Crystalwatcher's Magical Girl Quest!

(Unified Light) ███████ Mirage Tactician

Lann Farna


Health: 475
Base Damage: 90
Base Resilience: 55
Magic Modifier: 25

Affinity: Mythology | Battle | Myth

Mirage Gauntlet
Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Affinities: Mythology
Ability: Indestructible

Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: N/A
Affinities: Deception | Fire
Ability: Auto Assault | Autonomous Combat

Channel Element
-Channel's one of Lann's weapon's elemental affinities to cause damage. Element channeled depends on weapon used.
Level 1
Base Damage: 200
Magic Modifier: 100
Affinity: Magic | (Variable)
Ability: Armor Pierce | (Variable)

Appear, Mirage!
-Summons (Spell Level) of Lann's weapons to him.
Level 1
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Mythology
Ability: Summon

Manifestations of Legend
-Whenever Mirage Magician and Mirage Tactician fight and defeat an enemy that cannot be described as a 'mook' with no help from anyone that is not one of their weapons, the one who deals the final blow gains a new level 1 weapon based on a legend similar to the defeated enemy. This ability does not create additional weapons when a previous opponent is defeated again, or when enemies that are sufficiently similar to past defeated enemies are beaten. The weapons can have Affinities different from Mirage Tactician's and Mirage Magician's.

Illusory Meat Shields
-Whenever an individual summons, creates, or otherwise gains an Autonomous Defender, the individual cannot be killed until all their Autonomous Defenders are destroyed. This does not prevent them from gaining body modifiers, suffering from status effects, or from attacks and spells with the Unstoppable or Supremacy Abilities.

(Mirage Tactician) Tama


Health: 250
Base Damage: 30
Base Resilience: 40
Magic Modifier: 60

Affinity: Deception | Fire

Crown of Illusions
Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Affinities: Deception
Ability: Spell-Boost


-A small fireball.
Level 1
Base Damage: 150
Magic Modifier: 150
Affinity: Fire
Ability: Burn


Creature of Illusion
-Tama is capable of creating realistic illusions.

You Gotta Watch Out!
-When an enemy attempts a ranged attack aimed at Tama, there is a 60% they will outright miss, and an increased chance they will hit any of their allies.

(Unified Light) Magical Girl Mirage Magician

Reynn Farna


Health: 375
Base Damage: 60
Base Resilience: 70
Magic Modifier: 70

Affinity: Mythology | Magic | Myth

Mirage Knife
Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Affinities: Magic
Ability: Spell-Boost

Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: N/A
Affinities: Life | Wind
Ability: Auto Assault | Autonomous Combat

Channel Element
-Channel's one of Reynn's weapon's elemental affinities to cause damage. Element channeled depends on weapon used.
Level 1
Base Damage: 100
Magic Modifier: 200
Affinity: Magic | (Variable)
Ability: Armor Pierce | (Variable)

Appear, Mirage!
-Summons (Spell Level) of Reynn's weapons to her.
Level 1
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Mythology
Ability: Summon

Manifestations of Legend
-Whenever Mirage Magician and Mirage Tactician fight and defeat an enemy that cannot be described as a 'mook' with no help from anyone that is not one of their weapons, the one who deals the final blow gains a new level 1 weapon based on a legend similar to the defeated enemy. This ability does not create additional weapons when a previous opponent is defeated again, or when enemies that are sufficiently similar to past defeated enemies are beaten. The weapons can have Affinities different from Mirage Tactician's and Mirage Magician's.

Empowerment of Illusions
-All Autonomous Defenders are treated as if their health, defense, and damage was two levels higher, regardless of loyalties or creators.

(Mirage Magician) Serafie


Health: 300
Base Damage: 50
Base Resilience: 60
Magic Modifier: 20

Affinity: Life | Wind

Fairy Wand
Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Affinities: Wind
Ability: Spell-Boost


Slumbering Breeze
-A wind that causes all it touches to fall asleep.
Level 1
Base Damage: 50
Magic Modifier: 50
Affinity: Wind
Ability: Slumber | Collateral Damage

Be Healed
Level 1
Base Damage: 150
Magic Modifier: 75
Affinity: Life
Ability: Heal


Level 3
-Serafie is able to fly at 20mph.

