So I just binge read the whole thing today. I gotta say, the story seems great. The parts where you wrote them as little characters was adorable, really liked how you described them. They seemed very in character, something hard to do, I feel. The next thing would be the OC's. Although some seem to one-dimensional (Stern, Kodama, and Grandma Ikari) I'm exited to see what you do with them and how you integrate them into the story. Aside from that I'm gonna be honest, putting an S2 engine in Shinji really put me off. To gary-sue in my opinion, but you've made work up till now so I'll see how it develops. Love how you write Gendo. The audience really never seems to know what he thinks in the anime so a change of pace is a welcome. Specially since other fics just portray him as the bad guy. Anyhow, I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
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Eh; 'Gary Stu' isn't saying as much as it should, and so far it doesn't seem to apply. A Gary Stu isn't a character who's too powerful, period; it's a character who's too powerful for the story. And BnB!Shinji isn't too powerful for the story, he's no more powerful than Kaworu or Rei.

And when a significant part of the story is dealing with the ramifications of Shinji having an S2 engine...
Aside from that I'm gonna be honest, putting an S2 engine in Shinji really put me off. To gary-sue in opinion,
Well, yeah. You're not wrong per se. But this serves a purpose. I'm pretty sure Alex is going somewhere with that. That Shinji is now is Gary Stu-like is kinda the point. He is a hero who is ready to hit hard and take names! Being like him should be good, right?

Eh; 'Gary Stu' isn't saying as much as it should, and so far it doesn't seem to apply. A Gary Stu isn't a character who's too powerful, period; it's a character who's too powerful for the story. And BnB!Shinji isn't too powerful for the story, he's no more powerful than Kaworu or Rei.

And when a significant part of the story is dealing with the ramifications of Shinji having an S2 engine...

Well, yeah. You're not wrong per se. But this serves a purpose. I'm pretty sure Alex is going somewhere with that. That Shinji is now is Gary Stu-like is kinda the point. He is a hero who is ready to hit hard and take names! Being like him should be good, right?

Agreed with Jenny. All Shinji gets from the organ is he no longer needs basic human needs and he can Link with a Eva without synchronizing with a Soul. Outside of more training he's no better off then canon Shinji.
Well, like I said, I think Alex has made it work so far, so it hasn't really lowered the quality of the story by applying useless tropes. I guess we'll only have to see how it plays out.
Well, like I said, I think Alex has made it work so far, so it hasn't really lowered the quality of the story by applying useless tropes. I guess we'll only have to see how it plays out.
Welcome aboard! I can only hope that I meet your expectations. Regarding your concerns about the S2 engine making Shinji a Gary Stu I would like to think that in some ways this fic is like a deconstruction of that type of story. Despite having attributes that would be red flags for such things: Custom Eva, super powers, lots of training, etc. He is still fundamentally Shinji, a shy awkward boy who just wants to do the right thing but suffers from the pain of the world placing its burdens on him. And of course is largely ignorant of the larger plots being waged around him. I admit however that this is all author intent. If I ever cross the line to anyone and fail to properly convey that then I am always willing to listen to try and improve. I realize I am walking a bit of a tightrope. Shinji has to be someone different from canon (Or else why change his history?) but not too much to lose the essence of the character.
Chapter 7
So to those that got the implication about Touji last chapter, good job! It was really hard not talking about it. You can all give a big thanks to @JennyDracos for editing this at such short notice for me. I hope you all enjoy.
Chapter 7
Shinji felt his knuckles tense as he gripped the white porcelain of the bathroom sink, panting as he felt water run down his face. I failed. No matter what justifications or excuses he tried to give himself, the news of what had happened to that boy struck him to his core. Touji Suzuhara, Kensuke's friend. It was explained to him that Touji and his sister were leaving their apartment when the building was glanced by one of the angel's beams. Intended for me, no doubt... According to Hikari, the boy had managed to free his sister from being trapped under some rubble but was then pinned himself...and then the whole floor had collapsed. Shinji let go of the sink to look at his hands, one more than what Touji now had. The other had been crushed, and Touji had been trapped still, bleeding out until the battle was over and emergency crews could be dispatched. Its a miracle he made it. Shinji could not help but review the battle in his mind's eye, every jab and duck, roll and parry, what could he have done better? How could he not have failed this boy?

