Don't let a thread of people shouting at each other stop you from writing a good story here, Alex. I'm looking forward to Shinji and Kaworu being snarky and passive aggressive at each other, yet still desperately needing each other's care and closeness to hold on to.
Okay, you guys heard the man stop debating/talking about ships. And no, I am not being sarcastic.
That isn't what I meant but thank you for the defense. To be honest the "SV has a odd problem" thread has just made me quite paranoid about some things relating to writing on this site. The repeated deflections defensiveness anger and bitterness that was presented as a response to the call for better representation left me quite... thoughtful.

It has always been my experience that this site has preferences when it comes to some things, and really I don't judge it much for that. We all have things we like and we all like to have places to experience/share/discuss the things we like with like minded people. So when it comes to things like our Evangelion slice of the SV pie some things made me laugh and roll my eyes but nothing more then that. Specifically the trend of if two cute girls share half a sentence and a look between them they are immediately shipped in some capacity. And I am not going to pretend that I have not also indulged in such things for my own fun. What becomes less fun to me is when I realize that passion is not very equally distributed. That specifically gay male pairings or stories that feature them tend to be ignored/lose popularity/mocked etc. And that is when the cute yuri stuff feels less harmless.

Its for that reason that the last few days have made me really rethink the idea of writing on this site. Its why I asked the question before and its something I am still struggling with. I am sorry if this is all very melodramatic but to me it is a serious crisis of faith.
I could now open Pandora's box and write why that what you describe is i.m.o mostly true because I myself am guilty of some of this behaviour as well.
Fuck it.... here we go. You do not get every day to die a martyr.
Introspection on behaviour in three:

Assumptions that may very well be wrong:

Most of the author's and readers on SV are male, but probably not by a huge margin (55%-60% male/40%-45% female).
Gay female relationships are more represented in mass media (films, series) than Gay male relationships and better depicted than the latter with a tendency to make the latter more cringy or "painfull" (needing a better word here) to watch/witness.
Gay female relationships are by that and other social factors more accepted than gay male relationships. Therefore a certain amount of BIAS is imprinted against gay male relationships (guilty of that myself) which is more/higher than against gay female relationships.

These assumptions above are influenced by my own opinion and observations of myself.
I myself recently shied away to read a oneshot by Gryphon that I didn't read much more until a gay male relationship of the characters was mentioned.
On a rational level I know it shouldn't matter, but one of the first emotions I have towards gay male character interaction is feeling a not unsubstantial amount of cringe towards it.

I shouldn't by my own relatively strict moral system, however I do by an imprint left behind through upbringing and society that is very hard to fight against.
So I take the easy way and not read further and ignore such content.

I have a male friend, that also is gay, with similar problems that I also ignore and push into the darkest corner I can find in my mind.
I don't want to, but I subconsciously do.

Countdown for murderous mob started.........
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I could now open Pandora's box and write why that what you describe is i.m.o mostly true because I myself am guilty of some of this behaviour as well.
Fuck it.... here we go. You do not get every day to die a martyr.
Introspection on behaviour in three:

Assumptions that may very well be wrong:

Most of the author's and readers on SV are male, but probably not by a huge margin (55%-60% male/40%-45% female).
Gay female relationships are more represented in mass media (films, series) than Gay male relationships and better depicted than the latter with a tendency to make the latter more cringy or "painfull" (needing a better word here) to watch/witness.
Gay female relationships are by that and other social factors more accepted than gay male relationships. Therefore a certain amount of BIAS is imprinted against gay male relationships (guilty of that myself) which is more/higher than against gay female relationships.

These assumptions above are influenced by my own opinion and observations of myself.
I myself recently shied away to read a oneshot by Gryphon that I didn't read much more until a gay male relationship of the characters was mentioned.
On a rational level I know it shouldn't matter, but one of the first emotions I have towards gay male character interaction is feeling a not unsubstantial amount of cringe towards it.

I shouldn't by my own relatively strict moral system, however I do by an imprint left behind through upbringing and society that is very hard to fight against.
So I take the easy way and not read further and ignore such content.

