yui = his real mother.
misato = foster mother / guardian.
rei = clone of his mother.

shinji sees anima asuka.

"don't you even dare to think about it"

"It's too late baka shinji. Now I will overtake misato and rei ... when that happens the real battle Will begin. between yui and me ... there it will be decided who your mommy is ... I will earn the right to call you my shinji brat . "

meanwhile inside unit 01.

"a worthy opponent has finally emerged"

with shinji.

"Hey! Mari! Come back to look for me, I'm going with you to that new cycle ... this shit is too much for me, all the women I know want to be or they end up becoming my mother"
Meanwhile in BNB Asuka is like a sort of sister to him and Kaworu has a sorta brother vibe with him being the other adamite on the earth. Poor Shinji he can't romance anyone without lingering shades of familial connection. :V
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Chapter 27. It sparks for how much adrenaline it has. It's viciously kinetic and to start, I just want to emphasize how good you were with the fight scene and the overall action. When I read this chapter, the urgency was real.

Shinji tasted blood on his tongue as he opened his eyes to see fire and collapsed concrete all around him. It was all too much to take. His senses seemed to blend and roil, strange colors and sounds mixing in the corners of his mind until one called to him above the rest; a strange wet numbness in his side, his soaked jacket sticking to his skin. Confused, Shinji reached down, his mind still spinning until he felt it, a long piece of brown steel rebar stabbing down into him and out the other side.

Good use of multiple senses described here. Gives more detail and the image created in the mind is stronger for it.

Something on Langley's face changed, the panic replaced by a clenched jaw and a sure eye. "I'll go with you. My daughter is in there and I don't intend to..."

Shinji felt an anger and desperation rise in his chest. "You have another daughter right there!" he yelled, his voice coming out more snappish then he wanted it to. "Just stay here and be safe! I... I need to do this." He gave the two one final look before nodding and running into the building, praying to whoever was listening that Asuka and Kaworu were still okay.

I like how Langley is trying even though there's not really anything he can do. And Shinji is carrying so much on himself in terms of caring about people.

"Asuka... Kaworu," Misato spoke quietly as she clicked something on her black, snub-nosed pistol. "On my mark I am going to try and give you two a distraction. Get out of here and don't look back. Just make your way to an exit and try to find someone in a NERV uniform."

"Misato..." Asuka pleaded, knowing exactly what the woman was proposing.

"Don't start. It's my job to keep you two safe and I intend to do it." She gave the girl a pained smile. "Don't worry. I'm good at this and I will be right behind you."

Asuka grit her teeth but nodded, reaching back and grabbing hold of the scared boy's hand. "Okay. Thank you... Captain."

The men grew close enough for Asuka to hear their hoarse breathing through their dark gas masks. She kept one hand on her sword, the other holding Kaworu's sweaty palm.

It's also nice to see Misato being badass and taking charge. Asuka listening and legit caring for people without putting up a harsh exterior, since it's life and death, that's also very satisfying.

Mana ignored the comment, instead smiling her eerie smile and nodding toward the gun in the captain's grip. "I am afraid I will have to take that, but then we can be on our way."

At that Misato reeled back, pointing the gun directly at the girl's overly cheery face. "That is not gonna happen."

Asuka froze as the secretary's two bodyguards followed suit, directing their weapons at the captain while between them Mana just smirked. "There is a lot of confusion right now... the JSSDF is trying to re-establish control of the situation as quickly as possible so please... hand over your weapon and submit yourself into our custody... at least until this is all over."

Tension so strong I can easily visualize the dramatic film slow motion. The way you positioned action and speech clinched it. It all came together here.

"Asuka Langley Soryu..." Even in the smokey darkness of the room Asuka could see the girl's ice blue eyes stare into her. "You have no idea how long I have waited for this moment."

"What the Hell did I ever do to you?" Asuka asked desperately, instinctively putting herself between the girl and Kaworu.

"Nothing... and everything," Mana growled, cracking her gloved knuckles. "But I didn't come here to talk. Come here and show me what NERV's little poster girl can do!"

Asuka didn't know why the girl hated her so much, but if she wanted a fight she was more then willing to give her one. Drawing the filigreed sword from its red lacquered sheath, the redheaded Pilot charged at the woman with her best battle cry.

I actually got excited and smiled and said woah in real life at this part.

"I said STOP!" Opening his eyes again he watched as his AT-Field surged, washing out like a red tidal wave until it hit the two soldiers, burning their bodies and sending them flying.

Shinji fell to one knee as the horrible din of the weapons was replaced by relative silence the only sounds being his own panting and the shrill whining of his bracelet. Those were people... those were real people... Shinji felt his stomach twist into a knot as he looked at their charred bodies... 'No, I can't stop, I can't run away, I need to go save Asuka and Kaworu, I need to, I need to...'

The action, the activation and surge of his AT Field was done quickly. But the worry and the guilt and the other feelings, I can see immediately how heavy they are to him and how much they linger. I love it.

Asuka blinked as something in her vision made her eyes go wide, a certain platinum blonde idiot hefting a chair over his shoulder before swinging it hard into Mana's back, making her stumble with a cry of pain as she let go of Asuka.

The Second Pilot forced herself to stand, sucking in as much air as she could as she scrambled to grab her fallen sword. "And that's why they try to have us fight in teams, you crazy bitch!" Asuka could not help but smile at her fellow Pilot for the assist.

Love how he finally figures he should do something. It was nice seeing Kaworu be in a position of fear and uncertainty. But we gotta see him be cool too.

"No... I... not now... no..." The anger in the girl's voice was gone, replaced by a desperate cloying sadness. She pawed at the air as her body twitched horribly at her joints.

It almost made Asuka sorry for her, whatever was going on, but her sense of self-preservation far outweighed any guilt. Not wanting to waste the opening, Asuka took her sword and ran the girl through, the blade bursting out of her back with a wet smack.

The twitching and the "wet smack" were great choices for description. Visceral. Makes you shudder just imagining it.