Shinji knew on some level this exercise was pointless, even if there was some single moment he could call upon to fix it was too late. He grit his teeth, if Mari was here, she would be trying to comfort him; but she wasn't the one in the cockpit, she could never understand what he was.

Looking up Shinji saw a blue reflection in the mirror. Turning around, Shinji lost his despair for a moment as it was replaced with bafflement. "Rei? What are you doing here?"

"You appeared to be in great distress as you left the classroom. I wanted to make sure you were all right."

Shinji shook his head "You shouldn't be here. People will think you're some kind of pervert."

Rei tilted her head in a way that said she did not quite understand what Shinji was saying, or why it mattered. "I have never concerned myself about what other people think of me. Sex or no."

Wanting to speak about literally anything else Shinji just waved a hand at the girl. "Look, I'm fine. You can just go."

Rei took a moment to respond, looking Shinji over with a critical eye. "You feel guilty about Suzuhara being injured as a result of the battle." It was a question as much as it was a statement.

Shinji sighed. "I do..."

Rei looked at him and tilted her head "Do you know if you did anything to allow this to happen?"

"I... No!" Shinji was defensive, speaking to himself as well as Rei. "I had no idea! And, well, that battle, I was barely holding on. I don't know what I could have done differently!"

"So this will not affect any future battles you may have, beyond perhaps giving you additional motivation to succeed?" Rei asked.

Shinji sputtered. "I... maybe... I don't know."

"Then I would suggest letting go."

"What?" Shinji was almost angry. "How could you say that?"

Rei looked old for a moment, a deep shadow in her eyes "To is to be human...but such things must have a purpose. They must serve something, like all things. To let yourself...unravel due to this? It would be unwise."

"Is that something you do? Just let go of things?" Shinji asked.

"I have nothing to let go." Rei said flatly before turning and leaving Shinji to his own thoughts.

Maya furrowed her brow and sighed, looking over Kodama's profile page for the hundredth time is if it held some magical secret on what Maya's decision should be. Strictly speaking, the girl Maya had shared a sad cup of coffee with was not the most qualified, not really. But as she looked over the page for the hundreth and first time Maya had no shortage of excuses to choose her regardless. It's just an internship, it's not like she would be doing anything really important anyway. She looked so sad and forlorn - and her profile does not exactly hide the fact that she could really use it, both financially and...and she does seem like me at that age, and what I would have given for an opportunity like this? Maya sighed. The truth was when she suggested that Kodama apply for the program she had no idea she would land up here. She had been careful not to mention her position after all. And it wasn't like NERV had a shortage of other places to apply. The chances of this happening felt like a million to one. Maya reached out and took a swig from her cat emblazoned coffee mug, half expecting it to taste like Kodama's candy cocktail from before. "What do I do?"

Maya looked up as she heard the hiss and click of the automatic door open, revealing a slightly irritated looking Doctor Makinami. She tried her best to smile optimistically. "Good morning! How is Shinji? Is he excited for school?"

In all honesty, Maya did not like Doctor Makinami. She had stolen her mentor's position and now she was going unpunished for her deeds toward her own ward. Maya was, however, eternally the idealist, trying her best to get along with everyone. And so she filed Doctor Makinami in with Commander Ikari and Sub commander Fuyutsuki, fortresses of ice that would melt in the face of her compassion and empathy.

Mari for her part smiled weakly back at the girl. "He is...he is fine. I hope he isn't too disappointed school isn't all smoking in the bathroom and making out behind the bleachers."

Maya giggled at the image but went serious as she remembered all that was to be done. "Diagnostics on Unit 0 are inconclusive, but it was the prototype model anyway. With any luck, the other units will be here before..." Maya went silent, not liking that thought.

"Before the next battle." Mari finished her sentence for her. "We can only hope on that front; the last one seemed to pop out of the ether. If we had been a week later..." Mari shook her head. "Where is Akagi Junior? Tending to Blue?"

Maya shook her head. "Doctor Akagi was in earlier but went to speak to the commander. And the first pilot was deemed fit to go to school."

Mari rolled her eyes. "She was? Well I can only hope she and Shinji stay far away from each other. I don't trust that girl."
Shinji looked across the hazy field to the figure looking at him. Were it not for the blue hair, the distance and the chain link fence would have disguised her appearance but Shinji felt he could have identified her just fine. Rei... Was she right? Should he let go? He wasn't sure he could even if he wanted to.

