Oh. If it was provided I guess we probably shouldn't have called you what we did on Discord for the bento.

Wait. You went to an Eva marathon. Nevermind, still covered.
Oh. If it was provided I guess we probably shouldn't have called you what we did on Discord for the bento.

Wait. You went to an Eva marathon. Nevermind, still covered.
No I paid for the bento, you can still mock me for that. I just figured it was one of those situations where you should just go whole hog and try to get the full experience. In general, I know its hip to be cynical and better then tho on the internet but I think you can really rob yourself of a good time if you force yourself not to care.

Oh and on a side note. I am sorry @Strypgia but I did yell sky ponies when the scene came on. And there is nothing you can do to stop me :p
Rebuild retrospective
"Am.... am I watching a 90 minute yaoi doujin?"
That would probably have been more coherent:p

Long overdue but here is my thoughts on the Eva Rebuild movies. Hope people find them interesting. As for BNB the next chapter is done, it just needs editing and the chapter after that is on the way hopefully not long after that.

Rebuild retrospective
The Rebuild movies are an odd duck to examine. They are not the series but they are clearly based on the series, but clearly not a straight forward adaption of them. A lot is missed if you did not watch the series first to know what they are referencing and evoking, but it also contains lots of new elements. At the same time a work must stand on its own and in that way the movies can fall quite flat. For an example of a good movie adaption I would look at Peter Jackson's first Lord Of The Rings trilogy which did change a lot of things to make it fit better as movies but in my view stayed faithful to the spirit of the original while establishing a more film friendly structure. This is not to say I agreed with all his choices (Why is leoglas shield surfing like a anime character?) but that I agree some changes were needed. To that end, lets look at the rebuild movies.

The movies start as almost beat for beat frame by frame recreation and then spiraled out of control into something very different but while still covering the same themes as the original. It should be noted that unlike most adaptations that this is done by the same mind who made the originals, so its hard question his voice being legitimate as its his work. At the same time it should be said that the Anno of today is not the Anno of the early nineties.

Its hard to comment on the first movie too much aside from simply parroting the common accepted opinions that the visuals are amazing, the soundtrack is great on the big screen and the angel designs have been tweaked just a bit to pop more (and in the case of Shamshell look less like a dick.) In this regard I think it is actually my least favorite of the movies. Not that I dislike it, but sitting in the theatre it was the least interesting to watch since I knew the beats by heart.

The second movie is where things get interesting. Mari is introduced, though her characterization is frustratingly limited to a few cryptic lines of dialog (that is very Eva tho so I can't get mad at that) And we get to see more and more slight divergences from canon in a way that reflects and highlights them. Both Rei and Asuka are noticeably different from the original series personality wise. With background characters like Kaji Ritsuko Maya and Gendo (Btw Gendo and Rei's dinner at the beginning of the movie mirrors Shinji and Misato's dinner in 1. Reinforcing the idea that they are similar people) I won't go over every detail but I think all the subtle changes and character moments we didn't get in canon make 2 my favorite of the three.

This is the part of the review where I expect a lot of... disagreement. Which is more then fine, we all absorb media differently and we all prioritize different things. So I want everyone to know that this is just my opinion and everyone is allowed to have their own. With that said I think 3 gets a bit of a bad shake among the fandom. It does as much wrong as it does right but I just respect what it is trying to do enough that I can't hate it, and indeed prefer it flaws and all to 1 which was basically a HD version of what we had before. First the bad: Even for someone like me who can really enjoy a more minimalistic approach to story telling 3 does seem to go out of its way not to explain much. Second the Wunder fight against the jellyfish angels is almost entirely superfluous and could be cut entirely. For the good: I will admit the visuals are at their peak in my opinion in 3. There is this beautiful morose somber quality to everything. The soundtrack is again fantastic and I love the themes of trying to move on but being unable to. It really calls to me as someone in the fanfic community since in a sense all eva fanfic is fix fic. And the movie is telling me to let go. There is also the Kaworu Shinji stuff which I admit I really liked but I admit my bias there. Overall I would say 3 is a flawed but enjoyable piece. High ambitions and high highs but also low lows.

Going forward like Mari would suggest I am hopeful for a ending that ties things together thematically and tonally if not narratively (Anno has never been one to explain everything so I don't imagine he will start now). I have enough faith in the director for that.​
Really interesting little retrospective, it's really cool that you got to see all of them in a cinema too, I'd love to have that sort of experience but Anime screenings aren't too common in the UK. I am hoping that maybe it will happen for Final though.

I do agree mostly with what you said to be honest, I think the first movie is watchable, it's a good movie but aside from a few differences which do make things interesting it is mostly the same as what we've seen before in the series. I guess if you're new to the franchise then this is great, but for those of us who have watched the series far more times than is healthy, not so much :p

I really enjoyed the second one, I'll admit when I first heard Anno was going to be making four movies I thought it was just going to be a case of adapting the series for the first three and then when it came to the fourth giving us a brand new ending. From the very beginning of the second one we see that isn't the case. I think the second one does a good job of giving us what episodes 9-18 so but a bit more condensed. We get glimpses of the pilots living their lives before it all starts to fall apart, we see the bonding in places and we start to see all is not as it seems.

