Action List is doubled here.[] Go to the Pokemon Center
- Heal Pokemon/Reconfigure Party
[] Go to the Poke Mart.
- [] Pokeball (200 each)
- [] Great Ball (600 each)
- [] Potion (300 each)
- [] Super Potion (700 each)
- [] Antidote (100 each)
- [] Awakening (250 each)
- [] Parliz Heal (200 each)
- [] Burn Heal (250 each)
- [] Ice Heal (250 each)
[] Look for Pokemon around Route 303.
[] Train your pokemon against the ones in Route 303.
[] Look for trainers on Route 303.
[] Go to the Midnight Mansion
- [] Keep to the exterior.
- [] Go inside
[] Go to the Pokemon Center
- Heal Pokemon/Reconfigure Party
[] Go to the Poke Mart.
- [] Pokeball (200 each)
- [] Great Ball (600 each)
- [] Potion (300 each)
- [] Super Potion (700 each)
- [] Antidote (100 each)
- [] Awakening (250 each)
- [] Parliz Heal (200 each)
- [] Burn Heal (250 each)
- [] Ice Heal (250 each)
[] Go to the Safari Zone.
[] Walk around the town and talk to people.
[] Look for Pokemon around Route 303.
[] Train your pokemon against the ones in Route 303.
[] Look for trainers on Route 303.
[] Go to the Midnight Mansion
- [] Keep to the exterior.
- [] Go inside
[] Head West out of the city.
Circuit will be sent to you in a a day or two assuming all goes well, but the investigation will keep going. However, that will be irrelevant to the quest.
It may happen eventually.
About an hour from night.
1: Keep it classy SV.
2: The Plot will follow the plot of Pokemon Omicron unless the actions of the PC cause a deviation from the stations of canon. Then things will hopefully start to get interesting.
3. Bad Ends: At certain points, there may be a bad end, whether it's losing a pokemon with a sufficiently pissed off criminal or ending up trapped in the wrong place.
4. Actions: Every day will take have a certain amount of time to perform actions. Talking to people, finding pokemon and trainers, visiting the pokemon center and mart and more take time.
5. Combat: Will use dice to determine the effectiveness of attacks, evasions and the like with advantages being given to pokemon of higher levels. However levels won't be everything. Players writing in clever tactics can turn things in their favor. Any recommendations to a pokemon battle simulator would be appreciated.
There will be less trainers than the normal game, but they will be worth much more experience.
You are the only child of Aria, the former Champion of the Vesryn Region. She gave up her position and settled down in Nyasa Town to raise you a few years ago but is still considered one of the best trainers in the region. But who are you?
Your name is...
[] Name (Write in)
And you were born a...
[] Male
[] Female
Before you settled down in Nyasa, you were...
[] A Pokemon Caretaker: Your were interested in raising pokemon and had one of your own early on. While you didn't start training for battle until recently, the bond you and your pokemon share is second to none. However connecting with other pokemon is more difficult. They aren't your trusted companion after all.
Effect: Gets a level 15 friendly pokemon instead of a standard starter pokemon. (Write in which pokemon you wish to start with. No legendaries and no pokemon who can't naturally be at level 15). Gains a minor penalty for friendship of other pokemon.
[] Pampered: You lived the high life. Some would say you were spoiled but then you pay them to shut up. However, problems that can't be solved with money tend to be... difficult.
Effect: Starts with 50000 poke dollars instead of 3000. Some options cut off.
[] Well Traveled: Before you settled down, you and your mother traveled across the Vesrym Region. You know the region like the back of your ha- wait, has that mole always been there? Correction, you know it better than the back of your hand.
Effect: Knows the kind of pokemon found in any particular route.
[] Field Medic: They always said that in a world without pokemon, you'd be a doctor. If Pokemon Centers didn't exclusively hire Nurse Joy and her seven-hundred sisters, you'd probably work there. As it stands, your knowledge of pokemon, and some human psychiology have made you more adapt at healing than normal.
Effect: Healing items are more effective.
[] Researcher: Preparation is 9/10th of a battle. You know this. So you've made sure to make sure you knew what you were dealing with.
Effect: Knows the type configurations and pokemon in the gyms. Unlocks "Research" option.
And what kind of person would you say you are?
Normal: You were a normal kid all things considered. Though some would call you a little boring.
Effects: No stat changes.
[] Hot Blooded: You were always full of energy, enthusiastic, and had poor impulse control, and this attitude rubs off on your pokemon.
Effects: Your pokemon have a bonus in attack and Special Attack but penalties in Defense and Special Defense. Unlocks the "Brawl" option.
[] Skiddish: You always knew how to stay out of the public eye. Never one for the spotlight, you made it your business to learn how to be unnoticed and if necessary, how to outrun the paparazzi. Seeing their trainer act this way tends to rub off on pokemon.
Effect: Bonus to Evasiveness and Speed for pokemon. Penalty to Attack and Special Attack. Unlocks "Run Away" Option for some bad ends and certain events.
[] Sociable: One could call you a people's person. You're just able to get along with others. People and pokemon alike.
Effect: Friendship with pokemon increases at a higher rate. Special dialogue options.
[] Pragmatic: People around you are idealistic. You can understand that. However, sometimes, you need to get things done.
Effect: Less than honest tactics when dealing with enemies. Especially with the enemy Team.
Name: Bard
Trainer #: 42115
Gender: Male
Background: Field Medic
Personality: Sociable
On Hand:
Horsea "Neptune". Level: 15. Nature: Hasty. Ability: Sniper.
Gender: Male
Friendship Level: Slightly Likes.
--- Moves: Pound, Bubble, Smokescreen, Water Gun, Headbutt.
Elgyem "Eva" Level 16. Nature: Impish. Ability: Telepathy
Friendship: Neutral
---Moves: Confusion, Growl, Miracle Eye, Heal Block, Psybeam
Magikarp "Leviathan". Level: 16. Nature: Relaxed. Ability: Swift Swim.
Gender: Female
Friendship Level: Slightly Likes.
--- Moves: Splash, Tackle.
Cottonee "Fluffy". Level: 17. Nature: Calm. Ability: Infiltrator.
Gender: Female
Friendship Level: Slightly Likes.
