[ ] Buy It. For Comedic Purposes. Yes. That's Why. No Sinister Moves Here.
[] Plan Noble Connections
-[][Faith] Establish A Poor-House (0/2 Turns)
-[X][Diplomacy] Unity of Purpose (1/3 Turn )
-[X][Martial] Build An Armory - (Basic) - (1/2 Turns Complete)
-[][Learning] Scientific Theory - (0/6 Successes)
-[][Learning The Return of the Can Opener - (Weapons)
-[][Archeology] Prepare an Expedition (TOP-01 )(2 Turns)
--[] House Mirn support: Y

-[X][Tree of Knowledge] Living Quarters - Grand - (2/4 Turns Complete)
-[ ][Tree of Knowledge] Administration Center - Grand - Faith - (0/2 Turns Complete) 10 materials
-[X][Personal Action] Too Much To Do - (We Are One People! - (Locals)) - (3/4 Turns Complete)
[ ][Personal Action] Personal Introduction (Marquis of Tessen)
-[] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
--[] Pay debt 15 Materials
--[] Buying Goods In Bulk -
Laboratories - Basic
[ ] The Union Of Herbalists - (1 Free Action)
-[X] Study Sessions - (2/8 Turns) 3.4 Materia
[ ] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Free Action)
-[X] Suffer Their Arrogance - (3/4 Turns) 6 Materials

Total cost: 45.4
Finally expand the soup kitchens, Scientific Theory is a must, That armor piercing weapon should be a lot better against machines than whatever else we got so we can clear that shiny area, picked an expedition with Mirn support since it has been a while since we did one, it should make them happy. I choose Faith for +1 action as it is the one that allows us to do most good for the people and has a cost-free action just in case we are struggling with cash. Meeting with Marquis because it's something we needed to do eventually and I want to see if we can help with the sewers construction.

For [ ] Scout Out do we have to specify TOP-03 or is Tower of Pain enough?
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You have to specify.

Edit: I should mention that Scout Out does exactly whats on the tin: revealing what enemies are present. The three turn removal thing translates to either fighting three battles yourself, or using a mercenary company, like The Huntsmen or House Mirns Guard
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I'd rather we do TOP ourselves without house mirn. No one else is going to touch it, we have time to build up forces and clear it ourselves.
Materials: 65.07(min. +7.28, max. +40.28 per turn, 15 Materials owed to: The Merchant Guild this turn.)
Huh, we have a lot of Materials this turn. Even with the loan, that we need to repay, we still have 50 Materials left.

Church of Eden
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: Leaders look down on you; lower members are trying to lobby against you. Seek to obtain permits to level a portion of the slums to build a new temple in Ularn.
Interesting. Where is Ularn? A nearby city or is it further away?

The Union of Herbalists:
Opinion: Neutral (1)
Plans: Advance Medicine
-Unionists (Rivals (-2)/36% Control/Mali to Costs for Actions)
-Base (Friendly (1)/36% Control/Cheaper Actions)
-Healers (Friendly (1)/28% Control/Enables Doctoral Training)
Boni: +15 on all Diplomatic rolls
Ha, that hit the Unionists hard. Now they are on the same level as the Base!

Lingerie - 0.67
Decorative Glass - 0.01
Steam-Valve - 1.48 - +5 to Hydraulics
How-To Romance Novel - 1.85 - +5 to Psychology
Fancy Dress - 0.43
The Steam-Valve looks like something that could be used in a Learning action to unlock steam engines. Is the Novel a guide on how to romance someone or a guide for how to write a romance novel?
And finally a dress and the lingerie we found. I wonder if we could use them to start a fashion business; copying ancient designs or using them as a base for modifications.