I have a male friend, that also is gay, with similar problems that I also ignore and push into the darkest corner I can find in my mind.
I don't want to, but I subconsciously do.

Countdown for murderous mob started.........
Thank you so much for your honesty and courage to come forward and say something. I really apprciate the gesture. I know that it's a complicated issue and I don' want to write off anyone's feelings. And I hope more people can come and share their experiences.
That isn't what I meant but thank you for the defense. To be honest the "SV has a odd problem" thread has just made me quite paranoid about some things relating to writing on this site. The repeated deflections defensiveness anger and bitterness that was presented as a response to the call for better representation left me quite... thoughtful.

It has always been my experience that this site has preferences when it comes to some things, and really I don't judge it much for that. We all have things we like and we all like to have places to experience/share/discuss the things we like with like minded people. So when it comes to things like our Evangelion slice of the SV pie some things made me laugh and roll my eyes but nothing more then that. Specifically the trend of if two cute girls share half a sentence and a look between them they are immediately shipped in some capacity. And I am not going to pretend that I have not also indulged in such things for my own fun. What becomes less fun to me is when I realize that passion is not very equally distributed. That specifically gay male pairings or stories that feature them tend to be ignored/lose popularity/mocked etc. And that is when the cute yuri stuff feels less harmless.

Its for that reason that the last few days have made me really rethink the idea of writing on this site. Its why I asked the question before and its something I am still struggling with. I am sorry if this is all very melodramatic but to me it is a serious crisis of faith.

That sharp divide between portrayals of gay male and lesbian relationships is more of a broader cultural issue than anything specific to SV. Even though the world is vastly more tolerant of LGTBQ relationships than it was twenty years ago, gay male relationships are still one of the more marginalized in society as they are seen to go against 'standard' male behaviour in a broadly heterosexual and patriarchal culture, while lesbian relationships are less visible and therefore less threatening. Heck, in fanfic the slash genre still has a massive negative stereotype associated with it of being complete trash written by illiterate teenage girls that have never even seen a penis, whereas the yuri genre stereotype of being written by horny men is much less mocked.

Not only that, gay male relationships in animated mediums are only really positively responded to if both participants use signifiers more associated with women than men (usually accomplished by making the gay pair 'cute' to make them seem childlike and therefore less threatening, or unearthly beautiful, making them less threatening by adding an unreal quality to the relationship). To use Evangelion as an example, there are near mountains of Kaworu/Shinji fictions and doujins, (and a complete lack of Touji/Shinji, Kensuke/Shinji, or others) and in those fanworks, both Kaworu and Shinji are almost universally written (and drawn) to heavily emphasize feminine traits rather than masculine ones. Those that do emphasize masculine traits usually languish near the bottom of both sales and rating systems, and are quickly forgotten.

So theres a lot of barriers against a story involving gay male relationships, and most of it unconscious. But you should keep writing on SV, because good stories like yours can surmount those barriers on the strength of your writing, and perhaps inspire others to follow your lead.

Also I'm still looking forward to Kozo/Kaji.
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I know that it's a complicated issue and I don' want to write off anyone's feelings. And I hope more people can come and share their experiences.
I'll admit i avoid guyXguy parings, but that's only because I have no interest in any of the pairings whenever I see a fic about it. If you were to have Shinji with Tapris(can't remember how to spell is other name) or Kozo/Kaji I wouldn't have any strong feelings to it other then "damn, no Shinji/Rei or 123". Not sure if this is really contributing to the discussion or if it will offend someone, and if I do I am sorry, but I always thought if you don't like something in a fic strong enough to avoid it, then it just ain't worth it to kick up the kind of fuss that pop up when things like this are taken issue with.
Which is why you should write what you want. It's your fic. While you shouldn't ignore your fans you shouldn't make them the gods of your fic.