--- Moves: Absorb, Mega Drain, Fairy Wind, Leech Seed, Stun Spore, Growth, Cotton Spore, Grass Knot.
Cubone "Joan" Level: 14. Nature: Brave. Ability: Lightningrod
Gender: Female
Friendship Level: Slightly Likes
---Moves: Tail Whip, Growl, Bone Club, Headbutt, Brick Break.
Onix "Adamantine" Level 14. Nature: Relaxed. Ability: Sturdy
Gender: Female
Friendship: Neutral
---Moves: Tackle, Rock Throw, Harden, Strength, Rock Tomb, Rage
In Storage:
Dustox "Moondust". Level: 16. Nature: Hardy. Ability: Shield Dust
Gender: Male
Friendship Level: Likes
---Moves: Tackle, String Shot, Poison Sting, Harden. Gust. Confusion, Poison Powder.
Staravia "Philosoraptor". Level: 18. Nature: Timid. Ability: Intimidate
Gender: Female
Friendship Level: Likes
---Moves: Tackle, Growl, Quick Attack, Wing Attack, Double Team, Endeavor.
Rotom "Circuit" Level 15. Nature: Numb. Ability: Levitation
Gender: NA
Friendship: Neutral
---Moves: Thundershock, Uproar, Thunder Wave, Confuse Ray, Double Team.Items:
Potions x5
Super Potion x2
Antidote x2
Burn Heal x 2
Paraliz Heal x 2
Ice Heal x 2
Awakening x 2
Pokeballs x5
Great Ball x 2
Dusk Ball x1
Key Items:
Deck of Cards
TM-31: Brick Break
TM-86: Grass Knot
Discipline Badge
Nature Badge
Cash: 3196
Persons of Note:
Former champion of the Vesryn Region and Bard's mother. In the hospital for emergency treatment.
Known Pokemon: Lucario (M), Golett (F)
Professor Willow: The pokemon professor in the Vesryn Region.
Intern for Professor Willow and your rival. Can be reasonable but is mostly a smug a-hole. At least he isn't talking about swag.
Known Pokemon: Bulbasaur(M)
Businesses of Note:
IV Changer: Based out of Superior City. Can change IVs in exchange for IV Stones.
Day Care: Based out of Route 303. Can raise your pokemon for you.
Factions of Note:
Team Olympus: A large crime syndicate operating out of the Vesryn Region. Usually deals with high-end robbery, extortion, and hijacking though for some reason, attacked Nyasa Town.
"Neptune, use Smokescreen!" You yell.
More smoke than could possibly fit inside of a Horsea starts blowing out of Neptune's mouth. Eventually, it engulfs the battlefield, obscuring both the Bulbasaur and Jake. Neptune, taking the initiative, jumps into the smoke, clearly undeterred or unaffected by the lack of visibility.
"Bulbasaur, use Leech Seed!" You hear Jake call out. You hear a confused "Bulba?" before the sound of fighting starts.
Looks like the Bulbasaur is only level 5.
The next few seconds, all you hear is fighting as Neptune and the Bulbasaur tackle each other. From what you can tell, Neptune is landing most of the hits but that's just guesswork.
Eventually, Neptune flies out of the cloud of smoke and lands with a heavy 'thud' on his back. Bulbasaur flies out next, trying to hit him while he's down but Neptune hops out of the way. He turns to face the Bulbasaur while the plant pokemon seems to still be catching his breath.
Both have their fair share of bruises though Neptune seems to be in better shape.
[] Keep pounding.
[] Use Bubble.
[] Screw it, use smokescreen again.
[] Use smokescreen to cover your daring escape.
[] Write in.
You head straight to Superior City, not stopping to look for any more pokemon. You figure that if you want to train or catch more pokemon, there's always tomorrow.
As you traverse through the forest, you are glad that you bought the flashlight. It lets you have at least an idea where you're going. While you are walking, you see a shape out of the corner of your eye. Turning your flashlight towards it, you see that it's a Dusk Ball. Smiling, you pocket it.
Eventually, the trees start thinning out, with more and more space between them until they taper off completely and a dirt road leading to the city proper appears to have been laid out.
As you start down the road, Neptune turns to Philsosraptor and says something in a happy tone. Philosoraptor seems to mutter a response.
Eventually, you're going to need to learn how to understand pokemon-speak, you think.
The dirt road eventually leads to a paved one as you get closer until finally you've made it to Superior City. It's much larger than Zanzivar but thankfully, near the path you took, there's a kiosk with a large city map and several portable ones. You take one before studying the map, deciding where to go from here. There's the standard Pokemon Center and Poke Mart but you also see something called the "Wonder Cave"to the east of the city, before the route leading out of the city. You see a note printed by the entrance to route 302 on the map.
Looks like travel out of the city is out of the question unless it's back the way you came.
[] Drowzee's house
[] Pokemon Center
- Heal Pokemon
- Talk to people
[] Poke Mart
- Buy Pokeballs (200 each)
- But Potions (300 each)
- Buy Antidote (100 each)
- Buy Map of the Vesryn Region (1000)
[] Pokemon Gym
[] Wonder Cave
[] Speak to people around the city.
OBTAINED: Dusk Ball x1
Cascoon tackles the Cubone, knocking her into a rock. Cubone counterattacks by swinging her bone at Cascoon.
"Neptune! Help Cascoon but don't knock Cubone out!" You yell. The Horsea nods and dives into the fray. You try to keep your flashlight steady on Cubone during the fight.
Cascoon shoots the Cubone with String Shot aimed at her feet. The shot hits the pokemon's feet, pinning her to the ground. Almost immediately afterwards, Neptune hops at Cubone and headbutts her.
She reels from the blow but still grabs Neptune and lifts him off of the ground, only to slam him back down head-first. With Neptune stunned from the blow, Cascoon tackles the Cubone. The two start start brawling, trading blows Neptune joining in when he recovers. Of course, Cubone is outnumbered and quickly overwhelmed.
You toss the pokeball at the Cubone. Seeing it coming, it leaps out of the way and the pokeball tumbles into the darkness. The Cubone charges at Cascoon one more time, striking him with her Bone Club before you fish out another pokeball and toss it, this one hitting it's mark.
