Catching Victory (A Pokemon Quest)

You have Neptune and Eva out as you stand out of Route 308. You sigh as you hold the pokeball containing the mystery pokemon. It's scratched up badly, with paint flaking off of it. Apparently, it's a very old pokeball.

You sigh. It's now or never.

"You ready, guys?" You ask.

"If he isn't a Dark type, then sure" Eva says

"Sea!" Neptune says.

"Alright then, let's go" You say as you toss the pokeball.

As soon as the pokeball hits the ground, the white energy is released from it and starts to take shape. A large black snake with yellow and purple markings on them. A red, bladed tail swings around as the light fades.

You recognize the pokemon as a Seviper.

The pokemon swings around to look at their trainer, only to see you. It's neutral expression changes to one of confusion.

"Sevi?" The pokemon says, she tilts her head while looking at you.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you" You say to the snake pokemon.

"She's wondering where the other guy is." Eva says to you.

"What other guy? The guy in the alley" You ask

"Yeah" Eva said. "Apparently she wasn't that close to her old trainer."

"Listen, my name is Bard..." You say, about to begin a speech to convince Seviper to join you, until you remember something.

Your mom said that a Team Olympus Grunt with a Seviper attacked her.

Nyasa town was less than five miles north of here. The Grunt could have slipped past the barricade and gotten to Fianga.

On the other hand, there are a whole lot of soldiers that are keeping members of Team Olympus in Nyasa. No one could get out without being arrested. That, and it could easily be a different Seviper. You've heard of criminal teams using similar types of pokemon, and with how many members Team Olympus has, there's probably a few with Sevipers.

[] Could be the same one?

[] Maybe it's a different Seviper.
[X] Maybe it's a different Seviper. Maybe it's the same one.

You won't ask. You don't know what would happen to a pokemon that refused to obey a member of team olympus. You don't think you could treat a pokemon that hurt your mom fairly. Even if it's not the same pokemon, if told to, then it probably would have done the same thing. Besides, the chances of it being the same one are pretty low.
You don't know if she is the same pokemon. And honestly, you don't want to know.. If she is, then there's no way you'd be able to forgive her. If she isn't... then you don't want to think about of she would have is she was ordered to.

"My name is Bard. I... yeah, I took your pokeball from your old trainer. And right now, he's sitting in a prison cell." You say.

"If you want to leave, you can go ahead and go. I won't stop you, and you'll be free to live your life" You start out. "But if you want a new trainer, you can come with me."

The Seviper looks at you for a few seconds, deep in thought.

"What's she thinking?" You think to Eva.

"She's thinking about if she wants to join up" Eva says "Apparently, she wants to travel and really didn't like her old trainer."

A few seconds later, the Seviper nods and gives you a toothy smile. Apparently, the answer is 'yes'.

Seviper will join up/

[] "Welcome aboard." (Seviper joins up)
- [] Nickname (Write in)
- [] Don't give her a nickname.

[] "On second thought..." (Releases Seviper)
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[x] Pokeball
[X] "Welcome aboard." (Seviper joins up)
- [X] Sevvie

A not brainer, she wants to come so we don't need a high level or special pokeball
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Aww, thought we would get a choice on whether or not to keep the Seviper. I was leaning towards no.

[] Sevvy
[] Pokeball

Weaponizing one of Severus Snape's fanon names. All shall flee in horror.


[x] "On second thought..." (Releases Seviper)
-[x] Give the Seviper some food, and a choice of where in the area to get released.
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End of the Day
"Sevvie." You say. "Now... let's see what you can do..."

You and your now seven pokemon start training against the pokemon on Route 308. There are three kinds of pokemon on the Route. Espurr, Poliwags, and Helioptiles. The pokemon are strong. Stronger than yours individually. But you manage to fight smart, and occasionally gang up on the wild pokemon, so you manage to make progress.

Eva holds her own for a while, beating back the pokemon. She even gets stronger though you have to avoid Espurrs.