Again I am sorry if I am setting fires with this. Feel free to delete the post if it doing so.
Speaking personally, I'll read anything that's well written. I may have higher expectations/requirements for being well written if the pairing actively goes against the established characters being written about (Draco/Harry, Snape/Harry, Voldemort/Harry), but if it's well written, then it's all good to me.
While I can accept pretty much anything in a fic, I want there to at least be a narrative reason. Especially if it is contradictory to canon.

I feel that that is why a lot of fics where relationships play a big role (particularly male/male) come under fire: The authors don't show or explain how we got to that alternate interpretation, they just go with it without showing any reasoning why. In the context of NGE, that means that the requirement is to show how/why any relationship got off the ground, as Anno smothered them all in their cribs.
Again I am sorry if I am setting fires with this. Feel free to delete the post if it doing so.
Your not setting fires. Your speaking honestly which is really what I always hoped for when it came to this. Thank you for your input.
f you were to have Shinji with Tapris(can't remember how to spell is other name)
Tabris, Kaworu's angelic name is Tabris. The idea of Kaworu as a tapir does make me giggle more then it should however.

Behold! the final angel!
Speaking personally, I'll read anything that's well written. I may have higher expectations/requirements for being well written if the pairing actively goes against the established characters being written about (Draco/Harry, Snape/Harry, Voldemort/Harry), but if it's well written, then it's all good to me.
Thank you for your input. But now you have distracted me by making me think of Harry Potter and Eva... Are the Eva's horcruxes? Why do I suddenly want to see Harry and Ginny dance in synch? Or more relevant to this thread will Mari weep as she tells Shinji he has his mother's eyes? :p
While I can accept pretty much anything in a fic, I want there to at least be a narrative reason. Especially if it is contradictory to canon.

I feel that that is why a lot of fics where relationships play a big role (particularly male/male) come under fire: The authors don't show or explain how we got to that alternate interpretation, they just go with it without showing any reasoning why. In the context of NGE, that means that the requirement is to show how/why any relationship got off the ground, as Anno smothered them all in their cribs.
Except Shinji x everyone End of eva and the tang sea made that one canon. :p But I get what you are saying. And I can only hope that I can provide the reasons necessary for you to be satisfied. Though I admit I started the Maya x Kodama subplot mostly on a whim and that seems fine so far.
Though I admit I started the Maya x Kodama subplot mostly on a whim and that seems fine so far.
And yet you showed the simple "why": Maya thought she was cute, we know next to nothing about Kodama giving you a ton of room to work with, and things went from there. Bam! Narrative reasoning, plot holds up. If you started off with them being a thing, then there'd be the questions of how/why.
Even though the world is vastly more tolerant of LGTBQ relationships than it was twenty years ago, gay male relationships are still one of the more marginalized in society as they are seen to go against 'standard' male behaviour in a broadly heterosexual and patriarchal culture, while lesbian relationships are less visible and therefore less threatening.
That there is vastly less backlash against f/f is true even when it is visible, though. For example, in the late 90s/early 00s there was a wave of series which wanted to push borders by showing a same-sex kiss in one episode, and don't get me wrong, that was a good thing - but it is notable that it were always, always f/f kisses. F/F simply is simply is more acceptable, period, yes. I think it has to do with the fact that m/m challenges particularly male gender norms and, well, we still kinda do live in a male-dominated society. Male gender norms being attacked hence draws a more severe response than female gender norms being attacked, especially as female gender norms have been softened up by decades of female emancipation anyway, while this process has barely touched male gender norms[1] . But beyond that, there is also the concept of fragile masculinity: That a small slip is enough for a man to not really be seen as a man anymore. Not a "real man" (tm), anyway. There doesn't really seem to be something comparable for women.

As a result, acceptance of m/m and f/f is skewed. There are studies about that, and they all show a considerable larger amount of the population accepts f/f than m/m - and oh, the difference is always among male responders. Some men feel threatened by m/m, in ways women don't feel threatened by f/f. It stands to reason this holds true in a more diluted form for fictional depiction of such relationships as well - so even if people accept m/m relationships as such IRL, they still do dislike those depictions.

