Just because we've been integrating refugees well doesn't mean that they've had no effect on our culture. It's been very much the exact opposite in fact, as because of them and Charitable Haven we've gained an entirely new Value. Refugees will continue to change our culture into the future, not just in the big ways like with Values but also in smaller, less explicit ways such as shifting our people's opinions on war, like what happened with the Ymaryn.
And the Forluc are not a serious threat. This was something that was addressed
two updates ago. In theory, our elites match their's and we have loads of advantages that the Forluc's conquests had none of. In practice, the Caradysh are their enemies just like they're ours, but the Forluc could not defeat them and Urth while
we did. And a long protracted war is something that we'd
thrive in. The distance between our two civilisations benefits the defending civilisation (which would be us) and the Forluc spending so much of their military on attacking us will weaken their hold on their vassals. A protracted war is perhaps the single best way for the Forluc to collapse themselves.
Walls are entirely unneeded. We are perfectly fine without them. Cultural enforcement is the thing that we're struggling with and that we'll continue to keep struggling, and failing in that endeavour is what ultimately led to the collapse of the Ymaryn. We're following their footsteps in many ways which means it's
vital to learn from their mistakes. One of those mistakes was focusing too much on war and not enough on protecting against culture warp.