Catching Victory (A Pokemon Quest)

"Alright Fluffy, it's your time to shine." You cheer.

"Cottonee" She says to you. She leans to to both sides before hopping into the arena. You think it's the equivalent of getting a crick out of her non-existent neck.

"Leafeon, it's time" Gideon says as he tosses a Great Ball, revealing the pokemon inside. Leafeon immediately gets ready to leap into the fray.

Both grass types. That means that both of their best attacks won't do as much.
You think to yourself. Though Moondust had a type advantage and he still barely knocked out Chikorita...

But you can't think about that right now. You just need to focus on winning this battle.

[] Give Cottonee orders (Write in)

[] Let her fight.
no threadmark?

given that leafeon is an evolved pokemon and cottonee is not this is going to be tough. Chikorita showed us that range isn't too much of an issue but if we play smart we can at least damage the leafeon enough for our next pokemon.
Hmm. Maybe something like this?

[x] Cotton spore to slow Leafeon down, make sure to land a leech seed, and land a stun spore.
-[x] If still up, Fluffy then attacks and dodges as she sees fit.
[x] Cotton spore to slow Leafeon down, make sure to land a leech seed, and land a stun spore.
-[x] If still up, Fluffy then attacks and dodges as she sees fit.

nice stun spore and cotton spore = bye bye speed
Fluffy vs. Leafeon
"Cotton Spore!"

Before Fluffy can attack, Leafeon rockets at her at a high speed and slams into her. Leafeon makes contact as soon as Fluff launches several large pieces of cotton from her body. The launched pieces stick to Leafeon. Leafeon tries to tear the cotton off of himself but they seem stuck on.

"Nice! Now use Leech Seed!"

This is great! I didn't think this would be so-

The seed flies through the air and hits the immobilized Leafeon. However, when the seed hits, it sticks for a moment and simply falls off with no effect. It's at this point when you remember that leech seed doesn't affect grass pokemon.

Never mind...

Leafeon is still putting forth visible effort to move but it doesn't seem to He launches himself at Fluffy and slams into her faster than you can track. Her light frame causes her to get launched far. She hits the ground but rolls back into "standing" position.

"Now, Stun Spore!" You yell.

Fluffy releases her spore. Across the arena. It is only in the air briefly before it starts to dissipate., but it's there long enough for Leafeon to inhale the spores. Instantly, they get to work, locking up Leafeon's muscles, forcing him to fight for every movement.

"Alright! Let him have it!" You cheer.

Fluffy's eyes start to glow a light blue. Shortly after, she launches a sparkling wind at the Leafeon. The wind hits the grass pokemon hard, but he stays on his feet.

Leafeon is putting forth even more effort to move. Between the spore weighing him down and the the paralyzing powder impairing his movement. Leafeon tries to put a foot in front of the other, but he only succeeds in not falling to the side.

"Nice! Now use Fairy Wind again!" You yell.

"Leafeon, immobilize her" Gideon commands.

Fluffy's eyes glow blue again and launches another gust of wind at Leafeon.

At the same time, Leafeon's eyes glow bright green. The grass near Cottonee's feet starts to glow the same green. The grass grows, extends, and wraps around Fluffy, pinning her to the ground. She tries to hop up, to get free of the vines, but the vines are too fight.

The wind hits Leafeon again, but he fights through the pain of his injuries. With Fluffy immobilized, Leafeon fights against the paralysis wracking his body to charges one more time.

"Fairy Wind! Quick!" You yell, panicked.

Fluffy's eyes glow bright blue again but before she can unleash her attack, Leafeon collides with her. The Grass Knot holds Leafeon in place, so she is forced to take the brunt of the attack.

The grass loses it's green glow, retracting to it's normal length. Fluffy rolls to the side, injured and unable to fight.

"Good work, Leafeon" Gideon says. Despite the fact that he's praising his pokemon, his voice is as flat as ever.

"Fluffy, return..." You say, trying to hide the sadness in your voice.

So, this is it. Leafeon and Gideon's third pokemon versus your next choice. You just hope that you can still pull off a win.

[] Neptune
[] Philosoraptor
[] Eva
[] Leviathan
"Alright, Philosoraptor. It's all up to you!" You call out before you release her.

Philsosraptor stares down her opponent. Leafeon is trying to stand tall but it is difficult for him. He is still paralyzed and wounded from his fight with Fluffy, but he may still put up a fight. She takes a deep breath, ready to fight.

[] Give Orders
[] Write in
Philosoraptor. Philosoraptor. Hahaha I still can't get over how ridiculous of a name it is. :)

Anyway, I'm thinking something like:
[x] Double team to disorient the already-paralyzed and tired Leafeon, followed by Quick Attack to get close and Wing Attacks to finish.

Hopefully, this prevents Philosoraptor from taking any major damage before the next fight. Thoughts?

Edit: What move was this, by the way? Grass Knot? Darn, I would have thought that Fluffy's grass resistance + extremely light weight would have made that a piece of cake.
At the same time, Leafeon's eyes glow bright green. The grass near Cottonee's feet starts to glow the same green. The grass grows, extends, and wraps around Fluffy, pinning her to the ground. She tries to hop up, to get free of the vines, but the vines are too fight.
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"Double Team!"

