Please tell me this was an exceptionally deadly Black Rain. Because if this is anywhere near the expected level of damage they cause, then there's no way that the Emergency Shelter option should have been optional.

We are playing at an experienced General and his staff here. If the Empire made mistakes about known phenomena like this, then there's no way that it would be as strong as it is right now.
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Please tell me this was an exceptionally deadly Black Rain. Because if this is anywhere near the expected level of damage they cause, then there's no way that the Emergency Shelter option should have been optional.

We are playing at an experienced General and his staff here. If the Empire made mistakes about known phenomena like this, then there's no way that it would be as strong as it is right now.
It was exceptionally deadly, yes. The rain had veen powered and super-charged by the weather Artifact to much more dangerous levels.
And In-Universe, the tools and supplies to combat the rain had been requested and delivered, but due to logistical failures (Out-Of-Universe vote), they weren't delivered. People only caught the mistake once it was too late.
[X] Plan Prepping Alali-Pass
- [Jokvi] Request Reinforcements - (4x Spearmen)
- [Alali-Pass] Strengthen Position - (Exit) - (5x Crossbow Battalion)
- [Alali-Pass] Strengthen Position - (Exit) - (8x Scout Lizard Patrols)
- [Alali-Pass] Guard - (Exit) - (4x Knight Hel, 1x Vanar Grenadier Outriders, 1x Vanar Slingshot Heavy Coilgun, 3x Tribal Squadrons)
- [Sivaldy Caves] Fortify Position - (Alali-Pass Midway) - (6x Scout Lizard Patrol)
- [Sivaldy Caves] Fortify Position - (Alali-Pass Midway) - (5x War Lizard Squads)
- [Sivaldy Caves] Camouflage Cave Entrance - (Alali-Pass) -(2x Knights Hel)
- 3x Scout Lizard Patrols keep watch over Nimer Flats, Gu Valley, and Wastes in case of any surprises
- 1x Scout Lizard Patrol keep watch over Ascended's Wave and notify if they change directions or split up
- 2x Vanar Longbolt Launcher Teams Assassinate Soothsayers only then, hitch a ride on a Scout/War Lizard as an means of escape
- Combine Depleted Hel remaining Hel and Combine Depleted War Lizard Squads to other War Lizard Squads

@HeroCooky can we camouflage or seal the Cave in Midway with some Rocks just to make it look like another wall of rocks? This is so that the Mutants will ignore the cave and once the signal is given, the Knights can bust open the cave entrance and allows the Knights and the War Lizards to effectively encircle the Mutant Horde.
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@HeroCooky can we camouflage or seal the Cave in Midway with some Rocks just to make it look like another wall of rocks? This is so that the Mutants will ignore the cave and once the signal is given, the Knights can bust open the cave entrance and allows the Knights and the War Lizards to effectively encircle the Mutant Horde.
I'll allow it, same Supply cost as using camouflaging the ancient strucures.
not realy in what we need right now but could we create knight sized bolad to help hinder possible enemy mech?
Bolas are well known weapons to hinder the movements of Knights/bi-, quadrupedal foes, though you would either need to commission a specialized launcher for PD, or build one yourself. The first would cost about 25 Materials, with a 15% chance of ripping the bolas, with a cost of 5 Materials to replace, or a 4 success, 48/34/20% research project.
@HeroCooky can we camouflage or seal the Cave in Midway with some Rocks just to make it look like another wall of rocks? This is so that the Mutants will ignore the cave and once the signal is given, the Knights can bust open the cave entrance and allows the Knights and the War Lizards to effectively encircle the Mutant Horde.
so you whant to kool aid man it i approve
Hello, a quick update to the art commission about the Tree.
And, well, there is no good way to say it, so I'll keep it short: I've been scammed.
Despite trying to ensure that wouldn't happen, here I stand with less money and no picture.
This is not a good feeling, and I am currently trying to get my money back.
I am sorry for those of you who were awaiting the reveal on how the Tree looks, as it will take some more time as I ring up the artists I know are trustworthy and have a clear schedule + draw the commission.
Stay safe and healthy in the meantime, and if in doubt, triple-check when handling money over the internet.
Nek-Ne Invasion Day 7 Results + Day 8 Planning
Day 7 Results
[X] Plan Prepping Alali-Pass
- [Jokvi] Request Reinforcements - (4x Spearmen)

The four Spear Regiments have arrived this morning and await orders.