I love the introduction of Asuka here, and moments with her absolutely broke my heart. It was interesting to see how they altered her character for the films. The usage of the doll to speak to, her standoffishness and general tone does make me wonder how she came to be that way and what her back story is. It broke my heart though when she gave up on the idea of having the dinner to allow Rei to cook for Shinji and Gendo. It broke my heart even more so when Bardiel happened. I will say, the usage of music during that scene and the final scene is absolutely beautiful.

For the third, when I first turned it on I wondered if maybe I had downloaded the wrong thing or missed something out. I of course hadn't, jarring would be an understatement but I find the third film to be brilliant and better the more I think about it. I love how it puts you in Shinji's place, it confuses the audience and makes them want to know more and seek the answers. I liked the fact that we got to see more of Kaworu and again the soundtrack is wonderful.

I will admit though I can understand why people do dislike it, it leaves a lot open but at the same time it doesn't necessarily have to answer it. I view Rebuild as being more Shinji's journey than it is the other characters so with that in mind we maybe aren't going to learn it all. Which does kinda suck, because I really want to learn Mari's story, I want to know more about Asuka and I really want to know more about what happened during that time skip.

I will say the themes that I did take away from Rebuild as a whole are, as with Eva themes of poor communication, if only people would actually talk then they can resolve some issues, in 3.33 particular its this idea of looking for a quick fix. I suppose that fits in with Anno and his depression. Eva/EoE I always view as a message about depression, it is something that people can beat but it won't be easy and there will be set backs. Perhaps Rebuild is reinforcing to people that it can be beaten but there isn't a quick fix to heal your world like Shinji tries to look for in 3.33?

Also that final shot in 3.33 is gorgeous.
That would probably have been more coherent:p
Sad but true.
Why is leoglas shield surfing like a anime character?)
It's a modern update, we've got to make him 'cool' and 'radical'! :V

I don't want to retread my older comments on Rebuild, so I'll just say this: You've done so much more and I think more interesting things with your version of Manga!Mari than the Rebuild movies did that it really shines in comparison. Mari here is colder, more serious, not the hyper-genki fetish-fuel Pilot from Rebuild. She's a serious adult, permanently stuck on her lost love almost as badly as Gendo and Fuyutsuki, but much more human and caring than them, since she is at least trying to take care of Yui's son in a way his own father never did. She may have projected her need to strike back at the root cause of Yui's 'death' so hard she used Shinji as a lab experiment, but that's still more care than he's gotten from almost anyone else in his life. It's given a nicely complicated mix to Mari's relationship with Shinji, and also to her sniping with Gendo and Ritsuko.
It's funny. Mari realized they were going to stick Shinji's mother in a robot again, she figured out a way to stop it, and she did so.

And only later did she find you the price, and as Terry Pratchett put it, 'the price for magic is always Too High.' What did sparing Shinji the trauma of having his second mother die in a mysterious Eva-related accident? She made him something other than human, and while from her perspective it's possible she won't die at the worst fucking possible time...we know how unlikely that is.

And she's actually compounding the error by not telling him about it.

Also I think it's been a while since I commented on how nice and rounded all of your characters are, so I'm going to do that again. Everyone has their good and bad sides. Everything has positives and negatives, and you show us that and I love you and this fic for it.
And only later did she find you the price, and as Terry Pratchett put it, 'the price for magic is always Too High.' What did sparing Shinji the trauma of having his second mother die in a mysterious Eva-related accident? She made him something other than human, and while from her perspective it's possible she won't die at the worst fucking possible time...we know how unlikely that is.

Now, this is just spitballing but maybe the S2 Engine doesn't actually work off of any sort of physical or metaphysical principles but the ones in Unit-04 and Shinji function as a result of Mari's desire to love and protect Shinji. The mother-child bond is still there but its simply because both of Mari's creations were made with love.

You just reminded me that there is no setting that cannot be improved via the introduction or inclusion of Discworld's Dᴇᴀᴛʜ in some manner.

Now I'm just picturing Rei as Susan.
Now, this is just spitballing but maybe the S2 Engine doesn't actually work off of any sort of physical or metaphysical principles but the ones in Unit-04 and Shinji function as a result of Mari's desire to love and protect Shinji. The mother-child bond is still there but its simply because both of Mari's creations were made with love.

I suppose I can see that, but apparently making the S2 engine gave Mari terminal cancer, so I'm not sure how that would work. Maybe she gave herself a broken S2 engine and said 'apparently all my understanding of what this is supposed to do are wrong, going with love instead'?

....Nah, that doesn't work with the themes of the story. Yeah, I think the S2 engines are exactly what we are told, though the idea that Mari gave herself an S2 engine that didn't work right does seem to fit.