"Admiring the girls?" Shinji turned around to Kensuke approach him, dripping with sweat. "The sight of them in swim class almost makes up for having to run in this heat. Almost. You know if you want, I can get you some pictures of..." Kensuke stopped, seeming to decide on something, and then shook his head. Instead he raised an eyebrow as he looked over Shinji. "Not that you seem phased by the sun... You must be used to Nevada weather, I guess."

Shinji swallowed hard, realizing that he really should put in more effort to look winded at times like this. "Yeah," he said, scratching his head. "Plus all the pilot training I guess."

Right on time Kensuke's eyes lit up. "Training? Tell me all about it." Kensuke always seemed eager to gobble up any tidbit of information on NERV and piloting. "Oh and another thing, I think Takeda was eyeing you from behind on the track."

Shinji blushed a bit. "Sorry... What, really?"

Kensuke shrugged. "Yeah; I think he wants you for the running club. He's always desperate for new members. Touji was on it before but he quit."

The pilot shook his head trying to look cool "I, um, well. With NERV and all that, I don't want to make any commitments."
"Wait, hold the door!"

Ritsuko rolled her eyes but pressed the button to keep the steel door from sliding shut as she heard Mari from down the hall. Damn that woman, can't even take an elevator in peace . Moving aside to let the brunette in, Rits watched the woman pant for her life. Is she this out of shape? Shaking her head, Rits just turned to the control panel. "Which floor?"

Finally catching her breath, Mari gave a coy grin and leaned over, smearing her hand all along the console, lighting up dozens of buttons. "All of them." In a quieter voice she said, "I always wanted to do that." Looking at Ritsuko she turned serious. "I think the two of us should talk."

Ritsuko was frigid "About?" What the hell do I want to talk to you about? You took my position and now you want to mingle? Still, any information she got from the woman could be useful.

Mari took a step back and leaned against the opposite wall, putting some space between the two. "The pilots. Call it an exchange of information. I know there are some things you can't or won't tell me, and there are damn sure things I won't tell you. But we can't function if NERV's right hand and left hand are too busy stabbing at each other to do their jobs."

Ritsuko sighed and conceded the point. "All of my information requests to NERV Nevada have been... unhelpful. It would be good to get it straight from the horses mouth, so to speak... No offense."

Mari laughed. "Some taken, but let's just do this. I wanted to do this here since I know the elevators aren't bugged." When Ritsuko gave her a odd look Mari returned the favor. "Oh, don't tell me you have not thought of it."

The elevator was filled with its own heavy industrial sound, but beyond that it was quiet for along moment. There was one question that had been running through her mind, ever since she saw that boy's hands heal in a matter of seconds. Sighing, Ritsuko asked it. "So... what can he do? What else can he do?"

Mari looked tired for a moment, thinking about her words. "Shinji... A lot of the stuff with him is a work in process. What he can theoretically do and what he can actually do seem to be worlds away. We did some tests and some training in Nevada, to see what kind of effects the S2 engine would have on him. He... he has no limit. He never really gets tired, though he still gets bored and mentally exhausted. He doesn't need to eat or sleep or even breathe really."

Ritsuko eyed Mari. What she would not give to not have to rely on sleep and food? "Then why? Why does he..."

Mari shrugged. "Because he likes to? Because he is still human? A boy, at that. I think you should remember that next time."

Ritsuko rolled her eyes at the comment. Who the hell are you to make moral judgments to me on this? You're the one who did this to him."Is that all?" Ritsuko looked rather incredulous. "With an S2 engine I was expecting... a bit more."

"As I said, worlds away. It is like Shinji is sitting on the Hoover Dam but can only get water by the cupful. There were times however. when he did tap into it more efficiently... It was impressive to say the least."

Ritsuko nodded. "Well, the band on his arm measures his AT field wavelength. If he 'taps into himself' here we'll know." Beyond anything else, Shinji was an unknown in Ritsuko's mind. She did not hate him; some part of her deep down even wished she could trust him like Mari seemed to. But Ritsuko was a woman of science and reason and did not trust easily...though images of Gendo swam through her mind. I suppose I do have exceptions.

Mari's lips tightened. "And I accept that some measures have to be taken before you and our dear commander can learn to trust a boy who saved your lives." Mari's voice was harsh now, a fire there as she stood up straight. "Now, tell me about Rei. That girl"

Ritsuko breathed in, very much aware of the thin lines that she could not cross here. She knew Mari knew there was something about Rei. The fact she looked like a color shifted Yui was surely not lost on her. "Rei is Rei; I am not sure what else I can say about her, only that she is not one for socializing." Rits eyed Mari, daring her to ask more. The air between them seemed heavy with tension over the topic.