- [Alali-Pass] Strengthen Position - (Exit) - (5x Crossbow Battalion)
- [Alali-Pass] Strengthen Position - (Exit) - (8x Scout Lizard Patrols)

Thanks to the tireless work of our troops, the Exit to the Alali-Pass has seen a massive expansion of present trenches, traps, fortifications, and all manner of defensive works.

- [Alali-Pass] Guard - (Exit) - (4x Knight Hel, 1x Vanar Grenadier Outriders, 1x Vanar Slingshot Heavy Coilgun, 3x Tribal Squadrons)
The requested troops have arrived before the battle and stand ready to defend the Pass with their lives.

- [Sivaldy Caves] Fortify Position - (Alali-Pass Midway) - (6x Scout Lizard Patrol)
- [Sivaldy Caves] Fortify Position - (Alali-Pass Midway) - (5x War Lizard Squads)

Thanks to the tireless work of our troops, the Sivaldy Caves have seen a massive expansion of present fortifications and defensive works.

- [Sivaldy Caves] Camouflage Cave Entrance - (Alali-Pass) -(2x Knights Hel)
The Entrance has been cunningly camouflaged, hiding the assigned Hel's within, ready to burst out and smash into the backs of the Nek-Ne when they attempt to cross the river.

- 3x Scout Lizard Patrols keep watch over Nimer Flats, Gu Valley, and Wastes in case of any surprises.
The Scouts could find no hidden troops, nothing unusual has been reported, and all Units have reported at their assigned times. No loss of communication or other means of infiltration has occurred.

- 1x Scout Lizard Patrol keeps watch over Ascended's Wave and notify if they change directions or split up.
The Ascended's Wave has continued on their path, neither deviating nor wavering in their march forwards. The Scouts assigned to monitor the Wave did report that something seems, off, about the Ascended. Though an abomination to the gods in how the woman's flesh has been changed, mutated and fused to horrific machines, she seems to be in neither pain nor rapture, as is often the case for such unfortunate souls. Indeed, if the Scouts have reported it right, she seems to be utterly indifferent to her surroundings and has not once taken a sip or bite of water and food since monitoring began. What appears more worrying is how she seems to ooze [CENSORED BY ORDERS OF THE INTERNAL SECURITY].

- 2x Vanar Longbolt Launcher Teams Assassinate Soothsayers only, then hitch a ride on a Scout/War Lizard as a means of escape.
"Wind shifting to the north-north-east, same speed," came the calm voice of your friend, his information rapidly being displayed within the scope of your gun and the googles you wore. "Adjusting," was all that you replied with, too focused on the scene below you. Thousands of Mutants scittered, crawled, marched, ran, jumped, or slithered over the ground, ever driven onwards by the crackle of whips dispersing electric shocks to those too slow or rowdy. Sometimes seemingly on a whim or for the enjoyment of the whip-holders. Though what had the focus of your mind were the three beings marching in the midsts, bulky suits, and tanks, a dead give-away to their nature and purpose. "VL-02 to VL-01, ready to shoot when you are, awaiting the signal," came the slightly static voice of the other team a dune or three away, jolting you out of your inspection. "VL-01 to VL-02 acknowledged, stand by to fire," came your reply as the sights aligned with the bodies of the Soothsayers. Two seconds later, all three lay dead; their suits ruptured, the tender flesh beneath turned to gore and nerve-gas. "Time to bug out," your friend said, removing the shield from the ground and signaling the nearby Scout Lizard.

-200 Mutant Rabble.

