Turn 11: Year 2; Month 6; One Problem Down, Six More Up
The Pilgrims
1.) The Mission of the Pilgrims is defined as such;
-a.) the easing, reduction, and eradication of
--1.) poverty
--2.) diseases
--3.) hunger
--4.) addiction
-b.) building infrastructure to ensure stability and growth in a region
-c.) the creation of useful technologies and machines to advance Humanity
-d.) reverse-engineering lost technologies

2.) The Leader of the Pilgrims is chosen by democratic vote, to ensure that the majority is heard.

3.) A new Leader is chosen should the current Leader;
-a.) die
-b.) voluntarily step down
-c.) be removed by a two-thirds majority vote

4.) The responsibilities of the Leader are thus;
-a.) assign 2(two) assistants to help organize matters they cannot attend to in a 7(seven) day time-span
-b.) bring issues brought forward by Department Heads or individual Pilgrims to vote
-c.) ensure that all votes are cast in no longer than 5(five) days
-d.) call for referenda on current issues/opportunities every 3(three) months
-e.) ensure that all discussion of issues remain civil and cool-headed
-f.) act as a tie-breaker, should a vote be even
-g.) bring forth issues in structure or behavior of the Pilgrims
-h.) ensure that the Pilgrims do not stray from their mission to help and uplift Humanity

5.) The duties of the members of the Pilgrims are;
-a.) giving what can, in good conscience, be spared to the cause of the Pilgrims, be that in Work, Materials, Food, Money and/or Information
--1.) no person may give more than 10% of their respective monthly earnings, or spend more than 4(four) hours working in a Pilgrim run structure
--2.) this can be exempted on an individual basis, either by;
---a.) a Pilgrim requesting such
---b.) the nature of an assignment requires it
-b.) bring forth issues of the conduct of individuals or the Pilgrims as a whole to the chosen Leader
-c.) bring forth problematic aspects of the structure and tenets of the Pilgrims to the Leader
-d.) vote, or send an envoy with the ballots to the Pilgrims HQ, every 3(three) months, on current issues/opportunities
-e.) being aware that they act as a representative of the Pilgrims, no matter the environment they find themselves in
-f.) ensuring that the Pilgrims do not waver from their mission to help and uplift Humanity
-g.) turn in any artifacts found to the leading archeologist
-h.) caring for any children that are born as a result of their actions

6.) In exchange they are allowed to partake in;
-a.) free food and water
--1.) At least 1(one) warm meal a day
-b.) free lodging
--1.) in a room with no more than 3(three) other people
-c.) free healthcare
-d.) free counseling
-e.) free access to all Pilgrim-run structures that are not used for security
-f.) rewards of turning in artifacts
--1.) The amount is determined by the rarity and importance of the artifact
--2.) This does not apply to intentional archeologic digs run by the Pilgrims as a whole
-g.) request leave from current duties, should they be employed by the Pilgrims, without having to state a reason, for 8(eight) weeks a year.
-1.) this leave does not carry over to the next year
-2.) longer leave can be granted should the reasons suffice, such as;
--a.) family matters (death/marriage)
--b.) recuperation
--c.) doctorial orders

7.) Department Heads are chosen by the ability to perform their tasks and their ability alone. Their responsibilities are;
-a.) ensuring that they complete their assigned duty to the best of their, and their worker's ability
-b.) minimize inter-departmental conflict
-c.) bring any issues, optimizations or opportunities to the Leader

8.) A Pilgrim may leave, without fear of reprisal, violence or shunning;
-a.) should a Pilgrim accost, hurt or otherwise intimidate another Pilgrim that plans to, is leaving or has left, they will be punished by exile and banned from partaking or entering any event or Pilgrim run structure
--1.) The exiled Pilgrim can challenge the exile after 1(one) year, should 4(four) other Pilgrims vouch for them
--2.) This can only be done once
-b.) any Pilgrim who left can re-enter at any time should they so wish
--1.) any Pilgrim cannot re-enter more than 2(two) times without good reason

9.) The Pilgrims will not discriminate by;
-a.) Gender
-b.) sexuality
-c.) Skin-color
-d.) Religious ties
-e.) Origin
-f.) Occupation
-g.) Mutation

10.) These crimes (but not excluding others) are immediate ground for exile without 8.a.1. coming into effect.
-a.) Murder
--1.) attempted or otherwise
-b.) Psychological Torture
-c.) Physical Torture
-d.) Rape
-e.) Conspiring to do any of the crimes listed here

11.) This charter is subject to changes should;
-a.) new tenets be adopted
-b.) new situations force the adaptation of current rules
-c.) issues be found in it

Origin: Humanism
They say that a human is mired in sin, that you are wrong, and need a higher power to save yourself. You disagree. In every human is good, in every person exists the capacity to create greatness. You just have to show it to them.
(Wait, are we the good guys? - 50% chance to spend Goodwill at a 1 to 5 ratio to turn a failure into a bare success. All factions start at Neutral. The Common People start at Friendly.)

First Tenet: What was will be
The old world is full of wonders of our achievements, but now they lie forgotten and disused. No longer. You will remake the world with the knowledge of the old.
(Archeological/Scavenging Operations unlocked in the Learning section. Gain one additional artifact dice, size depending on the site.)