And now I'm worried that one of Alex's planned plot points is gonna be Mari's rogue S2 engine turning her into the Last Angel and Shinji having to get in Unit-01 to stop her, because that would definitely max out the terrible. And would pretty much complete Shinji's descent into helplessness...
I doubt it, because then we're just recycling what happened with Kaworu. That'd be lazy storytelling and I think Alex is better than that.
Chapter 10
Hello folks, thank you for all the kind words. I hope you enjoy the new chapter, brought to you with help from @Strypgia who did a wonderful job editing for me.

Beauty and the Beast Chapter 10
Shinji got out his chair with a start, smacking the table with his knee and knocking over his water to splash against the glass surface. Back and forth he watched as his father and grandmother exchanged increasingly aggressive looks. Rei, in contrast, seemed bored, if anything, standing next to the Commander in silence and not responding to Kunohama's scornful watch.
"I see you brought that... thing with you. It was not enough to shame my daughter in life, must you shame her in death," she said.

"It must kill you that in the end, after all your promises, she chose me over you." For the first time in his life, Shinji thought he saw his father smile. The subtle curl of the lip seemed to have a sly cruelty to it.

"She took pity on you and in that pity, you crept in like a weed. You would do well to remember your place, that everything you have is borrowed or stolen. And one day you will get exactly what you deserve." The mask of serenity long held was broken. Shinji took a step back as the woman seemed to froth at his father, her aged hands gripping her cane so hard they shook.

His mouth dry, Shinji turned to his father. The Commander only seemed bemused by the comment. "Did you pull that out of your sticks?" he asked snidely. Before the woman could answer he turned to his son. "Shinji, come. I require you."

Shinji froze, his heart in his throat as for a brief moment. The weight of all the things his father had done, all the things his grandmother had said he did and all the things he didn't do fell on his shoulders. "I..."

Turing her head to look at Shinji, Rei blinked with curiosity. "Shinji?"

Shaking his head Shinji sighed and turned to his grandmother, who was beginning to reconstitute her composure. "Thank you for seeing me but... I have a lot I have to do." Turning and walking towards Rei, he stopped once to look back and gave an awkward bow before joining the First Child by his father's side.
"I am glad we had this chance to talk," Kunohama nodded back at him. "I hope that we can meet again soon. You really do have your mother's spirit." She smiled again at Shinji but he could not look at her for long as he was shuffled into the back of one of the cars by his father.​


"And I believe that does it." Maya smiled as she dropped a lanyard embroidered with the NERV logo onto the top of the impressive pile of key cards, physical keys, various slips and tags of identification, and a black pager on the table in front of her new intern. "If there is any trouble, I am sure the boys in Resources will give you a call. They didn't give you a hard time, did they?"

Kodama shook her head nervously. She had been doing that throughout the whole tour. Maya could not help but get the impression that the girl was trying her best not to look overwhelmed. "Not really. But they did make me sign at least a dozen non-disclosure forms." She gave a bit of a forced laugh. "Don't worry, I get it. If I post about any of this stuff online some men in black will come and take me away."

Maya blinked. "You might ah... not say that kind of thing here. At least in front of anyone from Section Two, they can be a bit... touchy." Seeing the girls face go white, Maya hastily tried to comfort her. "But I would not worry, I don't think I have seen them ever come down to where we will be working!" Kodama warmed to that but still seemed on edge. There was something there, Maya decided, something always just under the surface. Something that made her a little too defensive, a little too aloof, and a little too quick to panic. 'I hesitate to think of what she is going home to.' Maya shook the thought out of her head and tried to smile return her focus to the brown haired girl "You alright?"

Kodama smiled back before sitting back in her chair and pinching her brow, her red-lined glasses reflecting flickering light of the dozen computers around them. "I'm fine I just..." She gave a bit of a sigh before putting her mask back on. "Its a lot in not a lot of time. Don't get me wrong, I'm more than grateful about..." she looked around and motioned with her hands, "all of this, you have no idea what kind of opportunity this is for me. But I think I need a second to catch my breath."

Maya reached out a hand before stopping, hesitating for a moment for continuing and finally patting Kodama on the hand lightly but affectionately. "Hey, you deserved it. Your numbers were fantastic and you passed all the tests we sent you with flying colors. I know it seems scary now but soon you will be part of the team. I hope you are ready to help save the world."

Kodama smiled again, but this time there seemed to be more genuine, or perhaps, Maya admitted, she saw what she wanted. "I really should thank you. When you said that you guys were looking for someone I didn't think..."

"That's..." Maya cut Kodama off and gave a slightly awkward expression it was her turn to try and not look overwhelmed. "That is something else I would not mention... if you would."

"Oh." Kodama's eyes went wide for a moment as the wave of realization hit her followed by an uncomfortable silence. "I suppose I should ask," she said after a moment, in a voice that pleaded to change the subject, "when I will get my uniform?"

Maya laughed, the air clearing. "Oh, that. Well, I assume that Resources asked for your size. It might take a while to get to you, though. Unless its critical, Requisitions moves at a snail's pace."

