Crystalwatcher's Magical Girl Quest!

May as well actually vote on something... .
[X]Check up on the War. The fuck is going on?
[X]Don't spend anything.

Hmmm... other obvious way to abuse Reequip that will probably be swiftly shot down... but how large can Team GEAR get? Because I have this humorous impression of the Akashic Pillar renaming itself to Team GEAR.
May as well actually vote on something... .
[X]Check up on the War. The fuck is going on?
[X]Don't spend anything.

Hmmm... other obvious way to abuse Reequip that will probably be swiftly shot down... but how large can Team GEAR get? Because I have this humorous impression of the Akashic Pillar renaming itself to Team GEAR.
That would certainly get the attention of the Darkness-aligned Goddesses. Especially when combined with Echo of Peace. :V
Getting that super expensive upgrade that makes us gain a ton of HP each turn would also mean that we can keep Purge active permanently. Both of those abilities would benefit from increases to our max hp too.
[X]Meet an angel. One might get attached to your squad, so you might as well figure out which.
[X] Don't spend anything.

Meeting people gives lots of XP and powers, why wouldn't we want new friends?
Getting that super expensive upgrade that makes us gain a ton of HP each turn would also mean that we can keep Purge active permanently. Both of those abilities would benefit from increases to our max hp too.

And then we autodie because we stop being an amusing anecdote and become a mote of threat--and given how the enemy has an absolute strategic advantage over us, it means we're walking dead the moment that happens, because Rei can't stop all three of the other Goddesses if they get dropped on her at the same time--at least not and keep us alive.

And that will happen, because we're getting our face wrecked so badly that they can afford to consolidate their shitkickers for a single operation without significantly hurting their operational tempo otherwise.
In the interest of hypoteticals, here's what may be one of them.

Note that this isn't canon unless crystalwatcher says it is. It's just something that I came up with.

The Never Should

The Error Beyond Existance

Health: 9,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,000,000,000,000,000
Base Damage: Target's Resilience x 400
Base Resilience: Incoming Base Damage x 600
Magic Modifier: Opponent's Modifier x 500
Affinity: Infinity | Void | Cosmic | Darkness | Light | Corruption | Glitch | Horror | Destruction | Eldritch | Pantheonic

The Entity
Level %$^#&*
Attacks Per Turn: Yes
Health: 8,634,000,000,000,000,000
Affinity: Infinity | Void | Cosmic | Corruption | Glitch | Horror | Divinity
Ability: Murder | Glitch | Corruption | Collateral | Detonate | Echo | Unstoppable | Juggernaut | Danmaku Assault | Autonomous Combat

Level 99999
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Infinity | Void | Glitch
Ability: Unstoppable | Auto-Kill

Level 67413
Base Damage: Targets Resilience
Magic Modifier: Opponents Modfier
Affinity: Cosmic | Corruption | Glitch
Ability: Murder | Limitless | Boost-Self

Level 49273
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Corruption | Glitch
Ability: Weaken-All

Break The Game
Level 80000
Base Damage: Targets Resilience
Magic Modifier: Opponents Modfier
Affinity: Destruction | Eldritch | Void
Ability: Collateral | Detonate | Boost-Self | Weaken-All | Murder | Vampire

- Fate, Oracle and Future/Past Sight powers treat The Never Should, and as such timelines that it exists in, as if it doesn't exist, preventing any sort of in battle advantage.

Reality's Anathema
- Deal 5% total health in damage to all enemies per turn. While within a universe, this damage is unblockable and is considered to also have the Juggernaut and Unstoppable ability modifiers.

You Are Less Than Insects
- Immunity to all status effects

Your Armour Is Useless
- Apply opponents Armour modifier to The Never Should's attack.

Your Faith, Even Less
- If an attack aimed at The Never Should comes from something with the Divinity Affinity, apply the modifier [(End Damage x 0) + 1] to the attack.

Beyond Reality
-The Never Should is capable of waging war on Trans-dimensional existences, as well as entire dimentional clusters simultaneously.

- Abilities that require an attack to affect a certain amount of area (such as planetary or universal) to deal damage are negated.

Glitch In The Matrix
- The Never Should attempts to corrupt a target. If successful (1d100, difficulty of 50) the target gains the "Otherworldly Corruption" debuff. This applies a 0/X counter to the target (X is determined by targets affinities). Every turn, the counter goes up by 1d25. Once the counter is equal or greater than X, the target dies and a new The Entity is created from the target immediately.

Countless As The Stars
- If there are no The Entity in battle, The Never Should may spend 1 action to summon a new The Entity.

I Am Above Your Gods (The Entity)
- Abilities that require an attack to affect a certain amount of area (such as planetary or universal) to deal damage are negated. This ability is negated by those with the Pantheonic Affinity.