Trait: Fail Better
Falling is not a sin. Falling and not getting up is.
(One free reroll per turn should an action fail, 2 for 4, 3 for 6, usw.)
Member/Ressource Statistics
Members: 147
-Faithful: 2/5
-Followers: 142(17 unoccupied)

Materials: 3.96(min. +0.34, max + 3.32per turn)(15.00 taken by: Build An Inn (Eye of the Beholder))(12.50 Materials owed to: The Merchant Guild: in 3(three) turns)

Income = 2.48 Materials:
1.00-4.00 Desalination Basins

Upkeep = 3.5 Materials:
1.00 = 1 Soup kitchen
1.00 = Administration Center - Basic
1.50 = 1 Small Hospice

Goodwill: 7.24(+0.11 per turn)

Piety: 51.5% (+0 to personal rolls)
The Empress
Opinion: Neutral
Plans: Unaware of your existence

Marquis of Tessen
Opinion: Neutral
Plans: Unaware of your existence

House Ulatarn
Opinion: Neutral
Plans: Unaware of your existence

House Mirn
Contact: Lord Malarn
Opinion: Neutral
Plans: Sponsor digs to acquire technology

Opinion: Neutral
Plans: Ensure you are compliant with the law

Church of Eden
Opinion: Neutral
Plans: Ignore you

The Followers of Light
Opinion: Neutral
Plans: Ensure that you do not poach followers from them
The Common People:
Opinion: Friendly
Plans: Passively Benefit

The Merchant Guild:
Contact: Abraham Lin
Opinion: Neutral
Plans: Source of Artifacts and Customers

The Union of Herbalists:
Opinion: Neutral
Plans: Con you

Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science
Opinion: Neutral
Plans: Dismissive of you

The Adventurer Guild:
Opinion: Neutral
Plans: Stabhappy/Waiting for bounties

Criminal Organisations:
Opinion: Neutral
Plans: Wait and See

Opinion: Neutral
Plans: Enigmatic, but nothing good if antagonized
Ancient Gossip Magazine - 2.92 Materials - + 5 to Psychology
Thouroughly Burned Pile Of Electronics - 3.84 Materials - + 5 to Electonics
Rolls Of Durable Fabrics - 3.20 Materials - + 5 to Utility
Assorted Ancient Wines - 4.91 Materials - + 5 to Chemical
Lost Tech
Unique Artefact: The Codex Mk.1 (7 Passive Recruitment per turn)
Camo-Cloaks (Prototype): ???
Unique/Notable Assets
Tree Of Knowledge
Pros: Material cost is halved, and Goodwill cost is reduced by -0.5, attackers must overcome your security to attack you, unique building options unlocked
Cons: Buildings take +1 Turn to mine and set up

Desalination Basins
-250 Pilgrims receive water in case of a drought. +1d4 Materials per turn.

Administration Center - Basic
- +1 Personal Action, Unlocks Too Much To Do
It was a rainy day in the necropolis, one where the inhabitants choose to hide inside their nooks and crannies instead of prowling about. The kind of day that is spent inside, with loved ones at your side, a fire in front, and a good book in hand. Unfortunately, for expedition #001, this was just another work-day. For months that had labored away, digging, breaking, and searching at and in the vicinity of site WO-05, an ancient warehouse-complex. During this time, they had already recovered an old magazine in miraculously good condition, as well as several rolls of fabric that would catch quite a price, should they not be used by themselves. The real find for many was the burnt-out automaton, which got immediately gutted for parts in agonizing slowness over weeks. To the disappointment of everyone present, there was nothing that could be recovered, and thus they went into a box without fanfare.

It was almost three months into the dig that one work-crew began to shout excitedly. A hallway had been opened that was blocked by rubble, and the first thing the workers saw were bottles of booze—dozens of well-preserved containers, stacked in racks, aged for a small eternity. No-one opened a bottle, all too aware that whatever was in there was likely toxic or tasted horrible, better to get drunk on the conventional booze given out after a find. Still, some fool would probably pay a hefty amount of coin for the chance to drink pre-fall alcohol.


No more long nights spent worrying over finances, no more nervous re-calculating of everything that could be sold for money, and no more nightmares of the Pilgrims being brought low by money-trouble of all things. With the selling of the artifacts and the desalination basins, you only have to worry about finding enough sacks to carry the salt to the markets and being ambushed by bandits while transporting artifacts. Back to normal then, for you, at least.

At least there were more than enough distractions this season to ground you, from the surprisingly short debate over the issue of prostitution to overseeing a recruitment effort and printing pamphlets, including the sale of artifacts to Abraham Lin and taking a loan to cover the construction of your first inn: "Eye of the Beholder." A right name, if you can say so.

While the prostitution issue was solved pretty fast, with practically no problem, your scholars have taken the chance of everyone's attention to display their new creation: a Camo-Cloak. It honestly looks like a typical cloak, except that it has multiple patterns for several environments, like dessert or urban, including a few coaches that can be secured and hold a mix of herbs that simultaneously hide and diffuse the scent of the wearer. They looked quite proud of their creation and have already proclaimed multiple improvements are in planning, such as better camo-patterns.

