a breath of darkness that rots their body and data. Can also take the form of dark power released from a magic circle.

Darkness Love is the purple words of venerating Ardat
Released a lustful heart-shaped aura to disrupt the enemy's mind.

And Empress Ablaze which fucks everything up
Uses a magic circle to summon a eldritch, hand-shaped monstrosity which attacks the opponent.

Also found two tracks for such moments

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[X][Studying Week 2] Slide Evolution: (If chosen again, will complete first level of Vertical Slide Evolution Training )
[X] Ardat
-[X] Pit
--[X] Sparks
---[X] Beat

[X][Studying Week 2] Slide Evolution: (If chosen again, will complete first level of Vertical Slide Evolution Training )
[X] Ardat
-[X] Pit
--[X] Sparks
---[X] Beat

This is a bad plan. This is a really bad plan.
Slotting Ardat in for #1, given that we can literally feel the corruption she is wreaking on our code? Bad.
Spending that time studying Slide Evolution, the thing she just failed at? The thing that involves rendering ourselves temporarily malleable? Even worse.

[X][Studying Week 2] Slide Evolution: (If chosen again, will complete first level of Vertical Slide Evolution Training )
[X] Beat
-[X] Sparks
--[X] Ardat
---[X] Pit
[X][Studying Week 2] Slide Evolution: (If chosen again, will complete first level of Vertical Slide Evolution Training )

[X] Sparks
-[X] Ardat
--[X] Pit
---[X] Beat

Also how many weeks of travel did we have?
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[X][Studying Week 2] Slide Evolution: (If chosen again, will complete first level of Vertical Slide Evolution Training)

[x] Pit
-[x] Sparks
--[x] Beat
---[x] Ardat
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Finding jealousy in your allies privilege's is a very tempting thing,
allies' privilege
The Wizardmon is still much faster anything you could manage as a Drimogemon, but as a Gryzmon... well you've gotten oddly better at learning this field of High Programming.
faster than anything

I wonder if the influence of the Tree and/or Ardat has anything to do with this. The phrasing makes it sound like it's more than just the expected increase from our huge stat and intelligence increase.

Or it could just be the oddity of our nature that made us a natural at High Programming by the pitiful standards of non-magical Rookies becoming more prominent.
over the week you feel like you're starting to get a real handle on his self control.
From there it will just be a matter of practice through trail and error as continue practicing the skill.
as you continue
[X][Studying Week 2] Slide Evolution: (If chosen again, will complete first level of Vertical Slide Evolution Training )
[X] Sparks
-[X] Ardat
--[X] Pit
---[X] Beat
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[X][Studying Week 2] Slide Evolution: (If chosen again, will complete first level of Vertical Slide Evolution Training )
[X] Sparks
-[X] Pit
--[X] Ardat
---[X] Beat
[X][Studying Week 2] Slide Evolution: (If chosen again, will complete first level of Vertical Slide Evolution Training)

[X] Beat
-[X] Sparks
--[X] Ardat
---[X] Pit

Debating whether it'd be better to put Ardat at the bottom, but then again Pit is a cornucopia of mistakes and religious dogma so idk anymore
[X][Studying Week 2] Slide Evolution: (If chosen again, will complete first level of Vertical Slide Evolution Training )
[X] Sparks
-[X] Ardat
--[X] Pit
---[X] Beat

Guys, think about this. Do you really want to ignore Ardat right after she just had a really disheartening experience? Yeah, Verge's unabashed enjoyment of the corruption is worrying, but at this point we should commit to helping Ardat.
I think spending some time with Pit is really important, for a few reasons.
  1. We haven't spent much time with him lately.
  2. We got told he'll need continued help to avoid Falling.
  3. It would be bad if his newfound recognition and authority goes to his head and/or pushes him even further on religious extremism.
  4. Spending time around him might counteract some of the influence on Verge's mind from spending so much time around Ardat, balancing things out to be a bit more neutral.
[X][Studying Week 2] Slide Evolution: (If chosen again, will complete first level of Vertical Slide Evolution Training)

[x] Pit
-[x] Sparks
--[x] Beat
---[x] Ardat

I am not willing to risk any more corruption unless we absolutely have to until find some way of dealing with it, we can't do much for others if we can't keep from going nuts from this stuff, and weather or not the grey text is good or just letting the corruption run rampant is not an acceptable alternative.

Naturally I am willing to change plans if need but at the moment I am not taking risks with that stuff.
Since you said you're willing to change plans I'll just repeat what I said at you if that's alright. The corruption is very much a thing, and I highly doubt it'll just get removed anytime soon; this is true.

However, I think that getting a little more of it is worth comforting Ardat here. She's just lost her final hope of her life ever going back to normal, and is devastated about it. If we just lave her alone immediately after she's found out about that it'll be really bad for her mental state and could cause a whole host of problem for both her and us down the line.
Since you said you're willing to change plans I'll just repeat what I said at you if that's alright. The corruption is very much a thing, and I highly doubt it'll just get removed anytime soon; this is true.