It took Asuka a moment to recognize her friend, his form enveloped and enshrouded in the same pulsing orange field she had seen from Angels and Evas, and his eyes... it made Asuka shudder to look at them, his eyes were pure white, with a light that pierced through the smoke and darkness of the hallway to stare right into her soul.

"Is that really Shinji?" Kaworu echoed Asuka's question, his voice holding a strange glee Asuka did not understand.

"No," Misato mumbled between them, barely audible. "Adam."

Whoever it was it saw them and rushed forward with inhuman speed, reaching the fiery pile in an instant before tearing it apart with his bare hands, tossing aside huge chunks of steel concrete and wood like they were nothing until no more stood between him and the trio.

"Aaaaasuuuuukaaaaaaa! Kaaaaaaaaaaowrrrruuuuuu!" The creature roared and the ground beneath them rumbled in turn as he looked them over.

This was so intense. Again, seeing this in my head as a scene from a film, it's chilling to imagine. I wonder how guilty Shinji feels afterwards, scaring his friends like that.

"And that is?" Misato's eyes met the man's. He was lying, of course, the woman had enough experience with men like him to know that, but curiously he also wasn't wrong.

"If the time comes you no longer have faith in your superiors' leadership, please give me a call. That phone is encrypted and protected, it should give you one good call from the Geofront or three or four outside without getting traced to either of us."

After all that had happened to her today, Misato's first reaction to hearing that load was to try to hit Stern with the phone hard enough to knock those stupid glasses off his face, but as she calmed herself she knew she wouldn't. He was right, she was getting extremely tired of all the mysterious nonsense thrown up by the Commander and his friends like Kozo and Mari, especially after seeing what they did to Shinji... "Fine, no reason not to have a backup."

There's so much tension. I love the sinister vibe Stern has.
It's also nice to see Misato being badass and taking charge. Asuka listening and legit caring for people without putting up a harsh exterior, since it's life and death, that's also very satisfying.
Love how he finally figures he should do something. It was nice seeing Kaworu be in a position of fear and uncertainty. But we gotta see him be cool too.
Glad you enjoyed, the conference and the battle were something I spent a lot of time building up to.

As for the next chapter, it is coming just slowly, last month I had some personal vacation time and this month with Christmas and work there is not much room for writing either, expect the next chapter to be out early January.
Behold something interesting, the only known image I could find of Asuka's stepmom and sister ever shown. Interestingly for a while people thought it meant Mari was Asuka's stepmom due to similar looks (thank goodness that turned out to be false).

Funnily enough when I first saw the photo on the left I thought it was a photo of Kyoko and thought it meant Mari was a clone of her thus explaining her ability to pilot unit 02. Of course that too turned out false as it happens…though that means we still don't know how Mari could pilot unit 02 in rebuild?! Damn eva and it's plotholes!

Anyway I thought Asuka's sister was a younger half sister born of the affair Asuka's dad had with Kyoko's nurse but apparently in the manga Asuka's was born via invitro after Kyoko's husband left her so the two girls are totally unrelated in the manga.
Funnily enough when I first saw the photo on the left I thought it was a photo of Kyoko and thought it meant Mari was a clone of her thus explaining her ability to pilot unit 02. Of course that too turned out false as it happens…though that means we still don't know how Mari could pilot unit 02 in rebuild?! Damn eva and it's plotholes!

I think the evas in the rebuild work differently than the ones in the manga/anime. the only evas that have souls and are special in that sense are unit 01 and 13. I think that in rebuild they found a way to make the evas work without the whole thing of having to eat someone's soul first, although now the pilots must be created artificially or must be modified in some way to pilot and stop being human ... not even shinji is classified as human in 3.0 + 1.0 it seems that he is on his way to become something else and was going to stop being "lillim ". and of course gendo who abandoned his humanity and that is why he can pilot the eva 13. And mari, the immortal/clone/demi-goddess/angel girl/female kaworu?


Insufficient information to reach a conclusion without using headcanons.
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Christmas preview
Heyo Folks Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all! I should be able to get back into writing and finishing this chapter soon, but until then let me try and tied you over with a Christmas gift of a preview with the first bit of the next chapter.

Chapter 41:
Half an unfamiliar ceiling drifted in front of Asuka's face, her mind straining as it tried to get used to the shadow on her right side. It was not something she expected to get used to any time soon but the warmth of Shinji's touch on her cheek made it bearable.

"I still can't believe you did that."

Shinji's voice was soft from the other side of the bed, seemingly reading her mind as she stared up from her place on his stomach to look above her.

"I had to leave a bit of myself behind as a connection." she shrugged pretending it wasn't affecting her as much as it was as she reached up and traced a finger over her new black leather patch "If I still wanted to pilot."

"That's what I mean, you didn't have to... I could have done it for you you know."

Asuka shrugged again and pouted "I am not going to stop piloting Shinji I Just... I am doing it for myself now not because of some big dumb plan for me. Besides. I don't think I could handle sitting on the sidelines and watching."

"I guess..."

"Besides you need me, what was all that you said before? There is so much out there, SEELE, Stern... cant believe that guy turned out to be anything... your dad and Rits, probably the government too... its too much to shoulder alone, S2 engine or not."

"Not to mention Kaworu." Shinji said sadly "he spent a month out here while I was in Valkyrie and he didn't make a move, that either means he is serious about abiding by the deal or confident enough it doesn't matter." Shinji flinched, hating to admit his own weakness "I just... don't know what to do."

"I told you I have some ideas I just..."

The two froze as they heard the door to the apartment slide open making them both scramble off the bed grabbing what clothing they had shed earlier.

Asuka gulped as she threw her hoodie over her shoulders, hoping their words had not caused the devil to so soon appear. Instead, another voice no less familiar to Asuka wafted through the apartment uncertainly.

"Uh, Asuka? Shinji? They said you guys were here... the door was unlocked."


Asuka felt tears fall down half her face and the floor move from under her before she felt her feet touch the ground, rushing out of Shinji's room towards the entrance to the apartment where her sister stood before her, a mess of blonde hair unkempt fallen over her face.