- Combine Depleted Hel remaining Hel and Combine Depleted War Lizard Squads to other War Lizard Squads.
Reinforcements have arrived for the depleted War Lizard Squad, with the split-off Knights reintegrating into their respective Hel's.

Storm (Speed and Range harshly down, Morale down.)


6x Scout Lizard Patrols
5x War Lizard Squad
2x Knight Hels
1x Vanar Slingshot Heavy Coilgun

4711 Mutants
80 Mutant-Masters
93 Rare Mutants

Vanar Slingshot Heavy Coilgun opens up from afar, (9x Solid Shot), killing 1.989 and 40 (54, 48, 14, 134, 16, 128, 27, 144, 58, 119, 8, 26, 139, 95, 78, 55, 42, 92, 135, 90, 134, 89, 28, 32, 118, 49, 77) Mutants and Mutant Masters.
2.722 Mutants remain.
40 Mutant Masters remain.
Wave reaches the river, prepares to embark, causing Hidden Units to Interrupt.
Knights open up, killing 756 and 14 (26, 98, 13, 19, 72, 36, 66, 55, x2) Mutants and Mutant Masters.
1.966 Mutants remain.
26 Mutant Masters remain.
Scout Lizards fire, killing 452 and 10 (4, 22, 37, 29, 27, 15, 23, 34, 26, 6, 4, 4, x2) Mutants and Mutant Masters.
1.514 Mutants remain.
16 Mutant Masters remain.
Knights charge, killing 244 and 5 (16, 75, 53, 37, 52, 16) Mutants and Mutant Masters.
1.270 Mutants remain.
11 Mutant Masters remain.
Mutants are bolstered by Mutant Masters but cannot overcome the Knights defenses.
Rare Mutants attack, causing 262 (13, 21, 69, 15, 51, 19, 32, 42) Damage to Knight #1.
Knight #1 at (388/650) Armor and (250/250) Structure.
War Lizards charge, killing 827 and 111 (4, 58, 56, 35, 14, 92, 57, 55, 41, 63, 71, 19, 18, 56, 54, +150) Mutants and Mutant Masters.
443 Mutants remain.
0 Mutant Masters remain.
Scout Lizards charge, killing 340 (32, 9, 8, 41, 22, 6, 14, 1, 4, 24, 49, 15, 7, 19, 5, 17, 33, 41, +150) Mutants.
103 Mutants remain.
Knights attack, killing 103 and 93 (32, 9, 8, 41, 22, 6, 14, 1, 4, 24, 49, 15, 7, 19, 5, 17, 33, 41) Mutants and Rare Mutants.
0 Mutants remain.
0 Rare Mutants remain alive.

4711 Mutants killed.
80 Mutant-Masters killed.
93 Rare Mutants killed.
1 Slightly Damage Knight, costing 18 Supplies in repairs.
Few things become as easy to do and trivial to justify as killing another sapient being. Many are the reasons one does kill, to snuff out the unique existence that is the spark of thought and higher understanding within the mind of another familiar, yet distinctly alien, life. Few are the reasons that one can call true, just, and good. Even as base and cliche as those words sound in connection to the act of ending a life, they nonetheless ring pure once the driving force behind the actions becomes known and accepted. Enusat could only stare at the slaughter happening not even a hundred meters before him and repeat the reasons as to why the thousands upon thousands of deaths that have, are, and will happen are justified in every sense. In the academy, his instructors had always made a point to differentiate between the soldier and the warrior. "The warrior fights for glory, personal gain, a desire to end lives, and enjoyment in the fight itself. A Soldier stands between an enemy and those behind them; they fight onwards on behalf of those marching in lockstep with them and never let those who have died die in vain." They have drilled this into his brain, again and again, to shape a soldier worthy of the name. One who would carry the banner of the Empire with the pride and dignity it deserved, held aloft by those that stood true to its ideals and would die to see it flutter in the morning wind. His commander had told him why they fought for the hectic last week, the Tribals spoke in horror of the abominations they had seen wrought from their families, and he had stained his mount and weapon in the blood of the attackers.

