I still think we should move an action to Faith.
*shrug* I could change Aria's Action to 'Shift Your Bureaucracy' probably from (Diplomacy) To (Faith).

But I like having 4 Diplomacy Action slots for now, because 2 of those slots will be locked for 3 more Turns and we have a long list of factions we have to infiltrate and train people for.

Actually, it only just occurred to me. Shouldn't we swap the Gutted Core out of the Black Box for a Hololithic Cube? The latter covers two of the three things the former does, and have a larger amount of applicable categories, to boot!
The main reason the Gutter Core did end up in the Black Box was that boosters for [Psychology] projects were pretty rare. Even with both the Black Box and the Library we only get a +10 on those projects. We could change it out to cover more projects, but for most of those projects, we have tons of Artefacts we could use instead to get way more than a +5.
The main reason the Gutter Core did end up in the Black Box was that boosters for [Psychology] projects were pretty rare. Even with both the Black Box and the Library we only get a +10 on those projects. We could change it out to cover more projects, but for most of those projects, we have tons of Artefacts we could use instead to get way more than a +5.

Fair enough.

@HeroCooky Also when you have a chance, can you answer this question?

Separately, a thought that occurred to me. Is it possible to sell off salvage locations to House Mirn for Goodwill? At this point we have a bunch of untouched Mundanes that we're not ever going to hit up, so if we can get something out of them, I'm all for it.

And a similar question goes for the Mundane Artifacts left over that don't actually provide any Research benefits, can we donate them to the Merchants for Goodwill?
Is it possible to sell off salvage locations to House Mirn for Goodwill?

And a similar question goes for the Mundane Artifacts left over that don't actually provide any Research benefits, can we donate them to the Merchants for Goodwill?
The first is not possible since the deal with Mirn is that you salvage Artifacts and give them a certain portion, while they protect your salvagers with their troops. Salvaging directly is "beneath their station as a House of Slatnan and Tessen." There is a lot of social stigma attached to what you are doing, especially in Noble circles, only lessened by the fact that you are in a Region with heavy salvaging operations happening all the time.