It would be much later when Su could finally collapse onto the ground and vomit out of pure exhaustion, terror, and after-battle jittery, that she would realize just how close they all had come to being killed. The ambush had been exemplary, both in location and execution. There was nothing that had given the Starlighters away, nothing that could have revealed their presence except for one thing: their sweat.
So the fact that we have more Mutated than normal in our units saved us. They might have even succeeded if they had bathed before the ambush.:p

A mere second later, screams of "For The Light!" rang out as Starlighters began to swarm them, hoping to finish what they could not do ranged in melee.
@HeroCooky Is that a traditional battle cry for Starlighters? Otherwise, I'm worried this is a Young Justice reference and Starlight generals have found some mind control tech.:V

The fight was brutal. Their liquid fire ensured that they would not be overwhelmed, but numbers still favored the 'lighters. One of the enemy soldiers had grappled her from behind, trying to choke her out, most likely for capture. Thanks to her training, actual fighting experience, and sheer luck, she bashed her head against the woman's skull, shattering her nose. The breathing space was swiftly used to free a dagger and ram it into the woman's side, allowing her to break free, grab her ax, and bury it into her face. Her hurt, surprised, and very young face, maybe not even a full adult. A look that would haunt her nightmares for weeks to come, as the Bloodletter was not a kind master to exposed flesh.
And now I'm happy we equipped and trained our scouts as well as possible. I think the only thing that wasn't mentioned here was the cloaks.

Even the momentary lapse in concentration had almost resulted in receiving a spear to the gut, courtesy of an opportunistic soldier.
That must be a huge ravine for someone to successfully use a spear in there.:confused:

A fortunate break, one that was only overshadowed when the wounded were treated and dead counted. Not a single Pilgrim had died, nor taken a wound more severe than a bolt to the leg or arm. Lucky indeed.
Praise RNG!

A small chink in the armor of hatred, struck every day in that kitchen, relentlessly for half a year. Not enough to change everyone's opinion, but enough to turn their minds from violence to sneering and verbal abuse.
Better but still surprisingly stupid. I understand why but insulting your cook is nearly as stupid as insulting your medic before getting into a fight.

Mark commented, looking over the same sights as she was, mesmerized by the play of light that was a dry thunderstorm. Colors were racing across the clouds, electricity igniting the very air, striking with brutal fury into the ground, shattering what had been designed to hold ten thousand ages.
How pretty. Is that a phenomenon limited to the ruins or is Mirn covered with lightning rods?

Understanding the silent question, he told her of what he saw. Boxes of light, alternating between views of the Forest and incomprehensible strings of runes.
Sounds like the security center. Getting in there could make scouting the rest of the ruins much easier.

Electronics stacked to the ceiling, dozens of inactive machines slumped in alcoves while others patrolled along ancient routes. The wet dream and worst nightmare of any scavenger; the big haul, shut close, barred by man's paranoia.
We probably should wait until we researched electronics before going there.

*Four days, thirteen hours, seven minutes and one second later.*
... How do they measure the time that precise? Did a bunch of atomic clocks survive the Fall?

A crystal of titanic size, easily larger than many pre-fall high-rises, had broken loos of its growth, too large for the sky bridge to support any longer. But when it fell, lightning had (most likely) hit it, and it started glowing. A glow, rising with every strike of lightning and fading with every second without. Then it happened.

It floated, unbound, unchained, and unsupported by any structure, drifting slowly across the sky.

How was all that Martyris could think, as the debate of what to do, grew.
Ohhh, anti-gravity. The things we could do with that...

Not What It Looks Like, I Swear!
When this piece was brought back, many thought it was just a damaged piece of clothing. You know that this set is definitely as it should be, because of reasons. The thing is, this would fit Selene perfectly and would make an excellent gift to tease her mercilessly. It would be better if she would wear it though. She would look stunning in it.You would just need to buy it from the Pilgrims to have it, seeing as it doesn't have any scientific value, it would have been sold anyway.

[ ] Buy It. For Comedic Purposes. Yes. That's Why. No Sinister Moves Here. (More Fluff for Marry Selene)(+0.67 Materials, - Lingerie)
[ ] Or Not, I Guess. (No Extra Fluff for Marry Selene)
[ ] Write-In
Invisi-text. Also, it's not that expensive and I'm curious how Lady Maranica would react to that.