"I only ask because..." Kodama flushed. "I might need to get adjusted a smidge before I can wear it. I know that I am a bit... er, wide in some places. "

Maya tried to bite her tongue as she fought to keep composure, her face flushing regardless. "I... didn't notice."​


Shinji felt the rush and pull of the car barreling down the street after street, the tinted glass of the windows casting a shadow over the city. All of his thoughts, dreams, and fears seemed to blur in Shinji's mind as he tried to deal with all that had happened to him today. He had run from Touji and then encountered his grandmother and now... Shinji laid his head in his hands as he felt the rush of the car around him as well as the cold stare of his father.

"Shinji..." His father spoke after a moment, a tinge of hesitation in his voice. "I would like you to tell me what... that woman and you talked about."

Something within Shinji snapped. On top of everything else, on top of the tests and the bracelet and Rei he had the gall for this? Looking his father dead in the eye Shinji felt ten years of resentment bubble up in him, clenching his fists to try and stop himself from shaking. "You didn't hear?" Shinji asked in almost mock disbelief. "I thought you had me all monitored." Shinji raised his wrist to show off the band on his wrist.

His father did not seem to react at all, simply hardening his stare and keeping silent. Looking over, Shinji saw Rei look at him intently, a puzzled look on her face as she seemed to examine him.
Looking at Rei made Shinji sigh, his rage withering impotently, replaced by deep-welling loss and frustration. There was always a resemblance to his mother there. At least from the hazy fragments he remembered, and the photos Mari had that he valued more than gold. But the pictures of his mother his grandmother had shown him, especially those of his mother as a child. It was like a mirror. "We talked... we mostly talked about mother."

Shinji looked surprised as he saw his father's expression fade at his words. Was this the man who manipulated his mother and then killed her? Shinji shook his head, crocodile tears prove nothing.
"I see," his father spoke at last, his tone a forced calm. "She was a great woman, Shinji. I loved her dearly."

"Did you?" The words were out of Shinji's mouth before he could think, the anger rising in his chest again.

Shinji felt his father stare at him, a hot sharpness in his eyes that seemed tinged with pain. "Yes. I did," he said firmly, "And I would take anything your grandmother said with a great deal of skepticism." Gendo leaned forward and looked Shinji in the eyes. "Loss can make monsters of us all."

Shinji flinched, was father admitting guilt? Swallowing deep, Shinji felt an ache in his throat but tried to push it down. He did not want to cry in front of his father. Still, the question he asked himself over and over "Why? Why leave me? Why never call or reach out?"

Gendo breathed out slowly "None of us are the people we want to be. When I sent you away I was under suspicion for murder. I wasn't... I could not be the father you needed. As time went on it became easier and easier to ignore it. There are things that we have to forget, to stay sane."

"Like me..." Shinji grit his teeth, his eyes drifting to the girl sitting beside his father. "And then when you learned you needed me it was still easier to make her then call me back."

Shinji tried not feel some satisfaction when he saw the impact his words had. Making his father sit back, his eyes full of fear for the first time. "Rei is..."

"I know what Rei is. I'm not an idiot," Shinji continued, his voice getting harsher as it caught in his throat "She's my replacement. That's all she is." He tried not to shout but failed. "You made her... in some fucking test tube because you could bear to look me!" Shinji seethed as he stared at his father, the man's features sagging for a moment. In the corner of his eye, he saw Rei, her expression wilting. God dammit, Shinji didn't mean to hurt Rei but he could not take back what he said. Not now, not in front of his father.

"I cannot demand your respect but I do expect your obedience. And that means Piloting when you are needed and a certain level of... discretion when it comes to some matters. Regarding your mother..." Gendo stopped for a moment, seemingly searching for an answer. "We may speak of her again later. When the time is right."

His father did not move but Shinji noticed that Rei tilted her head in recognition. Rei Ayanami, do you know thyself? Shinji opened his mouth but found himself spent. The strength his anger had given him fading replacing itself with pain. He had asked and been answered and left too weak to ask again. "Understood." He resigned himself to silence, closing his eyes and letting his head rest in his hands, staying that way until they arrived at the Geofront.​


Maya sighed as Kodama left the room, flopping onto the desk in front of her with a huff. 'I should get a pickaxe if I want to keep digging myself deeper.' Kodama was a good girl, nice smart and hard working. The only thing that could be said about her was that she could be a bit standoffish. Something Maya knew well. She was also quite pretty, something Maya had given up pretending she didn't notice. Still, the logical, reasonable part of Maya's brain condemned the whole affair. NERV seemed to be far more lax concerning nepotism then most. One of their Pilots was the Commander's son, after all. But she could not bring herself to justify this blatant act of favoritism. The truth was that despite her expertise in solving complex technical problems sometimes human beings stumped her. When she looked at Kodama she was not sure what she saw, what was there, and what she would like to see. And then there was how any of this related to Miss Akagi and... Maya let her head fall back on the papers with a thump.

"She seems nice." Maya looked up to see her fellow bridge crewmate Shigeru Aoba leaning back in a swivel chair at a station two down from Maya, smiling like a jackal.

"Don't," Maya said, returning her head to its pillow of a stack of requisition forms. "Or do... I don't care." She said with as much flippancy as she could muster.

