Yeah, right now its one of two options.

Either Holy Rose faked her death to dip the region that was losing profits.

Or she was killed due to the massive round up.

Neither inspires a lot of safety or relief.
But she is probably dead. The victm's ire trait was modified. Implying she is dead.
Well, that settles it. Now I'm wondering who was able to shank her.

Anyways, what do we want to do for learning? I want to do an agriculture project at least once and the radios because it's quick and would unlock cool buildings.
Medical tecnology if i can help Mart is locked to 2/3 of total healt until we sove this isue also selenes forced sterilitiy...
Should we not be more worried on who is going to replace her. like should we stealthily help who ever is the most sane candidate that appears to take the crime throne?
Unfortunely there's too much to reliably track right now and the pilgrims arent really interested in underworld domination themselves.
What we can do is mitigate the fallout of the gang war.
Materials: 338.61 (min. +99.66, max. +550.66 per Turn, 80 Materials owed in 3(three) Turns.)
Pretty good. 80 or so Materials will be spent on the Tree and Holding Actions, but we should have enough for everything else.

6.00-33.00 = Brothel 'Consensual' - (Mirn, Jokvi)
5.85 = Brothel 'Consensual' - (Mirn (Upgraded), Jokvi, Tessen) - (+1.10 Due to Guardians For Hire, -0.40 Due to Buying Goods In Bulk, -0.75 Due to Local Headquarters)
Under the Income-list the brothel of Tessen is missing.

Criminal Gangs:
Leader: ???
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: ???
Huh? Shouldn't we have gotten the plans of the criminals, thanks to the hired Adventurers?
Gets clarified later. ??? is surprisingly fitting.

"Understanding And Repressing Sinful Urges!" - 5.24 - +20 to Advanced Psychology
So, tons of weapon Artefacts with useful side topics. I'm not sure where this comes from, though.:confused:

Auroran Cylinder
A cylinder about the size of a human forearm and with an equivalent thickness that shines with a kaleidoscope of colors, bringing warmth to the body and calm to the mind of its wearer. Aria noticed a tingling all over her body when she got it from a room within the Daughter of Dawn.
(+1 Health if equipped, +20%???)
And the thing Aria found. A lava lamp?

-Combat Drug - Adrenaline: Increase all damage by three damage dice. (Warning! Use of this drug has a (projected) 05% chance of killing the user.) Consumable: needs to be re-stocked at half cost after use. 4.93 Materials per Unit.
-Combat Drug - Stabilizers: Half all Casualty Rolls, rounded up. Consumable: needs to be re-stocked at half cost after use. 7.53 Materials per Unit.
The drugs we unlocked. The Stabilizers will definitely be useful.

-Mortar Upgrade: Acid Globules (Ammunition): +4d4/12d4 Acid Damage against Biological/Machine Enemies, Acidic Burning (4 Damage per Turn for 2 Turns, +2 Breakpoints for all Sentient Units present), 10.45 Materials for (3/3) Shells
-Mortar Upgrade: Sleeping Gas (Ammunition): Chemical Lullaby (Affects 1d6 Units, randomly chosen in the target area, until it diffuses. 1d2+1 Turns until affected Units fall asleep), Gas Weapon (Diffuses after 1d4+1 Turns, No effect upon non-biological targets), 6.93 Materials for (2/2) Shells
-Mortar Upgrade: Choking Gas (Ammunition): 2d2 Health Damage per Turn, Yellow Fog (Affects 1d6 Units, randomly chosen in the target area, until it diffuses), Gas Weapon (Diffuses after 1d4+1 Turns, No effect upon non-biological targets), 12.96 Materials for (1/1) Shells
-Mortar Upgrade: Fire Cannisters (Ammunition): 6d6 Fire Damage, Liquid Fire (Triggers Breakpoint Check in all affected Biological Units, inflicts 2d3 Fire Damage for 2d3 Turns), 4.35 Materials for (6/6) Shells
-Mortar Upgrade: Explosive Warheads (Ammunition): 12d4 Piercing Damage, High-Explosive Airborne Lethal Ordnance/HEALO Rounds (Cannot be used indoors, 1/2 Damage against Machines), 6.53 Materials for (2/2) Shells
-Mortar Upgrade: Seeker Shells (Ammunition): +8 Fire Damage, Born To Die (+50% Accuracy), 22.10 Materials for (1/1) Shells
-Mortar Upgrade: Flaming Ordnance (Ammunition): 2d12, Burning Comets (Hits every Unit present on the battlefield, cannot be used indoors), 12.39 Materials for (5/5) Shells
Literally war crimes in cans. But the existence of monsters like Mutants makes stuff like this actually useful. And uhh, Flaming Ordnance sounds like it would hit our units too...

-A Wall
-Basic Service-Buildings
-Basic Marketplace
The Marketplace should be upgraded.