But yes, that is in fact IMO the root of homophobia: For some reason, some people get really, really uncomfortable when their established gender norms get questioned. Which I guess, ties back to why they want to present their established gender norms as biotruths, see the EVA idea thread.

It's really a somewhat pathetic reaction, when you think about it:

"All men are X"
*shows example of a man not being X*
"...rahrgle garble not natural how dare you not a man" etc etc

Some people take being proven simply wrong on some deeply held views really badly. It's the problem of deeply held but barely examined views and attitudes. And really, @Alex , that really is on them, then. On those people who just can't deal with it. Don't bow to their attitudes, because they are wrong. You can, basically, write them off - or of course hope that exposing them to m/m will make at least some of them reconsider. In any case, there is not much sense in losing sleep over the thought of losing those people.

[1]which is how we ended up with women having to balance family and career - because women having a career is okay now that the female gender norms have been relaxed, but a stay at home day is much less so, because the male gender norms have not really become much relaxed.

whereas the yuri genre stereotype of being written by horny men is much less mocked.
Hm, not sure about that. I'd even say the titilation aspect of yuri gets mocked more, while yaoi gets mocked more for how the stereotypical teenage girl writers have no clue about such things as anatomy, relationship dynamics, etc. In any case, Yuri actually does seem to have an audience more balanced between actually LGBT women and straight men, compared to yaoi, which seems to be near exclusively be marketed to straight girls/women (on the commercial level, that is, so not fanfic, but it is still telling).

in those fanworks, both Kaworu and Shinji are almost universally written (and drawn) to heavily emphasize feminine traits rather than masculine ones
Well, guilty as charged, I guess. In a way. Neither Kaworu nor Shinji are exactly epitomes of classical masculinity, after all.

Which means, you have an opportunity to do it better, @Alex ;) Go for it!

I feel that that is why a lot of fics where relationships play a big role (particularly male/male) come under fire: The authors don't show or explain how we got to that alternate interpretation, they just go with it without showing any reasoning why. In the context of NGE, that means that the requirement is to show how/why any relationship got off the ground, as Anno smothered them all in their cribs.
Well, but that is true of all relationships in NGE, be it A/S, R/S or K/S. In fact, I'd argue if it weren't for the Tabris problem, K/S has the easiest chance of getting off the ground and nearly already was there. And yet, A/S (the most, ah, complicated of those relationships) gets a free pass, R/S is mostly only denounced for the incest fear, and hell, even A/R gets a free pass as well despite having absolutely no grounding in canon... so there is no reason why K/S should need an extra justification.
the Tabris issue is also completely central to Kaworu's character, as without it his entire character is just empty, idealized wish-fufillment for Shinji.

And Rei has the problem of being defined far more by the plot than by any of her own actions, what with her entire emotional arc being done after episode 5. (Seriously, you could slice her out of the series after Ramiel's defeat and the emotional throughline of her character all the way to EOE is completely fine. Hell, even the actual timeline of events is perfectly fine with Rei gone until she blows herself up to kill Armisael.)
the Tabris issue is also completely central to Kaworu's character, as without it his entire character is just empty, idealized wish-fufillment for Shinji.
The point is you have an angle to work with here. It is hence supremely easy to fulfill Morose's requirement of "You need to show how they got to the relationship", much more so than with Asuka. You solve the Tabris problem, and you are there, basically. Of course, yes, once the problem is solved, the story is over. But I don't see that as a problem? That is a very classical story format, after all, maybe the classical story format: You get a character. Character encounters a problem. Character solves the problem, or the problem defeats the character. And you would in fact get sufficient drama and emotions out of that structure for a good story.

As for Rei, you can slice her out, yes, but then the same is true for most characters. For example, you could have a NGE where Asuka simply never arrives. In between Shinji, Rei and Misato, their issues and interpersonal matters, you still have more than enough potential for a story, after all. It wouldn't be NGE as we know it, but then, that isn't really the point of fanfic. In fact, just having any romantic relationship succeed already wouldn't be NGE as we know it, after all.