Aoba laughed and scooted his chair down to meet her. "That bad huh? Well, she does seem nice though, if a bit young. I never took you for the schoolgirl type, Ibuki." He chuckled again.

Maya sat up and sighed at her co-worker indignantly "It's not like that. I just see a lot of myself in her. Things were rough for me when I was that age, I would have given anything for a chance to escape. Is that really so bad?"

"The fact she is cute as a button is only a side benefit?" Aoba teased laughing to himself before seeing the worry on his friends face. "Hey, come on. It's okay. You worry way too much about this stuff. She passed all the tests we gave her so it's not like you let in a moron. And as for the other thing..." Aoba cleared his throat his voice going serious. "I think you worry too much about that too. I'm not saying its perfect, but it's twenty-fifteen. I doubt that anything will happen if you... are more open about some things." He chuckled again. "I mean fuck, Makinami is as out as you can be and they gave her a whole division of NERV."

Maya sighed. "It's not that. Not really. I guess I am just afraid that I will be put in a box."
Aoba raised an eyebrow. "A box?"

The girl shook her head. "I don't know." She looked at her friend. "I'm really smart. I don't like to say that but I am. I would not have been top of my class or have been accepted as Doctor Akagi's assistant if that were not the case." Maya took a breath, pushing the thoughts of how her mentor related to any of this out of her mind. "I'm kind... when I can be." Maya took a moment to think. "I love spicy food. I'm allergic to cats. I have all of Asimov's works in hardcover over my bed... though I don't have much time to read them anymore, given everything. I spent two years in Germany training for this position and I think I have been down here too long because I am starting to prefer our shitty instant coffee to the high-end stuff they sell at cafes." Maya took a deep breath Aoba merely raised an eyebrow. "The point is. I'm afraid... I know that if I talk about that side of me then that will be all I will be to some people. And I want to be more than that."

Aoba slumped in his chair. "I am sorry about that. If it means anything you are a lot more than that to me."

Maya smiled. "I'm glad, Shigeru, you're my friend."

The man smiled back and ran his hands through his long hair. "Yes, to me you will always be the dork who brought a pink bunny pillow to work."

Maya had to keep herself from throwing something at Aoba's head but could not help but laugh. Sometimes that was enough.​


Shinji sighed as he sat spread out on the couch of the apartment flicking through channels on the TV endlessly like songs on his music player. Absently, he was waiting for Mari's return but the shock of the day's events was still far too strong in Shinji's mind to even consider sleep. And so he continued to click on the remote until the shows in front of him merged into a blur.

"Live from Tokyo-3... Extra strength Mr. Sparkle!... You love me? What about her?...Go, dragon force!...Downtown is recovering...powerful new Oxy core!... I thought you were my friend?...Its too big we gotta morph!... No comments by Nerv on when the next...revolutionize the way you clean...I didn't want to hurt you...Mega beam attack!...Residents are concerned... But wait there's more!...I'm sorry...Shinji, come. I require you."

Shinji shook his head and blinked before opening them to see his guardian standing over him. "Shinji, did you hear me? I said I'm here."

"Ah, sorry." Shinji sat up and tried to regain his composure. On top of everything else he did not want Mari to worry. "Thanks, I took out some food from the freezer I hope you don't..." Shinji stopped as his guardian leaned forward to wrap him in a hug.

"I came as soon as I could. I'm so glad you're alright. I'm sorry could not sooner. Your father..." Mari stopped for a moment to think, giving Shinji one more squeeze before breaking the embrace and sitting on the couch beside Shinji, her focus gaze elsewhere. "Your father and I had a lot to discuss about what happened."

Shinji turned toward his guardian for a moment, examining the curve of her face. "I'm fine," he said with a bit of a forced shrug. "Grandmother was fine, if a bit weird. We just talked, that's all."
"About?" Mari's gave returned, her eyes sharp as they studied him.

Shinji opened his mouth to speak but then stopped. His first instinct was to tell Mari everything, about his family and SEELE and the destiny his grandmother had promised him. But like when he spoke to his father something in him held back. Ever since he became a Pilot Shinji had known little privacy outside the inches inside his own head. He was observed, tested, trained, and monitored. And it had only gotten worse since he had arrived and revealed himself. This was something, something real that he could have that they didn't know. One small inch of his life that was left unexamined. "We just talked about Mum," Shinji forced out. Matching his words up with what he told his father.

Mari gave him a queer look but nodded, sighing to herself. "I'm not sure what she would tell you. From what Yui spoke to me about her parents, their relationship seemed... strained at best. Not cold but, I don't think they really understood Yui. But then again, who of us did?" Mari smiled in a sad way and patted Shinji on the shoulder. "Shinji, there is something I want to tell you."
Shinji blinked. "What?"

"What happened today... from now on I want to be careful. There are people out there that would very interested in getting their hands on you." Mari's hand moved from Shinji's shoulder to his chest poking lightly. "For here and for what you know and for what you mean. And I want you to be safe."

Shinji shrugged again, rolling his shoulders. "You're being over-dramatic," Shinji dismissed. "Father has that army of Section Two goons watching me, I can heal from anything they throw at me, and..." Shinji blushed a bit, he hated bragging, "I've been training for years on how to fight and survive. I'm fine."