And I'll whip something up for the Mundane Artifacts.
Adhoc vote count started by HeroCooky on Mar 30, 2023 at 11:00 AM, finished with 15 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Plan More Suspendium and finishing projects
    -[X][Faith] Build An Orphanage - (Big) - (Zulmni) - (6/7 Turns Complete)
    --[X][Faith] Seek Mutated Help - (...0.1 Goodwill=+100) - (+1 to roll = 0.001 Goodwill)
    -[X][Faith] Cleaning Up The Mess - (Strul) - (1/4 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Diplomacy] From The Brink - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-1.5 Goodwill)
    --[X][Diplomacy] (Ashleaf Tea - +15 to Diplomacy, 6FF)=+21
    -[X][Diplomacy] We Are One People! - (Locals) - (1/6 Successes)
    -[X][Diplomacy] We Are Legion - (6/9 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Diplomacy] School The Diplomat-Corp - (Specialized) - (Common People) - (0/2 Turns Complete)
    --[X][Diplomacy] (Ashleaf Tea - +15 to Diplomacy, Action Chance +10, 6FF)=+31
    -[X][Martial] Guards! Guards! - (Orphanage - (Big) - (Zulmni), Airship Line: Caravaner, Airship Line: First Son, Norqod Radio Station - (Entertainment and News), Medium Quarantine Area) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Learning] Hack The Bunker - (All Electronics/Programming) - (4/17 Successes)
    --[X][DoD], [PD], (Scientific Theory +15, Electronics Workshop +30, 4[ENG] +56, 2[SC] +24, 1[TSC] +18)=+143
    --[X]Papers With Recurring Numbers +20 to Common Programming=+20
    -[X][Learning] Radio-Channel - (Electronics/Advanced Electronics) - (2/7 Successes)
    --[X](Scientific Theory +15, Electronics Workshop +30)=+45
    -[X][Learning] Chemicals For Future! - (Biology/Chemicals) - (2/4 Successes)
    --[X] (Scientific Theory +15, 3 [DOC] +18, 1 [SUR] +12, [Library] +5)=+50
    --[X] 1x Larva Vivisection Reports +20 to Advanced Biology, 2x Bunker Hospital Artifacts +20 to Advanced Chemical/Medical/Psychology/Biology/Machinery, =+60
    -[X][Archeology] Prepare an Expedition - (WO-03) - (1/3 Turns Preparation= 6 Turns Expedition) - (House Mirn support: Y)
    -[X][Archeology] The Bunker's Hospital - (1/2 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Tree of Knowledge] Assemble A Logic Bank- (Tree of Knowledge) - (2/3 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Holdings] The Trail Of Rust - (0/19 Turns Complete) - [Sandcrete]
    --[X] 3 X Hire Contractors - (3 Turn of Progress)
    -[X][Holdings] Organized Airship Manufactory - 1 Line - (Caravaner: First 10 ships for Pilgrim use)) - (4/5 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Aria action] Guiding Hand - (0/1 Turns Complete)
    --[X] (We Can Do It! +10, Trauma: Common People Purge Survivor -5, Object of Veneration +5 to Diplomacy/Norqod, 6FF)=+5 (+10 to Diplomacy)
    -[X][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (Tree: Mausoleum of the Forgotten Pilgrims - (0/6 Turns Complete))
    -[X][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (Faith: Seed Shadow Sanctums - (0/2 Turns Complete))
    --[X] (Adjudicator +25)=+0
    -[X] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
    -[X] The Adventurer Guild - (1 Action)
    -[X] The Union Of Herbalists - (1 Action)
    --[X] A Helping Hand - (Healers) - (Preserved Neuron +5 to Biology)
    -[X] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Action)
    --[X] Suffer Their Arrogance- (2/4 Turns)
    -[X] The Military - (1 Action)
    --[X] War Lessons - (Rust Scouts) - (-0.25 Goodwill)
    -[X] Forge Clan Vanar-Feer - (1 Action)
    -[X] The Followers Of Light - (1 Action)
    --[X] We Work As One - (Build An Orphanage - (Big) - (Zulmni))
    -[X] Conclave Of Fraya - (1 Action)
    --[X] Eternal Arts - (Action) - (27/81)

I need 7 1d100 for your Actions with a DC of:
80 rolled with +100
05/130 rolled with +21
120 rolled with +21, Re-Roll
60 rolled with +31
93/166/282 rolled with +163
21/42/85 rolled with +45

37/108/169 rolled with +110

The first failure is re-rolled; then, 2 for 4, 3 for 6, usw.
All others have a DC of 50 for the Goodwill roll.

Further Rolls:


2d8-2 Lost Tech-Unique


The first rolls are taken as official.
If no other rolls are present, I will roll on the 31.03.23 at 17:00 CET.
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DC 60 rolled with +31.

Edit: Could have just fitted that in the reason box. Let's do more rolls!
MrRageQuit threw 1 100-faced dice. Total: 86
86 86
MrRageQuit threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: DC 93/166/282 rolled with +163 Total: 62
62 62
MrRageQuit threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: DC 21/42/85 rolled with +45 Total: 11
11 11
MrRageQuit threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: DC 37/108/169 rolled with +110 Total: 12
12 12
MrRageQuit threw 2 8-faced dice. Reason: LT/U Artifacts (-2) Total: 11
7 7 4 4
MrRageQuit threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Piety (+8) Total: 5
5 5
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The roll I did was for the Learning Action. If you want a reroll die...
I take all rolls by the order of actions done, rather than by announcement unless they are specific, i.e. d8/6s. This resulted in a failed Diplomacy roll taking two d100s, pushing all others up by one and leaving one action without any roll.
[X] Plan More Suspendium and finishing projects
-[X][Faith] Build An Orphanage - (Big) - (Zulmni) - (7/7 Turns Complete)
--[X][Faith] Seek Mutated Help - (...0.1 Goodwill=+100) - (+1 to roll = 0.001 Goodwill)
Needed: 80, Rolled: 38 + 100 = 138
+1 Turn of Progress

