Changing Destiny (Kancolle)

A class of CVs that went about half a century before a new model replaced them and were the symbol of American Sea Power.
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So before i continue posting here two questions for @Skywalker_T-65 which rules are the Abyssals and summonings at least from Thompsons original world using? The only WW2 with potential WW1 ships rule or the as X years passes both can start getting more modern ships as the summoning limit gets moved farther along the timeline? Because if it's the X number of years one my second question is what year do you have the Abyssal war starting in Thompsons original world?
I can already see how Halsey would react to finding out about this. Its amusing, I find that Nimitz being shocked that yes, he has a CV named after him to be even funnier.
"Well, shit. If Chet got a carrier named for him, what did I get?"
"A couple of guided missile destroyers."
"...I know that destroyers are what we usually name for people, but... I have mixed feelings about that."
"In fairness, Bill, you did rub a lot of people on the Hill the wrong way..."

(Note to any omake writers: Halsey hated the "Bull" nickname. You didn't want to use it around him lest he rip you a new one; the wise would censor it to "Bill," which he was fine with.)
"Well, shit. If Chet got a carrier named for him, what did I get?"
"A couple of guided missile destroyers."
"...I know that destroyers are what we usually name for people, but... I have mixed feelings about that."
"In fairness, Bill, you did rub a lot of people on the Hill the wrong way..."

Then naturally Enterprise asks if she had a successor. I can already imagine the utterly gobsmacked look when she's told that yes she did, the first nuclear powered aircraft carrier in the world and that the United States since built ten more, not of the same class since that would have been the Nimitz class. Since that would make her successor essentially the next Langley -sort of kinda- its complicated.
"Well, shit. If Chet got a carrier named for him, what did I get?"
"A couple of guided missile destroyers."
"...I know that destroyers are what we usually name for people, but... I have mixed feelings about that."
"In fairness, Bill, you did rub a lot of people on the Hill the wrong way..."
And watch as the destroyers have all the aggro and the abrasiveness that he has.

Packed in your typical destroyer form factor
Then naturally Enterprise asks if she had a successor. I can already imagine the utterly gobsmacked look when she's told that yes she did, the first nuclear powered aircraft carrier in the world and that the United States since built ten more, not of the same class since that would have been the Nimitz class. Since that would make her successor essentially the next Langley -sort of kinda- its complicated.
And also Star Treck
I think Churchill would be surprised and delighted that the U.S. Navy named a destroyer after him.
As well as the fact there is a Royal Navy officer permanently assigned to her crew.
Captains Raymond Spruance and Arleigh Burke would be surprised to find out that two whole classes of Destroyers were named after them.
I think Churchill would be surprised and delighted that the U.S. Navy named a destroyer after him.

Not only that, she's the only USN ship that's allowed to fly the White Ensign.

Captains Raymond Spruance and Arleigh Burke would be surprised to find out that two whole classes of Destroyers were named after them.

Yep, I can see that occurring.

I can see Yorktown sulking -a little- though, mainly because her little sister got a CVN and she only got a cruiser named after her.
So re-reading the story, I noticed something. When we were first introduced to Enterprise we were given this description:

The blonde carrier waved cheerfully, her youthful features quite different from what he remembered. Sure, James could see the girl he knew. The blonde hair, and red eyes. Her soft smile. But he also noted the differences. This Enterprise lacked the world weariness he remembered. She didn't have the pain hiding in her red eyes. Nor was her hair long, instead cut short around her shoulders. And of course...she had an aura of happiness around her, and not just at seeing him. The E he remembered was always sad, at some level or another.

Which described Enterprise both as when Thompson first saw her in this timeline along how she looked post war in the OTL.

Now in this chapter, we new descriptions of Enterprise:

"I'm lucky, I suppose," Enterprise muttered to herself, sequestered in the back corner of her bridge. She looked at her unblemished hands. Tugged a little at her long blonde hair, doing her best to ignore the odd grey strand here or there. Bit her lip and sighed before continuing, "I don't actually get tired like they do. And I haven't really been hurt yet, either. Am I lucky like Admiral Thompson said I was?"
Which shows Enterprise's hair graying out from combat stress.