And yet... and yet, despite everyone's best efforts to convince him that what he was doing was not only justified. But moral.

He could not see anything other than thousands of slaves, shackles within their minds, led to the slaughter by those few too insane to question their paths upon this earth. Too zealous to entertain the thought that those under them were more than tools, that they had their own stories to tell. Their own journey to complete and experience. A god had told the Nek-Ne to take up the war banner, to raise their arms against neighbors and friends, to turn any that disagreed into mindless Mutants, forever doomed to remember what they had once been, yet too reduced in form to change. And a general had told him to kill them all.

Which he would do.

Once the Vanar stopped firing, the Knights and scouts would add their own to the mix before they would charge. He would ride in the front, glaive at the ready, and trample the first dozen ranks. Then, as the Knights would fight against those who thought they stood a chance, he and his fellow soldiers would add to the butcher's bill with claws, arms, and bolts. Those souls currently being shelled would die knowing that they had failed; those responsible would merely be annoyed at the loss of yet another "bad batch."

The Knights raised their arms.

With a deep breath, Enusat closed his helmet, ready to slaughter them all.

The Knights fired, and soon the scouts followed as a soldier urged his lizard into charging.

Day 8 Planning.
You currently have 817 Supplies and lose 290 (-15 due to recent battle) Supplies per Day.

[Daughter Of Dawn
Numbers: 1
Size: Dreadnought
Strengths: Big Honking War-Ship (Stats are Yes. Upkeep is No.)
Weaknesses: Big Honking War-Ship (You cannot afford to lose this Unit. It also represents a chance for the enemy to scatter into the countryside, which would be dangerous.)
Attack: Yes
Defense: Yes
Range: Yes
Speed: Yes
Morale: Yes
Supply Cost: No.
Supply Upkeep: No.]

[Knight - Hel
Numbers: 25
Size: Giant
Strengths: Anti-All (Bonus against all enemies), Mecha (immunity against all biological and fire hazards, resistance against chemicals), Punching Above (No mali against enemies one size higher), The Elite (Morale cannot be affected)
Weaknesses: Difficult Logistics (Increased Supply usage), Centerpiece (Will receive the most focus of the enemy)
Attack: 80 (4d100 ranged, 3d100 melee)
Defense: 105 (Damage reduced by 105 per dice.)
Range: 1-10 (maximum of 8 ranged damage dice.)
Speed: 30
Morale: 1000
Supply Cost: 150
Supply Upkeep: 25]

[War Lizard Squad
Numbers: 6
Size: Large/Giant
Strengths: Anti-Infantry (Bonus against infantry), War-Beast (Reduced Supply Upkeep after battles), The Strong Thrive (No mali for losses)
Weaknesses: Controlled Frenzy (Minor Chance to lose control of this Unit when in combat)
Attack: 55 (3d100 (when attacking infantry, add +30) melee.)
Defense: 30 (Damage reduced by 30 per dice.)
Range: 1
Speed: 40
Morale: 120
Supply Cost: 60
Supply Upkeep: 10]

[Scout Lizard Patrol
Numbers: 18
Size: Large
Strengths: Extreme Speed (Can outrun all Units not sporting the same speed), Scout (Enhanced information when used for scouting), Anti-Infantry (Bonus against infantry)
Attack: 25 (2d40 ranged, 3d50 (when attacking infantry, add +25) melee)
Defense: 15 (Damage reduced by 15 per dice.)
Range: 1-5
Speed: 80
Morale: 100
Supply Cost: 40
Supply Upkeep: 6]

[Spear Battalion
Numbers: 1250
Size: Medium
Strengths: Punching Above (No mali against enemies one size higher), Disciplined (Reduced Morale damage suffered)
Weaknesses: Weak Attack (Not the best at attacking)
Attack: 6 (3d50 melee.)
Defense: 16 (Damage reduced by 16 per dice.)
Range: 1
Speed: 5
Morale: 60
Supply Cost: 5
Supply Upkeep: 2]