Learning: Knowledge is Power. (Choose 2 Actions)(Artifacts can be attached to one learning action to provide the inherent bonus, but are consumed unless unique buildings are present)
The labs finished and we now have two actions! But also several new actions, so let's see...

[ ] Scientific Theory
There is a big difference between science and doing something stupid: writing it down. Lay down some rules for efficiently doing just that.
(Chance: 75/55/45% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 6
Reward: +15 on learning rolls)
Definitely something we should do. It takes a long time but a bonus like that is worth it and a good dice roll can shorten the time needed.

[ ] Flow As We Demand - (Machinery/Hydraulics/Mechanical)
Now that you have figured out how to use waterwheels to speed up mining, maybe now would be time to figure out how to improve it further? The most common reason for the abandonment of mines id flooding after all.
(Chance: 70/55/40% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 3
Reward: Reduced Upkeep for all your mines, can be upgraded to increase their yield.)
The next step in the use of waterwheels. Probably gets us from simply waterwheels to the complicated set-up the Romans used.

[ ] Prepare an Expedition (Choose A Location)(Specify Turns)
Sometimes you need to dig into one location for months on end to exploit it fully.
(Can only be used on locations already scouted out. For every Turn you spend on this action, an expedition spends 2(two) at the chosen target. Once the expedition has left, it no longer requires one action.)
-House Mirn support: Y/N
(25% of the recovered artifacts are given over, no need for security or clearing places on your own)
-WO-02: Est. Artifact-grade: General Mundane++, Dice:2d2 per turn, Max. Yield: 5 Turns, Mutants nearby.
-WO-03: Est. Artifact-grade: General Rare-, Dice:4d2-5 per turn, Max. Yield: 5 Turns, Mutants nearby.
-WO-04: Est. Artifact-grade: General Mundane, Dice:2d3 per Turn, Max. Yield: 2 Turns. No danger.
-WO-06: Est. Artifact-grade: General Mundane, Dice:2d3 per Turn, Max. Yield: 4 Turns. No danger.
-SO-01: Est. Artifact-grade: General Mundane-, Dice:2d2-1 per turn, Max. Yield: 5 Turns. Mutants nearby.
-SO-02: Est. Artifact-grade: General Mundane+, Dice:2d2 per turn, Max. Yield: 5 Turns. No danger.
-SO-03: Est. Artifact-grade: General Mundane-, Dice:3d2-2 per turn, Max. Yield: 6 Turns. No danger.
-SO-04: Est. Artifact-grade: General Mundane, Dice:2d2 per Turn, Max. Yield: 5 Turns. No danger.
-TOP-01 Est. Artifact-grade: Rare++ [Electronics/Advanced Electronics/Advanced Machinery/Hydraulics], Dice:3d2 per turn, Max. Yield: 5 Turns. Machines nearby.
-TOP-02 Est. Artifact-grade: Rare++ [Electronics/Advanced Electronics/Advanced Machinery/Hydraulics], Dice:2d2 per turn, Max. Yield: 4 Turns. No danger.
-TOP-03 - [Locked - Security Systems Active - 3 Turns to clear]
Huh, only three new areas. We might want to scout the area with the machines first to get an idea about how dangerous they are. TOP-03 should probably wait until the war with Starlight is over and we get our veteran scouts back.

We also might want to organize another expedition with House Mirn to keep them happy. WO-02 has good loot and some Mutants nearby...

[ ] The Field of 64
A flat area of 8x8km. Nothing is seen here other than dust, sand, and the feeling of wrongness. Yet, one has to wonder what would necessitate such a large flat area. Or what could be beneath it?
(Chance: 31%
Turns: 3
Reward: Sites in The Field Of 64 are located and mapped.
Warning! If the action fails, 34% Chance that 6 Pilgrims will die due to being detected and subsequently attacked)
Huh, a dice roll for if they die or not, but not for how many would die. About the area, a training area? A landing pad? Maybe the whole area can be opened into an underground hangar?