Mari laughed to herself for a moment as she got up. "Yes, but given the opportunity would you use that?" Mari sighed. "You're a kind person, Shinji, and that makes me afraid because this isn't a kind world we live in. All I can say is if something happens again like today, and you are unsure or afraid, I want you to know you should do anything you have to save yourself."

It was a heavy thought. Could he? He had spent no want of time with teachers and trainers, in simulation and review. But that was for the enemy... the Angels. If he had to, could he turn it on another person? Potentially kill them? Shinji felt himself form a fist, imagining being as angry as he was with his father today again. "I don't know. I'll try my best," Shinji said coldly as he got up and headed towards his room. "I think I will go to bed. Its been a long day."

Mari nodded behind him. "Sleep well. If you're not up to it in the morning, I can tell the school you're not coming."

Shinji kept walking but stopped before turning the corner out of sight of Mari. Not turning to face his guardian he sighed. "Did mum love my father?"

Mari was silent for a good while, a tension slicking the air. "Yes. As much as there times that I wished otherwise. The only person she loved more than him was you."​


Rei sat at the edge of her bed, unable to sleep. The wounds from the test were healing well and yet there was something inside her, a sharp splinter of irritation that would not let her rest. Today had been... unlike any other she could recall. The Commander had summoned her to be with him when he picked up his son. Her presence apparently providing some utility but in what regard she was uncertain. Shinji... the Commander had asked her to inform him of his motions but to also... ingrain herself within his life. Rei did not understand the reasoning, nor did she understand to how best accomplish this task and yet... In the brief time that Rei had known Shinji, she could say with some assurance that she enjoyed his company, despite his frequent hesitation and confusion towards her. It seemed to her as if he was trying in some small way to be kind to her. Well... until today.

Rei got up, the knot in her stomach growing. Perhaps some fresh air would help? Slipping on her uniform she had hung up she made her way through the darkened apartment. Her feet bumping on scattered debris and boxes on the floor. Rei did not understand the need to enforce a strict order and cleanliness that many seemed to possess. Everything she had was given, and everything she was given served a purpose. Walking outside, her bare feet pressing against the cold concrete, Rei breathed. The neighborhood in which she resided was nearly empty and abandoned. Only a handful of lights dotted the apartment buildings around her. And so when she looked up at the large moon hanging in the sky, it was its light she felt.

Absence. Rei had never felt this before, a deep, welling emptiness in her chest. Her life as far as she could remember had always been as it was. There was no other context, no alternative perspective. She could not want for she did not know what else could be until... Shinji. Staring up at the moon and the stars above her Rei felt a wetness on her cheek. Moving a hand a wipe it away, Rei found that she was crying. 'I am that I am, but I do not want to be.'

Feeling the growing chill of the night breeze on her skin Rei nodded to herself before returning inside to her bed, to dream of moons and stars and the blackness between them.​
Shinji felt his father stare at him, a hot sharpness in his eyes that seemed tinged with pain. "Yes. I did," he said firmly, "And I would take anything your grandmother said with a great deal of skepticism." Gendo leaned forward and looked Shinji in the eyes. "Loss can make monsters of us all."

Some people were monsters before said loss buddy.

Aoba slumped in his chair. "I am sorry about that. If it means anything you are a lot more than that to me."

Behold, Maya is so endearing and adorable that even the resident nihilist cares about her.

Rei sat at the edge of her bed, unable to sleep. The wounds from the test were healing well and yet there was something inside her, a sharp splinter of irritation that would not let her rest. Today had been... unlike any other she could recall. The Commander had summoned her to be with him when he picked up his son. Her presence apparently providing some utility but in what regard she was uncertain. Shinji... the Commander had asked her to inform him of his motions but to also... ingrain herself within his life. Rei did not understand the reasoning, nor did she understand to how best accomplish this task and yet... In the brief time that Rei had known Shinji, she could say with some assurance that she enjoyed his company, despite his frequent hesitation and confusion towards her. It seemed to her as if he was trying in some small way to be kind to her. Well... until today.

Poor Rei doesn't have a baseline for having friends or feeling hurt, or even the words to comprehend what she's even feeling right now. What's even worse is that Shinji wasn't even intentionally trying to be cruel to her, he was just trying to lash out at Gendo, I suppose that people really can't help unintentionally hurting others.
Some people were monsters before said loss buddy.
To be fair, love can make a monster of people too. It's just a question of if they realize it. Still, It's nice to see the man who Gendo once was poke through.

