Slene#MArtyris welcome Eden Cardinal; Sel has red hair due to Nexa buying the wrong dye. Mart says her package has arrived, and they can try it out afterwards; she is assuaged. Cardinal is informed about the cold fury inducingly high repayment of local Eden's for orphans, gets it fixed. Scene to black as they start the political talk.
I'm going to guess this is the outline you turned into the section and then forgot to remove...

Also which religion was the one that descended from Judaism and we'd get along great with again? Because I'd really prefer if we could introduce ourselves to them and hand over the Ancient Torah before we forget and sell it.
Also which religion was the one that descended from Judaism and we'd get along great with again? Because I'd really prefer if we could introduce ourselves to them and hand over the Ancient Torah before we forget and sell it.
It was something relating to Flame, but we should still save the Torah. We are going to expand soon so we could use it to smooth our entrance to an area with their prescense.
I'm going to guess this is the outline you turned into the section and then forgot to remove...
Thank you for pointing that out, I have removed that section.
Also which religion was the one that descended from Judaism and we'd get along great with again? Because I'd really prefer if we could introduce ourselves to them and hand over the Ancient Torah before we forget and sell it.
The Order of the Flaming Sword, located in the City of Perfidious within the Region Sunken Hollows.
Nary a second passed as a burning ember of what was in eternity lost within writhing flames rose from the corpse, looking skywards for the first time in a Millenium. "At last, after a thousand years of chains, free once more."
Ok, so a being which was gone/chained within fire for a thousand years. Given that it is now ~10000 years since the fall, it might well be that Candle (or is it Candle's Flicker) can only manifest once every thousand years.
The mention of being chained in fire made me think of the conqueror worm at first, since that thing was dragged towards the sun last we saw of it. Ended up being a different thing though.
"No," Harbinger spoke, walking out from her demesne hidden in the skins of the kneeling Unwanted. You are needed in Sunken Hollow, now. The Apostle is weaving his webs once more, and we cannot be denied the Grave there. The Candle's Flicker stopped at her words before slowly retracting his appendages into a bow. "As the Forest orders, I obey."
Mention of a grave. Might be connected to the grave that it would be a very bad idea for Martyris to investigate.
The graves appear to be locations the Forests fight over, or that the White wants and others want to deny them.

On other matters, murdering an entire village/town for the purpose of some ritual is something we have seen Harbinger do twice now. Makes it seem likely that if we come across murdered populations in the future without context, the White may well be behind it.

No idea who the Apostle is, but it might as well be Rotten Moon given his prominence so far. No real clues though.

Next, Harbinger's servants have altered bodies and are called 'Unwanted'. The name makes me think back to the fact that the first time we saw yellow text was when a slave had golden liquid dripping from their body. This might be a clue as to what kind of people are taken advantage of by the White. Or maybe not.
Also, Harbinger can use the Unwanted to manifest her will at a distance. Unless she really traveled within a pocket dimension anchored to them, which isn't entirely unreasonable given that summoning another servant is an important act, but it seems strange that she wouldn't just be out in the first place.
its only been two thousand years since the Fall I am pretty sure.
Mhhh, I think you may be right. Google refuses to give me any sort of useul results, but on the beastiary's page for Slatnan's Army, it says the Empire has stood for well over a thousand years. And I think Slatnan has existed for more than half the time since the fall(?)
In either case, it means that Candle being chained happened quite some time after the fall.
So apparently shit's going down at the Sunken Hollow region. Guess we know where to expand next, we'll have an ally (hopefully) so we should be able to look more into that.
I enjoyed that immensely, so happy to see Best Cult back. :)

Also, Cardinal Aarif seems to be a stand-up dude, lovely.