-[X][Faith] Cleaning Up The Mess - (Strul) - (2/4 Turns Complete)
+1 Turn of Progress

-[X][Diplomacy] From The Brink - (1/1 Turns Complete) - (-1.5 Goodwill)
--[X] (Ashleaf Tea - +15 to Diplomacy, 6FF)=+21
Needed: 05/130, Rolled: 96 + 21 = 117
+1 Assimilation

-[X][Diplomacy] We Are One People! - (Locals) - (1/6 Successes)
--[X][Diplomacy] (Ashleaf Tea - +15 to Diplomacy, 6FF)=+21
Needed: 120, Rolled: 26 + 21 = 47, Failure, Re-Roll: 86 + 21 + 20 [Doctrine of the Lowest] = 127
+1 Success

-[X][Diplomacy] We Are Legion - (7/9 Turns Complete)
+1 Turn of Progress!

-[X][Diplomacy] School The Diplomat-Corp - (Specialized) - (Common People) - (1/2 Turns Complete)
--[X] (Ashleaf Tea - +15 to Diplomacy, Action Chance +10, 6FF)=+31
Needed: 60, Rolled: 62 + 31 = 93
+1 Turn of Progress

-[X][Martial] Guards! Guards! - (Orphanage - (Big) - (Zulmni), Airship Line: Caravaner, Airship Line: First Son, Norqod Radio Station - (Entertainment and News), Medium Quarantine Area) - (1/1 Turns Complete)

-[X][Learning] Hack The Bunker - (All Electronics/Programming) - (8/17 Successes)
--[X][DoD], [PD], (Scientific Theory +15, Electronics Workshop +30, 4[ENG] +56, 2[SC] +24, 1[TSC] +18)=+143
--[X]Papers With Recurring Numbers +20 to Common Programming=+20
Needed: 93/166/282, Rolled: 11 + 163 = 174
+2 Automatic Successes
+2 Successes
+1 Breakthrough!

-[X][Learning] Radio-Channel - (Electronics/Advanced Electronics) - (4/7 Successes)
--[X](Scientific Theory +15, Electronics Workshop +30)=+45
Needed: 21/42/85, Rolled: 12 + 45= 57
+2 Successes

-[X][Learning] Chemicals For Future! - (Biology/Chemicals) - (5/4 Successes)
--[X] (Scientific Theory +15, 3 [DOC] +18, 1 [SUR] +12, [Library] +5)=+50
--[X] 1x Larva Vivisection Reports +20 to Advanced Biology, 2x Bunker Hospital Artifacts +20 to Advanced Chemical/Medical/Psychology/Biology/Machinery, =+60
Needed: 37/108/169, Rolled: 74 + 110 = 184
+3 Successes

-[X][Archeology] Prepare an Expedition - (WO-03) - (2/3 Turns Preparation= 6 Turns Expedition) - (House Mirn support: Y)
+1 Turn of Progress

-[X][Archeology] The Bunker's Hospital - (2/2 Turns Complete)
+1 Turn of Progress

-[X][Tree of Knowledge] Assemble A Logic Bank- (Tree of Knowledge) - (3/3 Turns Complete)
+1 Turn of Progress
+1 Tree of Knowledge Action gained!

-[X][Holdings] The Trail Of Rust - (5/19 Turns Complete) - [Sandcrete]
--[X] 3 X Hire Contractors - (3 Turn of Progress)
+5 Turns of Progress

-[X][Holdings] Organized Airship Manufactory - 1 Line - (Caravaner: First 10 ships for Pilgrim use)) - (5/5 Turns Complete)
+1 Turn of Progress
Gain [1] Caravaner Immediately!

-[X][Aria action] Guiding Hand - (0/1 Turns Complete)
--[X] (We Can Do It! +10, Trauma: Common People Purge Survivor -5, Object of Veneration +5 to Diplomacy/Norqod, 6FF)=+5 (+10 to Diplomacy)
+7 Faithful
Object of Veneration - Hazy - Guardian advances by 7 steps!