[Sword Battalion
Numbers: 1250
Size: Medium
Strengths: Disciplined (Reduced Morale damage suffered), Versatile (Can fill any role)
Weaknesses: Versatile (Always beat by specialists)
Attack: 12 (6d40 melee.)
Defense: 10 (Damage reduced by 10 per dice.)
Range: 1
Speed: 5
Morale: 60
Supply Cost: 5
Supply Upkeep: 2]

[Crossbow Battalion
Numbers: 1500
Size: Medium
Strengths: Disciplined (Reduced Morale damage suffered), Ranged (Can assist Units despite narrow conditions)
Weaknesses: Ranged (Cannot engage within structures(mali to dice if stationed within, or firing into, structures.)), Weak Defense (Has a weak defense)
Attack: 14 (3d250)
Defense: 4 (Damage reduced by 4 per dice.)
Range: 1-8
Speed: 6
Morale: 60
Supply Cost: 8
Supply Upkeep: 3]

[Acid Troopers
Numbers: 18
Size: Small
Strengths: Acid Attacks (Instantly breaks Morale)
Weaknesses: Acid Attacks (Contanimates an area for 1(one) day, dealing moderate Damage to all)
Attack: 30 (2d60+30 ranged attack, 4d10+5 two round lingering effect)
Defense: 60
Range: 1-4
Speed: 4
Morale: 55
Supply Cost: 35
Supply Upkeep: 15]

[Vanar Longbolt Launcher Teams
Numbers: 2
Size: Tiny
Strengths: Assasin (Can target individuals reliably), Fury Of The Small (No size restrictions apply), Scout (Enhanced information when used for scouting)
Weaknesses: Weapon-Team (Size set to smallest size)
Attack: 250 (1d10 against formations. 2d50 against individual targets.)
Defense: 1 (Damage reduced by 1 per dice.)
Range: 1-25
Speed: 12
Morale: 80
Supply Cost: XXX
Supply Upkeep: 5]

[Vanar Grenadier Outriders
Numbers: 18
Size: Large
Strengths: Anti-Infantry (Bonus against infantry), Lizard Synergy (Bonus to attack and defense for any Lizard Units assigned the same tasks)
Weaknesses: Difficult Logistics (Increased Supply usage)
Attack: 35 (2d100 (when attacking infantry, add +25.) ranged, 1d40-15 melee.)
Defense: 10 (Damage reduced by 10 per dice.)
Range: 1-5
Speed: 65
Morale: 65
Supply Cost: XXX
Supply Upkeep: 15]

[Vanar Slingshot Heavy Coilgun
Numbers: 1 (25)
Size: Medium
Strengths: Fire Modi (Solid Shot, Canister, Vanadium Steel Dart), Extreme-Range Artillery (can fire 6-20 km), Rapid Fire (Drastically increased fire-rate)
Weaknesses: Horrific Defense (Cannot defend itself), Difficult Logistics (Increased Supply usage), Extremely Slow (Massive malus to speed)
Attack: 150/300/450 (3d150/10d50/3d150 (when attacking singular targets, add+300))
Defense: 1 (Damage increased by +10 per dice.)
Range: 1-100
Speed: 1
Morale: 55
Supply Cost: XXX
Supply Upkeep: 30]

[Tribal Squadrons
Numbers: Medium
Size: 800
Strengths: Mutated Members (Increased Attack and Defense), Our War (Vastly Increased Morale), Tribal (Does not cost any upkeep.)
Weaknesses: Witnessed The Horrors (Increases Morale Damage taken), Unused To Coordination (Mali to all orders)
Attack: 12 (4d20 ranged, 4d50 melee.)
Defense: 14 (Damage reduced by 14 per dice.)
Range: 1-3
Speed: 7
Morale: 95
Supply Cost: No.
Supply Upkeep: No.]
Your forces are currently being stationed everywhere, resting from the last and preparing for the coming fights. Four routes lead to Jokvi: The Alali-Pass, Nimer Flats, Gu Valley, and the Sivaldy Cave-System.

