Name: ^Ä^/Old Core/"Old Fucker" (Only PD is allowed to call him that)
Type: Leputa
Status: Core-Controlled
Structural Integrity: 6/68
Armor: 153/723
Machine-Mind: ^Ä^
Super-Sonic Fists
The arms of the Leputa are capable of accelerating beyond the sound barrier, thus adding considerable kinetic might behind each of its punches.
(4d20+20 Damage, only usable without any equipment or weaponry requiring the usage of hands. May modify melee weaponry.)
Bladed Arms
The Leputas arm segments hide long blades set within, ready to spring out and be used to eviscerate any foe upon command. Due to the segment's ability to rotate independently, cutting enemies can be attempted from all sides, with grappling proving lethal as dozens of blades puncture the opponent in quick succession.
(Each attack without melee weaponry increases damage by 10d8+20, with melee 4d6+10. Grappled enemies suffer 20d20+80 damage per turn until they have freed themselves, +40/20/5 bleeding Damage for 1/2/3 turns after hitting biological enemies.)
If a Titan or higher grade enemy is knocked prone, the Leputa may attempt to stomp upon the enemy to devastating effect.
(85 Damage, +2d20 Internal Structure Damage against Mechanical foes. 45% to hit.)
Allows the installed Core to take complete control of the Frame, no matter the damage sustained to its Pilot. It may have been created as a failsafe due to disloyal Knight-Pilots being a concern or to provide one Awakened Machine-Minds a physical body.
(Autonomous Piloting if an Awakened Core is provided.)
Old, Forgotten, Lost, Yet Never Beaten (+4 to all Morale Rolls for nearby enemies),
Ancient Machine, Obsolete Mind, Bygone Soul (Unaffected by any psychological or ??? attacks),
Scorched Mind (Cannot communicate in any manner accessible to organic minds not altered for mind-machine interfacing),
??? (???)