Also, you learned something valuable. Making a compelling pamphlet is a lot easier than getting people to join you by talking to them. You should look into doing something like this regularly when you are not currently trying to gauge how likely it is that the local guard will "pacify" the Pilgrims as they did with the Mutated in the slums of Mirn. You had not had time to look at how bad things were, but as some Pilgrims have reported, it is pretty bad. Multiple dead, almost everyone in the slums knows one wounded or two, and many are scared shitless that the churches will use this as an excuse to incite the masses to perform a "cleansing" on them. Some priests are using the recent drought and flood to stoke anti-mutated sentiments in the city. You hope that such a thing won't happen. You saw one once. You still have nightmares about it.


Faith: Destructive, Powerful, Magnificent. Faith has moved mountains, healed wounds deeper than flesh, and reduced nations to ash. Harness it to create something that will outlast you and inspire a thousand generations to come. (Choose 1 Action)

[ ] Expand Etiquette Training
After you have finally finished training the first missionaries, some have voiced concerns about their ability to bring people in, and want to undergo further training.
(Turns: 2
Chance: 65%
Reward: reduce penalty and increase the likelihood of successful recruitment actions, unlocks further actions)

[ ] Wanna Join my Club?
You need people to hear the message of the Pilgrims, and you need more people if you want to make sure this does not die before you can get started.
(Chance: 60%
Reward: 1d12-3 Recruits)

[ ] Establish Soup-Kitchens (Bulk)(Mirn)
Now that you have a soup-kitchen up and running, it is time to expand them to start covering the city. About three more should be able to give you a solid base for future expansions and provide your other ventures with places to attach to.
(Takes 3 turns
Chance: 80%
Cost: 11 Materials Upkeep: + 2.5 Materials to soup-kitchens
Reward: 3d3 Recruits, +0.04 Goodwill per turn, 1d3-1 Goodwill, unlocks further actions)

[ ] Establish Another Soup-Kitchen (1/3)(Mirn)
Another soup-kitchen allows you to feed more people, which in turn makes them like you more. A win-win!
(Chance: 95%
Cost: 4 Materials Upkeep: + 1 Material to soup-kitchens
Reward: 1d3 Recruits, +0.01 Goodwill per turn, unlocks further actions)

[ ] Establish A Poor-House
The Poor-houses in the empire are not great places to live in. They are overflowing with the desperate and needy and cramped beyond all reason. Those who live in them are also forced to work for a pittance of what they would have earned if they had done the same work in the streets. While the Pilgrims are not able to provide for everyone, it is within your capacity to provide adequate and humane shelter for around 100 People in the city.
(Takes 2 turns
Chance: 75%
Cost: 10 Materials Upkeep: 2.5 Materials
Reward: 1d2+1 permanent recruitment, +0.1 Goodwill per turn, 1d4-1 Goodwill, unlocks further actions)

[ ] Build a House Of Pleasure, Brothel, ??? (Choose A Name)
Now that you have officialized the law regarding prostitution, some have suggested building a place where people can do so safely. They would be supplied with silphium and other medicine at cost, and there would be guards to ensure that no-one gets any wrong ideas. Someone also suggested that those who want to enter should pay an entry fee for the free amenities that are being provided. It would also ensure that the patrons are of the civilized sort.
-[ ] Stand-Alone
(Cost: 4 Materials
Reward: 1d2-1 Materials per turn)
-[ ] Attached To The Inn
(Cost: 1 Material, +1 turn to the inn
Reward: +1 Material per turn)

[ ] Establish Another Small Hospice - (1/2)(Mirn)
While a Hospice does cater to the dying, their primary purpose is healing the sick that cannot afford to see a doctor. Unfortunately, you cannot provide more than the most basic of medical procedures until you make some deals and agreements with those that have studied medicine.
(Chance: 30% +10 Next Turn
Cost: 3 Materials Upkeep: 1.5 Material
Reward: +0.1 Goodwill per turn, 1d5-1 Goodwill, unlocks further actions)

[X] Build An Inn (Eye of the Beholder) - (Locked)(1/2 Turns)
Let's face it; the Pilgrims will, over time, only increase their operations. Unfortunately, helping people costs money, money that you do not have right now. Building an inn would provide you with income and enable you to conduct smoke and mirror operations with an increased chance of success, as well as improve the range, and therefore the efficiency, of your missionaries.
(Takes 2 Turns
Cost: 15 Materials
Reward: 2d4+1 Materials per turn, increased chance for intrigue actions, increased size of recruitment dice, unlocks further actions)

[ ] Hey, Why Don't We... (Write-In)
(What do you want to accomplish, and how do you go about doing it?)

Diplomacy: The art of speaking many words that mean nothing should not be underestimated. A word in the right ear at the wrong time has toppled many a nation. (Choose 1 Action)

[X] School The Diplomat-Corp - (Expanded) - Locked (1/2 turns)
Now that you have diplomats, you could send them out to do some work. Alternatively, you could spend some time getting them to train to develop a better understanding of the human psyche, local customs, and all that stuff that diplomats do.
(Takes 2 Turns
Chance: 70%
Reward: Trained Diplomat-Corps established, raised chances of success across the board, unlocks further training actions)

[ ] High-End Introduction - (Choose Elite Faction)
You should probably introduce yourself to the local Nobility, Church, and Military to assure them that you are no threat and will comply with any official and legal requests to ensure that there is no miscommunication with the Pilgrims. It would also ensure that you could ask for help from them in the future.
(Chance: 50% for Nobility and Churches, 70% for Military
Reward: Official point of contact with a faction and unlocks future actions)

[ ] Low-End Introduction - (Choose Faction)
Now that your diplomats are trained, they can handle introductions to the smaller factions in your name. They are mostly used to making deals face-to-face, but most are used to doing things by proxy, so it should not be too hard to do so without you there.
(Chance: 70% for Locals (cannot choose The Common People, Cults or The Merchant Guild)
Reward: Chosen organizations support-network unlocked.)