The Alali-Pass does not contain any significant geological dangers except a wide river, slowing down any march between [Midway] and [Exit] by a day and includes two entrances to the [Sivaldy Caves] at its [Entrance] and [Midway].

The Nimer Flats have several [Ancient Structures] scattered about, though mostly picked clean. They would make excellent defensive positions if their supply can be guaranteed or contain a force to fall into the enemy's back. One [Sivaldy Cave] exit is situated [Midway].

Gu Valley is notable for having one Entrance to the [Sivaldy Caves] at its [Exit] and being narrow, unsuited for any cavalry. Two [Villages] lay within, who, if necessary, can be ordered to evacuate, creating a momentary drain on your supplies and defensive liability, or sacrificed for strategic/tactical goals.

The Sivaldy Caves run through the whole northern part of Jokvi, connected to the city itself via a heavily guarded gate. Two One Entrance is within the Alali-Pass, one for the Nimer Flats and Gu Valley, with another three in the [Wastes] themselves. They need to be patrolled and guarded if you wish to secure your rear and Jokiv itself.

Current Strategic Evaluation:
130 Champions, 6 Prophets, and 1 Ascended will arrive on Day 10, accompanied by around 600 scattered Mutants following them around. Their current path sets them to come to Gu Valley, though that could change. They will be the last, as the Ascended has been confirmed to be the Nek-Ne Chief.

Wastes: Caves 2: Level 2 Fortifications.
Alali-Pass: Exit: Level 4 Fortifications.
-Sivaldy Caves: Midway: Level 2 Fortifications.
Nimer Flats: Entrance: Level 2 Fortified Structure.
Gu Valley: Midway: Level 2 Fortifications.

Recent Tactical Evaluations:


Wastes: Sunny (No effect.)
Alali-Pass: Light Warm Rain (Morale Up.)
Nimer Flats: Light Warm Rain (Morale Up.)
Gu Valley: Sunny (No effect.)
1x Daughter Of Dawn
7x Knight - Hel - [4x Alali Pass: Trapped Fortified Position - (Exit) - (123/125), 2x Sivaldy Caves: Alali Pass - (Midway) - Camouflaged]
5x War Lizard Squads - [5x Sivaldy Caves: Alali Pass - (Midway)]
18x Scout Lizard Patrols - [1x Wastes, 3x watching over Nimer Flats, Gu Valley, and Wastes, 6x Sivaldy Caves: Alali Pass - (Midway), 8x Alali Pass: Trapped Fortified Position - (Exit)]
5x Spear Battalion - [1x Alali Pass: Trapped Fortified Position - (Exit)]
5x Crossbow Battalions - [5x Alali Pass: Trapped Fortified Position - (Exit)]
2x Vanar Longbolt Launcher Teams - [Wastes]
1x Vanar Grenadier Outriders - [1x Alali Pass: Trapped Fortified Position - (Exit)]
1x Vanar Slingshot Heavy Coilgun - [1x Alali Pass: Trapped Fortified Position - (Exit)]
2x Tribal Squadrons - [2x Alali Pass: Trapped Fortified Position - (Exit) - (397/800)]
[ ] Scout (Forces)
Cost: 20 Supplies
Time: 1 Day
Reward: Information

[ ] Strengthen Cave Exit - (2) - (Forces)
Cost: 33 Supplies
Time: 2 Days
Reward: Defensive Bonus (Stacks with repeated use)
[ ] Guard - (Entrance/Midway/Exit) - (Forces)
Cost: 10 Supplies
Time: 1 Day
Reward: Forces ready within the area.

[ ] Strengthen Position - (Entrance/Midway/Exit) - (Forces)
Cost: 100 Supplies
Time: 1 Day
Reward: Defensive Bonus (Stacks with repeated use)

[ ] Fortify Cave Exit - (Midway) - (Forces)
Cost: 30 Supplies
Time: 1 Day
Reward: Defensive Bonus (Stacks with repeated use)
[ ] Guard - (Entrance/Midway/Exit) - (Forces)
Cost: 10 Supplies
Time: 1 Day
Reward: Forces ready within the area.