Elemental of Wind
-Incoming damage with a Wind-based Affinity heals Serafie for the amount it would have damaged her. Incoming damage with an Earth-based affinity has its final end damage doubled.

So what do you think?
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I think if they manage to survive the year they are going to be a nightmare to fight. Also an interesting take on the mook master build, they have to hunt down and kill strong foes to build up their army.
So what do you think?
Is part of Mirage Tactician's name supposed to just a black box?

Serafie's image is a permissions error.

The shared ability "Manifestations of Legend" should probably have a caveat that it doesn't work on the same opponent multiple times.

Why does a boy have a Growth Affinity without any explanation? Should at least give a handwave of some sort for that.
Is part of Mirage Tactician's name supposed to just a black box?
Yes, because that's how LostDeviljho's own guy MG had the 'Magical Girl' part of his name.

Serafie's image is a permissions error.
Really? I've reloaded the page a few times, and I don't see anything out of the ordinary.

The shared ability "Manifestations of Legend" should probably have a caveat that it doesn't work on the same opponent multiple times.
That seems...reasonable, in my opinion. How about "This ability does not create additional weapons when a previous opponent is defeated again'?

EDIT: I've added this in, as well as a bit that says the ability doesn't work when enemies that are sufficiently similar to past defeated enemies are beaten.

Why does a boy have a Growth Affinity without any explanation? Should at least give a handwave of some sort for that.
I don't really know what the circumstances for guys to have MG powers and retain their masculinity are, so I'm leaving that for crystalwatcher to decide if he decides they're good enough to make Canon.
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Really? I've reloaded the page a few times, and I don't see anything out of the ordinary.
Rehost to imgur to fix it.
I don't really know what the circumstances for guys to have MG powers and retain their masculinity are, so I'm leaving that for crystalwatcher to decide if he decides they're good enough to make Canon.
Due to the particular workaround used for Thorn Warden and his ilk, there's a very low chance he's canon. Possible, but low.
PM me and we'll talk about it.

Now I need to actually read the sheet beyond Mirage's name...
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I decided to make a Mirage MG whose more likely to be deemed canon.

(Unified Light) Magical Girl Mirage Mistress

Amanda Walker​


Health: 425
Base Damage: 75
Base Resilience: 60
Magic Modifier: 40

Affinity: Mythology | Rule | Myth

Mirage Blade
Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Affinities: Mythology
Ability: Indestructible

Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: N/A
Affinities: Deception | Fire
Ability: Auto Assault | Autonomous Combat

Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: N/A
Affinities: Life | Wind
Ability: Auto Assault | Autonomous Combat

Channel Element
-Channel's one of Mirage Mistress' weapon's elemental affinities to cause damage. Element channeled depends on weapon used.
Level 1
Base Damage: 200
Magic Modifier: 100
Affinity: Rule | (Variable)
Ability: Armor Pierce | (Variable)

Appear, Mirage!
-Summons (Spell Level) of Mirage Mistress' weapons to her.
Level 1
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Mythology
Ability: Summon

Manifestations of Legend
-Whenever Mirage Mistress fight and defeat an enemy that cannot be described as a 'mook' with no help from anyone that is not one of her weapons, she gains a new level 1 weapon based on a legend similar to the defeated enemy. This ability does not create additional weapons when a previous opponent is defeated again, or when enemies that are sufficiently similar to past defeated enemies are beaten. The weapons can have Affinities different from Mirage Mistress'.

Draw Strength From Fables
-All Autonomous Defenders are treated as if they possess an Existence Bonus equal to their creator's/summoner's own Existence Bonus. If they would already posses such a Bonus, then the Autonomous Defender's Bonus is upgraded one rank, up to the level of Divinity.

(Mirage Mistress) Tama


Health: 250
Base Damage: 30
Base Resilience: 40
Magic Modifier: 60

Affinity: Deception | Fire

Crown of Illusions
Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Affinities: Deception
Ability: Spell-Boost


-A small fireball.
Level 1
Base Damage: 150
Magic Modifier: 150
Affinity: Fire
Ability: Burn


Creature of Illusion
-Tama is capable of creating realistic illusions.