[ ] Seed Informants - (Basic) - (Choose Faction)
Some organizations do not have the best in mind for both the Pilgrims and the Common People. You should ensure that when the inevitable crash occurs with some, you will have at least a warning or even some more accurate information.
(Cost: 4 Materials
Chance: 45% (cannot choose The Empress)
Reward: Better information and possible counters against the plans of one faction.)

[ ] Create Infiltrator-Corp - (Basic)
It is not something you hoped to do, but sometimes the circumstances require a more subtle elimination of uncertainties. Whether that is merely in the acquisition of information to disrupt operations or the disposal of certain individuals will be something you will have to decide in the future.
(Takes 2 Turns
Cost: 1 Faithful
Chance: 60%
Reward: Can infiltrate factions for both fewer Materials and unlocks actions to subvert, undermine, or dismantle organizations. Raised Chances to secret actions)

[ ] Shouldn't We... (Write-In)
(What do you want to accomplish, and how do you go about doing it?)

Learning: Knowledge is Power. (1 Action Locked)(Artifacts can be attached to one learning action to provide the inherent bonus, but are consumed unless special buildings are present)

[ ] Tailor Your Messages (Psychology/Culture)
Now that you understand the local culture, you can tailor your messages to increase your effectiveness in both diplomacy and recruiting.
(Chance: 70% Successes needed: 2
Reward: Reduced penalty for recruitment actions and diplomacy)

[ ] The Study Of Color (Utility/Chemical)
While the cloaks are serviceable, they are not good. Or adequate. However, your scholars think they can create a better version by improving upon the color-schemes.
(Chance: 45% Successes needed: 1
Reward: Reduced chance to be detected + increased chance to complete all scouting actions, unlocks further actions, and permanent bonus in ???)

[ ] Study The Land (Agriculture/Biology)
A civilization is only three missed meals away from anarchy. Also, knowing how good the soil here is will enable you to purchase and operate farms in optimal places that have not yet been claimed, or lack the funding to do so to their fullest.
(Chance: 90% Successes needed: 1
Reward: Information on local soil quality, unlocks Diplomatic and Base actions, and opens further research)

[ ] Study The Minerals (Geology/Mineralogy)
Iron, Copper, Steel, Gold, Silver, Jewel. On those, the economy runs. On those, you will have to rely on the building, and funding, of the Pilgrims. Let's see if there are not some veins that have been missed by prospectors.
(Chance: 65% Successes needed: 1
Reward: Locations and Information of mineral veins for future exploitation, unlocks Base actions and opens further research)

[ ] Eureka! (Write-In)
(Write in something you want to research, as well as how you came upon that idea. Better success-chances to the action if you mark a relevant artifact for this research.)

Archeology: The secrets of the past will illuminate the future, may we learn from their mistakes. (Choose 1 Action)

[ ] Prepare an Expedition (Choose A Location)(Specify Turns)
Sometimes you need to dig into one location for months on end to exploit it fully.
(Can only be used on locations already scouted out. For every turn you spend on this action, an expedition spends 2(two) at the chosen target. Once the expedition has left, it no longer requires one action.)
-House Mirn support: Y/N
(25% of the recovered artifacts are given over, no need for security or clearing places on your own)
-WO-01: Est. artifact-grade: General Mundane+, Dice:2d2+1 per turn, Max. Yield: 6 Turns. No danger.
-WO-02: Est. artifact-grade: General Mundane++, Dice:2d2 per turn, Max. Yield: 5 Turns, Mutants nearby.
-WO-03: Est. artifact-grade: General Rare-, Dice:4d2-5 per turn, Max. Yield: 5 Turns, Mutants nearby.
-WO-04: Est. artifact-grade: General Mundane, Dice:2d3 per turn, Max. Yield: 6 Turns. No danger.
-WO-05: Est. artifact-grade: General Mundane++, Dice:2d2+1 per turn, Max. Yield: 4 Turns. No danger.
-WO-06: Est. artifact-grade: General Mundane, Dice:2d3 per turn, Max. Yield: 4 Turns. No danger.
-SE-01: Est. artifact-grade: Unknown, Dice:2d2 per turn, Max. Yield: 2 Turns. No danger.
-SE-02: Est. artifact-grade: Unknown, Dice:2d2 per turn, Max. Yield: 1 Turn. No danger.
-SO-01: Est. artifact-grade: General Mundane-, Dice:2d2-1 per turn, Max. Yield: 5 Turns. Mutants nearby.
-SO-02: Est. artifact-grade: General Mundane+, Dice:2d2 per turn, Max. Yield: 5 Turns. No danger.
-SO-03: Est. artifact-grade: General Mundane-, Dice:3d2-2 per turn, Max. Yield: 6 Turns. No danger.
-SO-04: Est. artifact-grade: General Mundane, Dice:2d2 per turn, Max. Yield: 5 Turns. No danger.
-SO-05: Est. artifact-grade: General Rare+, Dice:2d3+1 per turn, Max. Yield: 4 Turns. Mutants nearby.
-SO-06: Est. artifact-grade: General Mundane++, Dice:2d2 per turn, Max. Yield: 5 Turns. No danger.