"I'm really... I should not have come in I just..." the blonde yelped as Asuka wrapped two arms around her, pulling her in close before nestling her face into her shoulder.

"I am so sorry." Asuka cried and hugged more feeling her sister finally respond in kind "I am so so sorry."

Now Rebecca was crying too as the siblings joined together, a bond that was never quite there before now forming in an instant in the dim light of the doorway.

"I'm just... I am really glad you're back. I missed you."

"You did?" Asuka swallowed, she didn't think she was the kind of person who deserved to be missed.

"Of course." Rebecca nodded before wiping her eyes with the end of her sweater's sleeve. "Your my family aren't you? I... I don't have a lot of that left to lose..."

"Oh, Rebecca." Asuka broke the hug and looked her sister in the face, brushing aside a strand of hair from her brow "I wasn't the friend you needed me to be, let alone the sister. If you'll have me... I'd like to start again."

Rebecca went silent for a moment, clearly apprehensive at the thought of being hurt again before giving in "Of course, I would... I just.. don't really know what that means."

"I think that's something you will both have to figure out for yourselves."

The two turned their heads to see Shinji put on his shoes and jacket next to the door

"You don't need to..." Asuka reached out a hand.

"Nah it's okay, I think I want to get some air, besides you two should have some privacy to talk, I am sure you have a lot to talk about."

"Thanks... but. I need to do this too..." Rebecca broke her hug with Asuka and got up to smile at Shinji and grabbed him in a big hug "thanks for saving my sister."

Asuka laughed as she watched her boyfriend's face light up in a blush from the sudden hug it was good to know despite everything, despite the power that burned under the boy's skin he could still be flustered so easily. "I... ah... anytime." He smiled and let go, inching towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Asuka asked absently as the front door hissed open.

"Town I guess, maybe get something to eat..." he gave a half-hearted smile and left the two a sombre silence quickly replacing his presence.

"So..." Asuka looked her sister over, not sure what to say. How do you find something you threw away? "How have you and Misato been..."

"Busy," Rebecca cut in "She's mostly been working so I have had to learn how to cook a bit by myself," She smiled "Maybe I can make something for you and Shinji sometime?"

Asuka nodded "that would be nice." She looked her sister over, eyes focusing on her dishevelled hair "You want some help with that?"

At that Rebecca blushed and stared down at her scuffed shoes "Sorry! It's just... really easy to fall behind when you stop... haven't much reason other than Rei so..." the girl trailed off and grabbed her bag from the stoop, pulling out a worn looking hairbrush. "You don't have to..."

"I want to." Asuka smiled and sat down on the couch, patting the spot next to her, trying her best to be as welcoming as she could be to not scare off the poor girl prematurely.

"Okay then..." the blonde nodded and walked over to the couch, giving Asuka the brush and sitting with her back turned to her sister "Just.... be careful okay?"

Asuka nodded and slowly started her work, biting her lip as she dragged the brush through the thicker knots in her sister's mane, a slow half-remembered song rising up to her lips after a moment. "When I was... in that thing. With or without Shinji... it gave me a lot of time to reflect..."

"Asuka... I know you had a lot on your plate, I have always known that, dad always knew that." Rebecca's body went tense.

"So did you... and dad." Asuka sighed. How do you put meaning into something you thought was meaningless? "I don't what the line was..." there were tears in her eye now, her vision now misty as she hugged her sister from behind "I don't know what was me and what was the world I just know... from now on... the only way any of us are gonna get through this we have to stay together."

how do you pick up the pieces of something you didn't know you needed, and make it function again?

"Let's just... start small okay?" Rebecca said the words slowly as if standing up for herself was a dangerous endeavor "One thing at a time."

Asuka wiped her tears away and nodded, chuckling despite herself at the change in position "Whatever you say, Rebecca."
Okay, first, apology for delay and for the misnumbering of the last chapter I commented on. Here we are at Chapter 29. It was great coming back to BnB.

"So, that's about it." Shinji sighed and sat back in his chair, his hands gripping his knees. After seeing him... like that, Asuka had predictably demanded answers from him as soon as both of them were rested enough for her to listen and him to do the telling.

The dread Shinji has here is very tangible. It's like something that seizes your body instead of just something you're told about or feel only in the abstract.

"So, what you're saying is..." Asuka spoke up as she kicked her legs from the ledge above Shinji, "that they had to give you superpowers for you to compete with me?" '

Of all the responses Shinji imagined Asuka would give to the truth about him, that one had never even dared to manifest in his mind. "What?"

Asuka sighed, getting off her seat and crossing the dingy corridor to look Shinji in the face, blue eyes to red. "I am just messing with you, Shinji." The girl almost smiled. "You know this actually explains a lot of recent... stuff."

Good descriptions of the physical movements they both go through. It keeps things lively and grounded.

"Yeah, that," Asuka huffed sitting back down her spot and half-snarled at the boy. "I have to admit, of all the reasons to bail on me, I didn't figure it would be not wanting to take advantage of your poor innocent friend in her hour of indiscretion. But I guess that is one of the better ones."

Shinji sighed. "Asuka, I just... to be honest a lot of this stuff can be hard to deal with, and I just... didn't want to hurt you."

Asuka spat, her face still angry but less then it was before. "Next time let me be the judge of that. I know you got your own space magic or whatever, but I can handle myself... and I don't like being talked down to, in case that wasn't obvious!"

"I... you're right. Sorry, Asuka, I will try to be more open about... wait, did you say 'next time'?!" Shinji blushed again, earning a giggle and a roll of the eyes from his friend.

"Gods, you are such a boy."


No, seriously, this is adorable and hilarious and it all feels like they've grown somehow in their complex relationship.

Asuka grumbled, looking like she was a moment's notice from hitting her father with as much force a pastramai and olive sandwhich could hold. Wanting to head that off at the pass, Shinji got the man's attention. "Mister Langley, I am really sorry I left you and Rebecca behind. By the time I had made it to Asuka and Kaworu I had already gotten so mixed up, plus the place was literally falling apart and..." Shinji took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, I was really relived to hear you and Rebecca got out safe when we landed in Tokyo-3."