You Gotta Watch Out!
-When an enemy attempts a ranged attack aimed at Tama, there is a 60% chance they will outright miss, and an increased chance they will hit any of their allies.

(Mirage Mistress) Serafie


Health: 300
Base Damage: 50
Base Resilience: 60
Magic Modifier: 20

Affinity: Life | Wind

Fairy Wand
Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Affinities: Wind
Ability: Spell-Boost


Slumbering Breeze
-A wind that causes all it touches to fall asleep.
Level 1
Base Damage: 50
Magic Modifier: 50
Affinity: Wind
Ability: Slumber | Collateral Damage

Be Healed
Level 1
Base Damage: 150
Magic Modifier: 75
Affinity: Life
Ability: Heal


Level 3
-Serafie is able to fly at 20mph.

Elemental of Wind
-Incoming damage with a Wind-based Affinity heals Serafie for the amount it would have damaged her. Incoming damage with an Earth-based affinity has its final end damage doubled.

I gave her two weapons to start with as a method to increase her survival chances, and I thought about giving Draw Strength From Fables a bit where if an Autonomous Defender affected by it would have two separate Existence Bonuses, it would be treated as only having which one of them was more advantageous at any given time, but I thought that something like that was just a little too strong for a beginning Ability.
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Affinity: Mythology | Battle | Myth
You know, when you asked about an alternative to Myth as a non-Growth Affinity, I assumed you meant for someone who either didn't qualify for having a Growth Affinity or had a Growth Affinity other than Myth.

Is there really a reason why this one can't just have either Mirage or Illusion as her first Affinity and then Battle and Myth as her other two?

Pretty sure there's no rule saying that a Growth Affinity can't also be symbolic. At least, that's the reason why I chose Myth for all the Symphogear expies I did.

Mythology | Myth just feels really redundant to me.
Whenever Mirage Mistresd fight and defeat an enemy
Mistress fights and defeats
aimed at Tama, there is a 60% they will outright miss
60% chance
And I wawanted a TPK notch on my character's belts
If you want a TPK I'll put one together for you.

"Red Rose! Deal with the snake!" You shout over the courtyard and the grinding noise of the enormous snake. "Everyone else, try-!"

"I've given too mush time for you to be clever, haven't I?" Asks Solar Radiance to no on in particular.

You shove of a sudden platform to fling yourself behind cover.

"Ohshit." Mutters Insight. Her eyes going wide as her face becomes the picture of perfect terror, still clutching one of the snake's heads.

The next leap Red Rose takes has the snake react in mid air, snapping all its heads away and leaving her to gracefully land on the ground. With a wordless scream Red Rose holds aloft her spear. When she brings it down it has the appearance of gleaming red light. Solar Radiance takes this as a cue to jump down from her perch, landing directly in front of Red Rose.

Red Rose poses her weapon at Solar's face. "I'm trying to save you!" She screams.

"I know." Solar stated.

A flashbang lands next to the pair. Another flies in, but they are in motion before it reaches the ground. Solar flows with inhuman grace, moving around and ahead of every motion Red Rose makes. In two heartbeats Solar is holding each of Red Rose's wrists.

One of the snake heads lets forth a stream of bile over everything, leaving a terrible trail of fog as it passes. Another drives forward, black fluid present on it's fangs.

The flashbangs detonate.

You howl in pain as the gas reaches you, every bit of skin feeling like it's trying to pull itself away from you.

(Hyper-Poison (Gas): 9,000 Base Damage, +1,299 Dice, +18,000 Wrath of the Earth (+36,000 Solid Core, Lucky Star, Aquila, Gabriel) = 28,299 Total Damage (46,299 Total Damage Solid Core, Lucky Star, Aquila, Gabriel)

Magical Girl Solid Core: 1,700 Base Resilience, -425 Core Exposed, +92 Dice, -100 Omnipresent = 1267 Damage Reduction

45032 Total End Damage

50% Indestructible Core
25% No Longer Human

16887 Final End Damage

Health 7350 - 16887 = -9537 Health

Indestructible Core Triggers!

Health set to 1.