And really, I don't quite see the problem in fanfic using the potential of a character that may have been underutilized in canon. After all, Rei still is blatantly there.
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The issue with a Kaworu romance though is that none of the conflict between him and Shinji is caused by Who they are, but only by What they are. Without the Tabris issue Kaworu has literally no depth to his personality beyond 'Shinji's idealized lover/bestie who has literally no flaws, interests or desires beyond making Shinji happy.' Without that twist of being an Angel out to destroy mankind (and by extension, Shinji) he's literally just a prize for Shinji having stuck out his tenure as Unit-01 pilot.

As for Rei, the issue is that she isn't so much underutilized as there is precious little to Rei to utilize in the first place. Her entire relationship to Gendo is predicated on exactly one thing, and is so shaky Shinji can break it by doing literally the same thing. (Hell, Rei's relationship to Gendo is so poorly thought out she literally says she isn't important to him maybe five episodes after slapping Shinji for insulting him) Her relationship with Shinji also revolves around him doing nearly all of the emotional legwork for her while she just kind of exists in proximity to him until she turns into God and his spirit guide.

(Plus there's the fact that Rei 2 is a five year old, so it's a really scummy relationship if it turns romantic)
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You solve the Tabris problem, and you are there, basically.
There-in lies the problem though. How exactly does one resolve the issue of "This character's entire raison d'etre is antithetical to continued Human existence"? Because, ultimately, Tabris is Kaworu and Kaworu is Tabris. Advice & Trust is running with the action plan of "sufficient willpower with a suicide by proxy back-up". And carries the caveat of that being a temporary solution due to the larger threats at work. To resolve it in a permanent manner would take a LOT of literary leg-work and very much strain the suspension of dis-belief. I personally think it works best as a "doomed fling" if it is going to be used.
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The issue with a Kaworu romance though is that none of the conflict between him and Shinji is caused by Who they are, but only by What they are.
And in what world is that not a perfectly fine set up for a romance story? "Love overcoming external odds" is hardly a novel concept, and during the duration of the story you will be able to get plenty of tension and characterization out of that conflict. Yes, Kaworu is idealized, but he is also Tabris, out to destroy the world. How is that not making for sufficient tension and crisis in the story? Of course, at the end of the story, the tension is resolved one way or the other (either by the characters defeating the problem, or the problem defeating the characters), but that is true for most story set-ups.

As for Rei, the issue is that she isn't so much underutilized as there is precious little to Rei to utilize in the first place.
It is true that canon kinda put Rei's arc on hold between Ramiel and Armisael, but the story of a girl raised as a tool who slowly discovers she might be more than a tool, that she might have emotions and own wants - you honestly think that is "preciously little to utilize"? That is more than enough stuff for a story.

Now that story can be with or without romance. There is one fanfic which did that story really well without pairing up Rei with anybody, and that was great. But it can also be done with romance. Considering how little interaction Shinji and Rei really had throughout the series, and yet she still ends up forsaking her lifelong conditioning for his sake, it is clear canon provides potential there. Basically, if that scarce interaction is enough to turn around Rei like that, imagine where more interaction could have led to. So this in a way also answers Morose's question: Look how far they got with so little in canon.

And there would be enough foundation for a romance. Shinji is helping Rei with her self-discovery, while she in turn provides a sort of safe haven for him - she is alien, but not as threatening as Asuka or as demanding as Misato. He is hope for her, and she is comfort for him.

(Plus there's the fact that Rei 2 is a five year old, so it's a really scummy relationship if it turns romantic)
Depends on how continuous you see Rei.

There-in lies the problem though. How exactly does one resolve the issue of "This character's entire raison d'etre is antithetical to continued Human existence"?
That is up to the individual fic author to decide. I'm just saying that going by canon, there is more than enough justification for K/S. K/S fics don't need to go out of their way to justify that relationships. But of course, it can still be the relationship is still doomed in-universe, yes. Though there are ways around it, if you think a bit.
And yet you showed the simple "why": Maya thought she was cute, we know next to nothing about Kodama giving you a ton of room to work with, and things went from there. Bam! Narrative reasoning, plot holds up. If you started off with them being a thing, then there'd be the questions of how/why.
Well the thought was just a standard reversal of fortune, especially in regards to how Maya usually fits into romance plots. Usually (at least in stories in which she has a romance) her pining after Rits pays off and they get together. Here the roles are kind of the opposite, Maya is the older one and the one with the higher position of authority. She gets to be the one to feel guilty about conflicts of interests and age gaps and such. Which is a direction I had not seen with Maya before so I wanted to try.