And I cannot wait to see Aria's receipt of that poem.
Yeah, we need to expand into the Sunken Hollow ASAP. The fact we've got the Torah means we have a reason to prioritise that region over others IC as well. So what did we need to achieve for expansion to be unlocked again?
1.500 Followers, which will allow you to send 200 out to form a satellite/enclave/chapter of the Pilgrims, depending on your choices on how to handle inter-regional expansion.
So about seven more turns before we can do it, provided we don't do anything that drastically increases how many we gain per turn or get a lump sum. And I assume the differences are basically how centralised we want the Pilgrims to be, paired with how much we want what splashes on one to effect the others... Which is very important when the leader is part of a noble family, meaning we have to keep in mind that if it seems like the Pilgrims are only an expansion of that noble family then their expansion has other noble families start talking about 'overreach of privilege' and 'interfering in other families lands'.
Materials: 262.60 (min. +6.34, max. +503.34 per Turn.)(157.50 Materials due in 4(Four) Turns.)
Not too bad. Around 40 Materials to start paying off the loan, then, hmm...

Piety: 96% (+50 to all rolls for Heros with the Adjudicator Trait)
Close, but we still get the 1-Turn Action and the prosthetics should push us back to 100%.

The Followers of Light
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: ???
Huh, I'm surprised we didn't get a named contact.

he Union of Herbalists:
Opinion: Neutral (1)
Plans: Advance/Make Cheaper Medicine.
- Foundation (Neutral (0)|35% Control|Cheaper Actions)
- Healers (Ally (3)|65% Control|Enables Doctoral Training)
Boni: +15 on all Diplomatic rolls
That's a big jump, around 10%. Not too surprising given the number of people that need healing, though.

The Adventurer Guild:
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: Continue Operations.
-The Huntsmen (Leader: Amra Kaliv/Friendly (1)/80 Members/Reliable Mercenary Company)
Plans: Hunting Quake Worms
-The Scavenger Organizations (Leader: None Formally
Crews: Old Eye Joe / 128 Members
Plans: Butchering Titan's Fall)
-The Bad Batch (Leader: ???/Friendly (1)/??? Members/Infiltration Experts)
Plans: ???
A new adventurer group? Not sure why they showed up now.

The Lost

Opinion: Friends (2)
Information Network: Rank 1.
Plans: Building a refuge in Tessen. In addition, they are assisting the last bits of clean-up after the earthquake.
- 238 Members
-Pilgrim Sub-Cult
-Penance Focused
*wince* They gained another 60 members. Growing by 1/4 of their previous number.

Tasteful Dress - 0.36
Tattered Painting - 0.05
Decorative Armor Pieces - 0.93
Galant Men's Wear - 0.46
Huh, we now have more than enough clothing Artefacts to do the fashion Action with the maximum number of successes. I wonder if the Decorative Armor Pieces would also count?

Permanent Inhabitants: Many
-Tendency: Titanic Uptick
Uhhh, yeah. We probably should keep focusing on that.

We Can Do It!:
From a young age, Aria has been deeply empathetic, caring, and driven. Since joining the Pilgrims, she has grown into a relentlessly friendly and optimistic young woman, shaped by her adoptive family's experiences. With her determined personality, she's picked up "a little bit of everything" at a young age by way of enthusiastically volunteering to assist in any and everything. She picked the brains of anyone willing to let her, though the more curmudgeonly among the Pilgrims find her boundless enthusiasm tiresome. But she will give everything she has in all she does, unfortunately, sometimes beyond that.
(+20 to all actions this Hero is assigned to, -10 for every Turn Relax is not chosen. Currently: -10.)
Right, have to focus Aria on relaxing, now that the worst is over.

"Wounded?" Vystis asked, looking himself over in confusion. "The Gangbangers wounded none of us in the last skirmish, least of all me. There isn't even a new scratch on my armor from any fighting! Annoyingly enough," he added in a murmur, frowning at his bad hand, though throwing a card down anyways.
I hope the gangs don't get anything that can get through that armor. Anyway, doesn't look like this needs any active actions.

"Ah, thinking like a true friend," Chiedi sagely chimed up, nodding in agreement. "Selflessly offering yourself up to take care of the horny so Wiljem won't be swarmed, truly, you are the epitome of a good person."
Press F to pay respect.:V

Chiedi blinked at him for three seconds, her face steadily evacuating her blood before she whispered, "Sending? Please tell me I didn't send that thing to her." The incredulous and amused look of her friend made her pause for another heartbeat before she abruptly stood and dashed out of the hall with a quick: "CoverMyShiftOkayThanksBy!"
Depending on how cringe-worthy that is DP might either immortalize it in its databank or erase it for the good of all.