However, I think that getting a little more of it is worth comforting Ardat here. She's just lost her final hope of her life ever going back to normal, and is devastated about it. If we just lave her alone immediately after she's found out about that it'll be really bad for her mental state and could cause a whole host of problem for both her and us down the line.
You've made some good points and in highlight I'm willing to admit that putter her at the bottom might have been a bit of an extreme reaction, but at the same time the amount of corrupted that we already have has me worried that putting her at the second highest might be be enough to push it over.

That said we can't exactly measure corruption so I could be wrong, which I certainly hope will be the case if a plan that has her at second wins, but at time you've made at least enough of a point that I'd swap over for yours without much fuss if I that fear is reduced.

In addition I also agree with Justinkal that we should spend some more time with Pit, out of our companions he gets the second least focus.
You've made some good points and in highlight I'm willing to admit that putter her at the bottom might have been a bit of an extreme reaction, but at the same time the amount of corrupted that we already have has me worried that putting her at the second highest might be be enough to push it over.

That said we can't exactly measure corruption so I could be wrong, which I certainly hope will be the case if a plan that has her at second wins, but at time you've made at least enough of a point that I'd swap over for yours without much fuss if I that fear is reduced.

In addition I also agree with Justinkal that we should spend some more time with Pit, out of our companions he gets the second least focus.
Hmm... do you think you could get him on board for a strategic vote change?

If the three of us switch over to something like Pit>Ardat>Beat>Sparks, and convince one other person to switch, it'll almost certainly win. I'll be willing to switch if it's confirmed you and those two are also going to switch. Otherwise I'll be staying with my current one because it has the most votes behind it of the high Ardat priority ones.
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Hmm... do you think you could get him on board for a strategic vote change?

If the three of us switch over to something like Pit>Ardat>Beat>Sparks, and convince one other person to switch, it'll almost certainly win. I'll be willing to switch if it's confirmed you and those two are also going to switch. Otherwise I'll be staying with my current one because it has the most votes behind it of the high Ardat priority ones.
I'm considering it, but I think I have to settle my own views of the risk vs reward of putting Ardat higher than third myself.. one of the big problems with the purple text is that it represents desire so I expect it to show up for things that we want to do while at the same time it also increases for spending time with Ardar who has the highest social need... a part of me just desperately hopes that the time we spend with her after that revelation would be enough but at the same time I can understand assuming that it won't be.
I'm considering it, but I think I have to settle my own views of the risk vs reward of putting Ardat higher than third myself.. one of the big problems with the purple text is that it represents desire so I expect it to show up for things that we want to do while at the same time it also increases for spending time with Ardar who has the highest social need... a part of me just desperately hopes that the time we spend with her after that revelation would be enough but at the same time I can understand assuming that it won't be.
I mean, Verge is already following his desires in life right now. He wants to have brutal, difficult fights, wants to kill Count and wants to save his captured friends and family. Other than Ardat, those are his entire id, his whole driving force. And considering what he's trying to do, hard fights are just going to end up coming his way anyways. So basically, Verge following his desires more than before won't actually change how he acts very much, at least not for a very long time until he either completes his goals or something renders them obsolete. Of course, the corruption does more than just that, but at least the desire part is probably not much of an issue.
[X][Studying Week 2] Slide Evolution: (If chosen again, will complete first level of Vertical Slide Evolution Training)

[x] Pit
-[x] Sparks
--[x] Beat
---[x] Ardat

Don't constantly expose your self to mental contamination, also we really haven't spent any time with Pit since evo and I particularly don't feel like it's a grand idea to slot Pit as the least important friend to talk to since he has his own issues.
[X][Studying Week 2] Slide Evolution: (If chosen again, will complete first level of Vertical Slide Evolution Training)

[x] Pit
-[x] Sparks
--[x] Beat
---[x] Ardat

For the simple fact that we should spent more time with Pit and make sure he doesn't only get attention from the Throne this trip.
Guys, are you seriously going to completely abandon Ardat right now? Friends aren't infinitely loyal equippable items, they have emotional needs. Imagine how this would feel for her, to get her hopes up, have them dashed, and for Verge to immediately abandon her for a week.


Assuming Ardat will just sit around near Verge forever and let him "fix" her personality and safely mold her into whatever he wants, without ever having desires or ambitions of her own, is extremely dangerous. She's just not two status bars saying "Ardat's womanly feelings" and "Verge's brain taint" that we have to carefully balance, she's a complex person. If she's put through too much she might just leave, or do something really desperate.
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[X][Studying Week 2] Slide Evolution: (If chosen again, will complete first level of Vertical Slide Evolution Training )
[X] Sparks
-[X] Ardat
--[X] Pit
---[X] Beat