Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by HeroCooky on Aug 17, 2020 at 11:01 AM, finished with 16 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] Plan Kick the medic
    -[X][Faith] Healing For All! - (-8 Materials) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
    --[X] +5FF
    -[X][Diplomacy] Infiltrate - (Church of Eden) - (2/3 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Martial] Build An Armory - (Basic) - (-3 Materials, 4 Goodwill) - (0/2 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Learning] Flow Like Water - (Machinery) - (Diagram For A Waterwheel) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Archeology] Scout The Tower Of Pain - (0/1 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Tree of Knowledge] Laboratories - Basic - (2/3 Turns)
    -[X][Tree of Knowledge] Living Quarters - Grand - (1/4 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Personal action] Too Much To Do - (Unity Of Purpose) - (-4 Materials) - (0/3 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Personal action] Too Much To Do - (We Are One People! - (Locals)) - (1/4 Turns Complete)
    -[X] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
    --[X] Selling Artifacts - (Ancient Money, School Papers, Unintelligible Diary, Broken Toy, Obsidian Cube)(+1.33)
    --[X] Buying Goods In Bulk - (Daycare)
    -[X] The Union Of Herbalists - (1 Free Action)
    --[X] Study Sessions - (-3.4 Materials) - (1/8 Turns Complete)
    -[X] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Free Action)
    --[X] Suffer Their Arrogance - (-6 Materials) - (2/4 Turns Turns Complete)
    [X] Plan Martyris and the lost Zone
    -[X][Faith] Healing For All! - (-8 Materials) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Diplomacy] Infiltrate - (Church of Eden) - (2/3 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Martial] Build An Armory - (Basic) - (-3 Materials, 4 Goodwill) - (0/2 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Learning] Flow Like Water - (Machinery) - (Diagram For A Waterwheel) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Archeology] Scout The Tower Of Pain - (0/1 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Tree of Knowledge] Laboratories - Basic - (2/3 Turns)
    -[X][Tree of Knowledge] Living Quarters - Grand - (1/4 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Personal action] Too Much To Do - (Search for the Zone) - (0/??? Turns Complete)
    --[X] +5FF
    -[X][Personal action] Too Much To Do - (We Are One People! - (Locals)) - (1/4 Turns Complete)
    -[X] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
    --[X] Selling Artifacts - (Ancient Money, School Papers, Unintelligible Diary, Broken Toy, Obsidian Cube)(+1.33)
    --[X] Buying Goods In Bulk - (Daycare)
    -[X] The Union Of Herbalists - (1 Free Action)
    --[X] Study Sessions - (-3.4 Materials) - (1/8 Turns Complete)
    -[X] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Free Action)
    --[X] Suffer Their Arrogance - (-6 Materials) - (2/4 Turns Turns Complete)
@Leon12431, @Warmach1ne32 please declare if you want to proved any boni to any action within 3(three) hours.

These Actions are:

Healing For All!
Infiltrate - (Church of Eden)
Flow Like Water
Scout The Tower Of Pain
We Are One People! - (Locals)
I need 5 1d100 for your Actions with a DC of:
35, rolled with a +5, if successful, roll 1d3 Goodwill
20, rolled with a +15
15, if failed, roll another 1d100, if below 10, roll 1d6 casualties
40, rolled with +50

The first failure is re-rolled
All others have a DC of 50 for Goodwill roll.

Further Rolls:




(1d100) DC of 65


The first rolls that are complete are taken as official.
I will roll on the 18.08.20 at 17:00 CET if there are no other rolls presen
oh boy cant wait for the next turn

rolls for actions:
armentho threw 5 100-faced dice. Total: 307
89 89 24 24 44 44 98 98 52 52
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first roll: 89+5 = 94

second roll: 24+15 = 39

third roll: 44

fourth roll: 98

fith roll: 52+50 = 102

well,it seems we had 2 artificial critics (98 and 94) and we have 1 artificial greater critical (102)
understood,let me roll
armentho threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: faithfull Total: 95
95 95
armentho threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: piety Total: 5
5 5
armentho threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: income Total: 20
4 4 4 4 10 10 2 2
armentho threw 2 3-faced dice. Reason: artifacts Total: 2
1 1 1 1
armentho threw 2 2-faced dice. Reason: artifacts Total: 3
1 1 2 2
@armentho you are missing two 1d10's. You have rolled 8, 20 and 26 respectively.

i made a first roll ,then i didnt add it because i tought it would be better to simply put those non-action rolls in another post,then when i posted those rolls i realized that the dice automatically adds any roll you make if you make a new post,so now i had 2 different rolls for the same action

so i deleted my last post and decided to simply go with the first one

the dice format of SV is kinda fucked so i got confused,sorry
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i made a first roll ,then i didnt add it because i tought it would be better to simply put those non-action rolls in another post,then when i posted those rolls i realized that the dice automatically adds any roll you make if you make a new post,so now i had 2 different rolls for the same action

so i deleted my last post and decided to simply go with the first one

the dice format of SV is kinda fucked so i got confused,sorry
Don't worry. It is confusing. I still need 2 1d10's for your income though.
ok,let me roll the final 4d10 for income

edit:well,thats one nice budget

32+11= 43 budget next turn
armentho threw 4 10-faced dice. Total: 32
9 9 5 5 9 9 9 9
[X] Plan Kick the medic

-[X][Faith] Healing For All! - (-8 Materials) - (1/1 Turns Complete)
--[X] +5FF
Needed: 35 Rolled: 89 + 5 = 94
+3 Goodwill