"It just, for a moment, all this," he spoke, gesturing around at the nearly full room within the Consensual, "felt weird. Like a dream, a passage within a story, something not entirely real."
Oi, careful! Replacing that wall would be expensive.:p

The marketplace within the small town of Jaded Roost in the Sacred Lands of the Eversun was unremarkable, safe for the giant statue of a long-forgotten blindfolded woman, scales held aloft in her left, while a sword rested in her right.
Huh, why do we get a POV of that place?

Yet, today, two weeks after the Priesthood had lost all contact, the little marketplace figured a scene a tiny bit different than usual.
That sounds like everyone got killed by the monster of the week.

Someone had nailed the mayor to the statue's chest.
The town had been sewn together in its entirety before the same, their bodies tortured and in agony.
Aaaand they're all dead.

Wonderful, not a random monster but the White Forest. But why are the cultists active there?

"No," Harbinger spoke, walking out from her demesne hidden in the skins of the kneeling Unwanted. You are needed in Sunken Hollows, now. The Apostle is weaving his webs once more, and we cannot be denied the Grave there. The Candle's Flicker stopped at her words before slowly retracting his appendages into a bow. "As the Forest orders, I obey."
Hmm, why is Unwanted capitalized? Is that something Harbinger needs? Is her nature somehow related to what society rejects? That would explain why the pre-Collapse society had trouble dealing with it and why
she is now active in the territory of the Eversun.

The old delighted more on the Mutated child clinging to her father's pants while holding her tail like a doll, reminiscing about their children and long-gone youth. Some stared with disgust at the debasement of pure Human genes.
Infiltrators/spies? I can't think of another reason why racists would live in our town otherwise.

[ ] Learning To Take Census Pt.2 - (All Psychology)
You figured out a way to streamline the collection and dissemination of academic papers of all kinds, vastly advancing your capabilities to do such. But this is the hard part; your Theorists can still implement massive improvements in every aspect of your efforts. It will take a very long time to do so, though, and will likely not be a priority for the next decade or three.
(Chance: -67/-132/-403 for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes Needed: 32
Reward: Increased Chances For Assemble, The Theorists!)
Oof. Even with the guaranteed Successes, that would take 10 Turns. Maybe if we have many low-difficulty projects.

[ ] Assemble The Theorists! - (Common/Advanced/Pioneer/Specific Quester Requested Theory)
Stagnation. Complacency. Fear. Those are the three things that have hampered the progress of science the most, bar none. No longer, you say! Instead, you will see to it that you will examine, nail down, and figure out the right way in which the universe works, allowing you to not only reverse-engineer the wonders of past glories but build your very own! Make it so.
(Information: Either choose an example below or add a previously discussed theory with the QM's approval.
Machinery | Weapons | Armor | Mechanics | Chemicals | Medicine | Psychology | Metallurgy | Programming | Electronics | Biology | Hydraulics | Physics | Suspendium Chance: 60/30/00% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 2/5/20/???
Reward: Theory of chosen subject, improved chances for research.)
Huh, that is way easier now. We could do 1 Theory every Turn without focusing too much on this.

-GY-04: Est. Artifact-grade: General Lost Tech, Dice: 4d5 per turn, Max. Yield: 2 Turns, Hibernating Mother (Named Wendigo, Behemoth) present! Mimics nearby.
Hopefully, that thing keeps sleeping.

[ ] Scout The Rusting Chimes
The earthquake that had hit Tessen spooked the Forest of Rust's Animals, Mutants, and Machines, throwing everything into chaos. A golden opportunity for you to go to several places nobody was able to loot! A weird tower rests here, with chimes around it, creating a song of eery and unsettling beauty. However, what little could be observed from far away points to this being where Pre-Collapse Scientists researched or healed brains.
(Chance: 49%
Reward: Sites in The Rusting Chimes are located and mapped.
Warning! If the Action fails, 41% Chance that the Scouting Unit will take 1d6+2 casualties due to being detected and subsequently attacked)
Hmm, if we do this as a Personal Action we could avoid any chance of failure, except for a nat 1.