-[X][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (Tree: Mausoleum of the Forgotten Pilgrims - (1/6 Turns Complete))
+1 Turn of Progress

-[X][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (Faith: Seed Shadow Sanctums - (1/2 Turns Complete))
--[X] (Adjudicator +25)=+0
+1 Turn of Progress

-[X] The Union Of Herbalists - (1 Action)
--[X] A Helping Hand - (Healers) - (Preserved Neuron +5 to Biology)

-[X] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Action)
--[X] Suffer Their Arrogance- (3/4 Turns)
+1 Turn of Progress

-[X] The Military - (1 Action)
--[X] War Lessons - (Rust Scouts) - (-0.25 Goodwill)

-[X] The Followers Of Light - (1 Action)
--[X] We Work As One - (Build An Orphanage - (Big) - (Zulmni))

-[X] Conclave Of Fraya - (1 Action)
--[X] Eternal Arts - (Action) - (28/84)
+1 Turn of Progress

Further Rolls:


Lost-Tech/Unique = 9

1d6+8 = 5 + 8= 13% Piety reduction

-1.85 Goodwill


-1.85 Goodwill

The update will be online on 09.04.23 at 17:00 CET.
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Rumor Mill Turn 77

Grand Breakthrough In The Astronomical Sciences Within Three-Point University Made - The Tessen Speaker
Many of us stare at the night sky with wonder, the twinkling stars, shining nebulae, and the myriad of cosmic events happening every day and night playing out within and around Calynth and our star system, and all do so with good cause. Yet, few can deny that the heavens and the eternal void above our heads do not hold great sway over both our imagination and our faiths, with dozens of religions, cults, ideologies, and more fascinated, devoted, and dedicated to decyphering the mysteries lying above our heads, locked away within the heavens we cannot, our more accurately until now: couldn't, reach. Ultimately, numerous secrets stumped many of those very same people dedicated to the study of the stars and skies, the ring of asteroids around Calynth indicating a moon where there couldn't be one, the wandering lights that are neither satellite nor follow orbital paths, the geysers of the outer gas giants spewing molten lava on frozen planets, and the eternally burning ovoid planet baking near our sun, all things that have been studied for generations, and yet no answer could be found. Yet, Three-Point managed to unravel one of those mysteries after years of research: the gravity fluctuations of Mes. While the Eyeless Moon stands silent vigil beyond their smaller celestial brethren for most of their dancing cycle, the smaller moon has been known to defy their patterns occasionally. Without rhyme or reason, its internal gravity shrinks and grows randomly, throwing off its orbital paths without ever coming anywhere near a collision course with Calynth. Finally, the reason, or the suspected reason, has been unveiled by Three-Point: Artifical Structures on Mes itself! This find, unearthed due to tectonic movements, confirms that the Ancient Nations had the means to achieve orbital and interplanetary voidflight, with their sight set on constructing permanent structures on our moons! Though initiated attempts to ping the machine-minds on Mes have met with failure or have been ignored, this news has sent an enormous wave throughout both Forge-Clans and astronomers alike, predictions proven and theories confirmed. What will result from the fallout remains to be seen.
(Read more on pages 15-16)

Mass Meteor Fall Observed Near The Shattered Citadel - The Truthful Observers
Several dozen of the asteroids in our asteroid belt have, due to collisions and decaying orbital paths, descended unto Calynth, with their impact sites charted and evacuated barely hours before the masses of rock and metal crashed down. Though nobody was hurt, their impact near the Shattered Citadel Necropolis has spooked both Machine and Mutant inside and within the surrounding territories, heightening both the alarm of the Military and leading to a flood of contracts for mercenaries and the Adventurer Guild alike. But while fighters and soldiers begin the challenging and arduous task of clearing the monsters settling into zones already claimed by humanity, miners, smiths, metallurgists, Forge-Clan members, and many more professions aside have begun to trek to the sites of the meteorites to take advantage of the bounty from the stars. One of them has been confirmed to be near-pure neuionum in makeup, and so has already been surrounded by enterprising laborers, craftspeople, and merchants hoping to make it rich with the easy-access source of military material such a find provides. After all, mining it straight from the source is more manageable than scraping it together from hulks of destroyed or abandoned machinery and ancient military vehicles within the Wastes or a Necropolis!
(Read more on page 22)