Intercept (The Entity)
- If an incoming attack is caught, intercept the attack with one of your own. If your damage is higher, negate the attack, and deal the difference in unblockable damage. If your damage is exceeded, reduce incoming damage by yours before calculation.

Cleave (The Entity)
- If Intercept Successful, break enemy weapon.

Unstoppable Force (The Entity)
- If basic attack is negated, activate Intercept.

Unreal Strength (The Entity)
- When meeting an opposing force, increase Damage by 50%. Negate if opposing force is backed by: Unreal Strength, Unstoppable, Juggernaut, or a 3-1 damage advantage.

Countless As The Stars (The Entity)
- If Echo activates, a new The Entity is summoned.

- Those killed by The Never Should or The Entity are done so retroactively, and can't be brought back to life, regardless of other abilities, spells, items. Negated by the Glitch In The Matrix ability and by those that use the Writer Of Reality ability.

Broken Code
- Damage that is dealt by The Never Should and The Entity has 75% chance to instead target another stat (25% per stat). End damage reduces the affected stat permanently. Opponents modifiers that affect opponents health lost are not applied if the attack targets a non-health stat. Opponents modifiers that affect damage received still activate as normal.

That's fucking monstrous the only suggestion I would make to it is to make all the numbers random instead of ending them in neat zeros.
And then we autodie because we stop being an amusing anecdote and become a mote of threat--and given how the enemy has an absolute strategic advantage over us, it means we're walking dead the moment that happens, because Rei can't stop all three of the other Goddesses if they get dropped on her at the same time--at least not and keep us alive.
Two. The Unified Darkness has two of the Goddesses.

And depending on how her resurrection ability works, Red might not be going out to fight anymore. Even if it's cast-and-forget, leaving her open to be taken out is a dumb move. And if she's required for them to continue working for the Unified Darkness, then it's even worse.
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And then we autodie because we stop being an amusing anecdote and become a mote of threat--and given how the enemy has an absolute strategic advantage over us, it means we're walking dead the moment that happens, because Rei can't stop all three of the other Goddesses if they get dropped on her at the same time--at least not and keep us alive.

And that will happen, because we're getting our face wrecked so badly that they can afford to consolidate their shitkickers for a single operation without significantly hurting their operational tempo otherwise.
Ehh, by the time we can actually afford that hax regen ability, we'll probably already be to the point where it's difficult to assassinate us. We'll probably also have at least one other MG, probably another Core, as part of our team.

Also, in retrospect, Nepgear being OP at party buffing makes complete sense. In the games, putting Nepgear in a supporting role gives the character paired with her the obscenely powerful (and otherwise nearly unobtainable) Break Damage Limit ability (allowing for damage above 9999 in a single hit).
In the interest of hypoteticals, here's what may be one of them.

Note that this isn't canon unless crystalwatcher says it is. It's just something that I came up with.

The Never Should

The Error Beyond Existance

Health: 9,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,000,000,000,000,000
Base Damage: Target's Resilience x 400
Base Resilience: Incoming Base Damage x 600
Magic Modifier: Opponent's Modifier x 500
Affinity: Infinity | Void | Cosmic | Darkness | Light | Corruption | Glitch | Horror | Destruction | Eldritch | Pantheonic

The Entity
Level %$^#&*
Attacks Per Turn: Yes
Health: 8,634,000,000,000,000,000
Affinity: Infinity | Void | Cosmic | Corruption | Glitch | Horror | Divinity
Ability: Murder | Glitch | Corruption | Collateral | Detonate | Echo | Unstoppable | Juggernaut | Danmaku Assault | Autonomous Combat

Level 99999
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Infinity | Void | Glitch
Ability: Unstoppable | Auto-Kill

Level 67413
Base Damage: Targets Resilience
Magic Modifier: Opponents Modfier
Affinity: Cosmic | Corruption | Glitch
Ability: Murder | Limitless | Boost-Self

Level 49273
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Corruption | Glitch
Ability: Weaken-All

Break The Game
Level 80000
Base Damage: Targets Resilience
Magic Modifier: Opponents Modfier
Affinity: Destruction | Eldritch | Void
Ability: Collateral | Detonate | Boost-Self | Weaken-All | Murder | Vampire

- Fate, Oracle and Future/Past Sight powers treat The Never Should, and as such timelines that it exists in, as if it doesn't exist, preventing any sort of in battle advantage.

Reality's Anathema
- Deal 5% total health in damage to all enemies per turn. While within a universe, this damage is unblockable and is considered to also have the Juggernaut and Unstoppable ability modifiers.

You Are Less Than Insects
- Immunity to all status effects

Your Armour Is Useless
- Apply opponents Armour modifier to The Never Should's attack.