[ ] Scout The Graveyard Of Spears
The earthquake that had hit Tessen spooked the Forest of Rust's Animals, Mutants, and Machines, throwing everything into chaos. A golden opportunity for you to go to several places nobody was able to loot! A battle took place here, where Knights and Walkers armed with all sorts of weaponry took to the field, supported by thousands of men, women, and likely children too. The bodies have long since rotten away or been eaten, but spears, lances, halberds, and other weaponry remain here, jutting out of the ground like markers for graves. What wonders could lay here?
(Chance: 73%
Reward: Sites in The Graveyard Of Spearsare located and mapped.
Warning! If the Action fails, the Scouting Unit will die.)
Also an option, but it's an instant kill if we fail...

[ ] Scout The Eternal Gazers
The earthquake that had hit Tessen spooked the Forest of Rust's Animals, Mutants, and Machines, throwing everything into chaos. A golden opportunity for you to go to several places nobody was able to loot! This area is infamous for the massive number of high-tech equipment, even for Pre-Collapse standards, as scientists studied the stars here.
(Chance: 33%
Reward: Sites in The Eternal Gazers are located and mapped.
Warning! If the Action fails, 7% Chance that the Scouting Unit will take 2d6 casualties due to being detected and subsequently attacked)
A bit of a risk, but at least not any risk of instant kills.

[ ] Scout The Pit
You are not sure what to find here, only that you are probably the first to look for artifacts. But your scouts have reported feeling like they are being watched...
(Chance: -49%
Reward: Sites in The Pit are located and mapped.
Warning! If the Action fails, the Scouting Unit will die.)
Wow, the success chances plummeted. The quake must have wrecked huge chaos here.

[ ] Scout The Bonetunnels
PD informed you of a series of tunnels that run deep beneath the surface, filled with dead beings' bones and corpses. Animals, Mutants, and even Machines descend into their depths to die, leaving behind mountains of bones. What could be found here?
(Chance: 34%
Turns: 2
Reward: Sites in The Bonetunnels are located and mapped.
Warning! If the Action fails, 15% Chance that the Scouting Unit will die due to being detected and subsequently attacked.)
This actually improved! But it's a 2 Turn and a risk of instant kill action...

[ ] Scout The Verdant Oasis
The earthquake that had hit Tessen spooked the Forest of Rust's Animals, Mutants, and Machines, throwing everything into chaos. A golden opportunity for you to go to several places nobody was able to loot! The Verdant Oasis consists of the remains of a hydroponics factory, collapsed due to the Collapse but somehow still functioning. The Oasis provides abundant plant life and the resulting draw on herbivores, omnivores, and carnivores from all corners of the animal kingdom. It also offers a prime opportunity to get some pristine agricultural secrets from forgotten ruins.
(Chance: 14%
Reward: Sites in The Verdant Oasis are located and mapped.
Warning! If the Action fails, 57% Chance that the Scouting Unit will die.)
That sounds like the most likely place to get stuff with large-scale effects but the risks.

[ ] Expand The Living Spaces - Subsidized
Now that you have a moment to breathe, figuring out how to permanently solve the overcrowding issue without direct and special attention every season is advised. One possible avenue is by covering a (large) part of the cost. With the adequate housing you are now constructing, ghettoization isn't a significant concern. To lower that chance even further, you should re-direct most Income generated by taxing the new arrivals into subsidies for further people.
(Turns: 1
Reward: Housing problem fixed? Negate Housing Income)
That ? is worrying, but we have to do something.

[ ] The Followers Of Light - (1 Action)
-[ ] For The Nation - (Action)
(Cost: 15 Materials, 3 Goodwill
Reward: Buildings/Tasks which improve/help the broader population have their success % improved by 2d10)
-[ ] We Work As One - (Action/Building)
(Cost: Narrative
Reward: The Followers Of Light will help the Pilgrims.)
For The Nation could be very useful. I wonder if things like medical research would count?