[ ] The Crystalgarden
Containing large crystals, arranged in geometric formations, and seemingly immune to the elements. This oddity has attracted the attention of many scavengers, yet none found anything of worth in it. Removing these crystals is seen as a waste of time since removed crystals seem to deteriorate in days and are incredibly brittle. Also, the crystals float when struck by lighting. (???)
(Chance: 66%
Turns: 2
Reward: The Crystalgarden is mapped and surveyed for any oddities.
Warning! If the action fails, 17% Chance that 6 Pilgrims will die due to being detected and subsequently attacked)
The area we have to visit if we want some crystal samples. Well, the success chance is better than with the Field.

[ ] The Berth
An area containing dozens of large warehouses holding what seem to be ships suspended in the air. Unfortunately, those ships are useless, seeing as there is no water and no way to transport these ships, alongside the fact that they were made out of metal. Whoever build these things had the means to carry them, or they were meant as pure prestige objects.
(Chance: 42%
Turns: 3
Reward: Sites in The Berth are located and mapped.
Warning! If the action fails, 23% Chance that 6 Pilgrims will die due to being detected and subsequently attacked)
The place to visit if we want advances in nautical technology. Could also get us the tech to move big, heavy objects.

[ ] Laboratories - Expanded
Now that you have some built, it is time to expand those labs! Unfortunately, building, and equipping those labs will be extremely costly. To put it lightly.
(Cost: 65 Materials, +7.5 Materials Upkeep
Turns: 7
Reward: Improved success-chances)
Sooooo expensive.:cry:

[ ] Waterwheels For (Choose Mine)
Using the power of the elements, you will crank those profits up to the sky!
(Cost: 8 Materials, +0.5 Materials Upkeep
Turns: 1
Reward: +2/4/7 income for your Iron, Silver, and Jewel Mine respectively)
This could get us a lot of extra Materials.:o

[ ] The Union Of Herbalists - (1 Free Action)
-[ ] Institutional Knowledge

(Cost: 4.25 Materials
Reward: +30 to Biological/Medicinal Learning Rolls)
-[X] Study Sessions - (2/8 Turns)
(Cost: 1 Faithful, 3.4 Material per Turn, for 8 turns
Reward: 1 trained General Doctor)
-[ ] Buying Stuff
(Write in what you want to purchase. Locked to maximum Common technology)
-[ ] A Helping Hand - (Choose Faction) - Locked for 2 Turns
Cost: 1 Biological/Medicinal Artifact
Reward: Increase the control of the chosen faction by 1d6+4%, doubled for rare artifacts, worsened relations to other sub-factions, decreased cost for Union of Herbalists actions, unlocks more actions at certain control thresholds.)
A Helping Hand should be locked for 1 Turn, I think? Also, no change in the price of training a doctor?

[ ] Marry Selene
Every tradition will be observed, every bell and whistle pulled out, no expense spared, nothing left to chance. Traditionally, those asking the question give their hopefully soon-to-be spouse a weapon -this weapon is intended to be a signifier of their love. The gathered materials were a sign of the dangers they would brave for them, the craftsmanship a proof of their sweat, the scene carved upon the blade or hilt showing the one moment in which they couldn't live without the other anymore. I will gather the materials, cast it without help, carve into it my love for her, and give it to her at the place we met not so long ago. It will take much of my time, but she is worth every second, and more besides.
(Effect: Interlude: Two Hearts, One Soul
Will take up 2 Personal Actions.
Warning: The Church of Eden will try to reduce the standing of the Pilgrims with The Common People and try to inflame hatred, maybe even a Purge(Crit needed) [50(Slander)-28(Eden Influence)+40(Pilgrim Standing)=62 and 95(Reluctance For Murder)-28(Eden Influence)-20(Mutated Opinion)=47 respectively] and declare you heretical [-2 opinion], The Common People may lose their respect for the Pilgrims [35(Marrying A Mutated)+40(Pilgrim Standing)-20(Mutated Opinion)]. ??? will ???. Recruitment of Mutated will skyrocket [65(Helped Us)+10(Fights For Our Rights)+10(Cute Together)].)
That is some very interesting info. Not much we can do about it but at least we can get rid of the -20 from (Mutated Opinion).
So reading through your plan more thoroughly, @ Profectus, I think I agree with most of it. I'd prefer to build poor-houses over more soup kitchens and diversify our services a bit, but what you have works.
Changed faith action to poor-houses