The pokeball draws the Cubone into it and lands on the ground. One shake, two shakes, three shakes and the pokeball lets out a beep.
Satisfied, you pick up the pokeball containing your newly acquired Cubone. Putting it on your belt for now, you try to find your lost pokeball, but try as you might, you can't find it. Maybe you just missed it, maybe it was taken by a wild pokemon, but either way, you're out two pokeballs.
Giving up, you decide to keep exploring.
You've caught a Cubone!
Level: 7
Gender: Female
Nature: Brave
[] Nickname (Write in)
[] Don't nickname.
That battle took some energy out of your pokemon. You could use another potion to heal then, especially Cubone, since she's the most injured. Of course, you could keep going.
[] (Field Medic) Use two potions to heal your pokemon to full health.
[] (Field Medic) Use one potion to heal your pokemon to 60-75 health.
[] Keep Going.
Devon's pokeball hits the ground, releasing a Machop in a bright ball of light.
"Let's do it Philosoraptor!" You call out.
Philosoraptor looks back at you before heading into the arena proper. Despite her type advantage, she seems nervous about the bout.
You could just have her attack on her own but if you had an idea more complex than "Use Wing Attack until someone faints" this would be the time to say something.
[] Let Philosoraptor attack on her own.
[] Write In
"Great job Philosoraptor, you can take a break" You say. "Get in there Moondust"
Philosoraptor sighs in relief as she walks out of the arena. Joan says something in an assuring tone while patting her on the shoulder.
"Dustox " Moondust says confidently as he flies into the arena.
"Elgyum..." Eva says while shaking her head.
"Go, Meditite!" Devon calls as he tosses his pokeball.
Another Meditite? You think as the Meditite cracks his knuckles. Well, it is a fighting type. It makes sense tha-
Then you realize that Meditite is also half psychic. A type that Moondust is weak to.
Oh not again! You think. Moondust, for his part, doesn't seem worried about the odds and is just as confident as ever.
Well, he's fought a pokemon he's had a disadvantage against before. Let's see if he can go two for two!
[] Let Moondust fight on his own.
[] Stratgety. (Write in.)
Joan strides into the arena with club in hand. She glares daggers into the Riolu, who actually takes a step back at this before putting up his fists. Everyone knows that at this point, it's just a last stand for the Riolu and the chances of him winning this are... slim. You consider how to approach this battle.
[] Write in.
[] Let Joan handle this.
Both you and the Gentleman throw your pokeballs at the same time.
"Go Adamantine!" You call out as you release your Onix. The snake loons over every one else there like a colossus. The Gentleman seems unperturbed as white energy is released from his pokeball, forming into a small, and all too familiar shape.
"It's time, Bulbasaur." The Gentleman calls out. The grass type pokemon looks at Adamantine, ready to start the battle in earnest.
"It appears the advantage is mine." He says with a smile.
Well, this isn't the first time my pokemon was at a type disadvantage. Won't be the last. Let's do this.
[] Use Harden before attacking.
[] Just attack. Try to take down the Bulbasaur before it knocks Adamantine out.
[] Write in.
You walk over to the sea shore, a good distance from where you got the rod before you take it out of your backpack.
As you cast out, you remember the fishing trips that mom took you on years ago. She taught you everything you know about it. From baiting hooks to reeling a catch in without breaking the line to coping with the mind numbing boredom you'd inevitably have to deal with. You never caught anything yourself and the fishing itself wasn't exactly exciting, but spending time with family always made it worth it.
"I'm going to fish for little while. Everyone here can take a break. We'll head back out in an hour."
Neptune excitedly jumps into the water. You don't stop him. It's probably been a while since he's gone for a real swim. The rest of your pokemon start relaxing.
After thirty minutes, you still haven't gotten a bite. Joan is tapping trees with her club. Every now and then, it sounds like she's tapping out a beat before she goes back to tapping at random. Eva is moving random debris with her telekinesis and talking to Moondust. Philosoraptor is mostly keeping to herself, occasionally eating a berry hanging from a tree. Adamantine went to sleep a while ago and you still haven't seen Neptune since he jumped in.
You are interrupted when something tugs in your line. Excited, you start to reel it in. A blue figure breaks the surface of the water. You start reeling in your catch even faster, excited to see what you caught.
It's a Horsea!
It's Neptune.
Neptune smiles sheepishly as he hangs from the fishing rod. For a moment, you don't know how to react. You try to think of something, anything to say.
"Well, thanks for hanging around, but I'd like to get back to fishing." You say.
You immediately facepalm. A pun? Really?
Neptune chuckles and lets go of the lure, dropping back into the water.
'At least he thought it as funny' You think before you cast out once again.
About fifteen more minutes in, you are ready to leave when you feel something tug on the line again. You reel your line in, sincerely hoping that it isn't Neptune again. You reel in your catch and see that this time, it's a bright red.
You have a Magikarp hanging from your line.
Well... everyone has to start somewhere.
[] Neptune
[] Moondust
[] Philosoraptor
[] Joan
[] Eva
[] Adamantine
"Joan?" You call over.
She stops tapping the tree and looks at you.
"Would you mind?" You ask, gesturing to the Magikarp.
She shrugs and slowly walks over to the Magikarp, brandishing her club.
If you're honest, it's almost sad. The Magikarp can only flail around while Joan hits them twice with her club. After the second time, she stops and walks back to the tree to keep tapping on it.
You take out a pokeball and toss it at the Magikarp.
Three shakes later, the pokeball beeps, confirming the catch. A second later, the pokeball disappears in a white light, sent to the Pokemon Storage System.
"Well, that was anticlimactic" You muse as you consider a nickname for your newly caught Magikarp.
[] Yes (Write in Nickname)
[] No
Level: 11
Gender: Female
Ability: Swift Swim
Nature: Relaxed
"Leviathan" You say. That would be a good nickname for the Magikarp. Especially when she evolves. You remember you almost gave Neptune that nickname. Even though you decided on Neptune, you still liked the name Leviathen.
You consider where you'll go next.
[] Continue to Route 303.
[] Go back to Superior City.
[] Look for pokemon to catch on Route 302.
[] Train your pokemon against the ones on Route 302.