I know that if I talk about that side of me then that will be all I will be to some people. And I want to be more than that."
I feel like this was meant more for the readers as a warning than as a character building statement.
I feel like this was meant more for the readers as a warning than as a character building statement.
Eh, I hope it does not come off badly, but yes I wrote that around the time the Odd Problem thread was imploding so it did influence things a bit. As for it being a warning, I assure you its a warning for myself as much as it is a warning for anyone else. Just a nod to make sure their sexuality does not consume their characters.
The girl shook her head. "I don't know." She looked at her friend. "I'm really smart. I don't like to say that but I am. I would not have been top of my class or have been accepted as Doctor Akagi's assistant if that were not the case." Maya took a breath, pushing the thoughts of how her mentor related to any of this out of her mind. "I'm kind... when I can be." Maya took a moment to think. "I love spicy food. I'm allergic to cats. I have all of Asimov's works in hardcover over my bed... though I don't have much time to read them anymore, given everything. I spent two years in Germany training for this position and I think I have been down here too long because I am starting to prefer our shitty instant coffee to the high-end stuff they sell at cafes." Maya took a deep breath Aoba merely raised an eyebrow. "The point is. I'm afraid... I know that if I talk about that side of me then that will be all I will be to some people. And I want to be more than that."
the lovely bit about Pigeonholing aside, i loved this little glimpse into Maya's characyer. she does often get discarded by fan material (with some reason- Anno doesnt exactly go into her character beyond hurr hurr shes a childish gay girl), so seeing her get any characterization beyond the bare minimum is always refreshing
Mari was silent for a good while, a tension slicking the air. "Yes. As much as there times that I wished otherwise. The only person she loved more than him was you."​
thats gotta be the hardest thing for her to admit, iant it?
Really enjoyed this chapter, a lot, some great scenes and building. I really enjoyed seeing the little bits of development for Maya too. That little bit with her and Kodama being somewhat awkward was fun to read and the conversation afterwards with Aoba was great. it really adds a little spark to the world to see moments like that.

Your scene with Shinji talking to Gendo was interesting. I felt like Shinji snapping for a moment was very within his character, especially with how you've developed him. His immediate regret/exhaustion afterwards was also very in keeping with who he is too.

Nice little scene with Rei at the end too, her trying to understand emotion and the world around her really felt like her.

You're doing a great job of this. Keep it up :)
I feel like this was meant more for the readers as a warning than as a character building statement.

Well, there has to be something standing in the way of Maya pursuing Kodama or there's nothing to overcome. You know, other than the age difference, the power disparity, the fact that (unknown to basically everyone except Rits) Maya was the one who got Kodama hired, all those warning signs that a relationship between them may not actually be healthy.

That said-

As for it being a warning, I assure you its a warning for myself as much as it is a warning for anyone else. Just a nod to make sure their sexuality does not consume their characters.

I think you've demonstrated you have this in hand, Alex. Your characters are more human than I've seen in almost any Eva fic I've read.
"I see you brought that... thing with you. It was not enough to shame my daughter in life, must you shame her in death," she said.
Looks like Rei's gene-source isn't going to be much of a secret here, if it even still is. And boy is Shinji's grandmother pissed about it...
For the first time in his life, Shinji thought he saw his father smile. The subtle curl of the lip seemed to have a sly cruelty to it.
Sadly fitting that the first time Shinji sees his father smile, its a sneer of contempt. :(
Maya blinked. "You might ah... not say that kind of thing here. At least in front of anyone from Section Two, they can be a bit... touchy."
"That's..." Maya cut Kodama off and gave a slightly awkward expression it was her turn to try and not look overwhelmed. "That is something else I would not mention... if you would."
Maya and Kodama being adorkable aside, this is a nice, creepy reminder that NERV is... not the safest place to say some things, or be seen stepping out of line even a little bit, even if it's something as relatively normal and unremarkable as being gay.
"I only ask because..." Kodama flushed. "I might need to get adjusted a smidge before I can wear it. I know that I am a bit... er, wide in some places. "

Maya tried to bite her tongue as she fought to keep composure, her face flushing regardless. "I... didn't notice."
You are the worst liar, Maya. :V
Shinji seethed as he stared at his father, the man's features sagging for a moment. In the corner of his eye, he saw Rei, her expression wilting. God dammit, Shinji didn't mean to hurt Rei but he could not take back what he said
Ouch... you actually hurt him with that, Shinji. Congratulations? Unfortunately, Rei got caught in the blast too. :(
I'm allergic to cats.
That would have made dating Doctor Akagi awkward, if that had happened!
The man smiled back and ran his hands through his long hair. "Yes, to me you will always be the dork who brought a pink bunny pillow to work."
Hahaha, Maya's such a dork. :V Still the second best MAGI sysop in NERV, though.
Shinji opened his mouth to speak but then stopped. His first instinct was to tell Mari everything, about his family and SEELE and the destiny his grandmother had promised him. But like when he spoke to his father something in him held back. Ever since he became a Pilot Shinji had known little privacy outside the inches inside his own head. He was observed, tested, trained, and monitored. And it had only gotten worse since he had arrived and revealed himself. This was something, something real that he could have that they didn't know. One small inch of his life that was left unexamined.
I hope this doesn't come around to bite you in the ass, Shinji. As much as you want some small thing for your own, you shouldn't sit on something like this alone. This is the kind of thing you should talk about with friends. People like Kaworu or Asuka, who will understand your desire to not give every part of your life to NERV.
Mari was silent for a good while, a tension slicking the air. "Yes. As much as there times that I wished otherwise. The only person she loved more than him was you."
That can't have been easy for Mari to admit, or for Shinji to hear. As much as he'd want to, hearing something like that will only make the loss of his mother bite harder.
Poor Rei doesn't have a baseline for having friends or feeling hurt, or even the words to comprehend what she's even feeling right now. What's even worse is that Shinji wasn't even intentionally trying to be cruel to her, he was just trying to lash out at Gendo, I suppose that people really can't help unintentionally hurting others.
This. Is. Eva. You (Cannot) Escape The Hedgehog's Dilemma.
Your scene with Shinji talking to Gendo was interesting. I felt like Shinji snapping for a moment was very within his character, especially with how you've developed him. His immediate regret/exhaustion afterwards was also very in keeping with who he is too.
Shinji's got a lot of justifiable anger and hurt aimed at Gendo bubbling just under the surface even in canon, so yeah, this feels very in-character for him, as does his instant regret for catching Rei in the attack by accident. Shinji very, very much hates to hurt others, even to his own cost, and so hurting Rei by accident has got to sting.
Shinji's got a lot of justifiable anger and hurt aimed at Gendo bubbling just under the surface even in canon, so yeah, this feels very in-character for him, as does his instant regret for catching Rei in the attack by accident. Shinji very, very much hates to hurt others, even to his own cost, and so hurting Rei by accident has got to sting.