"She seems to have attached herself to Shinji, given her little visit the other day. Do you have anything to say about that?" Mari asked seriously.

Ritsuko shrugged, trying to look nonchalant. "I have no idea. I have far more important duties than constantly babysitting her. Perhaps she just wanted to say hello... in her own way." There was truth in that; but there was also the fact that Ritsuko wanted to spend as little time with the girl as possible. Something about her just unnerved the blonde.

"When she was at our apartment she seemed to have quite the medical regimen. Were those for her injuries or...?"

Ritsuko raised an eye "Or?"

"Given her outward personality it would make sense that you have been keeping her under sedation. That would give you a nice, obedient pilot."

That made Ritsuko chuckle "We aren't tranqing her if that is what you are suggesting. It's... Well, I don't think I need to tell you Rei is not exactly human. Those drugs are to keep her organs from failing." Careful Rits, back up. That was almost too much.

"Beyond... Never mind." Mari shook her head. "If she is so fragile, then why her? NERV has other options for pilots."

Ritsuko looked coldly at Mari. "Not all of us are comfortable playing science fair on a real kid. Rei is different. Disposable." Trying to change the conversation, Ritsuko remembered the medical records she had scrounged from NERV Nevada. "I wasn't able to get much info on Shinji, but I did get your own case file."

Mari looked stern, but also a little defensive. "And?"

Ritsuko's hate for the woman broke for a moment, genuine empathy flooding her voice "I'm... I am sorry about that. I can't imagine."

Mari shook her head. "It doesn't matter. Shinji takes priority. The survival of humanity takes priority."
Shinji stood at the edge of the curb. Those students not going to clubs filed past him. I guess Mari and I never did discuss how I would get back. Patting the pocket that contained his wallet, Shinji shrugged. Rei did say that the ID she gave me could be used as a transportation pass; now I just have to find out what line to take, what stop to get off at. He could ask one of his classmates, but in all honesty he was done with that for now. The Kensuke boy was nice, but grating; and Shinji had no desire to go seek out Hikari or, worse, a stranger for help. Of course, there isn't anything saying I have to go straight back, either.

Shrugging, Shinji set off in a random direction, looking around to see if there was anything of note in the area. There were little shops around: dry cleaners and corner stores, gas stations and... Wait was that Kensuke? It appeared that Shinji could not detach himself from the bespectacled enthusiast so easily. Sighing as he saw the boy approach a large man down the street, accompanied by a little girl who could not be older then seven. Family friend? Shinji had to admit without the little girl he would be slightly concerned, as the man by his estimation looked the very picture of intimidating - towering, bull-shouldered, and dressed in all black, not that the girl seemed to notice. She was dragging him by the pant leg and yelling something at him. Reminds me of Asuka, she isn't afraid of anything. Shinji laughed but stopped when he saw the very angry child make a high-speed beeline in his direction. Oh Hell. Please just be a fan...

"Hey you," the girl shouted with all the authority she could muster as she got close. "Are you Shinji Ikari?" Her brows were furrowed and her hands were on her hips.

"Well, yeah, I am. At least, I hope I am. I just-" Shinji was cut off by a flurry of punches and kicks from the young girl to his legs and thighs. The assault would be almost funny if some of the strikes didn't hurt as much as they did. Worse still, he could think of no proper defense. He had been trained in close quarters combat but knew nothing he'd be willing to use against a child. He tried to throw his hands in between them, but even that felt feeble. "Quit it!"

The girl, however, was having none of it. She simply reapeated, over and over, "You hurt my brother! You hurt my brother!"

Shinji winced as her shoe managed to land a heavy blow on his shin.

"Suzuhara?" Shinji closed his eyes and resigned himself to the girl's punishment, the waves of guilt concerning his failure rolling back over him. "Look, I'm sorry! I tried all I could, I just..."

"Sakura!" Shinji looked up to see the large man from earlier had reached them, grabbing his daughter, picking her up, and holding the girl Shinji assumed to be his daughter around the chest like an adorable snarling badger. "What did I just tell you?" The man looked sternly at her.