[] Keep fishing.
You rack your brain trying to come up with a nickname while looking for more pokemon. Eventually, you settle on Fluffy. It's a lot better than Cotton Ball or Q-Tip anyway.
Another forty minutes later and you're still searching. You've lost seven more Safari Balls so far, bringing you down to fourteen.
"And that Scyther still got away..." You mutter as you keep walking. Eventually, you get to the northwest area of the Zone. A large, pristine lake is nearby, teeming with pokemon, though you doubt that you'd need a better rod to catch anything other than Magikarp.
You lean against a tree, your aching feet telling you it's time to take a short break. As soon as you start to relax, you see another trainer surveying the area with a pair of binoculars.
Like you, she's carrying a large bag with pokemon bait and Safari Balls. Unlike you, she looks like she hasn't slept in a week. She has heavy bags under her eyes and her long green hair is in a tangled mess. She's wearing an outfit that was once all white, with large, loose sleeves, loose pants, white socks, all stained with dirt and grass. Her wooden sandals are chipped as well and her brown belt holding up her pants is frayed.
You are about to look somewhere else for pokemon, with the added benefit of getting as far away from her as possible, when she notices you.
"Well, is this someone new?" She ask in a raspy voice,sounding like a murder from at least three horror movies you've seen. She slowly turns her head towards you as you scramble to your feet.
"Um..." You say. "I'll just be going... to the Sevii Islands..." You say as you start to walk backwards. You reach for your only occupied Safari Ball just in case things get out of hand, hoping that Fluffy will listen to you.
"Wait!" She says, quickly turning towards you. "You're here now. I'm going to say this and I'm only going to say it once. The power of Thundurus is mine and mine alone! I have traveled from Kanto and searched this Zone for months. I will not be denied!" She yells to the sky. You almost expect a lightning strike and for her to break out in an evil laugh.
"Umm..." You say. "I hate to break it to you but Thundurus is in Unova" You say. "At least, that's what I've heard."
"Bah!" She says, throwing her hands up. "You think that Legendary Pokemon are confined to one Region?! You are a fool! Unworthy of his power! Why do you think all of the pokemon congregate here? Pokemon that you won't find anywhere else in Vesryn? Thundurus travels here, and his presence attracts the wild pokemon."
While it makes sense that Legendary pokemon would travel, them attracting pokemon to a Safari Zone sounds like a conspiracy theory, like the Radio Tower incident in Goldenrod was an inside job to get ratings. Not that you'd say that out loud.
"Why are you telling me this?" You ask. "Wouldn't I want to look for him now that I know he's here?" You ask. Your hand brushes against your Safari Ball, reminding you that you may need to fight your way out.
"Consider it a warning" She says. She lowers her voice and takes a step towards you "Do not try to look for Thundurus. If you find him and even try to catch him..." She takes a step towards you.
"There will be consequences."
Mercifully, she turns and walks off, continuing her search elsewhere.
Shoot, calling her crazy would be an insult to actual crazy people. You think. Still, you didn't know what kind of pokemon she had.
[] Screw that. If Thundurus is really here, I'm going for it.
[] I'm not interested in catching Thundurus anyway. Besides, I doubt it's actually here.
[] I don't want to try to catch it, but I'll still look for it. Because it's going to look cool.
[] Yeah... I don't want to ever take the chance of ever meeting her again. I'm not going to look.
[] I wasn't interested in it at first, but now I'm going to try and catch it just so she can't have it.
[] (Hot Blooded) I'm not letting her get away with threatening me! If she wants violence, then I should be the one to start. Punch her in the head and start a brawl.
You toss the bait towards the Tauros. He immediately begins eating it, clearly prefering it to the grass he had been eating.
While he's eating, you throw the Safari Ball towards the Tauros. On impact, the pokemon is engulfed in a bright white light and is sucked into the Safari Ball.
The Safari Ball doesn't even shake once before the Tauros breaks free. He doesn't run.
The second Safari Ball fails as well, bursting open. As does the third. And the fourth.
After seven Safari Balls, the Tauros finishes the bait and just leaves.
You sigh. You aren't surprised, but it's still disappointing. You decide to keep going, hoping to find another new member to add to the team.
You glance at your Pekegear. You have ten more minutes left in your Safari Game and you're down to your last four Safari Balls.
You walk towards the southern end of the Zone so at least when your game was over, you wouldn't have to walk as far to get back.
While you are walking, you hear a commission. The sounds of bodies hitting each other, psychic attacks, and shouting sounds like two pokemon fighting each other. Most likely wild.
You could go investigate. You may find another pokemon to catch.
Still, if something goes wrong, you only have your freshly caught Cottonee to help you.
[] Sure, I'll check it out.
[] No. I'll look elsewhere until time is up.
You sigh in relief. Still, that meant that waling for hours to get to the next city was out for the next few days. Thankfully, training on Route 303 should be fine as long as you stick close to the city.
It's been several hours. Mid afternoon turned to nighttime. Since you were alright, you had been killing time in the waiting room. (Sociable) A lot of the first several hours had spend online, letting your friends know that you were still alive and, for the ones in Nyasa, seeing how they were. Nadia Harras and Benny Friendly were still in Superior, staying with family. Sarah Volta and Sophie Jolly were heading to Blackfist City to the east to get away from the violence. Todd Campbell was heading even further, going back to Kanto with his folks since they think that Vesryn wasn't safe anymore.
And honestly, you can't blame them.
Timofey Gavrilov was apparently going to train with his Poliwhirl to try to join the police or the army "To get back at those sons of bitches. Though you know that he'll train for about a week before giving up on the idea. Still, if he manages to do that, you wish him luck. He didn't tell where he was because "They could be listening" though you hope he doesn't get himself hurt.
But right now, you on your Pokegear with your very worried mother on the other end.
"What the hell were you thinking!" Your mother yells from the other end of the line.
The Hospital had contacted your mother about you being admitted. Being a Pokemon Trainer, at least a professional one, was dangerous. One wrong move with a wild pokemon, or if a pokemon you caught decided that you needed to go, so you ending up here isn't unepected. But to do so just a few days after Nyasa..
"I... I'm sorry. If I knew how powerful the pokemon there were..."