Shinji's guilt complex reactivates! How effective will it be though?

All the while, he kept an eye on himself in the gym's mirror, mercilessly looking for flaws. 'How could I just stand there like that?' Kaworu grit his teeth as he remembered the battle and his actions therein, or lack there of. 'I am the great Primogenitor, the true heir to this planet... how could I be so weak?'

It's fun to see Kaworu fume and not be unflappable. It's really freaking fun.

The strange feelings he had for the boy, the subtle shifts and attractions in their interactions, some part of that had to be from Shinji's Adamite nature. It made him smile despite his reservations. He knew Kiel would disprove of a human transforming themselves like that, ingesting such forbidden fruit, but to Kaworu it only meant one thing: for the first time in a long, long time, he wasn't alone anymore.

I just got really freaking happy about how gay this is. I know that's not surprising but still, I just am glad that it is.

"Shinji, it's alright! I am not mad." Kaworu placed a hand on the boy's shoulder and brought him in for a hug as he tried to hide how excited he was. "You have nothing to be ashamed of. What I saw back at the conference was powerful and beautiful."

Kaworu calming down and being able to talk like this again so quickly after being frustrated. Was just seeing Shinji enough to do that?

The Angel reached out a hand and brushed against Shinji's chest, causing him to shiver for a moment. "You feel that? That wiry, electric feeling building up here? That's your body, but that isn't you. You are more than that, and once you accept that you can use your body like the tool it is, not just let it lead you around on it's base whims."

That made Shinji blush. "Okay, but like.. what should I do now? Or am I just supposed to hold this pose forever?" A twang of sarcasm entered his voice as he stood patiently.

Kaworu's choice of words and Shinji's slight sarcasm manage to say so much in relatively few words.

Asuka waited for the elevator containing Shinji clicked shut before turning her attention to her father. "So what? I am supposed to pretend that all that didn't even happen? That NERV heroically saved the day and whisked us off before any of the bombs even went off?"

She looked at her father's face as a familiar knot of discomfort and squeamishness ran up his spine. "Asuka, I told you, its a matter of public trust. Can you imagine what would happen if someone on the street heard how close we were to losing two of this city's... really the world's biggest defenders?"

Frustration here and I appreciate that it's vivid. It makes me think of a still potent explosive triggered when carelessly stepped on. If that makes sense.

She was hurting him, she could tell, but she could not stop here. She could not just smile and pretend it was alright for the millionth time. "Why did you even come to Japan? To make excuses and then try to bribe me with fucking sandwiches when I get mad?!" She punctuated her words by tossing what was left of her meal at the man's feet, splattering his suede shoes.

Another good use of physical detail with the toss and the splatter.

Asuka looked back as she heard something break in her father's voice. "You want the truth? Here it is: things would be worse for you if Kyoko was here right now, Asuka. She always intended for you to be a Pilot. She always planned for you to be pushed and tested and turned into the best little warrior you could be. Everything that happened back in Germany was just her plans going forward under a different overseerer."

Oooh. Man, this is a scene I legit felt like gasping at in real life. It's good but it's also painful and it's going to hurt even more in just a bit, I can tell.

That was the last straw. Raging, Asuka screamed at her father as he walked down the hall, not bothering to turn back to her. "Always running away when it gets difficult! Whenever we aren't the happy little dolls you want us to be! I wish you had died instead of mom!"

Ooooh. Geez. Oooh. Asuka, you don't mean that!

The sentence shocked Shinji. "Active duty? Dad, she's dying! Did you not see how weak she is? You can't just..." He stopped when he saw little reaction flick across his father's face.

"She will do her duty... it is why she is here," Rei stared at Shinji, the faintest curl of a sneer forming in the corners of her usually inexpressive mouth. "You... there is something around..." Rei stopped as the lights in the hallway blacked out before being replaced by a harsh red ones, as well as a long alarm horn that could only signal one thing.

Dang, Rei. What's got you all you so vindictive?

A floating object the size of a mountain towered over the edge of the city, its surface like stainless, smooth marble.

Already Langley could hear the roars of panic starting from the people around him, many abandoning their cars and running in the opposite direction from the horrible monument. "Damn it," Langley gripped the leather steering wheel as a hideous crack emanated from the Angel as its form shifted, followed by the buzz of a million wings.

Very understated, Langley.
Again, a great dramatic uh oh way to end a chapter.
Shot in the dark but does anybody here speak or read Japanese fluently? Because the other day I was reading about the various extracannonical Angels in NGE for a crossover fic I wanted to write and I stumbled across this old commercial for an old Sega Saturn game:

View: https://youtu.be/-Earso6_iI4

And yes Shinji is about to kiss Hikari in this commercial. I also found this possible ending for the game depending on your choices:

View: https://youtu.be/S9bQ66URXeI

I tried to find out the circumstances but except for one guy who managed to translate a single specific path you can take in the game there's nothing online.

View: https://youtu.be/rKeRB8sgq3E
From what I can tell based on the above video this game takes place around when Shinji and Asuka kissed in ep 15. Shinji got amnesia from the angel he fought and then Toji and Kensuke decide to fuck with him by making him think Hikari is his girlfriend. At least I think that's what happened. So again does anybody here know Japanese? I tried reaching out to that guy on YouTube but I got no response.
Chapter 41

Half of an unfamiliar ceiling drifted in front of Asuka's face, her mind straining as it tried to grow accustomed the shadow on her right side. It was not something she expected to get used to any time soon but the warmth of her boyfriend's touch on her cheek made it bearable for the time being.

"I still can't believe you did that."

Shinji's voice was soft from the other side of the bed, seemingly reading her mind as she stared up from her place on his stomach to look above her.

"I had to leave a bit of myself behind as a connection," she shrugged, pretending it wasn't affecting her as much as it was. She reached up and traced a finger over her new black leather patch. "If I still wanted to pilot."

"That's what I mean. You didn't have to... I could have done it for you, you know."

