Can we just take a moment to appreciate the fact that to the best of my knowledge, Alex is doing something no Evangelion fanfic writer has ever previously thought of doing and kicked off a story arc where Gendo has to deal with his mother-in-law?

Given how Gendo treats people who aren't Yui, it wouldn't be surprising for him to be picturing this happening to him should Kunohama turn Shinji to her side:


I don't know I think Gendo is a better fit for Vader. :p
Besides Shinji is a lot like Luke: Scared but with a heart in the right place. A much better pilot then people expect. Both struggle against their villainous fathers and both experience unsettling reveals that the hot girl they know is actually related to them.

I don't know I think Gendo is a better fit for Vader. :p
Besides Shinji is a lot like Luke: Scared but with a heart in the right place. A much better pilot then people expect. Both struggle against their villainous fathers and both experience unsettling reveals that the hot girl they know is actually related to them.

Hypothetical Future Rei Boyfriend:

Hey folks just wanted to say that the new interlude is written I am just waiting on editing from our good friend @Strypgia Thank you again for the help. I know this particular day is dragging a bit but given all the recent discussion of Gendo in the last chapter (something that will continue in the next main story chapter) I wanted an opportunity to step back and give the man a opportunity to speak for himself in a way. So the next interlude will take place a few months after impact just a little before Shinji is born.
I'm really looking forward to seeing how you expand upon Gendo going forward. It's very refreshing to see someone take the time to add some depth to Gendo's character. Like all characters in Eva I think it's definitely something worth exploring to see how he got to where he got to :)

Alex was foolish enough to give me the password to his router and I found this on his hard drive*. It's the end of Beauty and the Beast, and I'm posting it for your consuming pleasure.

Rebecca looked down at the figure on the bed. In better times, they would have looked like twins. But the years had left their marks on both of them. Rebecca was rounder, wrinkles starting to show. Her hair had darkened in the sunlight. Asuka, ironically, had paler hair. Her skin wasn't wrinkled; it was almost waxy. And she looked skinny - bony, even.

"So," Rebecca said, hesitantly. This part was always hard. "It's been another month. Captain Katsuragi is getting even more tense. I don't think it's an Angel. We haven't seen one of those since- ...since." She closed her eyes, bit her lip. "But your Evas are big, and powerful, and unstoppable, and I think she's worried that the Americans or China or Germany or someone who used to be a world power will want to take an Eva and a pilot and then-"
The woman next to Rebecca put an arm around her shoulders, squeezed lightly. "It will be fine," Rei said. "They will not succeed."

Rebecca relaxed a little. "Well, she's worried. So they have Touji and Rei and Kaworu on rotation at NERV, one of them has to be at headquarters at all times. And we have Section Two following us around again. Dad's gone home, but I'm staying here with Rei and Kaworu. I know you wouldn't- but you're not here to say anything, are you?"

"You should sit," Rei said. "Your condition- your feet- they advise-"

Rebecca scowled at her partner. "Three months, Rei. It's smaller than my hand, my feet are fine. Are you an idiot-" She snapped her mouth shut, her head unsteady.

Slowly, she turned back towards the hospital bed. "Oh, God, big sister, I just wish you were back." Then the tears burst forth.

Again, Rei tried to guide her into a chair, and this time she sat. Folding her arms on Asuka's bed, she rested her head in them, tears running into the hospital bedsheets. "I wanted you to see- I wanted you to meet-"

After a few minutes, the tears stopped.

"If it's a boy, we're naming him Shinji," she said. "If it's a girl, Asuka." She rose, planted a kiss on her sister's forehead.

"We were all watching the whole thing, Asuka. We know why you had to do it." She drew a shaky breath. "I just wish we hadn't lost both of you that day. We all do."

Rei's expression was typically blank, but Rebecca could see the doubt anyway.

She scowled and shook her head. "You come because you care," she said. "Kaworu doesn't come because he cares. She's the one who taught him people want to live, after all. It's just different, because you're different people. Now, come on, I did promise."