"No, it's my fault. If I had Lucario go with you, maybe-"
"Mom, please. We've talked about this. I don't need Lucario watching over me." Mom had offered to have one of her pokemon go with you as an escort. Just in case something, well, like this happened. But you had turned her down. Three times in fact, because...
[] I want to succeed on my own merits as a trainer.
[] It didn't feel fair having a powerful pokemon with me.
[] I don't want to be tempted into asking Lucario for help.
[] (Pragmatic) It would have damaged my reputation to have one of my mom's pokemonwith me through my journey, even if I never used them in battle.
[] I don't know. I just did.
[] I have no idea but I should have accepted her offer.
"I know that I can't ask you to stay safe, but please promise me that you'll be careful from now on. If I lost you..."
"Mom" You say. "I'll be more careful about where I go. I promise"
Mom sighs. "Alright, honey. I'll talk to you later." You hear a sniff from the other end of the line. "Just... just stay safe."
"Don't worry, mom. I will." You reassure her. "Goodbye."
You hang up the phone.
It's around 7 PM as you walk down the streets of Onega. You start striking up conversations with people who don't look like they're in a hurry. You mostly make small talk with the people that you pass by but at one point, you meet a old woman. Easily old enough to be your grandmother. She's wearing a purple dress and her white hair in in a loose bun.
"It's such a shame how so much of this city is paved over..." she says with no small amount of regret in her voice. "I remember when I was a young woman, the gardens here were so beautiful... Now the only green in this city is at the park"
"I was there earlier today." You mention. "The plants there were beautiful. It's a shame that"
"I'm glad that there are at least some young people that appreciate plant life. If we don't have more people like you..." She sighs
"You know they said that Shaymin once lived here. That's why this place was so beautiful. Is this what we're really going to do with the gifts that legendary pokemon give us?"
You remember learning about Shaymin. Legendary pokemon that can cause flowers to bloom in even the most desolate areas.
Eventually the conversation winds down and you both head your separate ways.
You and Neptune work together against the pokemon along the route, taking care to avoid getting close to the mansion. Still, Neptune is getting back into the swing of things. He even loos like he's getting stronger.
The fire and bird pokemon along the route all try to take their shots at Moondust when they think they can, but he endures the hits like you know he can. The training seems to toughen him up.
Philosoraptor works ass hard as ever in her training and she even makes some progress. But like last time, a Blitzle wounds her. While she technically could keep going, you decide to give her a break.
Joan apparently inherited some of your bad luck. She was hit by a Confusion from a Drowzee and taken out of the fight.
The dark type pokemon started to come out at night, which was bad news for Eva. She got some training in but a pack of Poocheyenas ambushed you both while she was out. You let Adamantine out to fight them but not before one of them bit Eva.
Once again, Adamantine did well against the pokemon in the Route. By the time you're done, she looks none the worse for wear, compared to your other pokemon who at the very least bruised.
By now, it's almost 10 PM. You're using your flashlight to get around but you are starting to feel tired. Still, you've got a couple of good hours left in you.
[] Keep training.
[] Use a pair of potions to get your team back to fighting strength and keep training.
[] Head back into town.
- [] Heal your pokemon at he Pokemon Center
- [] Call it a day.
Neptune, Moondust, and Philosoraptor leveled up!
You decided to wait for the backup police and explain what happened. Though that leaves one thing. The grunt that's still tied up. You did promise to let him to if he gave you information, though it's up to you to decide if he gave you enough.
[] Let him go.
- [] Try to get some more information from him first.
- [] You know, maybe I could use that money.
[] Don't let him go.
You go back into the Pokemon Center. It was time that you spent time with Leviathan, though that raised the question of which pokemon you'd put in the PC.
[] Neptune
[] Moondust
[] Philosoraptor
[] Joan
[] Adamantine
[] Eva
You take your pokemon out in order to train them against the wild ones there. Since Leviathan can't attack, you're going to have to have the rest of your pokemon help him. It'll take away from their own training, but when
Neptune barely comes out ahead in his training between the electric pokemon attacking him when he's in the lead and helping Leviathan.
Moondust gets ambushed by a Ponyta early into his training. He still managed to survive, and even win the battle. Though he did laugh a little too much when he beat the Ponyta...
But he couldn't beat the Ponyta before they shot an Ember at Fluffy. She gets a nasty burn that stays with her throughout her own training.
You don't encounter many dark pokemon on Route 303 when you're training Eva so she really gets to push herself and her powers.
By the time you're finished training, Leviathan has mastered the art of throwing himself at another pokemon, though you can't say much more than that...
As for Philosoraptor...
"Wow... you really kicked some butt right there, Philo! Nice work." You tell the exhausted bird. A group of five battered and wounded Purrlions served as a trstimate of what Philosoraptor had just fought.
"Starly..." Philosoraptor said in a quiet yet proud manner. It's probably the most confidant you've ever heard her.
"You've been on a roll today. Why don't you rest a while and we can keep it going, alright?"
"Star!" Philosoraptor says, this time even prouder. Her face is practically glowing from happiness.
Then, she actually starts glowing.
Her form starts growing, eventually getting twice as tall. Her feathers and plumage start expanding as well. When the light fades, a newly evolved Staravia stands before you.
"Staravia!" Philosoraptor says proudly.
Looks like this day just got better.
[] Go to the Pokemon Center
- Heal Pokemon/Reconfigure Party
[] Go to the Poke Mart.
- [] Pokeball (200 each)
- [] Great Ball (600 each)
- [] Potion (300 each)
- [] Super Potion (700 each)
- [] Antidote (100 each)
- [] Awakening (250 each)
- [] Parliz Heal (200 each)
- [] Burn Heal (250 each)
- [] Ice Heal (250 each)
[] Go to the Museum.
[] Go to the Safari Zone.
[] Walk around the town and talk to people.
[] Look for Pokemon around Route 303.
[] Train your pokemon against the ones in Route 303.
[] Look for trainers on Route 303.
[] Go to the Midnight Mansion
- [] Keep to the exterior.
- [] Go inside
[] Go to the Onega Town Pokemon Gym.
"Eva, Leviathan, you ready"
"So, two on one. If you keep getting me into stuff like this, I'm gonna have to go on strike" Eva says.