-[ ] Guardians For Hire - (Choose Location)
(Cost: +1.5 Materials to Upkeep
Reward: 1 Facility has security against violent actions)
-[ ] Take 'Em Out - (Choose Target)
(Cost: 7 Materials
Reward: Chosen targets plans are temporarily halted due to attacks)
-[ ] Sabotage - (Choose Target)

It's worth discussing the use of these options as we are going to be in conflict with the Church of Eden very soon.
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I like the idea of hiring some guardians to watch over the soup kitchen, but I don't think we should launch any military assaults.
1. Interesting. Where is Ularn? A nearby city or is it further away?
2. Is the Novel a guide on how to romance someone or a guide for how to write a romance novel?
3. I wonder if we could use them to start a fashion business; copying ancient designs or using them as a base for modifications.
4. @HeroCooky Is that a traditional battle cry for Starlighters? Otherwise, I'm worried this is a Young Justice reference and Starlight generals have found some mind control tech.:V
5. That must be a huge ravine for someone to successfully use a spear in there.:confused:
6. Praise RNG!
7. How pretty. Is that a phenomenon limited to the ruins or is Mirn covered with lightning rods?
8. ... How do they measure the time that precise? Did a bunch of atomic clocks survive the Fall?
9. Invisi-text. Also, it's not that expensive and I'm curious how Lady Maranica would react to that.
10. A Helping Hand should be locked for 1 Turn, I think? Also, no change in the price of training a doctor?
1. A nearby city. Its in the same region as Mirn, Tessen.
2. Both, actually.
3. Yes, if you make a proposal, that could be a learning action.
4. A traditional battle cry, as the Starlighters have relied mostly on their Hikari-Stones for wealth. This has resulted in the rise of a religion centered around stars and light. And I have never watched YJ, so *shrug*.
5. That fight took place in one of the bigger sections.
6. Praise be!
7. The Thunderstorms spill over into the whole of the Tessen region, every bigger place is covered with lightning rods.
8. Thats OOC how long it took them to run back to the Tree of Knowledge.
9. Lady Maranica: *wheeze*
10. Fixed.
-[][Archeology] Prepare an Expedition (TOP-01 )(2 Turns)
--[] House Mirn support: Y
Why aim for a safe Tower area? We want an expedition with House Mirn support to strengthen their ties to the Pilgrims, but sending them to an area without anything to fight seems a bit like a waste. Admittedly, the area with the machines is a bit too dangerous for my taste - big looses could worsen our relations with House Mirn - but not letting them fight at all seems a bit pointless.

It's worth discussing the use of these options as we are going to be in conflict with the Church of Eden very soon.
I like the idea of hiring some guardians to watch over the soup kitchen, but I don't think we should launch any military assaults.
Guardians For Hire has the problem that it only guards 1 facility, so it's useful if we know what group wants to attack us and we only have a few facilities that group would target. Like how the Herbalists would target our hospice. But against a group like the Church that dislikes us on principle and could attack any facility, it's less useful.
Our best bet would be Take 'Em Out after our spy network found out that they plan something or Guardians For Hire if we know which facility will be attacked.

Maybe a write-in action to train some of our people as guards?

3. Yes, if you make a proposal, that could be a learning action.
9. Lady Maranica: *wheeze*

Fashion Revival Uses: Fancy Dress (maybe Lingerie)
While most Artefacts found in the ruins of the Ancients are beyond the ability of anyone to replicate, some are much easier. The Pilgrims lack the knowledge to bring back the technology of the Ancients but that is not true for their fashion. Use the clothes found in the ruins of the old world and bring back the fashion of the past!
Reward: Material income, changing the fashion around Mirn, outraged moral guardians. Could be upgraded with other clothing Artefacts later?

And while I'm at it, another Learning action.

