- Location
- The Space Between
This is interesting. It seems we are politically heading towards something like "Father Governs Children" (Civ V name for Siamese passive). For us it'd be Mother Governs Children, where the Mother allows the Children to live their own lives and grow, but will offer advice and assistance both freely and when asked. In extraordinarily dire circumstances, the Mother will be listened to. There are times when the Mother must lay down stricter laws for unruly children, for their own good and the good of the family collective. This suits our theology, as well as our political situation.
our MIL is at 10, does that mean we successfully completed the prior quest for the free-wall? Because good. I like wall. We'll get another if we finish the next quest? Great! Walls are great!
Minor Ice Age inbound huh? This is the preamble, it will grow increasingly severe. Already some have decided to attack us from the pressure. This is the real risk of global climate disruption. It's not just our groups and our direct neighbors. It's everyone. And when they destabilize, there are refugees of course (which we can handle) but also invasions. Wars. Political upstarts looking to consolidate their rule the quick and dirty way, unifying against an external "grand enemy".
The two major threats are 1. Navigating civil violence effectively. 2. The Boar Nomads being severely affected and deciding to go on another conquest
Making sure that trade with the Boar Nomads is flowing effectively, goods exchanged for food fairly, should make sure that they are not offended by charity freely given, nor suffer overmuch from the ice age. Some of our vassals will be pouring military into Maradysh, given the sheer audacity of the insult, and if the Lochanysh prove to be troublesome they'll already be prepared to reinforce Cernn. The risk, then, is not the Lochanysh war going poorly but another front opening up suddenly. Especially the Boar Nomads, who may be particularly vulnerable to the ice age and are the most-able to hit us from an awkward position.
One thing to note about the Minor Ice Age is how incredible Arthwydish teachings are in regards to agriculture. This is an excellent opportunity to spread such teachings among our less religious subjects. We are generous, and the Arthwydish Pantheon is not a particularly jealous one.
A diplomatic mission post-war to ask if the Cernn would wish to learn of such teachings would be good. Zaranna is a goddess that is extremely at odds with our Ordered religion, and if she wasn't she would likely have already been folded in somehow. We don't know whether the Cernn have an established religion, or if their magic is non-divine in origin. With lessons from the Maradysh conversion/integration, this might be when/where we develop "Mother-Governs-Children" as our early diplomatic tech. But, our diplo is fairly low currently so . . . no idea.
looking at the map again, I think I'd like to begin colonizing the Sunrise Mountains. Specifically the areas nearest the outpost already established and pre-connected by the Sunrise Path. Mountain living is a sort of living that makes use of verticality, limited land-area, variable arability, and large amounts of non-sustenance labor (quarrying, mining). Combined with our emphasis on self-sufficiency, I think this is the crucible that will forge our version of True Cities.
Census is a good project. Laws is a good project. A colony founded with the explicit purpose of figuring out how to apply Arthwydish teachings to Mountain settlements?
that colony should have a wealth of innovative ideas coming out of it, and potentially a wealth of stones/metals too lol.
for now we'll be busy, but I figured I'd mention it so people think about it for the future
our MIL is at 10, does that mean we successfully completed the prior quest for the free-wall? Because good. I like wall. We'll get another if we finish the next quest? Great! Walls are great!
Minor Ice Age inbound huh? This is the preamble, it will grow increasingly severe. Already some have decided to attack us from the pressure. This is the real risk of global climate disruption. It's not just our groups and our direct neighbors. It's everyone. And when they destabilize, there are refugees of course (which we can handle) but also invasions. Wars. Political upstarts looking to consolidate their rule the quick and dirty way, unifying against an external "grand enemy".
The two major threats are 1. Navigating civil violence effectively. 2. The Boar Nomads being severely affected and deciding to go on another conquest
Making sure that trade with the Boar Nomads is flowing effectively, goods exchanged for food fairly, should make sure that they are not offended by charity freely given, nor suffer overmuch from the ice age. Some of our vassals will be pouring military into Maradysh, given the sheer audacity of the insult, and if the Lochanysh prove to be troublesome they'll already be prepared to reinforce Cernn. The risk, then, is not the Lochanysh war going poorly but another front opening up suddenly. Especially the Boar Nomads, who may be particularly vulnerable to the ice age and are the most-able to hit us from an awkward position.
One thing to note about the Minor Ice Age is how incredible Arthwydish teachings are in regards to agriculture. This is an excellent opportunity to spread such teachings among our less religious subjects. We are generous, and the Arthwydish Pantheon is not a particularly jealous one.
A diplomatic mission post-war to ask if the Cernn would wish to learn of such teachings would be good. Zaranna is a goddess that is extremely at odds with our Ordered religion, and if she wasn't she would likely have already been folded in somehow. We don't know whether the Cernn have an established religion, or if their magic is non-divine in origin. With lessons from the Maradysh conversion/integration, this might be when/where we develop "Mother-Governs-Children" as our early diplomatic tech. But, our diplo is fairly low currently so . . . no idea.
looking at the map again, I think I'd like to begin colonizing the Sunrise Mountains. Specifically the areas nearest the outpost already established and pre-connected by the Sunrise Path. Mountain living is a sort of living that makes use of verticality, limited land-area, variable arability, and large amounts of non-sustenance labor (quarrying, mining). Combined with our emphasis on self-sufficiency, I think this is the crucible that will forge our version of True Cities.
Census is a good project. Laws is a good project. A colony founded with the explicit purpose of figuring out how to apply Arthwydish teachings to Mountain settlements?
that colony should have a wealth of innovative ideas coming out of it, and potentially a wealth of stones/metals too lol.
for now we'll be busy, but I figured I'd mention it so people think about it for the future
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