Gendo's also trying to get him to 'come home,' which is something canon Shinji would go for until Gendo burned him a few more times. BnB!Shinji has a home and a mom.

Oh wait.

"It's time to come home, Shinji. Now."

"And why should I?"

"Pilot Ikari."

"Oh, hi, Rei."

"You should get in the car."



"Get in the car Shinji or Rei will have to do it again!"

"Were you going to leave Rei here?"


"But then wouldn't Rei have to get back into the car anyway?"


"So your ultimatum doesn't really make much sense."

Guts: "Hey, you wanna join my club? We've got sweet t-shirts."
You're six months late for that joke, I'm afraid. They're off the boat
in Elfhiem, with Casca's mind being healed. The core of her troubles are a giant bird, a hand statue made of thorns under an eclipse and a big, three-legged, one-eyed dog.
No points for guessing the symbolism there.
You're six months late for that joke, I'm afraid. They're off the boat
in Elfhiem, with Casca's mind being healed. The core of her troubles are a giant bird, a hand statue made of thorns under an eclipse and a big, three-legged, one-eyed dog.
No points for guessing the symbolism there.
Berserk and Evangelion share a connection in that Shiro Sagisu did music for both the berserk anime and rebuild.
he did the music for all the evangelions, not just rebuild.

he also did the music for Expelled from Paradise (which is a fantastic movie and everyone should watch it at least once) and iirc its a Gainax production.

AND also the music for one of my favourite animes, Nadia of the Mysterious Seas. (A few of my favourite cues are "Life on a Battleship" [that folk rock-sounding arrangement with a Fender Rhodes is one of my favourites], and the cues that play while Jean and Nadia are at his home.)
Berserk and Evangelion share a connection in that Shiro Sagisu did music for both the berserk anime and rebuild.

Touji: "Yeah its an anime about this soldier guy with this big huge sword who winds up in this mercenary band with this white-haired, bishie-looking guy who's secretly a villain that turns into this eldritch abomination demon thing and ruins everything for him leading to a rampage of revenge."

Shinji and Kaworu stare at Touji

Kaworu: "And this is a manga?"
Touji: "Yeah its an anime about this soldier guy with this big huge sword who winds up in this mercenary band with this white-haired, bishie-looking guy who's secretly a villain that turns into this eldritch abomination demon thing and ruins everything for him leading to a rampage of revenge."

Shinji and Kaworu stare at Touji

Kaworu: "And this is a manga?"
Touji "Obviously I'm Guts, big tough guy with a metal arm?"

Shinji "But I a closer to Kaworu, who with both agree is Griffith then you. Plus my Eva literally has a berserk state!"
Touji "Obviously I'm Guts, big tough guy with a metal arm?"

Shinji "But I a closer to Kaworu, who with both agree is Griffith then you. Plus my Eva literally has a berserk state!"
Touji: "Yeah well..."

Shinji: "Plus, I'm the one with the life that can be summed up with 'and then it got a little better before becoming so much worse than before,' yeah?"

Touji: "When you put it like tha-"

Shinji: "And my EVA is the one that keeps getting arm related damage. And got its right eye gouged out one time. ...Man, someone up there must have it in for me, or something."
Touji: "Yeah well..."

Shinji: "Plus, I'm the one with the life that can be summed up with 'and then it got a little better before becoming so much worse than before,' yeah?"

Touji: "When you put it like tha-"

Shinji: "And my EVA is the one that keeps getting arm related damage. And got its right eye gouged out one time. ...Man, someone up there must have it in for me, or something."

If god had it out for you Shinji you'd be stuck in a Kirby crossover.

Just imagine, you could watch your fellow EVA pilots split in half and grow giant eyeballs in their chests with eyelashes made of teeth. That are only weak to the power of happiness and love.
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And whats worse those things are not exactly common in the Eva verse:p

Misato: Okay everyone, how do we kill the giant hell eyeball that is currently possessing our best pilot and shooting knives of its own blood at the rest of our Evangelions.

Maya: Well, I've done some research, and I think we might be able to beat it! We just need a special weapon out of this list I compiled!

Misato: Wow, that's actually really good to hear! So what do we use?