Mercenary Company, "Tailors of the Burned Skies," Pursuing Work In Tessen - Rags, Rumors, And Rants
The nearly five-hundred-year-old mercenary company, "Tailors of the Burned Skies," have arrived within Tessen to much rumor and speculation, their hallowed and decorated Knights accompanied by War and Scout Lizards of exceptional lineages adorned by expertly crafted armors. Yet, at the same time, over five-thousand foot soldiers march in unison aside those machines of death, to the awe and fear of the locals and evil-doers, respectively! The company leader, Agatel Lh-a has negotiated a temporary place for their company near Strul, eliciting both a swathe of jokes about the city being remembered by outsiders, and excitement for the locals, as the flood of soldiers-for-hire will undoubtedly lead to a massive increase in trade, safety, and access to rarer materials from Machines and Mutants killed during their stay. The reason for their visit to Tessen has been confirmed to be the desire to negotiate with House Dall to purchase several airships for the company. As Agatel Lh-a remarked to one of our journalists: "We can't call ourselves the 'Tailors of the Burned Skies' if we don't own the very same, now can we?" Indeed, an excellent reason to visit and a sign that the young Prevter House is attracting ever more attention as news about the economic boons of their airships spreads, especially now, due to the initiation of a significant expansion of their harvesting operations within the Rusting Forest.
(Read more on page 18)


Region Report/s

Construction of our projects continues at a steady pace, with routine and familiarity increasing our speed once more across the board, especially as ties between the locals and us are beginning to pay off in familial connections and lowered guards against us within portions of the city where our reach does not (yet) extend. The Houses have been relatively easy-going these last few months. However, the local Forge-Clans, mainly Aes and Calor, are beginning to make a commotion, a dispute about mining drills and power equipment between the three Clans spiking anger and having already led to multiple incidents of physical violence among their numbers. Still, full members have yet to be part of those incidents.

In other news, rumors have it that the portions of the lowest levels connecting to the mines and the Necropolis are gradually being taken over by the Verdant Children, their members, and agents seen all around the districts below in far greater numbers than in living memory. We can only speculate what they are doing or why, but no rise in deaths or missing people has been noticed. We are keeping an eye out for any indication that they are up to some shady stuff, but otherwise, it seems that they are merely being far more proactive in their recruitment now.



The Marquess of Tessen is assessing the new budget for the coming decade, alongside a renewal of the contracts to the Guard forces of the Region.

House Ulatarn proudly announced the finishing of the new Headquarters for Disease Control, a dozen highly educated biochemists, biologists, and virologists having been hired to study, investigate, and, if needed, help contain and develop vaccines against new diseases.

House Mirn has initiated a drive to beautify its namesake city, cleaning up many districts and repairing much of the infrastructure. The Mutated Slums haven't been ignored as nearly all had assumed, with much of the refuse, dirt, and overbuilt ruins removed.

The Military has begun a slight draw-down of its oldest veterans, settling them within offices or sending them back to their families with pensions in their pockets.

The Adventurer Guild is starting its usual business again, with much hustle and bustle from low-level jobs replacing the regular pace of slow-going high-ranking contracts.

The Followers of Light praise the Pilgrims' efforts to give the dispossessed and cast-out children of the Region a place to stay and grow up in, urging their adherents to consider adopting if they have the means to raise another child. This mainly translates to an aggressive leaflet campaign for homosexual couples and families to adopt.

The Lost continue with their lives, working to redeem themselves from imagined failures or to lessen the weight upon their souls and minds from sins done in their past.

Dirty Daggers are operating quietly, their rackets not acting overtly in their dealings. However, the smuggling of medical commodities has increased due to the arrival of the Mercenary Company.

