"Give it your all!!" You yell.
"Got it!" Elgyem says. Soon after she says it, she fires a magenta beam of psychic energy more powerful that you've ever seen from her. The beam flies at the Growlithe but the Ponyta leaps in front if it, taking the blast for him. The Growlithe didn't waste any time, firing an Ember blast at Eva. Eva dives to the left just in time to avoid it but she dives right into the path of the charging Ponyta, body wreathed in flames. Leviathan tries to tackle Ponyta, but he just plows through her,
Eva lands with a thud, quickly pushing herself up and shaking the cobwebs out of her head. She looks up just in time to see Growlithe readying another fire attack.
Not this time. She thinks as she gets ready to fire another Psybeam and fires. This time, the purple beam sails past the Ponyta and hits the Growlithe in the chest, sending his Ember flying off course.
Ponyta looks at the fallen Growlithe and lets out an angry snort before charging at Eva, once again wreathed in flames. Eva tries to dive to the side to avoid the Flame Wheel. However, Ponyta suddenly changes direction and slams into Eva causing her to get sent flying.
Growlithe, still reeling from the Psybeam, tries to push himself up. Leviathan however, tackles him back to the ground before he can get up. Annoyed, Growlithe lets out a lot growl and sinks his teeth into Leviathan.
One of his molars cracks when trying to bite down on Leviathan's hard outer body. Growlithe lets out a loud whine
"Shi- are you alright, Growlithe" Chris asks the pokemon.
Back with Eva, she growls as the Ponyta charges at her, clearly intent on finishing the job. You're racking your brain for a strategy, anything that could turn this around.
"Don't worry, Bard, I have an idea" Eva says to you before turning around and sprinting in the opposite direction away from the Ponyta.
"Hey! There's no running from a trainer battle! That goes for pokemon, too!" Cris yells as Ponyta gives chase. Because if the Ponyta's higher speed, he still manages to close the distance between them.
But before Ponyta can catch up, Eva scrambles up the tree. Ponyta, for his part, doesn't stop, intent on knocking the tree down with brute force.
"Stop!" Cris lets out a panicked yell at the Ponyta who skids to a halt. "You'll cause a forest fire! Knock the tree down!"
Ponyta let's out a snort, clearly not happy at the loss of momentum before turning around to kick the tree over. Before he can buck however, Eva fires a magenta beam of psychic energy at the Ponyta,striking him in the back of the head. Ponyta is knocked out as soon as the beam hits and he collapses like a pile of bricks.
But before you can celebrate, a heavily charred Leviathan tumbles to your feet, thrown there by a very angry Growlithe.Growlithe turns to Eva but is hit in the face. The Psybeams combined with his scuffle with Leviathan prove too much for him and he collapses.
"We... lost?" Cris asks, a dumfounded expression on her face.
"Well... looks like we did." Chris says, recalling his Growlithe.
"Huh..." Cris says as she recalls her Ponyta, dumfounded as to how they lost to what was effectively a single pokemon. "I... I guess this belongs to you." She gives you your prize money. "Well, Chris and I need to finish our patrol."
"You gonna be alright?" You ask. "I mean, your pokemon..."
"We have revives and a third pokemon" Cris says. "We'll get back in town in a few hours. But for now, we gotta keep going. C'mon Chris!" She yells as she leaves, waving at Chris to follow her."
"That Elgyem of yours is real strong." Chris says. "A frigging beast."
"Come on!" Cris yells from a distance.
"Coming!" Chris yells after her. "Maybe I'll see you later" He runs off to follow his partner.
"Heh... I can't believe it. I actually took them both on at once!" Eva says, though she's out of breath after using so much of her power in a short amount of time. "You think I could get the next couple of hours off? I think I earned that much."
"Done." You say with a smile. "But how did you know that it would work?"
"Cris was worried about starting a fire. Apparently it hasn't rained in a while and there was a fire here a few months back. So, I saw the tree and figured 'She isn't going to have Ponyta use a fire attack if I'm in it, So one thing lead to another and..."
[] I'll admit, that was good thinking. Nice work, Eva.
[] Don't do that again. Keep to reading the other pokemon's mind.
Now, it was around 9:00 am. Still plenty of time in the day.
[] Go to the Pokemon Center
- Heal Pokemon/Reconfigure Party
[] Go to the Poke Mart.
- [] Pokeball (200 each)
- [] Great Ball (600 each)
- [] Potion (300 each)
- [] Super Potion (700 each)
- [] Antidote (100 each)
- [] Awakening (250 each)
- [] Parliz Heal (200 each)
- [] Burn Heal (250 each)
- [] Ice Heal (250 each)
[] Go to the Museum.
[] Go to the Safari Zone.
[] Walk around the town and talk to people.
[] Look for Pokemon around Route 303.
[] Train your pokemon against the ones in Route 303.
[] Look for trainers on Route 303.
[] Go to the Midnight Mansion
- [] Keep to the exterior.
- [] Go inside
[] Go to the Onega Town Pokemon Gym.
Earned 840 PokeDollars.