Philosoraptor immediately starts flying as fast as she could, flying so fast that it looks like five different Staravias are flying. Leafeon looks left and right, he doesn't have any idea who to attack.

Until Philosoraptor slams her wings into Leafeon from his right side. Leafeon immediately collapses. He's still conscience, but he's too injured to fight anymore.

"Yeah! Nice one Philo! We just need to win one more, you ready?"

Philosoraptor gives out a happy, but surprised chirp, as if she can't believe that she won that easily.

"It appears that the climax of the movie approaches" Godeon says as he recalls the injured Leafeon. He takes out the pokeball containing his last pokemon. "Let's make it one to remember! Go Nuzleaf!"

He tosses his pokeball and the Nuzleaf appears in a burst of white light.

You want to believe that this will be easy, though considering how Moondust has been fighting, type advantages don't mean you're always going to win.

[] Give Orders (Write in)
[] Let her decide.
Hmm. Philosoraptor has a slight Speed and Attack edge, plus resistance against Grass-type attacks. But Nuzleaf has the edge on experience and could probably prepare for a Wing Attack if he's expecting it. How 'bout...

[x] Let Philosoraptor choose her own mix of Double Team, Wing Attack, and Quick Attack to keep the Nuzleaf disoriented.
Philosoraptor vs. Nuzleaf
"Double Team then Wing Attack!" You yell.

Before Philosoraptor can attack, Nuzleaf takes off towards her and claps his hands together, which releases a large shockwave. The shockwave knocks Philosoraptor for a loop. Before she can recover, Nuzleaf's eyes glow the same green as Leafeon's. Grass below Philosoraptor lengthen and entangle Philosoraptor. The blades wrap around her body then slam her onto the ground.

"Good. Now keep the distance" Gideon says.

Nuzleaf nods and launches several razor-sharp leaves from the one on his head. Philosoraptor is struggling

"Come on, Philo! You can't lose here!"

With one more flex, Philosoraptor breaks the blades and flaps her wings once more, letting her fly out of the way of most of the leaves, though two cut through her leg.

"Nice work! Now light 'em up!"

Philosoraptor dashes at the Nuzleaf and strikes him with her outstretched wing. She knocked him to the ground. As Philosoraptor flies around for another pass, several patches of grass stretch out to try to snatch her out of the air. The first patch tries to grab her before she can turn around but she bans right to dodge it. Another patch tries to grab her when she's flying towards Nuzleaf but she starts too ascend, barely avoiding the grass. She flies straight up before diving at an angle. She gracefully twists in the air before diving for Nuzleaf, intent on knocking him out.

Right before she is able to hit Nuzleaf, the grass right in front of him grows and grabs her out of the air. Philosoraptor tries to fly at Nuzleaf despite being caught but the grass proves too much. It pulls her to the ground harshly then flings her away. She crashes into one of the few trees planted directly in the gym's floor.

Philosoraptor pushes herself back into the air and growls at the Nuzleaf. The impact opened a gash on the back of her head and she has bruises under her feathers.

That's it, you needed to think of something. Attacking directly wasn't going to happen if it kept going as well as it did this time. And since she didn't know how do use Gust, you needed to use something else...

"Double Team! Now!"

Philosoraptor gives you a smile then starts to fly around the arena, once again filling it with illusionary copies, all of which were flying around, dodging the blades of grass that Nuzleaf animates. None go in for an attack yet. They focus on disorienting Nuzleaf, and wearing him down before going in for an attack. This goes on for a few seconds until one Philosoraptor breaks off and dives right at Nuzleaf. Once again, a patch of grass in front of Nuzleaf extends to try to tangle her.

As soon as they rise up, the blades pass through the attacking Philosoraptor.

As soon as you realize that it's a copy, the real article slams into him from behind. Nuzleaf tumbles across the arena until he comes skids to a halt near the center of the arena. He doesn't get up, too injured to battle more.

"It looks like this production has come to a close..." Gideon says as he looks at his defeated pokemon. His expression is hard to read. It's not angry, sad, disappointed. It's just... nothing. With a sigh, he recalls his Nuzleaf.

"Well then. That's fine. I must be slipping, I suppose. Take this anyway." He walks to his desk and takes some items and offers them to you. You walk over to him and take them. The first is the, no, your badge. It looks like a light gray leaf with dark gray veins and a matching stem.

The second is your prize money, around 1700 PokeDollars.

The third is a vibrant green TM Disc.

"That TM contains Grass Knot. It's a very special Grass Move." Gideon explains. "It does more damage the more the target weighs."

"Well, thanks Gideon" You say. "Are... are you gonna be alright?"

"I haven't been alright since 1992." Gideon says he loos down for a few seconds before continuing. "Look kid, you have talent. If you work hard , you'll make it in the end. But don't expect that victory to last. Just look what happened to me. I went from a world famous actor to a chump Gym Leader in the ass end of Vesryn"

[] Try to console him.

[] Leave. There isn't anything you could say that would make any difference.

[] (Sociable) Your mom, and by extension, you, know a great psychologist. You think you still have his business card in your wallet. Maybe you could give it to Gideon.



Moondust leveled up to Level 16

Philosoraptor leveled up to level 18