Your Faith, Even Less
- If an attack aimed at The Never Should comes from something with the Divinity Affinity, apply the modifier [(End Damage x 0) + 1] to the attack.

Beyond Reality
-The Never Should is capable of waging war on Trans-dimensional existences, as well as entire dimentional clusters simultaneously.

- Abilities that require an attack to affect a certain amount of area (such as planetary or universal) to deal damage are negated.

Glitch In The Matrix
- The Never Should attempts to corrupt a target. If successful (1d100, difficulty of 50) the target gains the "Otherworldly Corruption" debuff. This applies a 0/X counter to the target (X is determined by targets affinities). Every turn, the counter goes up by 1d25. Once the counter is equal or greater than X, the target dies and a new The Entity is created from the target immediately.

Countless As The Stars
- If there are no The Entity in battle, The Never Should may spend 1 action to summon a new The Entity.

I Am Above Your Gods (The Entity)
- Abilities that require an attack to affect a certain amount of area (such as planetary or universal) to deal damage are negated. This ability is negated by those with the Pantheonic Affinity.

Intercept (The Entity)
- If an incoming attack is caught, intercept the attack with one of your own. If your damage is higher, negate the attack, and deal the difference in unblockable damage. If your damage is exceeded, reduce incoming damage by yours before calculation.

Cleave (The Entity)
- If Intercept Successful, break enemy weapon.

Unstoppable Force (The Entity)
- If basic attack is negated, activate Intercept.

Unreal Strength (The Entity)
- When meeting an opposing force, increase Damage by 50%. Negate if opposing force is backed by: Unreal Strength, Unstoppable, Juggernaut, or a 3-1 damage advantage.

Countless As The Stars (The Entity)
- If Echo activates, a new The Entity is summoned.

- Those killed by The Never Should or The Entity are done so retroactively, and can't be brought back to life, regardless of other abilities, spells, items. Negated by the Glitch In The Matrix ability and by those that use the Writer Of Reality ability.

Broken Code
- Damage that is dealt by The Never Should and The Entity has 75% chance to instead target another stat (25% per stat). End damage reduces the affected stat permanently. Opponents modifiers that affect opponents health lost are not applied if the attack targets a non-health stat. Opponents modifiers that affect damage received still activate as normal.

Naw, not cannon...

But definitely adding link to front page because of "All the Yes'.

Randomize the numbers like health and all that a little to make it a little more in line of Error: Oops, your reality I missing, and past that I can't think of how to make it better.

I'd comment on how having both Unstoppable and Juggernaut, or Detonate and Collateral Damage both on some abilities, but then my brain went "it's a glitch in reality" which then made it make all the sense.

@crystalwatcher - We saw Nepgear learn about her upgraded Purifier Beam. Did she also learn about her increased durability or does that require another training action?
Another training action. But she does have suspicions.

Getting that super expensive upgrade that makes us gain a ton of HP each turn would also mean that we can keep Purge active permanently. Both of those abilities would benefit from increases to our max hp too.
Core Purge actually burns through HP faster then Segarite Core can regenerate it.

Segerite's regeneration is based on your original health stat. Core Purge's cost is based on the health you have.

Lemme pull out my calculator:

450 Original Health
Segarite Core adds 337 per turn.

After one turn that's 787 health.

Core Purge kicks in to take 5%... 39 damage.

Wait. Huh. Not sure if I thought that one through.

And then we autodie because we stop being an amusing anecdote and become a mote of threat--and given how the enemy has an absolute strategic advantage over us, it means we're walking dead the moment that happens, because Rei can't stop all three of the other Goddesses if they get dropped on her at the same time--at least not and keep us alive.

And that will happen, because we're getting our face wrecked so badly that they can afford to consolidate their shitkickers for a single operation without significantly hurting their operational tempo otherwise.
Actually, due to the operations they currently have going the only one that would be free to send would be Grey.
And then we autodie because we stop being an amusing anecdote and become a mote of threat--and given how the enemy has an absolute strategic advantage over us, it means we're walking dead the moment that happens, because Rei can't stop all three of the other Goddesses if they get dropped on her at the same time--at least not and keep us alive.

And that will happen, because we're getting our face wrecked so badly that they can afford to consolidate their shitkickers for a single operation without significantly hurting their operational tempo otherwise.
They've got the Emiya Expy and the True Necromancer, and the Control Seal is targeted by our Core Purge. By the time that we show up on their threat-radars, we'll probably be able to bring Gray back to goodness by existing in her general direction.

