This was supposed to be strictly a Villain/Neutral cape meet, so Manpower and Gully shouldn't be there. They prob don't even know about it. We know the remnants of the ABB and Uber/Leet are going to crash the party, but who knows if they plan to send someone in first as a ploy.
This meeting is so big compared to canon that normal rules can't be expected to hold here.
Legions of Case 53s want in on this meeting or would want to know what's going on so they can meet their future savior, Apeiron, and sell chunks of themselves to try to get some semblence of humanity back.
Dragon would give a server farm or two to know about this so she could try to get in on this and either capture Apeiron or, to her higher hope, be captured by him, which I'm sure if that happened wouldn't help the shipping threads about the two in any way, shape, or form.
The potential for healing alone will have all eyes on Brockton Bay and trying to find a way to get a reliable contact point for reaching him. Uppercrust and Faultline basically laid down the foundation for a buffering support structure around this fact. Faultline is a known C53 sympathizer and employs several capes who would have a really hard time getting any work normally. Bringing her on board was a master stroke by Uppercrust, who wants to make sure that Apeiron's position in the city isn't threatened by PRT politics or stupid gang wars.
Everyone wants in on this meeting, but the deal struck in this interlude will go a long way to shielding Joe from a lot of the crush of people looking for healing, for tech, for a hired gun to blow some chump away with, while also making sure that random gangbangers don't get ideas alongside the PRT in trying to press him into their service.
Faultline sees a potential savior for the Case 53s. Uppercrust sees a lifeline for his continued health and work to protect people, as well as a potential successor to the part of the Elite that hasn't been corrupted by psychopaths. Both can easily see the lurking threats that would love nothing more than to rend him low and destroy his works for no other reason than they don't want Apeiron to succeed, or want him chained to them for their purposes.
Both would be happy to see him continuing on his path, doing what he has been doing, healing others, defending his people, protecting the city, without his being snarled up in bureacracy or idiot gangers coming into town to think they're the hottest shit by taking a swing at Apeiron to, in theory, prove how tough they are, but actually proving that they are earning those Darwin Awards.
I think that this interlude is showing the beginning of the period where instead of being street-level heroics and villainy, we start expanding to the larger scale of Worm, as we start seeing a more political aspect of being associated with Apeiron. He's already a national figure just for what he's done over one weekend, wait until he really starts going.
While I'm looking forward to Somer's Rock, I'm REALLY looking forward to the meeting between Uppercrust, Faultline, and Apeiron. This has the potential to be the start of something that could very well rival the Triumvirate in potential nation-changing power.
Alec, of course, was right: The Undersiders were nowhere near ready for that shit, but he was also right in that they could have been complete nutcases and he could have propped them up (and did) with his outfits and gear.
EDIT: I had stated this in the Discord, but I'll put it here too: This was a master-stroke by Uppercrust making this happen. Coil wishes he could scheme this well!