[X] Prepare an Expedition (WO-01)(3 turns)(House Mirn: Yes) - Ends in 6 turns
[X] Prepare an Expedition (WO-05)(1 turn)(House Mirn: No) Ends in 1 Turns

[ ] Send Out The Scavengers (Choose A Location)
Sometimes it is not worth it to send an expedition to a location, either due to its low yield or quality of the artifacts found there.
(Chance: 95%
Reward: 1 turn in the specified location.
Warning! If the action fails, 5% Chance that 1d6 Pilgrims will die due to being detected and subsequently attacked)

[ ] Scout The Eastern Outskirts
The Forest of Rust is not something you want to barge in unprepared. Scouting small areas will result in both routes to promising sites as well as return information on possible hostile forces present in or around them.
(Chance: 85%
Reward: Sites in the Eastern Outskirts are located and mapped.
Warning! If the action fails, 3% Chance that 1d6 Pilgrims will die due to being detected and subsequently attacked)

[ ] Scout The Wall
A giant, crumbling wall surrounds the First Ring. Ancient rusting behemoths lay atop it, and military bases lay dotted along with it. There is also an old bunker that no one has been able to open. You should see how many places have been untouched by scavengers and which ones you have to fight over. The spoils will be worth it.
(Chance: 75%
Reward: Sites in The Wall are located and mapped.
Warning! If the action fails, 5% Chance that 1d6 Pilgrims will die due to being detected and subsequently attacked)

[ ] Scout The Gallery
Why the inhabitants gave taken to displaying the corpses of their enemies in something that resembles an art-exhibit is not something that you want to now. Whether or not you can access the different libraries and other book-stores is.
(Chance: 65%
Reward: Sites in The Gallery are located and mapped.
Warning! If the action fails, 6 Pilgrims will die due to being detected and subsequently attacked)

[ ] Scout The Tower Of Pain
Intact electronics, architecture that makes the air scream, the certainty of a significant find. What is there not to like?
(Chance: 65%
Reward: Sites in The Tower Of Pain are located and mapped.
Warning! If the action fails, 10% Chance that 1d6 Pilgrims will die due to being detected and subsequently attacked)

[ ] Scout The Smokestack
Old rusting machines lie here, standing vigil over wonders of old. Engines are heard working throughout the area, while the smokestack continues to belch black smoke into the air. What surprises await you once past the guardians, what greatness lies locked away?
(Chance: 55%
Reward: Sites in The Smokestack are located and mapped.
Warning! If the action fails, 10% Chance that 1d6 Pilgrims will die due to being detected and subsequently attacked)

[ ] Scout The Pit
You are not sure what you will find here, only that you are probably the first to look for artifacts here. But your scouts have reported feeling like they are being watched...
(Chance: 95%
Reward: Sites in The Pit are located and mapped.
Warning! If the action fails, 25% Chance that 1d6 Pilgrims will die due to being detected and subsequently attacked)

Tree of Knowledge: The home of the Pilgrims, a bastion of all that they stand for, and a symbol of hope for the desperate. (Choose 1 Action)

[ ] Living Quarters - Basic
While sleeping in tents is something that many do for their whole life, you think that the Pilgrim should have decent and clean quarters to sleep in.
(Cost: 3.5 Materials Upkeep: 0.5 Materials
Takes 2 Turns
Reward: Up to 150 Pilgrims can live in your base before mali start to apply)

[ ] Living Quarters - Expanded
With the growing numbers of the Pilgrims, there won't be any space left if it is not expanded. So let's do that.
(Cost: 3.5 Materials Upkeep: 0.5 Materials
Takes 2 Turns( 3 if taken without Basic in place.)
Reward: Up to 300 Pilgrims can live in your base before mali start to apply
Can be taken before Basic, due to population)

[ ] Storerooms - Basic
Preparing for bad times is not only smart but necessary. Ensure that there are enough supplies and secure storerooms to last the Pilgrims for at least three months.
(Cost: 2.5 Materials Upkeep: 0.2 Materials Restock cost: 3 Materials
Takes 2 Turns
Reward: Can support up to 150 Pilgrims for three months under siege conditions, before you need to gather new supplies)

[ ] Storerooms - Expanded
Preparing for bad times is not only smart but necessary. Ensure that there are enough supplies and secure storerooms to last the Pilgrims for at least six months.
(Cost: 4.0 Materials Upkeep: 0.3 Materials Restock cost: 5 Materials
Takes 2 Turns
Reward: Can support up to 300 Pilgrims for six months under siege conditions, before you need to gather new supplies
Can be taken before Basic, due to population)

[ ] Hygenic Living - Basic
A single plague can wipe out cities. Ensure that the Pilgrims follow at least the basic of personal Hygiene and have the facility to do so.
(Cost: 3.5 Materials Upkeep: 0.2 Materials
Takes 2 Turns
Reward: Plagues roll a with mali to infect the Pilgrims, supports up to 150 Pilgrims before it becomes useless)