Sakura stopped her flailing and moped, putting what seemed to be her best face at her father. "Sorry, Dad. I just... Well, I get carried away."

The man sighed and held the girl to his chest "So your teachers keep telling me." Shaking his head, the man turned to Shinji "So..." he said, his voice full of weight, "from Kensuke's identification and your own admission, I can assume you are the pilot who defended the city?"

Shinji swallowed gravely and hoped that his attacker was not going to replaced with someone several magnitudes more dangerous. For better or worse, however, Shinji was never one for lying. Any time he tried almost any form of deception he just turned into a obvious sputtering mess. So he didn't. "Uh, yes, that's me."

The man put the girl down and gave her a look that ordered her not to resume any beatings. He then sighed and bowed deeply to Shinji. "My name is Toshiro Suzuhara and I... Thank you for saving us. I... I know in my heart that if you had not, that Touji and Sakura would both be dead, and... From the bottom of my heart. Thank you."

Shinji was stunned at the display, but he felt compelled to return the bow. "My name is Shinji Ikari, and I am deeply sorry what happened to your son. It was my job to protect him and... I can only promise I will not fail you again."
Ritsuko looked coldly at Mari. "Not all of us are comfortable playing science fair on a real kid.
Excuse me? What do you think that big plastic tube in your lab down in Terminal Dogma is for, Ritsuko? You've got less than zero room to criticize Mari in that front. Shinji's had a far better life than you've allowed Rei.
Fuck you. You hypocrite. At least Mari isn't actively working to end the world for her secret boyfriend. You are nowhere near the moral high ground in this debate.
That's the power of self-delusion. Rei is artificial, therefore - if that's what you want and need to believe, so you think you're not a monster - she is not a real girl, she is an organic robot, just like the Eva you're sticking her in. Rei's stoicism plays right into that, makes it easier for Ritz to think that what she's doing to Rei is just 'fine tuning the machine.'

Yeah, she's a monster.
Great chapter, not much happening but it was interesting. The interaction between Mari and Ritsuko was interesting. Wonder what's happening with Mary? Maybe a terminal disease? Contamination of some kind? Working with S2 engines must not be all sunshine and rainbows, right? Liked your take on how shinji is resolute on never failing again. Hope to see the next chapter soon.
Excuse me? What do you think that big plastic tube in your lab down in Terminal Dogma is for, Ritsuko? You've got less than zero room to criticize Mari in that front. Shinji's had a far better life than you've allowed Rei.
Fuck you. You hypocrite. At least Mari isn't actively working to end the world for her secret boyfriend. You are nowhere near the moral high ground in this debate.

That's the power of self-delusion. Rei is artificial, therefore - if that's what you want and need to believe, so you think you're not a monster - she is not a real girl, she is an organic robot, just like the Eva you're sticking her in. Rei's stoicism plays right into that, makes it easier for Ritz to think that what she's doing to Rei is just 'fine tuning the machine.'

Yeah, she's a monster.
I see it like Jenny. She isn't trying to be malicious with Rei. But she is caught up in a feedback loop where her belief she isn't a real person justifies her actions which then must be justified further by her beliefs. And in the end she can't change or self reflect or the mountain she has built falling on top of her.
Great chapter, not much happening but it was interesting. The interaction between Mari and Ritsuko was interesting. Wonder what's happening with Mary? Maybe a terminal disease? Contamination of some kind? Working with S2 engines must not be all sunshine and rainbows, right? Liked your take on how shinji is resolute on never failing again. Hope to see the next chapter soon.
Glad you liked:)
Your right that little happened beyond character interactions but this early in the story I feel like a lot of set up is needed. Originally this and the previous chapter were going to be one but the cliffhanger of what happened to Touji and Mayas realization was too good not to end on.
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Oh, eventually she won't be able to run away from it. She's just digging herself deeper and deeper, and eventually everything's going to collapse on her. What happens next will depend on her state of mind and the circumstances - whether she winds up trying to shoot Gendo or Rei or herself.
"Well, yeah, I am. At least, I hope I am. I just-" Shinji was cut off by a flurry of punches and kicks from the young girl to his legs and thighs. The assault would be almost funny if some of the strikes didn't hurt as much as they did. Worse still, he could think of no proper defense. He had been trained in close quarters combat but knew nothing he'd be willing to use against a child. He tried to throw his hands in between them, but even that felt feeble. "Quit it!"