Ugh, it's pretty late for me. I'm going to post a first draft of a plan tomorrow.
So about seven more turns before we can do it,
We have free faith actions, so we could be constantly running the recruit action to cut that down in half.

Huh, we now have more than enough clothing Artefacts to do the fashion Action with the maximum number of successes. I wonder if the Decorative Armor Pieces would also count?
I think it's different, we get +1 income per every clothing artefact used. So we could get +6 income for 1 action, not a bad trade.

Even with the guaranteed Successes, that would take 10 Turns. Maybe if we have many low-difficulty projects.
The theories are now fairly easy, so this will have to wait a while.
Huh, I'm surprised we didn't get a named contact
Right, fixed that up. You got the Cardinal on crow-dial now.
A new adventurer group? Not sure why they showed up now.
They are the costumed spies/adventurers you hired twice already. Figured I'd give them a name.
Huh, we now have more than enough clothing Artefacts to do the fashion Action with the maximum number of successes. I wonder if the Decorative Armor Pieces would also count?
The decorative armor counts!
For The Nation could be very useful. I wonder if things like medical research would count?
As you will be freely sharing your findings, it does!
(Assume that all research which will improve things like agriculture, medicine, etc. will apply.)
I think it's different, we get +1 income per every clothing artefact used. So we could get +6 income for 1 action, not a bad trade.
Nah, it's +1 income per Artefact and Success. I think the maximum income for one Action would be +3?

The decorative armor counts!
Makes sense with this being a deathworld and everyone having at least a dagger.

As you will be freely sharing your findings, it does!
(Assume that all research which will improve things like agriculture, medicine, etc. will apply.)
Our Tenets make this much easier. A boost to the Success chance of 10% on average could help with some projects.

Ok, the Core means we get a bonus to projects that involve Physics, Engineering, or Psychology. We also should start repaying the loan and deal with the housing crisis.

[] Plan Gold(Steam) Rush
-[][Faith] Expand Your Hospices - (Strul) - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-5 Materials)
-[][Faith] The Pilgrims Need You! - (0/2 Turns Complete)
-[][Diplomacy] Low-End Introduction (Chance: 70% for Locals)- (Conclave of Faya) - (0/1 Successes)
-[][Martial] Build An Armory - (Grand) - (2/4 Turns Complete)
--[] Keep the Wall unit at the Mirn Consensual
-[][Learning] Assemble The Theorists! - (Common Psychology Theory)
--[] (1[SC] +12, Scientific Theory +15, Black Box +5, +6 FF)=+38
-[][Learning] Illness Of The Mind - (Psychology)- (3/15 Successes)
--[] [PD], [DoD], [In The Name Of Profit], (Scientific Theory +15, Black Box +5)=+20
-[][Learning] Lend A Hand, Arm, And Leg - Part 1 - (All Mechanics/All Electronics) - (3/4 Successes)
--[] (1 [ENGI] +14, Scientific Theory +15, Electronics Workshop +20, +4 FF)=+53
-[][Archeology] Prepare an Expedition (GY-03) - (Preperation: 2 Turns) - (House Mirn support: N)
-[][Tree of Knowledge] Laboratories - Grand - (2/5 Turns Complete)
-[][Tree of Knowledge] Library - (Basic) - (1/6 Turns Complete)
-[][Holdings] Engine Assembly - (4/7 Turns Complete) - [Sandcrete](-12.5 Materials)
--[] Hire Contractors - (*1) - (-7 Materials)
-[][Holdings: One-Turn] Expand The Living Spaces - Subsidized - (0/1 Turns Complete)
-[][Aria action] Relax - (Exploring Norqod while it's still a small town and not gold rush central?)
-[][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (Scout The Rusting Chimes) - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (Tech-Scouts))
--[] +1 FF, Personal Action +50
-[][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (Detective Courses For Beginners - (An Unburnable One +50 to ???) - (0/2 Successes)
--[] +6 FF, Personal Action +50