[ ] Fortify Position - (Entrance/Midway/Exit) - (Forces)
Cost: 50 Supplies
Time: 1 Day
Reward: Defensive Bonus (Stacks with repeated use)

[ ] Fortify Cave Exit - (Midway) - (Forces)
Cost: 30 Supplies
Time: 1 Day
Reward: Defensive Bonus (Stacks with repeated use)

[ ] Strengthen Ancient Structure - (Entrance/Midway/Exit) - (Forces)
Cost: 40 Supplies
Time: 1 Day
Reward: Massive Defensive Bonus (Stacks with repeated use)

[ ] Camouflage Ancient Structure - (Entrance/Midway/Exit) - (Forces)
Cost: 15 Supplies
Time: 1 Day
Reward: Hidden Forces attack as if rolling critical and deal twice the Morale Damage.
[ ] Guard - (Entrance/Midway/Exit) - (Forces)
Cost: 10 Supplies
Time: 1 Day
Reward: Forces ready within the area.

[ ] Strengthen Position - (Entrance/Midway/Exit) - (Forces)
Cost: 100 Supplies
Time: 1 Day
Reward: Defensive Bonus (Stacks with repeated use)

[ ] Evacuate Village - (Exit/Midway) - (Forces)
Cost: 70 Supplies
Time: 2 Days
Reward: Civilian lives saved, hurray?
[ ] Guard - (Jokvi/Gu Valley/Nimer Flats/Alali-Pass/Wastes) -(Forces)
Cost: 10 Supplies
Time: 1 Day
Reward: Forces ready within the area.

[ ] Fortify Position - (Jokvi/Gu Valley Exit/Nimer Flats Midway/Alali-Pass Entrance/Alali-Pass Midway/Wastes 1/Wastes 2/Wastes 3) - (Forces)
Cost: 50 Supplies
Time: 1 Day
Reward: Defensive Bonus (Stacks with repeated use)
[ ] Request More Supplies
Time: 1 Day
Reward: 20d100 Supplies

[ ] Request Reinforcements - (Write-In)
Cost: Variable
Time: 1 Day
Reward: Reinforcements
4x [Spear Battalion
Numbers: 1250
Size: Medium
Strengths: Punching Above (No mali against enemies one size higher), Disciplined (Reduced Morale damage suffered)
Weaknesses: Weak Attack (Not the best at attacking)
Attack: 6
Defense: 16
Range: 1
Speed: 5
Morale: 60
Supply Cost: 5
Supply Upkeep: 2]

40x [Militia
Numbers: 1000
Size: Medium
Strengths: Expendable (Casualties do no impact other Units morale)
Weaknesses: Low Morale (Reduced Morale), Milita (Reduced Stats)
Attack: 4
Defense: 4
Range: 1
Speed: 3
Morale: 15
Supply Cost: 1
Supply Upkeep: 10]

A moratorium will be until 10.04.21 at 17:00 CET.
Voting will be closed on 12.04.21 at 17:00 CET.
The update will be online on 16.04.21 at 17:00 CET.
Hooray, a nice victory and the end is in sight.

Gu Valley's not quite as good a staging ground as Alali pass, but it still has the key factor of being a narrow box that will prevent the enemy from scattering when DoD shows up.

It's time to see our big gun in action.
Okay, that was... underwhelming. Time to haul ass to Gu valley for the final fight.

We should use the DoD just to see what it can don, sorry to the big whigs if we don't leave a body behind :p
if the gu valley is to be the final battle ground we should absolutly evacuate the village so that they have no risk of being slaughtered
I'll see if I can think up a plan so that we can capture her.

@HeroCooky could we station troops on the top of the Valley? can the Mutants/Champions climb up the Valley Walls?
Do we even need to wait for them to show up? We can just send the DoD with some lizard/knight support and just blast them in the wastes.