Changing Destiny (Kancolle)

Yes, I'm aware. My statement was in response to the poster above me claiming that dragging the war out to 1946/47 would result in the US refuding to accept surrenders.

Well, considering the resistance to consider unconditional surrenders by the Japanese government, that may as well be taken into effect...
Which brings us back to the original Operation Downfall. Invade, and kills thousands on both sides, or literally starve an entire nation. Firebomb orchards, mine fishing areas, and even strafe rice paddies. It would not have been pretty.
Which brings us back to the original Operation Downfall. Invade, and kills thousands on both sides, or literally starve an entire nation. Firebomb orchards, mine fishing areas, and even strafe rice paddies. It would not have been pretty.

If they go ahead with the plan for 15 more "Fat Man" bombs, Japan becomes a radioactive wasteland and the whole idea of Japan as a nation and Japanese culture gets extinguished from the world.
That sounds perfectly for a nightmare...

4 December 1948,

It was a cold night when two arburn eyes opened and a mouth began drawing air. Shaking her head and squinting at the unfamiliar coastline, the girl began to steam toward the shore. What she saw was a nightmare, a flattened city, with dead littering the streets and a majority of the surroundings feeling... off. She lost control of her body as she began running, just trying to escape the spirits and curses that seemed to cling to the ground at her feet. So apparent was her distress that she didn't notice the figure in front of her until she collided with it.

"Are you alright?"

"N- Yes, well enough..." stuttered out the short girl as she looked at the woman, no, battleship in front of her as she began to shiver. Deciding to bite down her fear and ask the looming question, she steeled herself for the answer.

"Where am I, who are you, what happened?"

The girl could only feel her unease rise as the woman in front of her hesitated for a second before responding.

"USS Utah, may I ask yours?"

"IJN Takanami... we lost didn't we?" The small destroyer would regret asking in the ensuing minutes.

Man this seems depressing, I really hope things don't come to this. Actualy has Takanami appeared in Kancolle yet?
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Which brings us back to the original Operation Downfall. Invade, and kills thousands on both sides, or literally starve an entire nation. Firebomb orchards, mine fishing areas, and even strafe rice paddies. It would not have been pretty.

Conservative estimates were for at least 150,000 American casualties and as many as 500,000 for Operation Olympic, securing a third of Kyushu for a staging area. For Operation Coronet, the invasion of Honshu, American casualties were estimated at over a million.

Japanese casualties were estimated at anywhere from 5-10 Million for Coronet alone.

Even without any further nuclear attacks, Downfall would have devastated Japan in order of magnitudes greater than what was done to Germany in the latter stages of the European war. As for recovery, I'm not sure if even the Marshall Plan would have been enough.
Yup. Takanami is in the Game roster....
She atm a event drop afaik.

The yuugumo-class Takanami.... To be precise.
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...I can't really get a good read on her character from the wiki.. but unsure and clumsy, really? That's it?
It's based on takanami's general lines and per hour lines.....

You can also check kancolle's tvtrope character page if you want.
It's based on takanami's general lines and per hour lines.....

You can also check kancolle's tvtrope character page if you want.
She's unsure and clumsy because during World War II she had very little training before being committed to the front lines in the Solomons. She was commissioned on 31 August 1942 and was at Truk by 10 October. She escorted two bombardment missions to Henderson Field later that month, and escorted VADM Kongo's Advance Force during the Battle of Santa Cruz. Early in November, she did a troop transport run to Guadalcanal and was damaged, then missed the 'Bar Room Brawl' night battles because she was escorting the troop transport convoy. Then she was sunk at Tassafaronga on 30 November. Her entire career lasted three months. Hardly enough time to become sure of herself in battle.
And as we hit a month since the last update...

Sorry it's been so long. I've had very limited time to work with, and this chapter is proving difficult as well. Hopefully the day off I took today will recharge me enough to get it up tomorrow. That's the hope, at least. Sorry again that it's taking so long...hopefully it will be worth the wait.

On the plus side, we're almost at 300 pages?
And as we hit a month since the last update...

Sorry it's been so long. I've had very limited time to work with, and this chapter is proving difficult as well. Hopefully the day off I took today will recharge me enough to get it up tomorrow. That's the hope, at least. Sorry again that it's taking so long...hopefully it will be worth the wait.

On the plus side, we're almost at 300 pages?
You say that like it's a terrible thing. Seriously. We've got lots to keep us occupied. I, for example, am trying to into nuclear submarine warfare in Cold Waters. And I think I'm close to wrapping up Skyrim, if you can believe that.
Not to mention we got our own livelihoods to keep us afloat from all our daily/monthly/yearly expenses....
The good news is that life got busy for me (and probably a lot of other people here) around the same time life got busy for you, so while updates themselves are greatly appreciated, the time between them sorta blurs together. It kinda works out!