They left the room in the long-term care wing. As always, Rebecca touched the nameplate; Asuka Langley-Sohryu.

As always, she touched the nameplate on the next room, right before they went in to visit her comatose neighbor: Gendo Ikari.

*Oh, that was my hard drive. Whoops!

(Edit - clarified the age just a bit, just in case.)
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The funny thing about Kunohama is... yeah, she is SEELE. And yet even so, she has already proven herself to be not quite as terrible as Gendo. At least she is treating Shinji with some friendliness... maybe a played fake friendliness, but hey, Gendo couldn't even ever only muster that. And canon!Shinji said all he wanted was people pretending to be nice to him. And at least she is actually telling Shinji stuff - and it seems that, from the perspective of a SEELE fanatic, she even tells him what she genuinely considers to be the truth. Sure, she might be out to manipulate Shinji that way, but then, once again, Gendo has the same aims.

Plus, it's always nice to see Gendo panicking. If nothing else, Kunohama has achieved that :p

So, right now, if Shinji somehow had to decide, I do suppose the rational thing would be deciding for Kunohama.
Shinji's choice here is basically just picking whether he wants to be bitten by a viper or stung by a scorpion.

I mean he could tell them both to go to hell but that would probably just end up with all his friends kidnapped for leverage.
Shinji's choice here is basically just picking whether he wants to be bitten by a viper or stung by a scorpion.

I mean he could tell them both to go to hell but that would probably just end up with all his friends kidnapped for leverage.
Also, why throw away a perfectly good source of information? And even if he doesn't care about all the intrigue stuff, he cares about maybe being able to get information about his mother. Which, well, is a valid aim.

But more to the point, that question is purely hypothetical. So far, he can stay in contact with Kunohama without telling Gendo to stuff it. He doesn't need to choose, but well, he'd also be kinda powerless to. Such things, the whole SEELE business and all that, is kinda really, really outside his control, after all.

Still, I think Shinji should stay in touch with Kunohama if ever possible. Better than to be just exposed to only Gendo.
Shinji's choice here is basically just picking whether he wants to be bitten by a viper or stung by a scorpion.

Both sound like bad options, but given the Eva fandoms propensity for fighting over Shinji's life decisions I am half expecting people to start declaring for team viper and team scorpion. :p
Interlude 6
Hello All! Its good to put out something new. Please give @Strypgia a hand for his help editing my mess. I know this is a break from what is going on in the story but thematically it makes sense. Given all the discussion in the previous chapters about Gendo's character I thought it would good to get some exploration of that in a flashback. I hope you enjoy and I hope I can get the next proper chapter out soon.

The outskirts of Yokohama July 4, 2001

Gendo walked along the cracked pavement alley between the towering, dilapidated, housing blocks. Behind him the sun was setting slowly, painting everything in a withering orange light. Remembering the directions he was given he crossed an empty lot, stopping only when he heard some children playing in the distance. Gendo could not help but wonder if they were old enough to truly understand what Second Impact had done, but he supposed hunger was a universal language. It was worse than anything he had witnessed when he was young, he had no illusions about that. The weathered buildings and creeping decay were more than any he had faced when he was a child. But it was not so much that he did not feel some twangs of memory from times long faded as he neared the apartment where his father supposedly lived.

It took more than a moment, far longer then he would admit, for Gendo to muster the courage to reach inside his jacket past the cold metal of the Czech pistol to the key he had gotten from the landlord. Entering the apartment Gendo was so overcome with the smell of rot, that had to cover his mouth to stop from gagging. One step at a time he moved down the hall, the floor creaking under his boots as he avoided stepping on errant bottles or garbage. Nearing the end of the hall he heard a familiar voice.

"I told you I don't have the money right now! Come back next week and I can scrounge up something..." The voice stopped as Gendo turned the corner putting him in the speaker's view. "Oh... it's you."