Building up Steam Uses: Steam-Valve
While the Ancients used many kinds of technology to power their inventions and tools, most of them are lost to the people today. This Artefact is part of such a technology, not nearly as advanced as electricity but still beyond the Pilgrims waterwheels. Research into this Artefact could help the Pilgrims develop steam-technology; without the risk of explosions, like what happened to some scholars that tried to develop it from scratch.
Reward: Starts the steam-tech tree (railroads, steam-powered factories/tools/vehicles, safe boilers)

Oh and @HeroCooky does teaching a scientist/doctor use our 1 action with the Scholars/Herbalists per turn up or could we do something else with it? I'm curious if we could use Because of SCIENCE! on Scientific Theory to fish for crits.

Hmm, would be even more effective if we do Scientific Theory as a Personal action, but we do need more political contacts...
Why aim for a safe Tower area? We want an expedition with House Mirn support to strengthen their ties to the Pilgrims, but sending them to an area without anything to fight seems a bit like a waste. Admittedly, the area with the machines is a bit too dangerous for my taste - big looses could worsen our relations with House Mirn - but not letting them fight at all seems a bit pointless.
TOP-01 is the area with enemies.
TOP-01 is the area with enemies.
Huh, I could have sworn your plan had TOP-02 in it instead of TOP-01. Meh, I probably misread that.

Anyway, I'm not sure about sending guards from House Mirn against those machines. The guards never fought them before and the machines must be more dangerous than Mutants because otherwise, the Mutants would have worn them down over time and replaced them as the local danger.

I think I should write my own plan anyway because I have different opinions about the second Learning action, the Expedition target, and the second Personal action.

@HeroCooky The Marry Selene option mentions that the Church of Eden will declare us heretical if we do it and our condemn/declare heretical option mentions that "opposing factions" would love it. Do we know who the local opposing factions to the Church of Eden are?

I'm thinking about contacting them before we do the marriage.

Also; how would the Healer faction of the Herbalists be affected if the Church of Eden declares us heretical?

Oh, and two questions for my plan. Would the Chocolate Recipe have any effect on That Stone Is Talking - (Fabrics/Chemical) beyond the +5? And how much would a Common Fabrics/Chemical Artefact like some form of dye cost?

Anyway, my draft for a plan.

[] Plan More Contact and the Search for the Lost Zone
-[] Buy It. For Comedic Purposes. Yes. That's Why. No Sinister Moves Here. (More Fluff for Marry Selene)(+0.67 Materials, - Lingerie)
-[][Faith] Establish Soup-Kitchens (Bulk)(Mirn) - (-11 Materials) - (0/3 Turns Complete)
-[][Diplomacy] Unity Of Purpose - (1/3 Turns Complete)
-[][Martial] Build An Armory - (Basic) - (1/2 Turns Complete)
-[][Learning] Scientific Theory - (0/6 Successes)
-[][Learning] That Stone Is Talking - (Fabrics/Chemical) - (0/4 Successes)
-[][Archeology] Prepare an Expedition - (WO-02)- (0/2 Turns)
-[][Tree of Knowledge] Living Quarters - Grand - (2/4 Turns Complete)
-[][Tree of Knowledge] Administration Center - Grand - (Faith) - (-10 Materials) - (0/2 Turns Complete)
-[][Personal action] Too Much To Do - (Search for the Zone) - (0/??? Turns Complete)
--[] +6FF
-[][Personal action] Too Much To Do - (We Are One People! - (Locals)) - (3/4 Successes Complete)
-[] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
--[] Repaying the loan owed to the Merchant Guild - (-15 Materials)
--[] Buying Goods In Bulk - (Laboratories)
-[] The Union Of Herbalists - (1 Free Action)
--[] Study Sessions - (-3 Materials) - (2/8 Turns Complete)
-[] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Free Action)
--[] Suffer Their Arrogance - (-6 Materials) - (3/4 Turns Turns Complete)

Overall cost(including +0.67 Materials from Lingerie): -44,33 Materials
The budget for this turn: 65.07 Materials
Leftover for next turn: 20.74 Materials

Ok, the Soup-Kitchens because we currently use them to force the population of Mirn into contact with Mutated, so more soup-kitchens mean more contact. Could be just fluff but we wanted to do this anyway at some point.