"Come on, you have Leviathan with you." You try to reassure Eva.
Eva slowly turns to Leviathan, who was flailing on the ground. If Magikarp couldn't breath regular air, you'd think that he was sufficating.
" like I said, two on one. I hope you have a revive with you, Bard" Eva said as she got ready to battle.
"Alright, Growlithe, let's make some noise" Cris said, releasing her pokemon.
"Ponyta, let's go!" Chris called out as he released his pokemon.
[] Give orders (Write in)
[] Let them fight.
Healing your pokemon and eating lunch wasn't eventful. Chicken with mashed potatoes and green beans.
" you breaking news of a bank robbery in Downtown Treader, where the Shining Star Bank has been struck by what is believed to be the largest heist in recent years. Approximately two hours ago, the four suspects entered through the main entrance posing as bank customers and proceeded to..."
You stop listening as the nurse calls to you to let you know your pokemon are healed.
"...and feel free to come back anytime." Nurse Joy says with her usual smile.
"Thanks" You reply. "Though before I go..."
"Yes? Is there something else I can help you with?" Joy asks.
"Well, do you know much about Gideon? The Gym Leader?" You ask. A lot of trainers probably come through here, many of them probably beaten by Gideon. She must know something.
"Not that much, I'm afraid." She says. "I know he's uses Grass type pokemon and he doesn't come out of his gym a lot ever since what happened a little while back."
You sigh. So much for that. "Thanks anyway. I hope you have a good one" You say.
"You too" She says as you leave.
You go all over town to try to find anyone who knows anything about Gideon, and you get a lot of info... about his acting career.
He was in the lead in "Love and Let Love", "Died Once, Buried Twice", and "What's My Name". He played the villain in"Crash Squad", and he cameoed in "Love and Battles". His acting career ended after he shattered his leg while filming "Ten Dead Men".
The only thing you know for sure is that he's a Grass Type Gym Leader. Still, it's something.
You go out to Route 303, hoping to prepare your pokemon.
Neptune, Moondust, Fluffy, and Eva all do well against the wild pokemon, though they, like Philosoraptor and to a lesser extend Leviathan, are starting to outclass them. Soon, there won't be much of a benefit to training them around here.
Philosoraptor shows some improvements as the hours drag on, getting faster and hitting harder. She's come a long way since you first met.
Leviathan doesn't seem to improve much this time, though, as far as you can tell, she's warming up to you.
You hope.
[] Go to the Onega Town Pokemon Gym.
[] Go to the Pokemon Center
- Heal Pokemon/Reconfigure Party
[] Go to the Poke Mart.
- [] Pokeball (200 each)
- [] Great Ball (600 each)
- [] Potion (300 each)
- [] Super Potion (700 each)
- [] Antidote (100 each)
- [] Awakening (250 each)
- [] Parliz Heal (200 each)
- [] Burn Heal (250 each)
- [] Ice Heal (250 each)
[] Go to the Museum.
[] Go to the Safari Zone.
[] Walk around the town and talk to people.
[] Heal your pokemon and keep going (-2 Potions)
- [] Look for Pokemon to catch around Route 303.
- [] Train your pokemon against the ones in Route 303.
- [] Look for trainers on Route 303.
- [] Go to the Midnight Mansion
- [] Keep to the exterior.
- [] Go inside
On your way to the Gym, you keep asking people about Gideon and you have as much luck as you did before. Like most Gym Leaders, he used different teams based on how many badges the trainer who challenged him had. You heard that he is apparently a fan of the Seedot line, you don't get much more than that.
Around 12:30, you get to the Gym on the North end of town. It is a dome shaped, light green concrete building with dark green vine-like designs painted on it. The top of the building is made of glass, likely to let sunlight inside. Two small windows are in front of the Gym. Curious, you look inside.
The first thing you see is plants. Lots and lots of plants. From flowers and small trees in pots lining the walls to large trees growing directly out of the ground that makes up the floor of the gym. White paint on the grass marks the arena, and the opposite side of it from you, can only see a single man, sitting at a table that isn't immediately viable from where you are and talking to a Nuzleaf. The man is in his forties, you think and despite the very flammable vegetation surrounding him, he is smoking a cigarette. Nuzleaf, for his part, doesn't seem to mind the cigarette smoke.
It doesn't look like there are any other people in the Gym to battle or ask for advice. And you doubt that the Gym Leader would give you tips on how to beat him. Still, you healed up your team on the way here. If you wanted to take him on, you could do so right now. Do you go in?
[] Yes
[] No
As you enter the gym, the smell of cigarette smoke hits you immediately. You try to wave it away but it persists. Eventually, you give up. You're used to the smell anyway.
Gideon morosely looks up at you. He's wearing a brown suit with a white turtleneck underneath, with several vines, real or fake, running down his sleeves. The top of his black hair is dyed bright green. If not for the turtleneck, his whole ensemble makes him look like as much of a plant as the rest of the ones in his gym. He takes one last drag of his cigarette before putting it out on the ash tray on the table before getting up and walking to his place in the arena.
"You're Bard, right? He asks. He talks in a slow, smooth voice.
"That's right" You reply, "and I guess you know why I'm here."
"Quite. And you should know that here, it's three pokemon versus three pokemon. Three pokemon get knocked out on either side, that side loses" Gideon explains.
"Got it" You reply. You heard that different Gym Leaders had different rules about how they run their Gyms. Looks like this is how Gideon runs his. Still, that means you can't outlast his team with numbers like you did in Devan's Gym.
Gideon makes it to his place in the arena before digging out a pokeball from his jacket pocket. "Your friend, Jake I think his name was, he was in here hours ago, yelling about teenager things..."
"We're... we're not really friends you say" You say as you take your place. Gideon, however doesn't seem to pay attention.
"If I can't even beat a kid, who am I as a Gym Leader? An actor? A man?" He says to himself, he looks down for a few seconds before turning to face you.
"But you're young. Why am I boring you with the laments of an older man? Let's battle!"
Choose one pokemon.
[] Neptune
[] Moondust
[] Philosoraptor
[] Eva
[] Leviathan
[] Fluffy
"Go get 'em, Moondust." You say. Moondust flies forward into the arena, thankfully undeterred by the smell of tobacco.