The Family has, surprisingly, made an overt bid on the outer edges of the Region against a tiny first-gen Noble Family, arguing in the Imperial Courts that a member of their organization is the righteous owner of the lands due to legalistic minutia and presented documents. Not as overt as that, but that is the gist. However, it is anyone's guess why they bothered arguing in the first place, as the family has quickly gathered much support among higher-ranking noble families banding together against "uppity thieves and commoners."

The Common People complain about the High Summer, rising prices of luxuries, the changes in weather, too much wind, not enough wind, the ugly cat in their street, the way new books are trash now, etc.

The Mutated are pleasantly surprised by House Mirn's actions. However, other communities are more concerned with the struggle of their daily life, as the prices of commonly used medicines to alleviate everyday aches, pains, and deficiencies from their Mutations are rising in price. Nothing unusual, the High Summer has always been a time when trade slowed down due to the heat and the breeding cycle of the various animals ending, resulting in more attacks on villages and travelers from new parents seeking food for their newborns.
Huh. Now what is going on with Aria's object of veneration?

Should we be worried? Sounds kind of cult of personality ish.
So we probably would want to project an airship that is an actual somewhat capable vessel that can also serve as a troop transport honestly it varies greatly deppend what is the tier of the mercenaries in questions from knight with shows from what would be an freeholder knight order each would have an diferent scope.
Guess Wil and Tam have free fuel for the next couple of weeks.

Likely, on a societal level it would be a good idea to make adoption by homosexual couples the norm rather than the exeption on the empire. Less orphans raised by the estate means less logistical demmands, in a way its a low hanging fruit to help alliviate that issue, the efforts from the pilgrims from raising the quality of life of the masses and reduce mortality and what is invalid also help with that with more families not just caught an case of critical existence failure. The biggest hurdle to overcome on the orphan situation is still the issue of mutated racism unfortunately, since that one is an cockroach of a problem.
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So some suggestions for Learning in the next turn:

-[] [Learning] Hack The Bunker - (All Electronics/Programming) - (8/17 Successes)
--[] [DoD], [PD], (Scientific Theory +15, Electronics Workshop +30, 4[ENG] +56, 2[SC] +24, 1[TSC] +18) = +143
Needed: 48/121/237

This will give us another guaranteed 4 successes and continued breakthrough reductions, and then the turn after this coming turn, we can start shifting the engineers (and PD or DoD) elsewhere.

-[] [Learning] Radio-Channel - (Electronics/Advanced Electronics) - (4/7 Successes)
--[] (Scientific Theory +15, Electronics Workshop +30) = +45
--[] 8x Bunker Artifact [Common] (+5 Electronics) = +40
Needed: 21/42/85

We have a multitude of those anyway and thus we can complete the project without further rolling required.

Lastly, for our open slot...

-[] [Learning] Steel Casting - (Common Mechanics/Common Metallurgy/Common Hydraulics) - (0/5 Successes)
--[] (Scientific Theory +15, Soaring Wrenches +50) = +65
--[] 3x Chainswords (+5 Common Mechanical), Lever-operated Pump (+5 Common Mechanical), 2x Miscellaneous Artifacts (+5 Everything), 2x Commercial Pump (+5 Hydraulics), Gold Alloy (+5 Metallurgy) = +45
Needed: 53/109/216

Look, we do need good in-house steel, given all the expansion and advanced technology we're getting into. This will allow us a healthy 2 successes to start, and then in that turn after this coming, we can shuffle in 2 of our 4 Engineers. Actually, DoD or PD as well, because starting Turn 78 we will only have 5 successes left for Hack the Bunker.
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So we probably would want to project an airship that is an actual somewhat capable vessel that can also serve as a troop transport honestly it varies greatly deppend what is the tier of the mercenaries in questions
We just finished setting up the Caravaner production line, a medium ship that can carry 1.5 tons of cargo that has a lot of extra structure. So the mercs could just as easily buy one of those and swap cargo bays for whatever they want.

Same with the troop transport.