I fucking knew it. Fuck it, let's rumble.

We should also remind them that the emperor himself has given us the okay and we have worked with several imperial institutions. By their logic the emperor is a heretic and that would not please Insec now would it.

Also we should also focus on the fact that they are a minority religion all things considered. That will piss them off.
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There is only one answer to give to this:

[ ] (Public Response - Will have long-ranging effects. Can declare the CoE heretical in return without action cost, this Turn only.)
-[ ] Express disappointment and disapproval at the Church of Eden as an organization, and their continued efforts to sow chaos and drag humanity into darkness, death, and misery. You most emphatically do not declare association with Church of Eden members or associated organizations to be 'heretical'. The Pilgrims reaffirm their commitment to voluntary association, and will not discriminate based on religious ties, origin, or occupation.
We should phrase it as 'we have always tried to be diplomatic and we are sad to see that some minorities have refused us the same courtesy but we are not going to let a vocal few deter us from our goals'.

On more secular matters, we should really start an engine for the silver mines, our income does not look good.
The point of the Pilgrims is that we're not one of those predatory religious institutions, fighting over control of people. We're legitimately here to help. Don't lose track of the mission and become what we fight.
I'm not saying to reply in anger but the people love it when organizations throw zingers around. Also his recrimination of the COE is kind of weak. They could easily retort that it is us that is trying to sow chaos and return people to death and misery by instigating another collapse.
.... Read what I said and what Godwinson has a vote. If they say, we are trying to sow chaos, return people to death and misery. Then we can prove, we aren't and then everyone else but the zealots. Are going to find out there full of shit.
If they say, we are trying to sow chaos, return people to death and misery. Then we can prove, we aren't and then everyone else but the zealots. Are going to find out there full of shit.
They already say that, that's their entire point. We should avoid this line of thinking entirely, it will devolve into 'no u' arguments that will lead nowhere and that's what they want.

Our response will have far reaching consequences so I would like something more than 'no, it's you that's causing society to degenerate into death and misery'.
They already say that, that's their entire point. We should avoid this line of thinking entirely, it will devolve into 'no u' arguments that will lead nowhere and that's what they want.
.... Where the hell did you get THAT idea from? That was the Pilgrims response. To prove there point, they do not want to fight nor make war. Rather keep the peace. I did mention how we should do two right? One for Pilgrims, and one form Houses Dall.
Where the hell did you get THAT idea from?
From this line, combined with their philosophy from the religions page you can read in between the lines.
They whisper a false promise of mercy, compassion, and safety when they, in truth, can only give damnation.

They blame the fall on technology and thus us, who seek to recover said technology, will bring about a second one. It's not that hard to see.
Yeah, that 'fiction' book is definitely real. Mentions 'the white' purging people and hopes of being saved by 'the black'. Harbinger belongs to the white forrest, her opposer Rotten Moon belongs to the black forest, and at one point appeared as a skeletal figure(?), which seems connected to the diary mentioning that they were collecting bones. Maybe an attempt to summon old moony?
Let There Be Lightbulbs is not only 43.23 Materials cheaper, but the Materials Upkeep increase has dropped from +0.40 to +0.01, and now takes 1 turn instead of 3. It's now a much more affordable option.

This seems like an absolute shoo-in for next turn. I can't think of a better symbolic clap-back against COE than replying to their screed with the enlightenment, literally, of Tessen.

As for a statement, what we specifically need to go for is empathy. That will demonstrate the virtues of our philosophy while simultaneously infuriating the COE. Gimme half an hour, I'll write a draft.

There is no shame in despairing.
It is no weakness, this struggle to bear,
That which haunts our days and our footsteps,
That which aches in the core of our hearts.

For we each look out and see suffering,
We cast our minds back and know loss.
To be human is to know - always - wanting,
Beset on all sides and oft lost.


And in darkness that bears down, oppressive,
We - all - have seen claws in the murk.
On the wind, we - all - have heard whispers,
gleeful, and promising harm.

For what could this be, if not evil?
What causes this pain, if not hate?
Our eyes strain to see foes in the darkness.
We lash out, desperate to guard.

...Because if the sorrow that walks in our footsteps,
Cannot be pulled from the black,
Cannot be named and found wanting,
If it has no such form...
Then what?


Then the darkness is cold, but not hateful.
Then the wind does not whisper - just our fear.
Then the weight is so, so much greater.
The whole formless black, ours to bear.

And so we walk on, blind and suffering,
And strike out where we wish there were foes.
And in striking, hurt only each other,
Our kinfolk, bodies bruised as our own.


Until a hand reaches out in the darkness,
And in turn, a hand reaches back.
Clasping, we see one another,
Embracing, we find warmth at last.

In the dim, battered glow of shared candles,
In eyes crying soot-blackened tears,
In faces, broken from smiling,
If Grace can be found,
It is here.

We are who we are to each other.
We stand tall, by each lifting up.
Our hands still reach out to you, brothers.
We are, each of us,

[] [Ext] "That's nice. Are you going to do anything useful any time soon?"
admonishment and taunt in one
I kinda want to call them traitors and point out that the mutated are part of the empire and thus an attack on them is an attack on the empire.
I kinda want to call them traitors and point out that the mutated are part of the empire and thus an attack on them is an attack on the empire.
Depends entirely on the Region said Mutated are in.
Mutated Rights: Cast-system, though varying from region to region. Freedom of movement is guaranteed. No kill-on-sight orders. Targeted Purges are allowed. Forbidden from entering the Royal Army, except the levies.