"Alright, Chikorita, let's go" Gideon says as he releases his pokemon from his Great Ball. The Chikorita runs forward, ready to fight.
It looks lie Moondust actually has an advantage.
Which could either be very good or very bad considering his track record.
[] Write in a strategy.
[] Let Moondust decide.
"Light 'em up!" You yell.
Moondust fires a String Shot at Chikorita. Chikorita ducks below the string. The vines on Chikorita's neck start to extend, intent on whipping Moondust.
"Grass type attacks are innefective. Use Headbutt" Gideon commanded.
The Chikorita nodds, retracting his vines and charging at Moondust. Moondust launches another gust of wind at the Chikorita but he recovers and continues his charge, slaming his head into Moondust with an almost sickening crack.
Moondust flips backwards, still reeling from the hit before stabilizing himself and launching a powerful gust of wind. It slams into the Chikorita, sending him falling back. Not letting him get a chance to recover, Moondust fires poisoned needles at the Chikorita. The needles hit their mark, digging into the grass pokemon and leaving him poisoned.
Chiorita growled, determined to power through the injury and charged at Moondust again, abruptly changing directions to avoid a new blast of wind before slamming into Moondust again. However, Chikorita was flagging. Bruises covered his body and the poison was causing him to sweat.
"Chikorita. Use Sythesis. Keep yourself in the fight" Gideon commanded.
Chikorita nodded at the command before his entire body was enveloped in a bright green glow. Drawing upon the power of the sun shining through the Gym's skylight, his wounds started to heal.
The next few seconds were practically a cycle. Moondust kept knocking Chikorita around with gusts of wind, and Chikorita kept recovering, and closing the distance to hit Moondust with a headbutt. Moondust was doing his best not to show it, but he was getting tired.
[] Let Moondust handle this. He can outlast Chikorita.
[] Give orders. (Write in)
"Alright Fluffy, it's your time to shine." You cheer.
"Cottonee" She says to you. She leans to to both sides before hopping into the arena. You think it's the equivalent of getting a crick out of her non-existent neck.
"Leafeon, it's time" Gideon says as he tosses a Great Ball, revealing the pokemon inside. Leafeon immediately gets ready to leap into the fray.
Both grass types. That means that both of their best attacks won't do as much. You think to yourself. Though Moondust had a type advantage and he still barely knocked out Chikorita...
But you can't think about that right now. You just need to focus on winning this battle.
[] Give Cottonee orders (Write in)
[] Let her fight.
"Alright, Philosoraptor. It's all up to you!" You call out before you release her.
Philsosraptor stares down her opponent. Leafeon is trying to stand tall but it is difficult for him. He is still paralyzed and wounded from his fight with Fluffy, but he may still put up a fight. She takes a deep breath, ready to fight.
[] Give Orders
[] Write in
"Double Team!"
Philosoraptor immediately starts flying as fast as she could, flying so fast that it looks like five different Staravias are flying. Leafeon looks left and right, he doesn't have any idea who to attack.
Until Philosoraptor slams her wings into Leafeon from his right side. Leafeon immediately collapses. He's still conscience, but he's too injured to fight anymore.
"Yeah! Nice one Philo! We just need to win one more, you ready?"
Philosoraptor gives out a happy, but surprised chirp, as if she can't believe that she won that easily.
"It appears that the climax of the movie approaches" Godeon says as he recalls the injured Leafeon. He takes out the pokeball containing his last pokemon. "Let's make it one to remember! Go Nuzleaf!"
He tosses his pokeball and the Nuzleaf appears in a burst of white light.
You want to believe that this will be easy, though considering how Moondust has been fighting, type advantages don't mean you're always going to win.
[] Give Orders (Write in)
[] Let her decide.
The Kitchen is strangely untouched. There are several potted plants on the right that aren't even wilted. To the left, a slightly dirty oven is sitting between a pair of counters.
You notice that the oven is slightly forward compared to the rest of the counters beside it as if it's been moved.
You see a large bag of chips on the counter along with a surprisingly fresh loaf of bread and a large bin of sugar.
If it wasn't for the slight burning smell around the oven, this would be completely normal kitchen.
Then you see that there are several holes in the refrigerator. The holes are all around the size of your thumb. Some are obscured with the amount of photos, notes, and magnets on the refrigerator but as you get a closer look, you see them as clear as day. Then you several several shell casings on the floor near the fridge.
[] Try the light switch in the room to see if there is still power in the house.
[] Head down the west hallway.
[] See if any of the food in the fridge survived.
[] Try to move the makeshift barricade to the north.
You open the fridge and immediately, a a sludge consisting of at least five different foods and condiments flows onto your feet. Ketchup, milk, barbecue sauce, mayonnaise, cheese, and something that may or may not be spoiled all fall out from the refrigerator, having been displaced or broken from their containers.
An uneasy feeling fills you. You paid good money for those shoes and now you need to clean them.
You notice that the light bulb in the refrigerator is shattered, though the inside of the refrigerator is too warm for it to have been working anyway.
While most of the food inside is either shot, spoiled, requires an oven to cook, or covered in glass, there is a slice of cake that seems to be untouched and fresh at the left of the top shelf.
[] Take the cake.
[] Leave it.
[] Head down the west hallway.
[] Try to move the makeshift barricade to the north.
"Well, you could come with me." You offer.
Why should I come with you?
(Sociable) "Do you really want to stay here forever?" You ask. "If you come with me, you get to travel around the world, see things you'd ever seen on your own..."
Several seconds pass without a response. You guess that Rotom is thinking it over. A few seconds later, you get a response.
We'll see how things are after a week then go from there.
"That sounds fair."
Toss the pokeball when you're ready.
Then, the television turns off. An orange shape emerges from the screen before taking a coherent form. Like most Rotom, he's around a foot tall when not possessing an object. He's shaped vaguely like a lightning rod and is surrounded by blue aura.
You toss a pokeball at Rotom. It shakes three times before beeping, confirming the capture.
Before you leave, you realize that you could suggest that Rotom possess something around the house. While Rotom could possess other things from other places, no one will miss anything taken from here.