-[] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
--[] Repay Loan - (-120 Materials)
--[] Backroom Deals - (Print Shop - Smut)
-[] The Adventurer Guild - (1 Action)
-[] The Union Of Herbalists - (Choose 1 Action)
-[] Study Sessions - (1 Faithful) - (0/8 Turns Complete) - (-2.50 Material)
-[] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Action)
--[] In The Name Of Profit - (Illness Of The Mind) - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-15 Materials)
-[] Forge Clan Vanar-Feer - (1 Action Locked)
--[] Engineers Galore - (Engineer) - (4/6 Turns Complete) - (-15 Materials)
-[] The Followers Of Light - (1 Action)
-[] The Bureau For Imperial Civilian Logistics - (1 Action)
-[] Nine Tribes Council - (1 Action)

Costs: 5 Materials+ 12.5 Materials+ 7 Materials+ 120 Materials+ 2.50 Material+ 15 Materials+ 15 Materials+ =177 Materials
Remaining budget: 262.60 - 177 Materials = 85.6 Materials

Ok, this should work. We have quite a bit of budget left over, but next Turn our Holdings Action will be open and most options for that are rather expensive.

Anyway, most actions were already locked in so there wasn't much to decide. Expand The Living Spaces is a must though because once we finish the Engine Assembly even more people will move towards Norqod. I also contact the Conclave of Faya, so our urban expansion will hopefully be colorful.
[] Plan Gold(Steam) Rush
-[][Faith] Expand Your Hospices - (Strul) - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-5 Materials)
-[][Faith] The Pilgrims Need You! - (0/2 Turns Complete)
-[][Diplomacy] Low-End Introduction (Chance: 70% for Locals)- (Conclave of Faya) - (0/1 Successes)
-[][Martial] Build An Armory - (Grand) - (2/4 Turns Complete)
--[] Keep the Wall unit at the Mirn Consensual
-[][Learning] Assemble The Theorists! - (Common Psychology Theory)
--[] (1[SC] +12, Scientific Theory +15, Black Box +5, +6 FF)=+38
-[][Learning] Illness Of The Mind - (Psychology)- (3/15 Successes)
--[] [PD], [DoD], [In The Name Of Profit], (Scientific Theory +15, Black Box +5)=+20
-[][Learning] Lend A Hand, Arm, And Leg - Part 1 - (All Mechanics/All Electronics) - (3/4 Successes)
--[] (1 [ENGI] +14, Scientific Theory +15, Electronics Workshop +20, +4 FF)=+53
-[][Archeology] Prepare an Expedition (GY-03) - (Preperation: 2 Turns) - (House Mirn support: N)
-[][Tree of Knowledge] Laboratories - Grand - (2/5 Turns Complete)
-[][Tree of Knowledge] Library - (Basic) - (1/6 Turns Complete)
-[][Holdings] Engine Assembly - (4/7 Turns Complete) - [Sandcrete](-12.5 Materials)
--[] Hire Contractors - (*1) - (-7 Materials)
-[][Holdings: One-Turn] Expand The Living Spaces - Subsidized - (0/1 Turns Complete)
-[][Aria action] Relax - (Exploring Norqod while it's still a small town and not gold rush central?)
-[][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (Scout The Rusting Chimes) - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (Tech-Scouts))
--[] +1 FF, Personal Action +50
-[][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (Detective Courses For Beginners - (An Unburnable One +50 to ???) - (0/2 Successes)
--[] +6 FF, Personal Action +50

-[] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
--[] Repay Loan - (-120 Materials)
--[] Backroom Deals - (Print Shop - Smut)
-[] The Adventurer Guild - (1 Action)
-[] The Union Of Herbalists - (Choose 1 Action)
-[] Study Sessions - (1 Faithful) - (0/8 Turns Complete) - (-2.50 Material)
-[] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Action)
--[] In The Name Of Profit - (Illness Of The Mind) - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-15 Materials)
-[] Forge Clan Vanar-Feer - (1 Action Locked)
--[] Engineers Galore - (Engineer) - (4/6 Turns Complete) - (-15 Materials)
-[] The Followers Of Light - (1 Action)
-[] The Bureau For Imperial Civilian Logistics - (1 Action)
-[] Nine Tribes Council - (1 Action)
@HeroCooky Two questions

1) After we pick the first specialisation, we can still pick the others but it will have dimishing influence on our town, is this correct? Like if we pick the culture specialisation second it will still have an impact on the town, right?