Poisoned By A Plague-Engine - Medicated Immunity
There are few things worse enough than dying to the poison of a Plague-Engine. You are enduring the least of the worst of those fates. Many see your determination to face such a future for something beyond yourself as inspiring and have taken more selfless actions. Your medicine's side effects and the lasting damage seem to be a much-increased tolerance against any form of poison, though there may be more.
(Reduced health, reduced lifespan, permanent -1 to Piety reduction rolls, grants immunity against poison)
I just realized we could spend a Forge-Clan Action or an equivalent on looking into a better treatment for Martyris. The current trait comes from a Herbalist, but the Forge-Clans might have better treatments available.

Sympathy: The Lost
Through action, conversation, moral, mind, or observation, this person has developed a deep sympathy for a faction or group of people, seeing helping them as a moral calling and ignoring them as a moral failure. They will, if able, extend a helping hand without hesitation, ready to lift those that grasp it and grasp those unable to hold onto themselves.
(+20 to all rolls involving: The Lost)
Huh, not what I expected from infiltrating them, but it will help.

Mutation: Lamba Volondavenona (12/25):
Hmm, this advanced again, but I'm not sure why? Maybe the Artefact Aria found?

Human Girlfriend - Chiedi - Settling In - (4/11)
Well, it happened, though you'd be hard-pressed to pinpoint when, how, and why. You just kind of... started liking her more and in another way? It is not how others (Selene) described it would feel, but you think you like it? Being confined to the same space is either a very bad thing or a good one.
And now comes the difficult part.:V

But, unfortunately, only two dozen others had answered the call, either the bitter old or the hopeful young, yet all desired to help.

Zaur Biragov did so too, interested in spending his last decade bringing the broken to the whole, but with another task in his mind.

Saints could carry knives as surely as medicine, and he would watch for which it was.
A bit disappointing that even among the biggest religion in the area only two dozen care enough to help.

"Oh, that's bad," Needle whispered in horrified awe, lowering the report she had been given by the Bad Batch hired to look into the gangs.
Ah, so there is a report.

"The Military is also killing off a whole bunch of bandits and other scum in the Yellow Zones, so wouldn't this news be good? Fewer criminals, less crime?"
Except this means only the most competent and/or ruthless survive; now able to expand into the areas without organized crime. Not to mention the strange cults that could sneak in among the chaos.

"This," she declared, tapping a photograph showing the desiccated corpse of Holy Rose, left to rot for months, "means war.
That's one trait less on Martyris' character sheet.

Trust me in this: the very moment the cleansings are done, a crime wave will hit Tessen, and corpses will fill the streets."
I'm not really sure what we can do here. Hire more guards, sure. But I think we can't even infiltrate them because there is not a single group to infiltrate.

It is recommended to not use the guides as your only source of information on how to handle mortar shells and instead seek out already trained operators or personnel involved in their creation.
I would bet that 9/10 of the time this guide will only be read after everyone that could operate the mortars is six feet under.

House Ulatarn:
[][House Ularn] Recover 1 Warship
[][House Ularn] Recover 2 Line Vessels
[][House Ularn] Locate Their Missing Daughter (And Bring Her Back)
[][House Ularn] Connect 6 Trade Routes With Any House Ularn City (Ularn/Jokvi/Strul)
[][House Ularn] Create Cheap Radio Transmitters/Receivers Within 4 Turns (Total of 13 Successes Needed)
Warships and the daughter are straight out. The Line Vessels would take too long too. I don't think we have the free actions to do the trade routes, now that we opened the Bunker. Probably the radio transmitters? That would probably start with "Primitive Radios", which we could finish in 1 Turn if we focus on it.

House Mirn:
[][House Mirn] 75 Materials Worth Of Artifacts (Artifacts)
[][House Mirn] 4 Years (16 Turns) Of Expeditions Only For Them
[][House Mirn] Locate House Ularn's Missing Daughter (And Keep Her Hidden)
[][House Mirn] Build Asylums In All Their Cities (Mirn/Zulmni) + 20 Materials Worth Of Artifacts (Artifacts)
[][House Mirn] Upgrade The Mirn Consensual Twice + Create House Only Section (2 Turns, 14 Materials, 1.73 Goodwill, +1 to Piety Rolls)
... We can upgrade the Consensual more than once?

Anyway, the asylums sound good. Or we could spend a herculean effort on finding the missing daughter. Really, where could she possibly be?:V

[ ] From The Brink
Having obtained rudimentary knowledge and understanding of the human psyche beyond that which is commonly available, you now have the chance to slowly pull The Lost back into the fold, saving lives in the process, and preventing them from sliding into a darker mindset than self-punishment. Of course, a deeper understanding of psychology and deeper infiltration could make this process smoother, but you'll have to make do.
(Cost: 10 Materials, 2 Goodwill
Chance: 90/-55%
Reward: +1/3 Assimilation. The Lost become more aligned with the Pilgrims, eventually allowing you to absorb them.)
Ugh, I hoped the infiltration raised the success chance, but it seems we still have to slowly grind this down. The +65 from Martyris makes 1 success very likely, at least. So around 7 Turns?
Unfortunely there's too much to reliably track right now and the pilgrims arent really interested in underworld domination themselves.
What we can do is mitigate the fallout of the gang war.
Yes could possibly not be able to do much to change stuff I and I don't want to take over it's just you know make sure there is not anyone to evil as the boss. And by helping I mean like if a few candidates appear and start waring with each other help the non rabid of them makes any sense?
Medical tecnology if i can help Mart is locked to 2/3 of total healt until we sove this isue also selenes forced sterilitiy...
Martyris was poisoned by a pre-war Titan, I don't think we can research anything that would help at our level.