[] Suggest the Oven (Rotom becomes a Electric/Fire Type)
[] Suggest the Refrigerator (Rotom becomes a Electric/Ice Type)
[] Suggest the Washing Machine, if there is one here (Rotom becomes a Electric/Water Type)
[] Suggest the Lawnmower, if there is one here. (Rotom becomes a Electric/Grass Type)
[] Suggest the Fan, if there is one here. (Rotom becomes a Electric/Flying Type)
[] Don't suggest that suggest that Rotom possess anything. (Rotom will stay Electric/Ghost Type)
That just leaves the issue of what is left in here. Lost of what's here wouldn't fit in your backpack, but some of the smaller electronics, jewellery, and gold chains could fit in your backpack.
[] Fill your backpack with things from here before you leave the room.
[] Leave the stuff in here alone.
[] Choose a nickname.
[] Don't choose a nickname
[] Ask Rotom if he had a nickname.
You go to the PokeMart to pic some supplies. Just a couple of Potions and Awakenings After that, you head to the Museum. Part of you wants to know how things are over there. You didn't get much information on what happened and since you're still in town, it's a good time to see.
When you get to the museum, you see that it is cordoned off with Police Tape. You see a police van in front of the Museum. From the looks of things, it's going to be closed for a while.
Though since you're right across the park...
You release Fluffy from her Safari Ball. Since there was so much grass around the Park would be the perfect place to practice Grass Knot"
"Hey Fluffy, you saw the move back at Gideon's Gym. Where his pokemon were controlling the grass?"
"Cott..." Cottonee said, nodding as much as she could.
"Do you want to learn how to do that?" You ask.
Fluffy doesn't say anything but she gives you the widest smile you've ever seen her give you.
"Alright Cottonee, one more time!"
Cottonee lets out a cry as her eyes start to glow a deep green. Grass surrounding a statue of Victini started to glow as it started to grow. After the grass grew by several feet, it tied itself around the statue's feet.
"Nice work, Fluffy." You say. "You're really getting the hang of it."
"Tonee!" Fluffy says as the grass starts to retract.
"I'm sure we'll get a chance to try it out in a battle soon." You say.
[] Go to the Pokemon Center
- Heal Pokemon/Reconfigure Party
[] Go to the Poke Mart.
- [] Pokeball (200 each)
- [] Great Ball (600 each)
- [] Potion (300 each)
- [] Super Potion (700 each)
- [] Antidote (100 each)
- [] Awakening (250 each)
- [] Parliz Heal (200 each)
- [] Burn Heal (250 each)
- [] Ice Heal (250 each)
[] Look for Pokemon around Route 303.
[] Train your pokemon against the ones in Route 303.
[] Look for trainers on Route 303.
[] Go to the Midnight Mansion
- [] Keep to the exterior.
- [] Go inside
[] Go to the Pokemon Center
- Heal Pokemon/Reconfigure Party
[] Go to the Poke Mart.
- [] Pokeball (200 each)
- [] Great Ball (600 each)
- [] Potion (300 each)
- [] Super Potion (700 each)
- [] Antidote (100 each)
- [] Awakening (250 each)
- [] Parliz Heal (200 each)
- [] Burn Heal (250 each)
- [] Ice Heal (250 each)
[] Go to the Safari Zone.
[] Walk around the town and talk to people.
[] Look for Pokemon around Route 303.
[] Train your pokemon against the ones in Route 303.
[] Look for trainers on Route 303.
[] Go to the Midnight Mansion
- [] Keep to the exterior.
- [] Go inside
[] Head West out of the city.
You change out your party, depositing Philosoraptor and Moondust and getting Joan and Adamantine. You start to walk east to Route 303 with your party (sans Adamantine) following you. Some people give you wierd looks for having most of your pokemon out. Your pokemon are talking to each other
"Hey Eva?" You say.
"Something you need?" Eva asks.
"What are you guys talking about?" You ask.
"Gambling" Eva explains. "Three Hundred Dollars on if Circuit is guilty or not. You gonna call it?" Eva asks.
"Well, it doesn't look good. He might be guilty Besides, I've already talked to some of the others. They're placing their bets." Eva explains. "Well, most of them anyway."
Your jaw drops. You know that Circuit is new but taking bets on if he goes to jail or now? You hope that Eva is just messing with you "Why are t-... wait, where did you even get the money?" You ask.
"We don't. We're mostly betting in spirit." Eva says, rolling her arm casually.
"But... this is serious. What if Circuit ends up on jail for something he didn't do? Are you really just betting on that?"
"Don't worry" Eva says. "You can bet on that too" Eva says, smiling.
"Just... I'm not going to bet on what happens to Circuit." You say.
"Suit yourself..." Eva says.
The next few seconds, neither of you say anything. The only sounds you hear are footsteps and passing cars.
"Who exactly is betting?"
When you start training, Neptune holds his own against the wild pokemon there. He's stronger than most of the pokemon there, though he does need t avoid any electric pokemon.
Eva, Leviathan, and Fluffy don't seem to get much from the training. They completely outclass any pokemon you can find on the Route, so you switch to your other three pokemon.
Joan and Adamantine, however, manage to do well against the local pokemon. Adamantine uses her sheer size and toughness to endure any attacks aimed at her and Joan can knock out most pokemon before they do any serious damage. Both of your pokemon get stronger from the experience.
Joan has grown to Level 14.
Adamantine has grown to Level 14.
[] Go to the Pokemon Center
- Heal Pokemon/Reconfigure Party
[] Go to the Poke Mart.
- [] Pokeball (200 each)
- [] Great Ball (600 each)
- [] Potion (300 each)
- [] Super Potion (700 each)
- [] Antidote (100 each)
- [] Awakening (250 each)
- [] Parliz Heal (200 each)
- [] Burn Heal (250 each)
- [] Ice Heal (250 each)
[] Go to the Safari Zone.
[] Walk around the town and talk to people.
[] Look for Pokemon around Route 303.
[] Train your pokemon against the ones in Route 303.
[] Look for trainers on Route 303.
[] Go to the Midnight Mansion
- [] Keep to the exterior.
- [] Go inside
[] Head West out of the city.
[] Write in.