Unity Of Purpose
as the Diplomacy action because it currently doesn't roll dice so it doesn't need a bonus yet. Build An Armory is locked in.
For Learning actions, we have Scientific Theory for the +15 bonus and That Stone Is Talking because our scouting actions are going to get more dangerous so I want that bonus. I wanted to take Secret Of The Circuit Pt.1 instead of That Stone Is Talking but that would push our Piety over 100% and thus waste some of it.

The Expedition aims for WO-02, an area with good loot and Mutants to fight. The fact that there is something to fight means we can at least pretend that this isn't a blatant bribe for House Mirn. The Tree of Knowledge actions is the same as for Profectus plan because we do need more actions in the Faith category.

For the Personal action, I took Search for the Zone because this is our last turn with a bonus on Personal actions instead of one extra action. Once We Are One People! finishes it's going to push our Piety to 98.5%, giving us an extra action instead of a bonus to dice rolls. Great for pushing through several actions/projects but less good if we want to boost one specific action/project.

Herbalists and Scholars are the same as last turn. Oh and I only Buy Goods in Bulk instead of selling stuff because the only Artefact we have that we can't use in some way is the Decorative Glass.
The Zone should be left for later, I suspect that scouting other areas will reduce its DC since there would be less places to search. We don't need to improve our camo-cloaks yet, there are easier areas left to scavenge and pretty much nobody goes that deep into the Necropolis.
Anyway, I'm not sure about sending guards from House Mirn against those machines. The guards never fought them before and the machines must be more dangerous than Mutants because otherwise, the Mutants would have worn them down over time and replaced them as the local danger.
They may not be able to win but if we don't try we'll never know. Consider this a test run to see if they can handle more dangerous areas. And I've changed my mind for one of the learning actions. [ ] Lock and Key - (Mechanics) seems like will be more useful in the near future since it will take a while until we are prepared to clear TOP-03.
@HeroCooky The Marry Selene option mentions that the Church of Eden will declare us heretical if we do it and our condemn/declare heretical option mentions that "opposing factions" would love it. Do we know who the local opposing factions to the Church of Eden are?

I'm thinking about contacting them before we do the marriage.

Also; how would the Healer faction of the Herbalists be affected if the Church of Eden declares us heretical?

Oh, and two questions for my plan. Would the Chocolate Recipe have any effect on That Stone Is Talking - (Fabrics/Chemical) beyond the +5? And how much would a Common Fabrics/Chemical Artefact like some form of dye cost?

For the Personal action, I took Search for the Zone because this is our last turn with a bonus on Personal actions instead of one extra action. Once We Are One People! finishes it's going to push our Piety to 98.5%, giving us an extra action instead of a bonus to dice rolls. Great for pushing through several actions/projects but less good if we want to boost one specific action/project.
The Followers of Light and Rassemblement Vivant do not like The Church of Eden, they would find it great if they would be denounced by a new growing religion. And everyone that has some political savy is expecting you (The Pilgrims) to butt heads with them, since you are equalists, focused on technology and helping people, and they want to kill the Mutated, shun technology, and think help has to be earned, not given.

The Healers would shrug their shoulders, cite some passage about "Guilds are neutral" and tell the Church to (politely) fuck off, should they try anything.

Attach it and find out! And they would costs you 1.13 Materials. For either Chemicals or Fabrics.