Selene is sterile because she was stabbed multiple times, there's no fixing that until we get into sci-fi celular reconstruction.
We can upgrade the Consensual more than once?
I mean Mirn is the city with the bordel the longest the police have the dat tha show that prostitute relate incidents are down and provide a reputable place to nobles to indulge in it with less propensity to scandals.
The ocupation wont be respected by a long shot but the sheer benefit in having it organized is enough of a boom that a pragmatic noble would want encourage.

We can weakening the worst ones but having any direct ties with the underworld a bad thing on the long run.
The pragmatic solution i weather the storm and when the new boss is consolitading its power we infiltrate the organization and take it down properly like Neddles said.
Martyris was poisoned by a pre-war Titan, I don't think we can research anything that would help at our level.
Selene is sterile because she was stabbed multiple times, there's no fixing that until we get into sci-fi celular reconstruction.

Luckly for us we just opened a bunker full of hypetech Si fi stuff. Would you be surprised if the medical wing have a bacta tank?
Last edited:
Under the Income-list the brothel of Tessen is missing.
The Marketplace should be upgraded.
Fixed them right up.
So, tons of weapon Artefacts with useful side topics. I'm not sure where this comes from, though.:confused:
Bored soldiers, military duty, an NCO or higher with a non-literal stick up their ass... I've seen worse.
A fancy lava lamp!
And now comes the difficult part.:V
And the one with the most fun. :V
We can upgrade the Consensual more than once?
Ninja'd by MrRobot. See his reply above mine.
Or we could spend a herculean effort on finding the missing daughter. Really, where could she possibly be?:V
Yeah, wherever could she hide? :V
Ugh, I hoped the infiltration raised the success chance, but it seems we still have to slowly grind this down. The +65 from Martyris makes 1 success very likely, at least. So around 7 Turns?
>.> Chance: 90/-55%
DC: 10/155 <.<
It wasn't raised? :???:
Luckly for us we just opened a bunker full of hypetech Si fi stuff. Would you be surprised if the medical wing have a bacta tank?
We still have to clear the thing floor by floor, and hope we don't wreck stuff during the battle.

The pragmatic solution i weather the storm and when the new boss is consolitading its power we infiltrate the organization and take it down properly like Neddles said.
On the other hand, if we manage to hold our ground whoever ends up taking the top spot will be much less influential than their predecessor. So any ground we can take right now will hopefully stick. So we could go full ham on the consensuals, given that the underground is currently tearing itself apart we could wrest a bigger percentage of that market from them.
On the other hand, if we manage to hold our ground whoever ends up taking the top spot will be much less influential than their predecessor. So any ground we can take right now will hopefully stick. So we could go full ham on the consensuals, given that the underground is currently tearing itself apart we could wrest a bigger percentage of that market from them.
Oh yeah have a stromgarm on prostitution would be ideal also sponsoring a neighborhood wach under the police would take the protection fees from the criminals.
But there stuff that we dont want be associated with like drug trafick smugling and of course slavery, endorsing any criminal organization will link us to it (big yikes)
@karmaoa I think we should take the trade route option for house Ularn. We can shift an action to archeology and use that to start pulling more ships, plus the best routes available already connect with one of the cities needed.
>.> Chance: 90/-55%
DC: 10/155 <.<
Derp. In my defense, it's nearly 11 pm for me. I probably should go to sleep soon...

@karmaoa I think we should take the trade route option for house Ularn. We can shift an action to archeology and use that to start pulling more ships, plus the best routes available already connect with one of the cities needed.
Yeah, the suggestion was moving 1 Action from the Tree to Archaeology, I think? Most of the projects in the Tree section are too expensive to do two at once anyway.
Well, if you look at the holding actions, many are quite expensive. All of the ones that provide taxes do eventually pay themselves off but at different rates.

Without getting contractor help...
Beverage Spoke makes returns in 6 turns
Cat Alley makes returns in 6
Sin Run makes returns in 5
Paper Mile makes returns in 13
Artist Alley makes returns in 11
Amphitheater Avenue makes returns in 9

All of the ones that have a profit above 7 will make returns faster if contractors are used (only one or two turns.)

I'm really interested in the Industrial Subsidies, Airship Trade Anchor And Depot, and Organized Airship Manufactory, because they would make lots of profit over the long term (especially airships.)
Beverage Spoke makes returns in 6 turns
Cat Alley makes returns in 6
These are said to need extra guards, so we might need to build the barracks first to avoid security issues. And I'm categorically opposed to Sin Run, it is one thing to provide security for sex workers but outright opening casinos is a step too far for me.

Organized Airship Manufactory, because they would make lots of profit over the long term (especially airships.)
For the airships we are still missing some techs to make ships that are more than floating caskets. Mainly armored bags and propulsion in the air.