Asuka shrugged again and pouted. "I am not going to stop piloting, Shinji. I Just... I am doing it for myself now, not because of some big dumb plan for me. Besides. I don't think I could handle sitting on the sidelines and watching."

"I guess..."

"Besides, you need me. What was all that you said before? There is so much out there, SEELE, Stern... can't believe that guy turned out to be anything... your dad and Rits, probably the government too... its too much to shoulder alone, S2 engine or not."

"Not to mention Kaworu," Shinji said sadly. "He spent a month out here while I was in Valkyrie and he didn't make a move. That either means he is serious about abiding by the deal or confident enough it doesn't matter." Shinji flinched, hating to admit his own weakness. "I just... don't know what to do."

"I told you, I have some ideas. I just..."

The two froze as they heard the door to the apartment slide open, forcing them to both scramble off the bed and grab the clothing they had shed earlier.

Asuka gulped as she threw her hoodie over her shoulders, hoping their words had not caused the devil to so soon appear. Luck was with them. Instead, another voice no less familiar to Asuka wafted through the apartment uncertainly.

"Uh, Asuka? Shinji? They said you guys were here... the door was unlocked."


Asuka felt tears fall down half her face and the floor move from under her before she felt her feet touch the ground, rushing out of Shinji's room towards the entrance to the apartment where her sister stood before her, a mess of blonde hair unkemptly fallen over her face.

"I'm really... I should not have come in. I just..." The blonde yelped as Asuka wrapped two arms around her, pulling her in close before nestling her face into her shoulder.

"I am so sorry!" Asuka cried and hugged more, feeling her sister finally respond in kind. "I am so, so sorry..."

Now Rebecca was crying too as the siblings joined together. A bond that was never quite there before was now forming in an instant in the dim light of the doorway.

"I'm just... I am really glad you're back. I missed you."

"You did?" Asuka swallowed, she didn't think she was the kind of person who deserved to be missed.

"Of course," Rebecca nodded before wiping her eyes with the end of her sweater's sleeve. "You're my family, aren't you? I... I don't have a lot of that left to lose..."

"Oh Rebecca," Asuka broke the hug and looked her sister in the face, brushing aside a strand of hair from her brow. "I wasn't the friend you needed me to be, let alone the sister. If you'll have me... I'd like to start again."

Rebecca went silent for a moment, clearly apprehensive at the thought of being hurt again before giving in. "Of course I would... I just.. don't really know what that means."

"I think that's something you will both have to figure out for yourselves."

The two turned their heads to see Shinji putting on his shoes and jacket next to the door.

Asuka reached out a hand. "You don't need to..."

"Nah, it's okay. I think I want to get some air. Besides you two should have some privacy to talk. I am sure you have a lot to talk about."

"Thanks, but... I need to do this, too." Rebecca broke her hug with Asuka and got up to smile at Shinji and grabbed him in a big hug. "Thanks for saving my sister."

Asuka laughed as she watched her boyfriend's face light up in a blush from the sudden hug it was good to know despite everything, despite the power that burned under the boy's skin, he could still be flustered so easily. "I... ah... anytime." He smiled and let go, inching towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Asuka asked absently as the front door hissed open.

"Town, I guess. Maybe get something to eat..." he gave a half hearted smile and left them. A somber silence quickly replaced his presence.

"So..." Asuka looked her sister over, not sure what to say. 'How do you find something you threw away?' "How have you and Misato been?"

"Busy," Rebecca said quickly. "She's mostly been working, so I have had to learn how to cook a bit by myself." She smiled. "Maybe I can make something for you and Shinji sometime?"

Asuka nodded. "That would be nice." She looked her sister over, eyes focusing on her disheveled hair. "You want some help with that?"

At that Rebecca blushed and stared down at her scuffed shoes. "Sorry! Its just... really easy to fall behind when you stop... I haven't had much reason other than Rei, so..." The girl trailed off and grabbed her bag from the stoop, pulling out a worn-looking hair brush. "You don't have to..."

"I want to." Asuka smiled and sat down on the couch, patting the spot next to her, doing her best to be as welcoming as she could be to not scare off the poor girl prematurely.

"Okay then..." The blonde girl nodded and walked over to the couch, giving Asuka the brush and sitting with her back turned to her sister. "Just.... be careful, okay?"

Asuka nodded and slowly started her work, biting her lip as she dragged the brush through the thicker knots in her sisters mane, a slow half remembered song rising up to her lips after a moment. "When I was... in that thing. With or without Shinji... it gave me a lot of time to reflect..."

Rebecca's body went tense. "Asuka... I know you had a lot on your plate. I have always known that. Dad always knew that."

"So did you... and dad." Asuka sighed. 'How do you put meaning into something you thought was meaningless?' "I don't what the line was..." There were tears in her eye now, her vision now misty as she hugged her sister from behind. "I don't know what was me and what was the world, I just know... from now on... the only way any of us are gonna get through this is if we stay together."

'How do you pick up the pieces of something you didn't know you needed, and make it function again?'

"Let's just... start small, okay?" Rebecca said the words slowly as if standing up for herself was a dangerous endeavour. "One thing at a time."

Asuka wiped her tears away and nodded, chuckling despite herself at the change in position. "Whatever you say, Rebecca."



That was what Shinji felt the moment he stepped out of the apartment; a dry, hollow nothing that leaked into all the edges he hadn't realized Asuka's company had occupied. The warm embrace that let him ignore the gnawing absence of his guardian from his life. Breathing shakily he put one foot in front of the other, feeling marginally better as he started to move, the momentum giving some shadow of purpose. So he kept going, walking and walking and climbing, not stopping until he was back on the surface, hot asphalt grinding into the soles of his shoes.

It must all made sense on a rational level he could not see. If Mari were here right now no doubt she could slowly explain it all to him but she wasn't and... she wasn't. Shinji sighed and turned a corner and walked into a Ramen shop the same one if he was not mistaken he and Mari had taken Kaworu to when he arrived.

'She's gone and he's an asshole. More noodles for me.'

He shambled over to the counter and picked something from the menu to start before burying his head in his hands, letting the quiet murmur of the shop become his world for a moment.