Samael: Ded
James: Ded (Merely Human negated by Omnipresent!)
Michael: Ded
Lucky: Ded
Aquila: Ded
Gabriel: 17,922 Health
Magical Girl Insight: Ded
Magical Girl Brilliant Key: Unharmed
Magical Girl Solar Radiance: Unharmed (Insurmountable Perfection)
Magical Girl Red Rose: Slightly Hurt (620 Damage)

Solid Core, Gabriel, and Red Rose suffer Total Armor Destruction
Solid Core: 1,683 Resilience Lost! 17 Remaining.
Gabriel: 3960 Resilience Lost! 40 Remaining.
Red Rose: 742 Resilience Lost! 8 Remaining.

Hyper-Poison (Bite): 9,000 Base Damage, 1,596 Dice, +18,000 Wrath of the Earth, +31,500 Superslayer = 60,096 Total Damage.

Echo of Peace! 36062 Damage Reduction

Red Rose: 750 Base Resilience, -742 Total Armor Destruction, No Dice, -375 Pinned, +375 Solar Radiance as cover = 8 Damage Reduction

21,026 Total End Damage

To Stand Among Gods Triggers!
10724 Damage
To Stand Among Gods Triggers!
5470 Damage
To Stand Among Gods Triggers!
2790 Damage
To Stand Among Gods Triggers!
1423 Damage
To Stand Among Gods Triggers!
726 Final End Damage

Erase reduces Base Resilience by 108

Red Rose's Base Resilience has been reduced to zero.

Red Rose: AUTO-KILL!)

"That can't be good" Brilliant Key says from next to you, voice wavering. "Shine!"

(Brilliant Key casts Shine! Solid Core's Health has been Reset to max, and her body modifiers have been negated!)

The flash blindness and blurriness from the gas clears up, you can see again.

All the stone in the courtyard has crumbled into pebbles around you. Only Gabriel remains recognizable, curled up whimpering next to a small pile of rubble. Of the rest of Team GEAR only a slimy residue remains, clinging to bits of empty armor.

Solar Radiance drops Red Rose's body. A blackened husk is all that remains of the greatest Magical Girl of her generation.

"Goodbye." Solar Radience says with a note of finality.

Briliant Key grabs your arm. "Up! We've got to-"

The snake leaps over Solar. And the sky above you is filled with sharp teeth before you've comprehended Brilliant Key's words.

There you go. And I didn't even have Lunar attack herself to do it. Just Solar using Solar Skill to mess everything up, and no one interrupting because they don't want to hit Red Rose. If you want to use this as a "I deserved a TPK" medal I wouldn't argue.

As an aside, any news on the update? :V
The only way a TPK could happen is if Nepgear explodes.
Nepgear is in the party.
A Total Party Kill means everyone in the party is dead.
Therefore if a Total Party Kill occurred, Nepgear exploded.

I cut right before she got eaten by doom snek with her "save-from-death" used up. She's meant to explode. :V

If you mean "This could never happen as described, but Nepgear going pop would kill everything...", just say so. (My other idea for TPK was Red Rose getting fed up and killing Solar, then snek, then Lunar ("She wouldn't want to live without her"), and finally Nepgear ("This is your fault" *Boom*). (No I don't think Red Rose would react well to either of these two dying, why do you ask?))
I did? "The only way a TPK could happen is if Nepgear explodes."
Which can be interpreted as either; "Nepgear exploding is the only event that would lead to everyone dying", or as, "it's not a TPK until Nepgear dies".

The first is a clarification that I've gotten things wrong, the second is taunting tautology that is self-evidently true.
Which can be interpreted as either; "Nepgear exploding is the only event that would lead to everyone dying", or as, "it's not a TPK until Nepgear dies".

The first is a clarification that I've gotten things wrong, the second is taunting tautology that is self-evidently true.
It's the former, to be clear.
Which can be interpreted as either; "Nepgear exploding is the only event that would lead to everyone dying", or as, "it's not a TPK until Nepgear dies".

The first is a clarification that I've gotten things wrong, the second is taunting tautology that is self-evidently true.
...The only way a TPK could happen is if Nepgear explodes.

There, all official to indicate that this is clarification, not a taunt.