Gendo grit his teeth and looked across the room to his father who was sitting on a what looked to be a very worn couch. "Yes, it's me."

It had been years since Gendo had seen his father but some things never changed. He was older, with deep lines etched in his face and grey streaks in his hair but the creature underneath was the same. The same sallow nicotine stains still marked his fingers, the same sour stink of booze filled the air, and the same cold disgust filled his eyes. "So you came back. What happened? Did your little gang kick you out? Or you still the same punk as last time?"

Gendo almost smiled. "The nature of my company has not changed drastically... only the scale."

The man grunted and leaned forward grabbing a can of beer from among others and taking a swig. "So my boy has made it in the world. Yippee," he said flatly before chuckling "I don't suppose you can spare your old man some cash so I can get back on my feet?"

"No... I think not. The truth is... I think we both know why I am here." Gendo reached into his jacket and with great satisfaction pulled his CZ 75 from the holster. Before pointing it at his father.

To his credit his father did not shrink or back down, only sighing as he saw the weapon and taking another swig of beer. "So that is how it is. I guess I should not be surprised. You always were a little shit. Too much of your mother in..."

Gendo stiffened. "Don't talk about her." Gendo insisted, motioning with the gun. "After what you did you don't get that right."

The man chuckled. "Or what? You'll shoot me? If you didn't want to hear me talk you would not have come. You could have sent one of your little friends but you didn't. So let's do this... but let's not pretend its something its not." There was a disgusted look on his face "Why now? If I can ask that."

Gendo took a moment before answering. "I thought you would have died in Second Impact. But then I get a message from a... source I know, and he tells me your alive and well..." Gendo motioned around the disheveled apartment. "Well... alive anyway. And truth be told..." Gendo stopped as the words felt heavy on his mouth. " wife is pregnant. Our son is coming soon and I could not stand to think of him opening his eyes and seeing a world with you in it." Gendo breathed out slowly. "And because I hate you."

That made the man pause for a moment, his face darkening. "Good. Better that then the little pussy you were, scared of your own shadow. You needed a hard hand and that's what I gave you. Your mother..." He paused for a moment eyeing the gun "Your mother never understood that. But look at you now..." He gave his son a mocking smile "Big man."

"I am my father's son." Gendo grit his teeth. "I am what you made me. But don't you dare say that all... that was for my own good. You were not some wise teacher, you were a bully and a drunk who took the shame of his own failures out on his family."

Gendo's father laughed. "Don't be so fucking dramatic. I didn't you do anything you didn't deserve. Don't paint yourself as some saint after all you and your friends have done." He reached over again and took the beer can, swishing around the last of it before downing it. "If you think this is gonna end with some big confession. Or that I am gonna beg like a dog you have another thing coming."

Gendo held the pistol tighter, the sweat from his hands making the weapon feel clumsy. Swallowing deeply he steadied his aim. "Then I guess this is it."

"Wait!" A bead of sweat dripped down his father's face as he threw out a hand. "Put the gun down, we can settle this like real men." The couch creaked as he began to get up. "Don't you want to..."

Gendo did not give his father a chance to finish. With several loud cracks Gendo fired one shot after another into the man's chest before his target collapsed forward into the coffee table, scattering empty beer cans along the floor.

His ears ringing and his wrist sore Gendo put away the gun, the sour smoke of the weapon still fresh in the air. Gendo breathed in deeply as he leaned over looking as blood began to stain the carpet beneath him. It was over. Gendo breathed out, his hands still shaking as the weight of what he had done hit deep in his chest. He tried to control himself as his vision blurred, to force down all the memories desperate pleas and pain. He did not think it would be like this, after all he had done, after the billions he had left in his wake he expected to be stronger. What was one more in the shadow of all that? But it did not stop, the feelings just twisted inside him until he could take it no longer and retched on the floor in front of him. Yui. He had to go back, some part of him knew that even in a place like this the neighbors would only ignore sounds of gunshots for so long. Taking one final moment to look at the dead figure of his father Gendo steeled himself and turned to leave. Only to find a boy in the door frame behind him.