[ ] Hygenic Living - Expanded
A single plague can wipe out cities. Ensure that the Pilgrims follow at least the basic of personal Hygiene and have the facilities to do so.
(Cost: 5.5 Materials Upkeep: 0.4 Materials
Takes 2 Turns
Reward: Plagues roll a with mali to infect the Pilgrims, supports up to 300 Pilgrims before it becomes useless
Can be taken before Basic, due to population)

[ ] Administration Center - Expanded (Write in Section(Not Personal))
Running the Pilgrims will, over time, become only more complicated and require more and more things to be handled at the same time. Which means that you will have to create a bureaucracy to deal with this.
(Cost: 5 Materials Upkeep: 1.5 Material
Takes 2 Turns
Reward: +1 Action to the specified section)

[X] Salt Refinement
The salt that is generated can be further refined to achieve higher quality. This would subsequently boost sales.
(Cost: 4 Materials
Takes 2 Turns
Reward: +1 Materials through salt sales per turn)

[ ] Let's Build A (Write-In)
(What do you want to build, and what should the building provide?)

Support: Many people try to take advantage of you. Fortunately, they are willing to give you something back. (All Actions Are Free Actions)

[ ] Merchants
-[ ] A Small Loan - Locked until paid back

(10 Materials loaned for four turns at 25% interest)
-[ ] Buying Stuff
(Write in technology/machine/other you want to purchase. Locked to maximum Common technology)
-[ ] Selling Artifacts
(Write in artifacts that you want to sell)
-[ ] Buying Goods In Bulk
(Reduce upkeep of one(1) structure by 0.1 Materials, can only be taken once a turn.)

Personal: Sometimes, you have to get your own hands dirty. Sometimes you want to relax, since leading the Pilgrims rarely leads to a dull moment. Now? Now you have to decide what to focus on. (Choose 2 Actions)

[ ] Too Much To Do - (Action)
There is simply too much to do and not enough hands to do it. Start helping out.
(Can be taken multiple times.
Reward: +1 Action is done)

[ ] Lead By Example (Write in Action)
Help your People, motivate them by taking a personal interest in their work. You won't just sit around either. Two more hands are always needed.
(Reward: +20 to 1 Action)

[ ] Personal Introduction (Write in Organization)
Some factions and organizations could have things that would benefit the Pilgrims; Money, Machines, Connections, Public support, and many more. Unfortunately, that means introducing yourself, which may or may not paint a giant target on your back.
(Chance: 75% for Locals, 55% for Elites (cannot choose The Common People, The Merchant Guild or Cults), rolled with a +15
Reward: Chosen organizations support-network unlocked.)

[ ] Cool Tempers
Not everything can always be sunshine and rainbows, sometimes shit goes sideways, and people need to be reminded that failure is not the end of the world.
(Chance: 40%
Reward: +1% Piety, and 1 additional for every +10 above success)

[ ] Guiding Hand
There are some Pilgrims who stand at the edge of committing themselves to the Pilgrims cause. You should speak to them, see what stops them and try to either bring them in or make them realize that they would make a mistake if they did so.
(Reward: +1 Faithful, as long as there are followers left)

[ ] Charity Drive (X Goodwill)
It is an unfortunate truth that money does not grow from trees. This means that you need to get people to donate it to ensure that the Pilgrims can continue with their expansion.
(Chance: 0-30/50/70/95
Reward: Exchanges 1 Goodwill 0.5/1/1.5/2 Materials)

[ ] Name Yourself

Over the years you had many names, given by your parents, your friends, and companions, by the people and the Pilgrims. But they were not you. Perhaps you should spend some time to find a name that describes yourself, mind, body, and soul.
Notable Achievements:
-Accidentally create a Cult
-Failed 40% of all attempted actions setting up the pilgrims
-Solved the first crisis of Faith
(Reward: You are Named)

[ ] Write In

If you spot any mistakes or have questions, tell me so that I can provide a better experience for all.

Don't forget, a Faithful that is not bound up in buildings can be assigned to actions, and omakes give boni, even if they are not canonized.

A moratorium will be until 09.05.20 at 17:00 CET.
Voting will be closed on the 11.05.20 at 17:00 CET.
The decision for Goodwill use is on the 12.05.20 at 17:00 CET.
Updates will be online on the 14.05.20 at 17:00 CET.
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[Canon] - The Knights, Protectors Of Innocents, And Guardians Of The Realm
Knights are mechanical marvels that far surpass any technology that exists today. They are both fearsome machines of war and impressive bastions of safety for the common man. Clad in honor and faith in the empire and the empress, they stride across the land, bringing justice to Mutants and rampant Walkers.

And today, we will take a look at one of their Chapters, their code of honor, and an example of one of their Knights.

The Knights are organized in Chapters stationed in a region that is deemed vital for either its products of food or goods or because of their strategic and tactical importance. The one we will examine in closer detail is the Chapter: "The Blue Lance," stationed in Tessen.

The Blue Lance is a Knight-Chapter led by Chapter-Master Alson Dulhne, composed of 7(seven) "Hels" led by Knight-Captains, containing 25 Knights, that are further divided into 5(five) "Tals" of 5(five) Knights. Already you can see that the Knight-Chapters have deep roots, for "Hel" and "Tal" are ancient words over 600 years old from a dead language.