2) Would the populacion tendency slow down if we hit a housing crisis/ shortage? Like I imagine the flow won't decrease until we hit some sort of housing cap.
1) After we pick the first specialisation, we can still pick the others but it will have dimishing influence on our town, is this correct? Like if we pick the culture specialisation second it will still have an impact on the town, right?
Yes, but it will be less than if you had picked it first. The choice you make will be the bedrock for Norqod's future.
So... no pressure!
2) Would the populacion tendency slow down if we hit a housing crisis/ shortage? Like I imagine the flow won't decrease until we hit some sort of housing cap.
Only marginally. Half of those who wish to settle in Norqod have been born and raised in slums/ghettos, so they'd create one.

However, the flood of newcomers will abate once the rush of the desperate is over. Then it will be more a constant flow, instead of a flood.
Expand The Living Spaces is a must though because once we finish the Engine Assembly even more people will move towards Norqod.
We already did the subsidized housing so we shouldn't have to worry about that for a couple more turns. Then again, there's no other 1 turn holding action unless you want to blitz the hospital with money.
[X] Plan Gold(Steam) Rush
-[X][Faith] Expand Your Hospices - (Strul) - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-5 Materials)
-[X][Faith] The Pilgrims Need You! - (0/2 Turns Complete)
-[X][Diplomacy] Low-End Introduction (Chance: 70% for Locals)- (Conclave of Faya) - (0/1 Successes)
-[X][Martial] Build An Armory - (Grand) - (2/4 Turns Complete)
--[X] Keep the Wall unit at the Mirn Consensual
-[X][Learning] Assemble The Theorists! - (Common Psychology Theory)
--[X] (1[SC] +12, Scientific Theory +15, Black Box +5, +6 FF)=+38
-[X][Learning] Illness Of The Mind - (Psychology)- (3/15 Successes)
--[X] [PD], [DoD], [In The Name Of Profit], (Scientific Theory +15, Black Box +5)=+20
-[X][Learning] Lend A Hand, Arm, And Leg - Part 1 - (All Mechanics/All Electronics) - (3/4 Successes)
--[X] (1 [ENGI] +14, Scientific Theory +15, Electronics Workshop +20, +4 FF)=+53
-[X][Archeology] Prepare an Expedition (GY-03) - (Preperation: 2 Turns) - (House Mirn support: N)
-[X][Tree of Knowledge] Laboratories - Grand - (2/5 Turns Complete)
-[X][Tree of Knowledge] Library - (Basic) - (1/6 Turns Complete)
-[X][Holdings] Engine Assembly - (4/7 Turns Complete) - [Sandcrete](-12.5 Materials)
--[X] Hire Contractors - (*1) - (-7 Materials)
-[X][Holdings: One-Turn] Expand The Living Spaces - Subsidized - (0/1 Turns Complete)
-[X][Aria action] Relax - (Exploring Norqod while it's still a small town and not gold rush central?)
-[X][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (Scout The Rusting Chimes) - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (Tech-Scouts))
--[X] +1 FF, Personal Action +50
-[X][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (Detective Courses For Beginners - (An Unburnable One +50 to ???) - (0/2 Successes)
--[X] +6 FF, Personal Action +50

-[X] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
--[X] Repay Loan - (-120 Materials)
--[X] Backroom Deals - (Print Shop - Smut)
-[X] The Adventurer Guild - (1 Action)
-[X] The Union Of Herbalists - (Choose 1 Action)
-[X] Study Sessions - (1 Faithful) - (0/8 Turns Complete) - (-2.50 Material)
-[X] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Action)
--[X] In The Name Of Profit - (Illness Of The Mind) - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-15 Materials)
-[X] Forge Clan Vanar-Feer - (1 Action Locked)
--[X] Engineers Galore - (Engineer) - (4/6 Turns Complete) - (-15 Materials)
-[X] The Followers Of Light - (1 Action)
-[X] The Bureau For Imperial Civilian Logistics - (1 Action)
-[X] Nine Tribes Council - (1 Action)