Leviathan gets beaten down. A lot. Though she takes the beatings and even manages to give some back.

Joan takes a lot of hits. Some of which were even meant for other pokemon, but she does her best to stay up, until she finally passes out. But even as you recall her, you can't help but feel proud how hard she worked.

Adamantine endures the Helioptiles' and Espurr' attacks, her natural resistances and pure tenaciousness carry her through.

Circuit, even when fighting Poliwags, seems to struggle when fighting. He defeats them, but he's slow, taking that split second to react that leads to him getting hit. You figure that he may not be experienced at battling.

Sevvie, on the other hand, is vicious, charging to attack even Espurrs. She charges into battle no matter what, and aggressively tears down the wild pokemon in front of her. Part of you wonders how much of that was her training with Team Olympus...

As for Neptune...

The Espurr staggers forward, injured from the battle. She tries to gather the psychic energy to launch another attack but exhaustion takes her, and she passes out.

"Nice work, Neptune." You say to your battered and wounded pokemon. "I think it's time to call it a day."

"Horsea!" Neptune says. Even now, he's barely keeping his balance.

And then he starts glowing.

Spines start to grow out of Neptune's back and head and his face starts to lengthen. Scales on his torso begins to become no pronounced, and he starts to grow. Several seconds later, the light fades, and now a brand new Seadra stands before you.

"Seadra!" Neptune says, doing his best to smile. Even after evolving, it looks like he still hasn't lost any of his old self.

It's the end of the day. You feel like it's gone on forever, but it's over. After healing your pokemon, you're winding down before going to bed. After breaking Sevvie's old pokeball and catching her in yours, she ended up sent to the PC. You'd withdraw her tomorrow if you needed to, but now she's officially your pokemon.


You ended up talking to another person, a Scientist working in the Pokehaderon Collider, who apparently has a pair of Voltorbs and an Electrode that were wounded after someone tried to mug him.

"So, you said that you worked in the SCP Department?" You ask the man. "What exactly does that do?"

"Oh, that's easy." The man, a Dr. George Wu, says. "SCP stands for Synthetically Created Pokemon department. We work on creating pokemon"

"Um... wasn't there a movie about how much of a bad idea that was?" You ask.

"Oh, we don't be such a luddite" Dr. Wu says waving off your concerns. "We aren't planning on opening a theme park with what we create and we certainly aren't planning on creating something powerful enough to do so much on it's own."

"In fact, you may have seen some of our work already. The Porygon line for example. We've even managed to artifically create Dittos"

"Really?" You said. You knew that Porygons was man-made, but you didn't know that Dittos, some of them anyway, were man made.

"Yes, we worked with Slyph Co. They made the discs but we managed to create them."

"Just be careful, alright?" You say. "After what happened in Kanto-"

"Those people were criminals, not real scientists." Dr. Wu angrily says. "The two-bit undergrads that Team Rocket recruits wouldn't last a day in a real lab! Give me any of those so-called scientists and I will Science circles around them! Then I'll make them write a report about how much I kicked their butts!" The man yells, drawing the attention of everyone in the Center, including several pokemon and Nurse Joy.

Fir the next few seconds, Dr. Wu is seething in rage. A part of you wonders of you should leave until he gives a heavy sigh, calming down. "You won't have to worry about that for a while, anyway. There's a weak point in the tunnel. A few of them in fact. A lot of our funding is going to fixing them, so a lot of us are on leave. Unpaid, of course." He says, somewhere between annoyed and angry.

"Dang... do they really need it fixed that bad?" You ask.

"Do you even know what the tunnels are for?" He asks. You shake your head. You've heard about how it was important for some reason, but when the news started talking about particle acceleration, quarks, and string theory, you toned it out.

"Those tunnels... well, in laymans terms, we send things down there fast. Very fast. We need everything working precisely. But in our last experiment, parts of the tunnel were damaged. And those tunnels run under a few cities. Kariba, Nyasa, Onega, even here. If we activate the Collider without fixing everything, things could be bad."