"Hel," meaning Family, Brotherhood, and Oath-Bound, whereas "Tal" is translated as Strike, Punch, and Hunt.

The Chapter Eternal Dawn has 6(six) of its Hels stationed in a city of the Tessen region stationed; which are Mirn, Ularn, Tessen, Zulmni, Jokvi, and Strul, with the last Hel acting as a strategic reserve and mobile strike-force to quickly combat any threat that cannot be dealt with only one Hel present. However, those are as rare as they are terrifying.

One of the most notable examples of this is the Wendigo "Mother." This extremely rare and highly intelligent form of Mutant is rightly feared, as seven knights perished repelling her. It should be noted that Chapter-Master Alson Dulhne was only able to achieve this by literally ripping out one of "Mother's" arms after she had been disarmed, and begin beating her with it. "Mother" immediately began to retreat while in agony, using the Mutants she had accumulated to prevent any knights from killing her for good. They have issued a bounty for any information regarding her location, or corpse.

The Chapter of The Blue Lance is one that does not eschew the use of automatic crossbows and indeed pairs them with their namesake lances for mixed unit tactics, rather than uniformly enforce electrified axes, swords, or spears, though shields are enforced. This allows them to make use of shock-and-awe tactics, opening any engagement with a devastating volley, softening the opposition, before their lancers either crash frontally into the enemy lines, or flank when acting in concert with infantry and annihilate anyone still living.

Similarly, their code of honor is less restrictive than that of other Chapters, allowing members to marry and have families. They do, however, follow any other Chapter in the regards that only nobles can become a Knight-Pilot and has to swear before the Imperial Family that they will follow them before all else, lay down their family name, and forgo any form of communication with them. While this is seen as overly restrictive by many, it has allowed many a disgraced noble or third born to escape inevitable shame and irrelevance.

For The Blue Lance, the shielding of civilians is a duty they take seriously above all else, even going so far as to creatively-reinterpret orders of superiors to ensure that no civilians are caught in the crossfire of battles, even if it places them in more significant dangers. Subsequently, the accidental harming of non-combatants is heavily frowned upon, with deliberately doing so is grounds for immediate execution by impaling the offender upon their lance or one of their bolts after an internal trial.

The Knights most favored by the Chapter are the Stalker-Pattern Novice and the Stoneshield. We will have a look upon the Stoneshield that has a central role in their tactics.

The Stoneshield is a 6-meter tall Knight, equipped with a hard-point for a shield and armored by 27-centimeters of steel, strengthened by a titan-alloy over the top, in a honeycomb-pattern, weighing around 55 tons. They have a top speed of 78 kilometers without equipment and 59 with the standard load-out. They follow the ubiquitous humanoid form, though they are notably hunched and have their feet bottom out with multiple stabilators, arranged in an X. Because one arm is solely intended to have a shield equipped and has been designed accordingly, the other one has a complicated array of connectors, pistons, and other mechanical equipment to allow for customization by the Knight-Pilot. This arm is fully capable of most movements that a human is capable of performing. However, it has a notable inability to do so outside of a 180° arc focused on its socket. The cockpit is situated in the middle of the Knight and is piloted by the standard method of sitting. At the same time, the direction is dictated by using the left pedal, the speed with the right one and independently movable grips control the upper body with attached triggers for added fine manipulation for attached arms. It has, however, one glaring weakness; the Knight-Pilot is only able to exit the Knight by crawling through the back, something that takes about two to three minutes. As such, the best advice that can be given to those that pilot Stonshields is: "Always have an air-mask and a tube of sand on hand against fires."
[X] Plan: Base Expansion And Camouflage Research
-[X] Build An Inn (Eye of the Beholder) - (Locked)(1/2 Turns)
-[X] School The Diplomat-Corp - (Expanded) - Locked (1/2 turns)
-[X] The Study Of Color (Utility/Chemical)
--[X] +2 Faithful
--[X] Use artifact: Rolls Of Durable Fabrics
-[X] Prepare an Expedition (SO-05)(2 turns)(House Mirn: Yes)
-[X] Living Quarters - Expanded
-[X] Too Much To Do - (Learning)
--[X] Study The Land (Agriculture/Biology)
-[X] Too Much To Do - (Base)
--[X] Hygenic Living - Expanded
-[X] Merchants
--[X] Selling Artifacts: Ancient Gossip Magazine, Assorted Ancient Wines
--[X] Buying Goods In Bulk: Administration Center

* Faith / Diplomacy: Continuing with partially completed actions.
* Learning: I'd like to see what the "permanent bonus in ???" provided by The Study Of Color is.
* Expedition: SO-05 looks very profitable providing 2d3+1 per turn of Rare+ quality artifacts. House Mirn support is essential since there's Mutants in the area. 2 turns of expedition prep will be enough to clear out the site.
* Base: I think we're long overdue for establishing some kind of decent housing and medical facilities at our base.
* 1st personal: I'm spending a personal action on Study The Land to see what our options are for setting up food production. Hopefully we may unlock some options for reducing our upkeep and supporting the inn/soup-kitchens.
* 2nd personal: I'm spending a personal action on the base so that we can start building housing and medical facilities at the same time. We'll need to spend another personal action here next turn to continue with this.
* Merchants: I'm selling the artifacts that I think are the least useful in order to fund the construction projects above. 3.96 material in storage + 7.83 selling artifacts - 9 construction projects = 2.79 surplus material.