Finally, we are greeted by this:
It didn't stop a grey-haired figure from haunting her nightmares. Cold red eyes staring into her soul. Judging her.
And I thought I was making a joke about the Grey Ghost being a mematic corruption, apparently it's not that much of a joke as her hair grey out seems to have been in part caused by Thompson revealing her fate......

So basically, now we have the Gray Ghost of the past, which is the post-war Enterprise that only Thompson remembers, the Gray Ghost of the present which is Enterprise now, the Grey Ghost that Enterprise fears she would become and the Grey Ghost of the future, what she would become.
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Considering most stories have shipgirls' appearances change only via retrofit (though mostly as a limitation of how much art can reasonably be made per character from the source inspiration), having Enterprise going from 'Little E', a precocious teenage munchkin with a ready smile and an earnest honesty to everything she does, to 'Big E', the weather-beaten veteran who's grown into the role thrust upon her, filling big shoes by literally growing up and filling out in the process is a refreshing change and a marked departure from the inspirational materials.

It also allows the manifest spirits of the ships to be seen as more human than not, even tethered to their hulls.

Of course, I'd wager that as combat damage and wear and tear accumulates, the effects of such on hull and crew readiness alike will also show an effect on the girl.

To use a favoured example, if Warspite were to pop in for a cameo, she would very likely look like she'd been worked to the bone and scarred from all sorts of hell she'd slogged through in the Mediterranean, but would likely have a clarity of vision and a glare that could bend metal due to the high levels of readiness the battleship's crew found themselves held to due to being Admiral Andrew Cunningham's flagship.

A much fresher appearance, in comparison, would be the 25 years younger HMS Victorious (Whom, if my math isn't too badly skewed, would have recently celebrated the first anniversary of her commissioning only a month or so before the events of chapter 63), who probably looks as bright-eyed, bushy-tailed and chipper as can be, moreso as she's one of the three original Illustrious designs (between herself, Illustrious and Formidable) that did not get mauled in battle.
Considering most stories have shipgirls' appearances change only via retrofit (though mostly as a limitation of how much art can reasonably be made per character from the source inspiration),
Ehhh, but we do see the endpoint for Enterprise, in Thompson's memories and it she does not look like the end war Enterprise that he remembers of his past life. So something else is going on. Or this is just author oversight and I am just over reacting.
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I hope it's not Abyssals. I know they're a big part of KC and as such unavoidable in some capacity, but for me at least, the alternate history due to time-travelers is the main attraction. Especially the 'multiple time travelers who are unaware of each other' aspect. If this makes a sudden u-turn into "ww2 gets put on pause so everyone can team up against the eldritch" plot, it is what it is, I guess, hope it works out for you. I know the realities of writing and that can you can't please everyone, nor is it even worth trying.
All we'll say is have a little trust that we know what we're doing. We're not going to suddenly toss the story on its head or anything like that.
If a third party joins, I'd give very good odds that the Japanese and Germans are poking things very much best left alone lest their Wrath descends upon all.
Trying to call up Ocean spirits to Enslave them to your will to slay your enemies sounds like a good Idea.
Up until the Summoned Object and Fight the Chains/Bindings and are Driven Mad.
The stories and legends warn against the doing and if done never leave any wiggle room in the binding.
Because they will find one if given time and generally kill the binder and all around them until they either are banished or are sated by their Vengeance.
Worse set it up as a self-sustaining event as a Doomsday event in case of Defeat.
It's quite striking that Abyssals all have some form of shackle Collar or Chain on their bodies.
I think Churchill would be surprised and delighted that the U.S. Navy named a destroyer after him.
As well as the fact there is a Royal Navy officer permanently assigned to her crew.
Captains Raymond Spruance and Arleigh Burke would be surprised to find out that two whole classes of Destroyers were named after them.
IIRC Burke was still alive when the Arleigh Burke class was commissioned. I think he was at the christening.
Yeah, I doubt THAT'S gonna happen.
Agreed, but seeing Yamamoto and Halsey sit down to settle their differences with a forerunner of the World Series of Poker would be hilarious.
IIRC Burke was still alive when the Arleigh Burke class was commissioned. I think he was at the christening.
He was. (Just to the right of the podium; also note the Admiral who's apparently asleep off to the left, in between the two civilians. :lol:)
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