"You mind if I have a seat here?"

Shinji turned and saw his father grab one of the stools next to him.

"I mean, I can't stop you," Shinji sighed and drank from the cold glass of water in front of him. He looked away from his dad and over to the adjoined kitchen where half a dozen staff slaved over hot woks.

"I think we both know that's not true," Gendo nodded sagely. "If you really wanted I have no doubt you could rip apart me and everyone else at this place without a second thought but... you aren't so... you've got that for you."

"What do you want?" Shinji huffed and looked away waiting absently on the edamame to come out.

"Can't a father talk to his son?" There was a hint of humour at that as Gendo took his seat, his eyes quickly flicking over the menu.

Shinji bristled at his tone but didn't argue with the content. He did want... no need to talk with his dad about what he had missed. "I guess not."

The server came round and Shinji ordered a dark ramen with garlic and sesame seeds, his father preferring something a big spicier with a hot red dish dashed with chili flakes.

"I am surprised you know about any of this," Gendo commented, breaking his chopsticks and rubbing them together with practiced ease. "I thought the Europeans had gotten to you."

"Compared to piloting an Eva, chopsticks are not... that hard." Shinji blushed and fidgeted with his pair, feeling very self conscious as his father's eyes rested on him.

"I suppose so..."

"So... Mari... she's really gone, isn't she?" Shinji could not look his father in the eye as he asked.

"What are you going to do?" Gendo gave a tired shrug, clearly hurt but unable to vocalize it. "She was going for a long time now. This just... pushed her over the edge."

The comment felt like a knife in the gut, everything Shinji didn't want to hear. "I... I didn't..."

"No, you didn't." His voice was like a cold knife in Shinji's stomach. "But we both know what it feels like when your reason for living disappears. You were Mari's. It's not difficult to see how it might have affected her."

"I just wish we had a better last conversation. I said I loved her and called her mom but..."

"Mom? Hmm," Gendo sneered a bit at the word. "Though perhaps I can see how one can take on a role."

"Especially when it is neglected."

It was the Commander's turn to look uncomfortable. "Indeed."

The two were silent for a moment, letting the staff buzz around them, eventually giving them their meals with a quiet word, all very aware from the presence of Section Two agents in the doorway they were to be left alone as much as possible.

"So you did it."

Shinji nodded, no need for his father to specify what he meant "I sure did. I just... in the end I just needed to talk to her." He smiled despite himself.

"Hmm..." His father grunted before slurping down a mouthful of hot noodles. "I wish it was always so easy. I also wish that you didn't have to involve your grandmother. But I am glad... that it worked out though. What you did was certainly impressive."

Shinji was not sure his father's approval was something he really wanted, the weight feeling odd on his shoulders. "I did what I had to do. The rest is keeping her safe... no matter what." His last words were icy, the meaning obvious between the two of them.

"I understand the motivation. And of course I will do everything in my power to protect the girl from... whatever forces might array against her. Provided of course... you can remain silent on the exact nature of our conversation prior to your absorption into Valkyrie."

Shinji grit his teeth, his fathers callousness shocking even now. "If you touch her, I will..."

"Yes, yes I know. I would do the same thing." Gendo picked at his red bowl, eating a bit of pork as the red liquid stained his lips. "You are my son, after all."

Shinji ate his own ramen slowly, struggling a bit with his chopsticks as he tried to think on all of this before giving up and sighing heavily into the broth. 'I have to tell Asuka as soon as possible, I can't stand to let this become another lie.' "Is this... what adulthood is like? Just... constantly threatening to kill each other over.... whatever?"

"Among people like us... yes," Gendo shrugged again. "The world is a dangerous place. Its why Mari made you the way you are, so that you could survive it."

"She really loved me... and Mum too, didn't she?" Shinji sighed, letting his forehead smack against the bowl.

"She did. Your mother... she inspired that kind of reaction, it seemed. But... Yes. Mari was unique. I don't know how exactly your mother felt about her in return. In truth its not something I care to think about, but I know there was enough love there that when it came time I had no reservations against sending you to her, to do what I could not."

Shinji thought about the young woman he saw in the scrolls again, the nervousness in her eyes, and wondered what others saw when they looked at Yui. "Thank you for that at least," Shinji nodded. "My life... it hasn't been perfect but I can't imagine it being any better without all the things I have done and seen and all the people I have met. The world is so big and full of everything, it's..." Shinji looked over at his father. "Its worth protecting dad."

"I should be getting back to work." Gendo Ikari wiped his mouth off with a napkin and got up. "I expect you and Soryu will want to move in together, now that you are... attached. I will send some staff to help with the transition."

"Thanks... I guess."


It took a while for Asuka to find the boy. Apparently in her absence he had grown fond of wandering, not unlike another cute idiot she knew. This time it took him to the edge of a large lake on the outskirts of town, now filled with much detritus and rubble from one battle or another, jagged bits of metal and chunks of concrete hiding just below the water line.

It was peaceful and still, the only sound the soft whistle of wind through grass and the melodic hum of the boy in question as he sat on top of a rock near the edge of the shoreline.

It was a song Asuka half recognized. "You played that for me while I was... sleeping." Her words made him jump, nearly falling from his perch as he scrambled down to meet her.

"Asuka!" he squawked and gave an awkward smile as he got closer, clearly weighing up whether or not to embrace her in a hug before throwing caution to the wind and wrapping his arms around her. "I heard, but I didn't believe that... you're back."

"Thank Shinji for that," Asuka smiled and hugged him back. "He got me out. Not that I didn't appreciate your little concerts for me."

"I... I will make sure to do so." Kaworu gulped and nestled his head into the girl's shoulder, his voice shaky.

"Kaworu... while we were together in there, Shinji told... or rather, he showed me everything. I got a glimpse right into his soul." Asuka held the boy tight, her voice going cold. "I know, Kaworu."

There was silence as she felt Tabris take a single breath, his body humming to itself, making the air crackle and burn around the two of them. "You do?"