If people want to make variations on this plan then I'd recommend swapping out "Too Much To Do - Study The Land" for whatever alternative action you're interested in. You could potentially swap The Study Of Color for a different learning action as well. I believe the rest of the actions are either essential or clearly superior to the alternatives available.
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So, I may have forgotten to put in relevant information for the learning section.

"Artifacts can be attached to one learning action to provide the inherent bonus, but are consumed unless special buildings are present."

This means that you can attach "Rolls Of Durable Fabrics" to The Study Of Color. At this point, your scholars will use the mentioned artifact to help push your research to completion, but they are consumed unless you have a laboratory present. This also means that using certain artifacts will change the outcome of research activities into different paths.

For example, using a disabled drone to research armor instead of doing it without may result in an alloy that is very lightweight but has the same durability.

Sorry for forgetting to put it into the post, I am already re-reading everything thrice to catch these kinds of mistakes, but some still slip through.
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I've updated the plan to include using an artifact to boost The Study Of Color. If we can potentially get a better result by spending an artifact here then it seems worthwhile.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by HeroCooky on May 11, 2020 at 11:13 AM, finished with 7 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Base Expansion And Camouflage Research
    -[X] Build An Inn (Eye of the Beholder) - (Locked)(1/2 Turns)
    -[X] School The Diplomat-Corp - (Expanded) - Locked (1/2 turns)
    -[X] The Study Of Color (Utility/Chemical)
    --[X] +2 Faithful
    --[X] Use artifact: Rolls Of Durable Fabrics
    -[X] Prepare an Expedition (SO-05)(2 turns)(House Mirn: Yes)
    -[X] Living Quarters - Expanded
    -[X] Too Much To Do - (Learning)
    --[X] Study The Land (Agriculture/Biology)
    -[X] Too Much To Do - (Base)
    --[X] Hygenic Living - Expanded
    -[X] Merchants
    --[X] Selling Artifacts: Ancient Gossip Magazine, Assorted Ancient Wines
    --[X] Buying Goods In Bulk: Administration Center
I need 3 1d100 for your Actions with a DC of:
55; Rolled with +2
10; upon completion, roll 4d100, reason: Findings

The first failure is re-rolled
All others have a DC of 50 for Goodwill roll.

Further Rolls:
2d2+1 Mundane+
2d2+1 Mundane++

1d4 Income

Piety: 1d6+1

Faithful: DC of 76

Disaster Roll:
Additional 2d4-2

The first rolls that are complete are taken as official.
@TerrorCooper, please assign your +10 to one roll in Actions
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ok let me roll

edit: i didnt roll for artifacts or for the extra disaster dice of 2d4-2 or piety
armentho threw 3 100-faced dice. Total: 164
81 81 64 64 19 19
armentho threw 4 100-faced dice. Total: 238
45 45 91 91 55 55 47 47
armentho threw 1 4-faced dice. Total: 4
4 4
armentho threw 1 100-faced dice. Total: 56
56 56
armentho threw 2 100-faced dice. Total: 174
83 83 91 91
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[X] Plan: Base Expansion And Camouflage Research
-[X] Build An Inn (Eye of the Beholder) - (Locked)(1/2 Turns)
2d4+1 Material per turn.

-[X] School The Diplomat-Corp - (Expanded) - Locked (1/2 turns)
Need: 30 Rolled: 81

-[X] The Study Of Color (Utility/Chemical)
--[X] +2 Faithful
--[X] Use artifact: Rolls Of Durable Fabrics
Needed: 55 Rolled: 64+7 = 71
Camo-Cloaks (Prototype) upgraded to Camo-Cloaks (Standardized)
Artifact Extra: +???
Research Unlocked:
-That Stone Is Talking
-Stealthy And Durable

-[X] Prepare an Expedition (SO-05)(2 turns)(House Mirn: Yes)
(1/2Turns complete)

-[X] Living Quarters - Expanded
(1/3 Turns complete)

-[X] Too Much To Do - (Learning)
--[X] Study The Land (Agriculture/Biology)
Needed: 10 Rolled: 19
-Ashleaf Tea +10 to Diplomacy
1x Extremely Fertile Farmland
2x Fertile Farmland

-[X] Too Much To Do - (Base)
--[X] Hygenic Living - Expanded
(1/2 Turns complete)

-[X] Merchants
--[X] Selling Artifacts: Ancient Gossip Magazine, Assorted Ancient Wines
+7.83 Materials

--[X] Buying Goods In Bulk: Administration Center
Complete: Administration Center - Basic upkeep now 0.90 Materials

2d2+1 Mundane+ = 2+2+1 = 5
2d2+1 Mundane++ = 1+2+1 = 4
Disaster Roll: 83 = Poison
Strenght: 91 = Extreme
Delay: 2d4-2 = 1+3-2 = 2 Turns

Rolled: 1d6+1 = 3+1 = 4% Piety reduction

Needed: 76 Rolled: 56

The update will be online at 17:00 CET on 14.05.20
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