There is no bad news from me. I'll parrot what everyone else has said about patience, and feel guilty about how much worse I've been at updating my own story.
Fire under my ass from job hunt here. Still works out... besides it has been over a week since we said anything here.
One thing I'm looking forward to seeing which of our two time-traveling admirals will figure out there's another time-traveler. Rigght now, it looks like it's going to be in favor of Schreiber, as Arizona not getting sunk, along with (presumably) much heavier casualties for the IJN would be a big tip-off that something has changed.
One thing I'm looking forward to seeing which of our two time-traveling admirals will figure out there's another time-traveler. Rigght now, it looks like it's going to be in favor of Schreiber, as Arizona not getting sunk, along with (presumably) much heavier casualties for the IJN would be a big tip-off that something has changed.

Actually, there's a fair amount of clues if the actions of the Kriegsmarine are looked at. Gneisenau was sunk off Norway, and Bismarck's sortie into the North Atlantic turned out much better for the Kriegsmarine. That should raise some eyebrows among Thompson's inner circle, especially since he knows specifically that Taranto got butterflied from OTL thanks to ripples off Kriegsmarine actions, specifically Gneisenau sinking.

That said, I'm not sure Schreiber will start putting the pieces together until 1942. For one, he knows already that his actions have generated butterflies that have caused rippling changes (see Taranto). For two, this assumes that he gets an accurate picture of Pearl Harbor from one navy that he is at war with and a second allied navy that is notorious about 'optimistic' reporting of battles* to higher IJN headquarters, never mind Berlin. This is not even getting into the lengthy list of German intelligence failures in WWII which would hamper the Abwehr's attempts to collect data and organize it into an accurate picture of WTF is going on with the USN (or IJN). My personal suspicion is that he probably would chalk up AU Pearl variations to 'my actions in the Atlantic caused some changes such as California for Arizona because of the change in USN deployments/neutrality patrols and RN ships using USN repair facilities'.

*Remember this is the bunch that claimed Enterprise was sunk several times over**, went to great lengths to hide ship losses at Midway, and as late as Philippine Sea and Leyte Gulf were broadcasting how great their recent triumphs were with USN ships sunk in job lots when the reality is they got stomped face down, length of the curb by the US Navy in 1944-45. If they are telling that to their political superiors, civilians, and the IJA, do you REALLY think they are going to turn around and tell the German Naval Attache in Tokyo that they got hammered?

**To be fair, ship identification and ship sinkings were tricky for both sides to figure out, witness Albacore misidentifying Tenryu as a 'transport' when she sunk her. That said, the USN at least made determined efforts to get their data more or less right. The IJN...not so the point of times approaching 'Baghdad Bob with the US tank driving behind him' levels of reality denial.

Now once things get serious in the Pacific and Coral Sea, Midway, and the other naval battles go differently...then yes, that would be when the alarm bells start sounding for him. Just right now he has Pearl Harbor a week early and a rough analogue of the actual losses if you look at it from a broad picture using the data that he likely has (Japanese claims of lots of ships sunk and downplayed pilot losses, some American confirmation that California blew up with heavy loss of life and the photo of her burning is running on the front page of every newspaper in America).
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I was thinking more along the lines of Schrieber being the next person to hear about some differences in the timeline, and that giving him a (small, because I didn't consider intelligence) advantage. Very nice post though.
I was thinking more along the lines of Schrieber being the next person to hear about some differences in the timeline, and that giving him a (small, because I didn't consider intelligence) advantage. Very nice post though.

Thank you. This is even more complicated by the fact that both arrived without access to any of the postwar books that would give the details of events 1939-45 so the stuff that will probably get our time travelers thinking are the major and noticeable diversion points that they remember, like Bismark's first sortie being a success instead of her getting sunk, or if say Coral Sea results in two dead Cranes and no dead USN CVs. At this point both Thompson and Schreiber know that the timeline they know is well and truly into uncharted territory with Bismark around and Pearl Harbor happening a week early.
Well, after slugging through all near-on 300 pages of this story, I have now created a SV account specifically to follow it. (And Indes(s)tructible Spirit). (And since I'm new to SV, is there a way to follow a thread without posting there? I can't find any such option)

At any rate, I can't wait to see the fallout from the world's (current) Angriest Momboat coming into play!
Hmmm... Go to the top of the page, on the right part of it there should be "thread tools" and "watch thread".
Well, after slugging through all near-on 300 pages of this story, I have now created a SV account specifically to follow it. (And Indes(s)tructible Spirit). (And since I'm new to SV, is there a way to follow a thread without posting there? I can't find any such option)

At any rate, I can't wait to see the fallout from the world's (current) Angriest Momboat coming into play!

If you like Indestructible Spirit, may I recommend New Ironsides as well? New Ironsides [Kantai Collection]

It's another interesting take on Kongou.

To follow the thread, scroll to the top of the page and there's a button to watch thread on the right side below the SV menu bars. Click on that (I suggest getting OP email notifications so that you get an automatic email with the content of anything Sky writes here).
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