Perhaps it was Gendo's eyes, or his own mind deceiving him but in some ways, the youth before him looked familiar. A dark mop of brown hair and grey-blue eyes like stormy water. He did not say anything but simply looked past Gendo towards the body behind him curiously. Swearing under his breath Gendo pulled out his wallet and pulled out a handful of bills, and thrust them into the hands of the boy. "You didn't see anything."

The walk back to his car through the rotting slum was a liberating one. Each step he took farther away from that hole and closer to Yui was a gasp of life. Driving away through the policed checkpoint he felt clean. Walking down the street to the house he shared with Yui he felt redeemed.

"I'm home," Gendo said, trying his best to hide any uneasiness in his voice as he made his way to the kitchen. Smiling broadly as he saw his wife at the counter putting away cups. Without another word, he wrapped his arms around her waist to her round belly. "I missed you," Gendo said softly into his love's ear.

Yui giggled at her husband as she put away the last of the cups and leaned back into Gendo's arms. Her hands reaching down and intertwining with his. "Your stubble is tickling my neck. " Letting go for a moment she turned to step away and look at her husband. " How was your day? You were gone for a while. Stuck in meetings with the board again?"

Gendo sighed and shook his head, his heart stopping for a moment before looking his wife in her warm blue eyes. "Just some business that needed to taken care of. It's fine." Gendo smiled as he pulled up a chair. "How are you feeling? Is the nausea better? You're back?"

Yui laughed and put a hand on Gendo's shoulder encouragingly "I'm fine, you worry too much... I feel like I am big as a house but I am fine."

Gendo smiled. "You will never not be beautiful to me."

Yui shook her head. "Stop that, you'll make me blush." Yui paused for a moment, rubbing a hand over her stomach and thinking. "You know I think we should start talking about names. What do you think?"

Gendo shook his head. "I don't think that I am... the right sort of man to help with that kind of thing. I trust whatever you have in mind."

Yui laughed again, her warm voice lifting Gendo up like a light. "Idiot..." She reached out and took Gendo's hand, running her fingers over the warm gold of his wedding ring. "You gave up your name for me... You should decide their name."

Gendo looked into his wife's eyes, his heart melting. "I told you before my name wasn't something that mattered to me but if you want me too..." Gendo thought for a moment, his voice steady and deliberate. "If it's a boy, Shinji, a girl... Rei."
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Powerful little segment there, the description of the area he was in was fantastic. You really got a feel for the exact sort of area it was. When it came to the confrontation itself, again really well handled. Very well done, the bit afterwards to, the handling of the contrast between the two, again great job :)
A dark mop of brown hair and grey-blue eyes like stormy water. He did not say anything but simply looked past Gendo towards the body behind him curiously. Swearing under his breath Gendo pulled out his wallet and pulled out a handful of bills, and thrust them into the hands of the boy. "You didn't see anything.
Is this kaji? Description sounds like him
Is this kaji? Description sounds like him
Not really. But you are free to see it like that if you want to. It fits timeline wise and thematically. To me he served more as a symbol of the cyclical nature of abuse. Gendo killed his father so that he could cut off that part of his own life, but as we know both here and in canon it did not stop him from hurting his own son in his own way. The boy in a way is a reflection of the boy Gendo was and the boy Gendo inadvertently creates. Gendo kills his father to run away from his own pain and then ignores it lies about it and covers it up. I had Gendo's dad talk about young Gendo in a way that is quite similar to canon Shinji for a reason. Abuse can beget abuse and pain can beget pain if you don't face it and overcome it properly.