"How bad exactly?" You ask. Now you're getting worried again.

"I don't know, but no one wants to risk it. And since that Collier is our cash cow, we can't have it down for long or we run out of funding and no one gets work."

"And until then, you're basically out of a job." You say

"Because of the non-compete I signed, that's it precisely" Dr. Wu says sadly.

After that, the conversation winds down and you both say your goodbyes, Dr. Wu heading home after you become Facebook friends. You decide that right about now may be a good time to get some dinner.


Around thirty minutes later, you;re biting into your fish. You and your team are eating your dinners, talking with your team, when the news comes on. You are prepared to ignore it, until...

"Breaking news! The Siege of Nyasa is finally over! We're going there now with field reporter, Susan Stolikov to find out just what is happening. Susan?"

You instantly turn your attention to the television, as does everyone else in the room. You almost can't believe it, but then the camera turns to a a reporter standing in front of a military barricade, with scores of handcuffed people in purple uniforms being lead into various vehicles by soldiers. And in the background, you see a grocery store you immediately recognize as being near the southern edge of the town.

"Yes, Clive. After five agonizing days, the remaining members of Team Olympus have finally surrendered to authorizes. Military officials have stated have said that approximately several dozen members, as well as over 100 pokemon have been taken into custody. The names of those arrested have not been released, but it's believed that one of their Administers were among one of those arrested-"

You immediately pick up your pokegear to tell your mom to tell her the good news.


You spend the rest of the night watching the news coverage. Every hour, they drag out another few members out of whatever hole they were in, more people show up to speculate on why Team Olympus is so active, and information is discovered and contradicted about the attack.

As the hours drag on, you can't help but wonder...

[] "This almost doesn't seem real. Is it really over?"
[] "How long are those monsters going to go to jail?"
[] "They never showed my house. Is it still standing...?"
[] "Why did they even do this?"
[] Write in.

Neptune has reached Level 16

Eva has reached Level 17

Leviathan has reached Level 17

Joan has reached Level 15

Adamantine has reached Level 15
[x] "Why did they even do this?"

Eva holds her own for a while, beating back the pokemon. She even gets stronger though you have to avoid Espurrs.

Leviathan gets beaten down. A lot. Though she takes the beatings and even manages to give some back.

Joan takes a lot of hits. Some of which were even meant for other pokemon, but she does her best to stay up, until she finally passes out. But even as you recall her, you can't help but feel proud how hard she worked.

Adamantine endures the Helioptiles' and Espurr' attacks, her natural resistances and pure tenaciousness carry her through.

Circuit, even when fighting Poliwags, seems to struggle when fighting. He defeats them, but he's slow, taking that split second to react that leads to him getting hit. You figure that he may not be experienced at battling.

Sevvie, on the other hand, is vicious, charging to attack even Espurrs. She charges into battle no matter what, and aggressively tears down the wild pokemon in front of her. Part of you wonders how much of that was her training with Team Olympus...
Woohoo! Like usual, I enjoy the bit of extra flavor you add for the training.
And then he starts glowing.

Spines start to grow out of Neptune's back and head and his face starts to lengthen. Scales on his torso begins to become no pronounced, and he starts to grow. Several seconds later, the light fades, and now a brand new Seadra stands before you.

"Seadra!" Neptune says, doing his best to smile. Even after evolving, it looks like he still hasn't lost any of his old self.
"So, you said that you worked in the SCP Department?"
"The two-bit undergrads that Team Rocket recruits wouldn't last a day in a real lab! Give me any of those so-called scientists and I will Science circles around them! Then I'll make them write a report about how much I kicked their butts!"
Science-ing done right.

And since that Collier
their Administrators
among one of those arrested
among those arrested
[X] "Why are there so many reporters named Susan and Clive? Is it like Jenny and Joy? Is there a secret clone army bent on taking over the world?"
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