The boni from high piety remains together with the extra action.
each turn is roughly a year isnt?


if so,i would like to remind you how generational cultural changes work,a generation is formed on the time it takes someone to go from birth to young adulthood,in that window of time their opinions and minds are formed

so any cultural change happens over the course of the 2.5 decades after the movement begins

what will be the cultural shift caused by the pilgrims influence on overall culture? we are a equalist,compasive and science aligned faction after all
each turn is roughly a year isnt?


if so,i would like to remind you how generational cultural changes work,a generation is formed on the time it takes someone to go from birth to young adulthood,in that window of time their opinions and minds are formed

so any cultural change happens over the course of the 2.5 decades after the movement begins

what will be the cultural shift caused by the pilgrims influence on overall culture? we are a equalist,compasive and science aligned faction after all
Each turn is one-quarter of a year, as is clearly labelled on the threadmark for each turn's post.
each turn is roughly a year isnt?


if so,i would like to remind you how generational cultural changes work,a generation is formed on the time it takes someone to go from birth to young adulthood,in that window of time their opinions and minds are formed

so any cultural change happens over the course of the 2.5 decades after the movement begins

what will be the cultural shift caused by the pilgrims influence on overall culture? we are a equalist,compasive and science aligned faction after all
As @Godwinson said, a single turn spans only three months, you have been in Tessen for around 4 years now.

As for cultural shifts:

There will be a general rise in people seeking out new experiences, along with being more open to new ideas. More will seek out education than they do now, instead of "need that to make a better living" its "I want to know that thing because" should they be able to afford that. There will be much more interest in the past, along with people helping others with small gestures, instead of going by a beggar, they would drop a coin, should they see a wounded person in an alley, they would alert a guard instead of shuffling along, and a multitude of minor things.

The Pilgrims would, by sheer osmosis, get everyone to be a better person, not because "you should" but because "you can, it is easy to do good, there is no small good after all."

As a sidenote; I calculate how much weight you have on a black-number. Meaning that your members are those openly practicing the Pilgrims faith/tenents. You have about 10x times your members numbers in those practicing only a part of your ideology. (About 3.500 as of now.)

But for real; you are shaping the culture within the Quest itself. Making certain desicions over other will result in you seeing the results decades later.
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The Zone should be left for later, I suspect that scouting other areas will reduce its DC since there would be less places to search. We don't need to improve our camo-cloaks yet, there are easier areas left to scavenge and pretty much nobody goes that deep into the Necropolis.
There shouldn't be that many places to search because we know the Revival Initiative didn't clear out the entire ruins and that the Zone was supplied from Mirn. That limits the possible locations to places that aren't guarded by pre-Fall tech (because the Revival Initiative would have cleared them out) and places that can be reached by caravans coming from Mirn (because they needed tons of supplies, and the nearest big city they controlled was Mirn).

And while we don't need camo-cloaks right now, they still reduce the DC's for actions that could get people killed if they are failed and we will need them at some point.

But if we keep the boni from high Piety I might switch things around.

They may not be able to win but if we don't try we'll never know.
We could use a Martial action to scout the machines before we send the guards in.
[X] Plan Noble Connections
-[X] Buy It. For Comedic Purposes. Yes. That's Why. No Sinister Moves Here. (More Fluff for Marry Selene)(+0.67 Materials, - Lingerie)
-[X][Faith] Establish A Poor-House (0/2 Turns)
-[X][Diplomacy] Unity of Purpose (1/3 Turn )
-[X][Martial] Build An Armory - (Basic) - (1/2 Turns Complete)
-[X][Learning] Scientific Theory - (0/6 Successes)
--[X] 6FF
-[X][Learning] Lock and Key (0/1 Successes)
-[X][Archeology] Prepare an Expedition (TOP-01 )(2 Turns)
--[X] House Mirn support: Y
-[X][Tree of Knowledge] Living Quarters - Grand - (2/4 Turns Complete)
-[X][Tree of Knowledge] Administration Center - Grand - Faith - (0/2 Turns Complete) 10 materials
-[X][Personal Action] Too Much To Do - (We Are One People! - (Locals)) - (3/4 Turns Complete)
[X][Personal Action] Personal Introduction (Marquis of Tessen)
-[X] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
--[X] Pay debt 15 Materials
--[X] Buying Goods In Bulk - Laboratories - Basic
[X] The Union Of Herbalists - (1 Free Action)
-[X] Study Sessions - (2/8 Turns) 3.4 Materia
[X] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Free Action)
-[X] Suffer Their Arrogance - (3/4 Turns) 6 Materials
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