Stop me if any of this makes any sense.
"Wait!" A bead a sweat dripped down his father's face as he threw out a hand "Put the gun down, we can settle this like real men."The couch creaked as he began to get up "Don't you want to..."
Gendo did not give his father a chance to finish, with several loud cracks Gendo fired one shot after another into the man's chest before he collapsed forward into the coffee table, scattering empty beer cans along the floor.
At least Gendo knows the key to winning a fight: don't let there be one if you can help it.
It took more than a moment, far longer then he would admit for Gendo to muster the courage to reach inside his jacket past the cold metal of the Czech pistol to the key he had gotten from the landlord.
He just wanted to czech if it's still there.

Gendo took a moment before answering. "I thought you would have died in Second Impact. But then I get a message from a... source I know, and he tells me your alive and well..." Gendo motioned around the disheveled apartment. "Well... alive anyway. And truth be told..." Gendo stopped as the words felt heavy on his mouth. " wife is pregnant. Our son is coming soon and I could not stand to think of him opening his eyes and seeing a world with you in it." Gendo breathed out slowly. "And because I hate you."

Anyone surprised that I don't really hold this against Gendo? Anyone? Yeah, didn't think so :p
Though the contrast is quite nice. "What you and your friends have done"... yeah. 3b victims. That can be held against Gendo.

Gendo breathed out, his hands still shaking as the weight of what he had done hit deep in his chest. He tried to control himself as his vision blurred, to force down all the memories desperate pleas and pain. He did not think it would be like this, after all he had done, after the billions he had left in his wake he expected to be stronger. What was one more in the shadow of all that? But it did not stop, the feelings just twisted inside him until he could take it no longer and retched on the floor in front of him.
<Insert that famous Stalin quote here>

Gendo smiled "You will never not be beautiful to me."

Yui shook her head "Stop that you'll make me blush."
It's a nice romantic banter. Which creates another stark contrast, which in turn is quite telling about Gendo. Though, once again I do not hold that against him. Love those who deserve love, and hate those who deserve hate.

Stop me if any of this makes any sense.
*stops you* :p
Well, that is, it makes sense with Gendo. Regarding Shinji, well you know where we stand regarding that.
Our son is coming soon and I could not stand to think of him opening his eyes and seeing a world with you in it." Gendo breathed out slowly. "And because I hate you."

Well on the one hand that could be a ton of foreshadowing to Gendo's ultimate fate (seriously the people who actually like the man can be counted on one finger).

On the other hand, given that Grandma Ikari just intoned that Gendo only married Yui because of her wealth and connections Shinji finding out that his paternal grandfather died under mysterious circumstances might lead him to think that his mom's 'death' wasn't an accident at all, Gendo killed her. Plus its not like his father has exactly done anything that might actually give him the benefit of the doubt.
Did Gendo actually have anything to do with Second Impact beyond the document collection? I was under the impression that whole thing was set up by the higher levels and Gendo was basically just an errand boy at the time.
Gendo was on the Katsuragi Expedition but got out of Antarctica just in time before 2I started. And IIRC, Fuyutsuki was very suspicious of that fact, so the implication is that Gendo knew what would happen and basically was the expedition's handler from SEELE.
Gendo was on the Katsuragi Expedition but got out of Antarctica just in time before 2I started. And IIRC, Fuyutsuki was very suspicious of that fact, so the implication is that Gendo knew what would happen and basically was the expedition's handler from SEELE.
That only tells us that he knew it was coming and that SEELE orginized the expedition, not that a junior member planned and executed the first step in SEELE endgame. Besides, you don't send the guy who comes up with the plan into the line of fire. 2I likely was Gendo cutting his teeth for SEELE, more than anything.
That only tells us that he knew it was coming and that SEELE orginized the expedition, not that a junior member planned and executed the first step in SEELE endgame. Besides, you don't send the guy who comes up with the plan into the line of fire. 2I likely was Gendo cutting his teeth for SEELE, more than anything.
Well, if you mean by that that Gendo wasn't the big mastermind behind 2I, then, duh. Nobody really claimed that. But he was involved in making it happen - and hence was involved in the murder of 3b people.