Poor Shinji, his cannon counterpart just got punched in the face. Believe you me Sakura, he's beating himself more on the inside than you could ever do. Seriously, if he had any more guilt he could be Catholic.

Also the interesting bit here is that at a high concept level Shinji is a Gary Stu character, he's got an unlimited source of power that means that he doesn't get tired, he doesn't need to breathe, sleep, or eat and can possibly even warp the fabric of reality by shear force of will but at the same time there's no way that he can be as infallible as he thinks he should be, which means that he's wrestling with this endless pursuit of ideal heroism that he'll never be able to reach.
Excuse me? What do you think that big plastic tube in your lab down in Terminal Dogma is for, Ritsuko? You've got less than zero room to criticize Mari in that front. Shinji's had a far better life than you've allowed Rei.
Fuck you. You hypocrite. At least Mari isn't actively working to end the world for her secret boyfriend. You are nowhere near the moral high ground in this debate.
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...I am still gobsmacked at Stryp swearing.
Great chapter, not much happening but it was interesting. The interaction between Mari and Ritsuko was interesting. Wonder what's happening with Mary? Maybe a terminal disease? Contamination of some kind? Working with S2 engines must not be all sunshine and rainbows, right? Liked your take on how shinji is resolute on never failing again. Hope to see the next chapter soon.
Actually it sounds more like she tried to make sure it was safe for Shinji.
"I wasn't able to get much info on Shinji, but I did get your own case file."

Mari looked stern, but also a little defensive. "And?"

Ritsuko's hate for the woman broke for a moment, genuine empathy flooding her voice "I'm... I am sorry about that. I can't imagine."

Mari shook her head. "It doesn't matter. Shinji takes priority. The survival of humanity takes priority."
Wonder what's happening with Mary?

I may be going too dark here, but from Ritsuko's statement that she "can't imagine", the way that Mari is being set up as an opposite and a foil, and the lack of connection or empathy Ritsuko has towards Rei (who is in a real way her own creation), versus the parental role and connection of Mari to Shinji (who is in a biological sense not "hers"), I wonder if Mari lost a child, either around birth or when her child was very young. It would also fit in the mirroring of Rei and Shinji: Rei is literally replaceable, while Shinji (if he ever finds out) may feel like he's a replacement.
Thanks for all the feedback! :) it's always a joy to see people interested.

Just so people know this will probably be the last BNB till the new year as I am planning on writing a Christmas one-shot for my other fic Pancakes and Penguins. Which I hope people will also enjoy.
Just found this. Not bad, will keep my eye on it. @Alex is Rebecca an OC? Cause I have vague memories of seeing a depiction of a girl matching that description. Though I cannot remember where. Any ideas?
Rebecca's origin
Just found this. Not bad, will keep my eye on it. @Alex is Rebecca an OC? Cause I have vague memories of seeing a depiction of a girl matching that description. Though I cannot remember where. Any ideas?
In the manga, Asuka was the result of Kyoko having been artificially inseminated after a divorce with her then-husband caused by him having an affair. Asuka is then told of the affair and that she has to be better than the product of Kyoko's old husband and his mistress. This is shown as a reason why Asuka is the why she is, she strives to outdo her perceived rival in order to win her mother's love.

Here... Well its a bit complicated but in different ways. Langley was with Kyoko while he was having an affair with Rebecca's mother, both Rebeccas mother and Kyoko then got pregnant at about the same time. Rebeccas mother demanded Langley leave Kyko so they could elope together but for a number of reasons Langley said no. Rebecca's mother then contacted Kyoko and told her about the affair which made Kyoko divorce Langley. Rebecca's mother then had Langley all to herself but that relationship failed and one day she packed up and left leaving Langley with Rebecca. Kyoko raised Asuka to be hyper-competitive and strong-willed and hated Rebecca as she was proof of her ex's humiliation and disrespect for her. After Kyoko died Langley took her in to live with him and Rebecca which caused the previously mentioned bipolar treatment Asuka gives her sister. She loves her but at the same time feels like she is betraying her mothers memory whenever she is too nice or close to her. Shinji, while he lived with them, was a mitigating factor in all this since he served as a bridge but after he moved to Nevada things got much worse over time.
@Alex so Rebecca exists in the manga continuity? Interesting. Maybe that's where I saw an image of her. Cause I remember vaguely from somewhere that a blonde girl was supposed to be Unit 04's pilot but it might just be a constructed memory.