-[X][Diplomacy] Infiltrate - (Church of Eden) - (3/3 Turns Complete)
Needed: 20 Rolled: 24 + 15 = 39
Unlocked Church Of Eden Spy-Network

-[X][Martial] Build An Armory - (Basic) - (-3 Materials, 4 Goodwill) - (1/2 Turns Complete)
+1 Turn of progress

-[X][Learning] Flow Like Water - (Machinery) - (Diagram For A Waterwheel) - (1/1 Turns Complete)
Needed: 15 Rolled: 44

-[X][Archeology] Scout The Tower Of Pain - (1/1 Turns Complete)
Needed: 15 Rolled: 98

-[X][Tree of Knowledge] Laboratories - Basic - (3/3 Turns)
+1 Learning Action

-[X][Tree of Knowledge] Living Quarters - Grand - (2/4 Turns Complete)
+1 Turn of progress

-[X][Personal action] Too Much To Do - (Unity Of Purpose) - (-4 Materials) - (1/3 Turns Complete)
+1 Turn of progress

-[X][Personal action] Too Much To Do - (We Are One People! - (Locals)) - (3/4 Turns Complete)
Needed: 40 Rolled: 52 + 50 = 102 Artificial Critical Success!
+2 Turns of Progress

-[X] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
--[X] Selling Artifacts - (Ancient Money, School Papers, Unintelligible Diary, Broken Toy, Obsidian Cube)(+1.33)

--[X] Buying Goods In Bulk - (Daycare)

-[X] The Union Of Herbalists - (1 Free Action)
--[X] Study Sessions - (-3.4 Materials) - (2/8 Turns Complete)
+1 Turn of progress

-[X] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Free Action)
--[X] Suffer Their Arrogance - (-6 Materials) - (3/4 Turns Turns Complete)
+1 Turn of progress


2d3 Mundane = 2
2d2 Mundane+ = 3

1d6 = 5% Piety reduction

Battle for the 4th Ringway North 4 + 55 = 59 vs. 38 = 13 + 25 Empire Win
Battle for the 4th Ringway South 33 + 55 = 88 vs. 82 = 67 + 15 Empire Win
Battle for the 4th Ringway East 33 + 55 = 88 vs. 17 = 2 + 15 Empire Win
Skirmish in the 3th Ringway North 86 + 20 = 106 vs. 36 = 21 + 15 Empire Win
Battle for the 3th Ringway West 44 + 55 = 99 vs. 79 = 64 + 15 Empire Win
Catching the Pilgrims [3th Ringway North]: Needed: 65 + 10 = 75 Rolled: 86 Success!
Killed: 1d6-1 = 1 - 1 = 0, Lucky Escape!

Needed: 65 Rolled: 95
+1 Faithful

10d4+11 = 28 + 11 = 39 Materials

The update will be online on the 21.08.20 at 17:00 CET.
Rumor Mill Turn 24

Success On Every Front!
It is pride that we look towards our brave forces fighting for the Empire! Not one, not two, but FOUR Cities have been taken in rapid succession, sending the Army of Starlight reeling! Already numerous reports talk about our soldiers' heroism and courage, how they brought not only one more piece of land under the Empires Aegis but also eternal honor to their families and homes! May they be a shining beacon to all that fight for what is our right! Long may they live!

Somethings Rotten By The Lighters
This rumor is received much more subdued than the news about the successes of the army. What soldiers being sent home due to crippling injuries, dishonorable discharges, and supply protection have told paints an unnerving picture. Villages are empty. Cities have only around two-thirds of its population present. How thousands of people can vanish, many even overnight, is unclear. What is clear, however, is that those that remain seem uncharacteristically happy for a conquered population. One heavily wounded returned soldier, receiving treatment for a re-opened wound inside your newly expanded hospice, even tells of being welcomed as liberators in one village. What is going on?

Okay, Maybe They Are Not Animals. But Fuck 'Em Anyways.
They are still incredibly freaky, what with their scales and fur and shit. No one in a sane society should be forced to be serviced at the same place as them, but maybe, maybe, chucking rocks at them for fun is not okay? Fucking hell, why did the Pilgrims have to start whining about this shit? We were perfectly happy with how things are going; we don't need to question whether we are right. Ugh, I am going to drink.


The Church Of Eden
looks down on you with disdain, which worsened after you started campaigning for Mutated-Rights. The only saving grace is that they think you of no consequence, your low numbers deterring them from taking any overt actions. Some of their lower members are politicking against you within House Mirn, though they have seen little success because you supply it with artifacts. But they are making some headway...

The Common People are patriotic, happy, and have no major worries at the moment. The most pressing matter is a lack of sanitation, though expanded sewers are currently being drafted.

The Mutated have been cowed and intimidated by the crackdown of the nobles. They are keeping their heads down. Curious and cautiously supportive about your efforts. The most pressing matter is the hostility brought against them.
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-[X][Personal action] Too Much To Do - (Unity Of Purpose) - (-4 Materials) - (1/3 Turns Complete)
+1 Turn of progress
No rolls for that?
Some of their lower members are politicking against you within House Mirn, though they have seen little success because you supply it with artifacts. But they are making some headway...
Glad we caught wind of that. It has been a while since Mirn got any artifacts though.
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Sums up that rumor well.
Okay, Maybe They Are Not Animals. But Fuck 'Em Anyways.
Fuck you too rumor-man. You don't have to like them, just don't treat them like monsters.
The most pressing matter is a lack of sanitation, though expanded sewers are currently being drafted.
Let's see how long it goes from drafting to building. Do we know who initiated that?