"I do, and you know what that means?" She finally broke the hug and stood back, looking the boy over, seeing her silver cross necklace draped around his neck shining in the fading light. "You won."

"What?" Tabris took a step back, cold water lapping at his heel.

"He told me all about it, whether he wanted to or not, that forfeited the deal you two had. Its over, Tabris. You won."

A waterfall of emotions fell across Kaworu's face, joy, success pride then fear, sadness and finally despair. "I... is this some sort of trick?"

"No. Please trust me, Tabris, after everything that has been done to me the last thing I would ever do to you is lie. You won, this world is yours to do with as you see fit, if you want to march into Terminal Dogma right now and end it all..." Asuka gave a sad smile in the low light. "I won't stop you."

"I can do it, you know..." His voice was hoarse and cold as his fingers clenched against his palm in anger. "I can really do it, I can end all this stupid, pointless misery. I can be the god I was always... always meant to be..."

"Or you can not." Asuka took a step forward, scaring the Angel into taking a step back and then another, dunking one foot and then another into the cold water. "You can be whoever you want to be, Tabris. You can be a god, you can be a messiah... or you can be yourself. Whatever that means."

"I... I... I..." Tabris breathed hard, the world was shaking now and so was he. "I... I'm so sorry. Please don't hate me." Kaworu stumbled off his feet, dirty water rising to his knees as he threw himself down before Asuka.

" Shhhh... I don't hate you Kaworu. I promise I don't hate you." She knelt and joined him, Kaworu's now soaking wet eyes pressed against her chest as he cried. "I could never hate you."

"I choose you, I choose this Earth and everyone in it." Kaworu sobbed.

"Thank you. I knew you could do it." She ran a hand through his silver hair before planting a kiss on his forehead. "Get up, we have so much to do."

Kaworu rose to his feet eyes still sore and red in a all too human way "How did you know?"

"I didn't. I had to trust that you would do the right thing," Asuka smiled. "It's the same choice someone gave to me, because... you and I are much the same Kaworu." She reached down and held his hands in her own. "We were both made to be something, but that doesn't mean that is what we are or what we have to be."

Kaworu wiped his eyes and smiled. "I like the sound of that. I just... don't know where to go from here?"

"How about a dance?" Asuka offered her hand. "You and I never really got to finish our first one."

"That seems..." Kaworu took it, squeezing gently, "like a wonderful place to start."

The two took a step, and then another, Asuka blushing as the Angel took the lead, pulling them over the lip of the lake, a small glittering AT field following their feet the only thing stopping them from falling into the water below.

He twirled and she dipped and the world waited for them. They laughed and held each other close, small kisses interrupting each movement until they were at the center of the lake, lips pressed against each other in passion as they rode through feelings long reserved.

"I think I love you, Asuka," Kaworu smiled and held her close, the sun fallen behind them.

"And I think I... wait did you just feel that." Asuka gulped and wiped something off her cheek before looking up, seeing a winter wind blow the first snowflakes the land had seen in years down upon the two of them. "Kaworu..."

"The world needs to change, there is a lot of things to fix but... that's not the same as an ending."

"To everything there is a season..."

"Our time is coming, Asuka, I know it is."

"I know it is too, but we have a long way to go and a lot of things to do before we get there," Asuka nodded and pressed her head against his chest. "Speaking of.."

Kaworu smiled and kissed her forehead again. "You lead and I'll follow."

Commander Gendo Ikari dragged his fingers along his desk, nails scratching slight but visible lines down one end of the old black wood to the other. He had cancelled one appointment earlier and was cancelling another now as he tried to organize his mind into a shape that could in any way be considered useful.


It's what he drifted back to, even after all these years. He could still feel her absence as sharp as the day she left him, any subliminal attempt to heal the wound heresy to contemplate. And yet...

Here he was, closer to reuniting with his lost love than he ever had been, the methods laid bare and tested. Shinji and Rei, their communion would be his salvation. If nothing else his son's adventure with the German girl proved it could be done. And with Mari gone... he just had to wait for the right moment and strike... then why... 'Why do I feel so lost?'

He traced his finger along the edge of the desk again, working their way to the small wooden box on the edge of the table, prodding at the thing with a red stained hand. A gift... not the first, but perhaps the last...

A sharp electronic beep from the underside of his desk made Gendo blink at attention.

"Doctor Akagi is here to see you."

His secretary was to the point as ever, learning long ago there was little Gendo liked less than wasting his time. "Send her in."

There was a pause and Gendo tried to pull himself up to his full height, pushing what he could beneath the surface as the blonde doctor strode across the runes in the floor.

"You wanted to see me?"

Gendo blinked, his tired eyes layering the memory of Naoko on top of Ritsuko in the dim light of his office. "I, um..." He looked away for a moment, hoping to dispel the specter leering over him. "These past few weeks we haven't had much time to..." He thought of the month previous, the chaos and despair throughout the Geofront that followed his son's disappearance and the head of Technical's sudden death. "You really... we could not have continued without the hard work of you and your team Doctor and for that," he looked down at the box, inching it forward slightly on the desk towards the woman standing over him. "I think some kind of recognition is in order."

With some trepidation Ritsuko moved forward and took the wooden box from the top of the desk, examining its features for a moment before opening it carefully. "You really shouldn't have, I... we were just doing our... jobs." The Doctor stopped for a moment as she looked inside the box, a smile creeping onto her face as she took out the gift. It was a lighter, gold plated, with the silhouette of a cat on one side in silver.

Gendo watched Ritsuko play with it for a moment, flicking it open and striking the trigger, quickly adding a natural glow to the otherwise dark room before putting it away somewhere deep inside her white coat. "Do you like it?" the Commander asked eventually.

"It's nice," Ristuko said slowly, measuring her words as a slow blush drifted across her face. "I am not sure its the type of habit that should be encouraged, though, with all of the late Makinami's persecution I was close to quitting for good."

"Life is... too short I think to resort to self-denial of bad habits." He tried to smile back, something almost playful passing between their eyes.

"I don't know how busy you are, but... would you like to have a dinner or something?" Ritsuko Akagi held her chest, feeling the lighter in her pocket.