Oh very much so, and its that angle that can make Shinji quite an interesting character to write for. I really do feel that Alex managed to absolutely nail that about Shinji here as well, that outburst felt very much how I imagine Shinji to be. Sometimes in fics you see people forget that Shinji can be like that, they either play him up as far too meek or if they give him a bit of anger they go too far in that direction.
Sometimes in fics you see people forget that Shinji can be like that, they either play him up as far too meek or if they give him a bit of anger they go too far in that direction.
Quite. Canon Shinji has that anger balanced to immobility most of the time by his social awkwardness, fear of opening up to others, and utter lack of any sense of self-worth. So it mostly rides under the surface until something makes him snap. 'Luckily' for Earth, that is often when he's at the controls of Eva Unit-01, and there's an Angel in front of him.

Here, he's got at least a little self-worth thanks to Mari caring for him, so he's a little more free to lash out at his father, and hard enough to land some hits too.
Quite. Canon Shinji has that anger balanced to immobility most of the time by his social awkwardness, fear of opening up to others, and utter lack of any sense of self-worth. So it mostly rides under the surface until something makes him snap. 'Luckily' for Earth, that is often when he's at the controls of Eva Unit-01, and there's an Angel in front of him.

Here, he's got at least a little self-worth thanks to Mari caring for him, so he's a little more free to lash out at his father, and hard enough to land some hits too.
Something I wanted with the Shinji Gendo conversation. Something that made me rewrite the thing several times was the notion that I did not want it to be cool. This may seem odd but from my experience reading Eva fic I have noticed that if Shinji ever calls out Gendo it' usually done in a way that feels too manufactured. Shinji becomes far too eloquent and in control, able to tear down his father with a handfu of words while being completely unaffected by things like a desire for approval or longing (something basically the opposite of canon). So with that in mind I tried to have Shinji act more naturally. He lashes out but it's more sad and desperate then badass, inadvertently hurting someone who cares for him. I think a core tenant of good storytelling is restraint when you need it.
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Maya and Kodama being adorkable aside, this is a nice, creepy reminder that NERV is... not the safest place to say some things, or be seen stepping out of line even a little bit, even if it's something as relatively normal and unremarkable as being gay.
...Wait...i thought it was about linking Section 2 to any unsavory actions and Maya talking about NERV to a stranger, who could have been a plant.
You are the worst liar, Maya. :V
Yeah. We all know she noticed and she liked it.
Hahaha, Maya's such a dork. :V Still the second best MAGI sysop in NERV, though.
To be fair we don't really know enough about the other two. I mean we know the...glasses guy is loyal to Mistato, but that's about it.

While i enjoy the interactions between Maya and Kodama i can't help but want...more from their relationship instead of ship tease. Then again this could be because everything no a days has nothing but ship tease.

Something I wanted with the Shinji Gendo conversation. Something that made me rewrite the thing several times was the notion that I did not want it to be cool. This may seem odd but from my experience reading Eva fic I have noticed that if Shinji ever calls out Gendo it' usually done in a way that feels too manufactured. Shinji becomes far too eloquent and in control, able to tear down his father with a handfu of words while being completely unaffected by things like a desire for approval or longing (something basically the opposite of canon). So with that in mind I tried to have Shinji act more naturally. He lashes out but it's more sad and desperate then badass, inadvertently hurting someone who cares for him. I think a core tenant of good storytelling is restraint when you need it.
While you do have a point i must point out when Shinji does this he's had a spine put in him and a lot of time to think.
While i enjoy the interactions between Maya and Kodama i can't help but want...more from their relationship instead of ship tease. Then again this could be because everything no a days has nothing but ship tease.
dude they met like what, three days ago, in universe? have some patience.