Maya: Do we have a Star Rod?

Misato: What? No, we don't have whatever that is.

MAya: then do we have the Rainbow Sword? Or the Galaxia?

Misato: No!

Maya: Love-love Stick?

Misato: are you mocking me?!

Maya: Take that as a no, then...Ribbon Crystal?

Misato: ...No.

Maya: ...Triple Star Sceptre?

Misato: ...

Maya: .........Ultra Sword?

Misato: We have none of those.

Maya: Then according to my research, we are, to put it politely, 'Super boned'.
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Sure trying to convince your son to join your cause is going to work great when you regarded him as being less-than-human, locked him up for a few days, put him through a battery of invasive tests, and then drag him away from someone who's painting a convincing image that you were a lowlife who only married his mother for wealth and power. That's going to go great.
Yeah it's like Shinji said in the chapter. He does not want to believe what Kunohama is selling just because it lines up with his pre-existing feelings of his father but at the same time he really does not have any evidence against it either.
Well that was certainly very intriguing. Shinji learning about SEELE puts him in a very interesting position and I do wonder what Kunohama's aims are here. From the way she was speaking it seemed like she was part of SEELE and going along with them, but I wonder if perhaps she feels differently and wants to steer Shinji towards a certain path. It looks like there are quite a few people interested in poor Shinji at this point, it is not going to be easy for him.
It does feel very transgressive in a way, as I have said elsewhere Shinji is largely defined by his helplessness. Giving him superpowers or insider information is a fast track to ruining the character. But then I realized that in a lot of ways, me giving him powers and info can reinforce that conceit not destroy it. Shinji has the heart of a alien god in his chest but is still paralyzed by his own neurosis. He knows about SEELE and NERV but is powerless to stop it. Because lets face it, even if Shinji had everything laid out and explained to him there is very little he can do. Sorry Thousand Shinji but a master manipulator Shinji is not. So in this way I feel like I playing with what would be red flags for the fandom, but hopefully avoid the reasons they cause problems.
...oh shit, she's a fanatic. Well, you don't get to be that close to the innermost core of SEELE without being a True Believer. Sorry Shinji, looks like your grandmother is as mad as Kihl...
To explain a bit what was covered very briefly in the chapter. Kunohama is close to the inner core of SEELE but is not on the council proper. Her late husband was but when he died his position was given to someone else for a number of reasons. Who now holds Hiroyuiki's (Kunohama's late husband and Shinji's grandfather) old seat will most likely come up soon in the fic.
Odd to think that for as dysfunctional and unhealthy much of the relationship between Asuka and her sister is, it's still so much more than Shinji or Kaworu ever had that they'd envy it. :(
I am not adopted but to me it seems like a semi common thing for children who grow up away from their biological family to become anxious over their "real family". There seems to be a level of inherent uncertainty in it despite how illogical it may be. What Shinji feared most of all growing up is that everything good he was given would be taken away and he would be once again alone.

Working on the new chapter a bit slowly but hopefully much faster then the last one:p Just keep poking me and it will come.
Can we just take a moment to appreciate the fact that to the best of my knowledge, Alex is doing something no Evangelion fanfic writer has ever previously thought of doing and kicked off a story arc where Gendo has to deal with his mother-in-law?
Because lets face it, even if Shinji had everything laid out and explained to him there is very little he can do.

This is something I've actually been thinking about lately to be honest. Toyed with the idea of doing one of those stories where after EoE are sent back in time to just before the Third Angel and figuring out what they would do with that knowledge. How much would it really help them? Who would/could they tell? Who would/could believe them? What implications would it have on their mental health, not only knowing all of this but what they had done in the past?

I think it'd be quite interesting to explore it in a more serious context.

Just keep poking me and it will come.

*Prepares poking finger*
Can we just take a moment to appreciate the fact that to the best of my knowledge, Alex is doing something no Evangelion fanfic writer has ever previously thought of doing and kicked off a story arc where Gendo has to deal with his mother-in-law?
I hadn't thought about that, but yeah. This is actually a completely original fanfic plot element, in a 22-year old fandom. That takes skill, @Alex.