And if her control Seal has more health? We can just have THE JUGGERNAUT James keep her busy until it melts. After all, he'll have something like 2500 HP to burn through before he dies, giving us over a hundred turns before he even gets back down to normal human levels of health. He's so awesome.
*Equip Nepgear Reactor*

*Ominous hum*
I regret that I have but one like to give.
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Lemme pull out my calculator:

450 Original Health
Segarite Core adds 337 per turn.

After one turn that's 787 health.

Core Purge kicks in to take 5%... 39 damage.

Wait. Huh. Not sure if I thought that one through.
Just mocking something up in java to run through this...

Segarite Core adds 337.5 health.
Core purge removes 39.375 health.
Core purge deals 2953.125 damage.
Segarite Core adds 337.5 health.
Core purge removes 54.28125 health.
Core purge deals 4071.09375 damage.
Segarite Core adds 337.5 health.
Core purge removes 68.4421875 health.
Core purge deals 5133.1640625 damage.
Segarite Core adds 337.5 health.
Core purge removes 81.895078125 health.
Core purge deals 6142.130859375 damage.
Segarite Core adds 337.5 health.
Core purge removes 94.67532421875 health.
Core purge deals 7100.64931640625 damage.

public class Segarite_Purge
    public static void main(double health, int rounds)
        double add=.75*health, sub;
        for(int i=0;i<rounds;i++){
            health += add;
            System.out.println("Segarite Core adds "+add+" health.");
            sub = .05*health;
            health -= sub;
            System.out.println("Core purge removes "+sub+" health.");
            System.out.println("Core purge deals "+sub*75+" damage.");
Well, eventually Purge and Segarite would balance each other out if we kept Purge on constantly.

Seems fair enough for the respective huge cost of Segarite :V

Of course alternative to that we can just build up Segarite until way past the point of break even for a bit of 'UNLIMITED POWER' damage to everything!
Just mocking something up in java to run through this...

Core Purge doesn't run off "Current Health at Turn" it runs off "Current Health at Activation".

We can see this in FATAL GEAR where it consistently deals 1,500 damage despite Nepgear's health going down thanks to Core Purge:
Core Purge: 1,500 Base Damage
Solid Core: 400 - 20 (Containment Breach) = 380 Health Remaining
Countdown Left: 4)

Core Purge: 1,500 Base Damage
Solid Core: 380 - 20 (Containment Breach) = 360 Remaining Health
Lemme pull out my calculator:

450 Original Health
Segarite Core adds 337 per turn.

After one turn that's 787 health.

Core Purge kicks in to take 5%... 39 damage.

Wait. Huh. Not sure if I thought that one through.
Core Purge doesn't run off "Current Health at Turn" it runs off "Current Health at Activation".

We can see this in FATAL GEAR where it consistently deals 1,500 damage despite Nepgear's health going down thanks to Core Purge:
Exactly. So a battle needs to go on for a really long time without Nepgear taking major damage before Core Purge will hurt her more than Segarite heals her, and that just means that the next activation of Core Purge will be back down to hurting her less than she gets healed.
Weaknesses: Burst damage, anti-magic, anti-armor, ability negation...

Otherwise, Nepgear is hard to kill.
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Weaknesses: Burst damage, anti-magic, anti-armor, ability negation...

Otherwise, Nepgear is hard to kill.

Abuses: Get in a 'fight' with an ally an hour before a planned invasion. 375*3600 ticks later...

Update title, Nuclear Gear

Edit: For fun, Math~

All enemies within 50 meters take (Health Cost x 75) in damage per turn.
375*3600 = 1350000 + base hp of 450 = 1350450

Thus base damage = 1350450 * 75 = 101,283,750 to all enemies in 50 meters of Nepgear per tick.
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Oh another thing, if we either get Nepgear to fly really fast, OR pair her up with a teleporter...

We now basically have one of the best Scry+Die combo possible. Probably :V
That's great that improves our chances from you're fucked to you're dead.
Actually, James nosold her even before we start breaking out out the buffs. As I noted before, it would take him a full hundred turns to burn through the extra health we'll give him, and all the while we're dissolving her command seal. I'm not going to claim that Candy Heart not getting freed was in any way a good thing, but we did manage to retain that particular element of surprise.
Actually, James nosold her even before we start breaking out out the buffs. As I noted before, it would take him a full hundred turns to burn through the extra health we'll give him, and all the while we're dissolving her command seal. I'm not going to claim that Candy Heart not getting freed was in any way a good thing, but we did manage to retain that particular element of surprise.
That's only if she's actually fighting him not to mention he can't actually hurt her so she can just behead us or something while he's hitting her for 0 damage.
That's only if she's actually fighting him not to mention he can't actually hurt her so she can just behead us or something while he's hitting her for 0 damage.
I recall her stabbing a carnage, not him, for the first attack.
Edit: just checked, it didn't specify her target.
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