"I already ate, but... yes," Gendo spoke, feeling Kozo's disappointment already as he spoke without barely any hesitation. "That would be nice."

"My place, then, around eight?" Ristuko mused.

"Only if you can convince your pet not to use my sleeping face for its bed," Gendo huffed, trying to ignore the happiness he felt flutter in his chest.

"I don't know..." Rits chuckled. "That is its nature."

'And this is mine...'

Gendo let the smile fade from his face, pulling himself back to his usual misery. "Until then... Doctor."

Ristuko gulped feeling the mood shift around her. "Ah, yes... until then." Without another word she turned and left, leaving Gendo to himself.

The Commander blinked again, for a moment thinking the whole encounter a daydream until he saw the box on his desk was gone.

'Dreams within dreams within dreams, but when will I wake up?'


The tinge of anxiety that ran up Shinji's spine as the Geofront elevator rattled around him was almost comforting in the afterglow. It was a reminder that some part of Shinji no matter how small was still human and reacted like one. The boy reached forward and traced a finger along the cold steel doors, thinking over his conversation with his father. Cold war. It wasn't something he was happy about, but after everything he had done, everything he and Asuka had gone through to come back and be... together, he wasn't going to risk anything for at least a moment. He deserved that at least, didn't he?

He sighed and closed his eyes, fragments of scenes and images from the scrolls flashing in front of him, their drama lacking any information or context beyond the raw impact they carried. There were more than a few... worlds? Shinji lacked the vocabulary to properly think about it, unsure what he saw was real what was fantasy and what was possibility. In any case he had seen many flashes of Asuka and himself or his opposite, linked romantically together in one way or another.

Beyond that commonality however the results of their pairing ranged wildly. Some looked like happy, content, and understanding relationships. Others... ended with his hands around her throat. He shook his head grateful for the slow descent of the elevator giving him a moment to think. The slow click and buzz as the display flipped over from one floor to another washing over him.

He loved her, that he knew for certain, but what that meant he was far less sure. Was their love destined to be from the beginning? Were they simply one of many such cases were they were assigned to each other? The thought didn't sit well with Shinji even if it meant they would end up together. Better he supposed it was their choice, and their responsibility to get it right.

The doors of the elevator hissed open and with it Shinji's eyes, something running up his spine as he realized he could count the steps back to her in his mind, back to her warm embrace and soft skin. Placing one foot in front of the other he tried to put the scrolls and their contents out of his mind, wise enough to know how easy it would be to spend the rest of his life wondering what if, and cursing himself for every misstep.

Half a breath before the precipice something caught in his throat, a familiar figure singing in his mind before the door even opens.


The door slid open and he saw Asuka sitting at the table waiting for him. Opposite her, Kaworu sat, his eyes blazing like setting suns.

"Come here, Shinji." Asuka beckoned, her voice a forced calm. "We... have a lot to talk about."
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It's good to see that going through metaphysical hell helped Shinji, Asuka, and Kaworu finally understand each other.

I also enjoy the juxtaposition of Gendo realizing that his dream of getting Yui back is feasible, Shinji just proved it but at the same time there's Ritsuko, who's there and it's pretty obvious that he has chemistry with. It's some real good writing IMHO.

"He told me all about it, whether he wanted to or not, that forfeited the deal you too had. Its over, Tabris. You won."

A waterfall of emotions fell across Kaworu's face, joy, success pride then fear, sadness and finally despair. "I... is this some sort of trick?"

View: https://youtu.be/546sHkwCbtA
My guess to what Asuka is proposing to them, A revolution that has the potential to change the world. Also, that was a surprisingly cordial conversation Shinji and Gendo had.
Gendo being confronted with the possibility he might be able to actually resurrect Yui, rather than reuniting with her in a far more inhuman fashion via Third Impact, seems to be a mixed bag to him. You get the feeling that on some level, Yui was an excuse, a reason for him to project his own abject nihilism onto others and forcibly evolve them "for their own good". I don't think he ever consciously acknowledged such feelings, but now he has to reckon with them. The idea that he could ever again be a normal person hadn't crossed his mind before, and he isn't sure how to deal with it.

This would also make him strongly parallel Kaworu's current position. If Gendo is indeed, deep down, using Yui as an excuse to act out his own god complex, then Kaworu is now using Asuka and Shinji as an excuse to not act out his. He still doesn't seem to have any affection or respect for like... the human species as a philosophical concept. It's more like he's too ashamed to end a world that has these particular humans in it. It also adds more tension to the story - simply defeating all of the enemies who would start Armageddon is no longer enough, Shinji and Asuka also have to survive. If Kaworu loses them in the process of saving the world, it'll be back to Plan A for him.

I expect this idea, this concept of having to entertain and placate a god to keep him from enacting his wrath upon mankind, will rankle our heroes as time goes on. After all, as kind and affectionate as Kaworu is, he is very Old Testament in his thoughts, profoundly alien in his omnibenevolence. This severely contrasts the more focused, interpersonal, human love that fascinates him so much, both in this story and in canon.
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Just as Yui seemed to keep Gendo Grounded, the same can now be said of Asuka's and Shinji's value to Kaworu. At this point, both Gendo and Kaworu remind me of Darth Vader.
Rebecca is extremely Moe as usual, and seeing that siblinghood grow into something worth the name is going to be delightful

Asuka: kaworu you now have my permission to end the world

"You mind if I have a seat here?"

Shinji turned and saw his father grab one of the stools next to him.

"I mean, I can't stop you," Shinji sighed
"I'm not the one with an army of faceless armed minions."
Here he was, closer to reuniting with his lost love than he ever had been, the methods laid bare and tested. Shinji and Rei, their communion would be his salvation. If nothing else his son's adventure with the German girl proved it could be done. And with Mari gone... he just had to wait for the right moment and strike... then why... 'Why do I feel so lost?'
Ah yes, gendo faces the ultimate problem of playing the long game: "Now What?"
And also realizing he might actually feel things for ritsuko, and trying to deny that

You're doing amazing with this, man.
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