For the concerns with Kaworu. I will say that I am also going to be trying something different with him. Mostly because I don't want to ape @Strypgia and his Kaworu's struggled with "the call" as I did a similar thing but to a lesser extent when I wrote for @Susano for my Life during wartime side stories. I want to try and keep "changing" and "expanding" as a "writer" even if for now a lot of those are in quotations for now since I am doing fanfiction.
....That's kinda like saying that you don't think of yourself as a painter because you're using open paint bottles. Fanfiction makes some things easier and some things harder, and it doesn't make you any less a writer. You're just having to fit the characters you write as well as you can into molds that already exist, that's all.
And yet you showed the simple "why": Maya thought she was cute, we know next to nothing about Kodama giving you a ton of room to work with, and things went from there. Bam! Narrative reasoning, plot holds up. If you started off with them being a thing, then there'd be the questions of how/why.
While I see our point I must point out that it doesn't need to be a "why" or a "how". I mean it is possible for Maya and Kodama to have met and started dating even before we were introduced to either. Sure we could hear about "why" and "how" but it is just as likely to distract from the now, and it's not like people need a "reason" to hook up.
The same for plot in general. Otherwise we would need it for every little odd and end, like why someone is writing with their left hand instead of their right in story, or we wouldn't have certain changes, like if Alex were to have had Shinji be a girl.
Well the thought was just a standard reversal of fortune, especially in regards to how Maya usually fits into romance plots. Usually (at least in stories in which she has a romance) her pining after Rits pays off and they get together. Here the roles are kind of the opposite, Maya is the older one and the one with the higher position of authority. She gets to be the one to feel guilty about conflicts of interests and age gaps and such. Which is a direction I had not seen with Maya before so I wanted to try.

For the concerns with Kaworu. I will say that I am also going to be trying something different with him. Mostly because I don't want to ape @Strypgia and his Kaworu's struggled with "the call" as I did a similar thing but to a lesser extent when I wrote for @Susano for my Life during wartime side stories. I want to try and keep "changing" and "expanding" as a "writer" even if for now a lot of those are in quotations for now since I am doing fanfiction.
Now this is how you right a fic. See a pattern and decide to be the odd man out. Brava Alex, Brava.
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....That's kinda like saying that you don't think of yourself as a painter because you're using open paint bottles. Fanfiction makes some things easier and some things harder, and it doesn't make you any less a writer. You're just having to fit the characters you write as well as you can into molds that already exist, that's all.

If anything I feel like my original fiction is easier to write than fanfic because I don't need to worry about keeping characters and worldbuilding details consistent with canon etc. The benefit of fanfic is the larger audience than you could get from writing original fiction.
If anything I feel like my original fiction is easier to write than fanfic because I don't need to worry about keeping characters and worldbuilding details consistent with canon etc. The benefit of fanfic is the larger audience than you could get from writing original fiction.
I mean, the alternative is to just declare your piece AU and remove whatever details you don't think work particularly well. That's always been my personal view on things: the fiction side of it being more important than the fan, and if your work needs things to be slightly nudged around in order to get the themes, character arcs, what-have-you functioning properly, then that's what you need to do in order to get a good story running.

From (admittedly, what little) I've read of BnB, it seems to do that really well.
I mean, the alternative is to just declare your piece AU and remove whatever details you don't think work particularly well. That's always been my personal view on things: the fiction side of it being more important than the fan, and if your work needs things to be slightly nudged around in order to get the themes, character arcs, what-have-you functioning properly, then that's what you need to do in order to get a good story running.

From (admittedly, what little) I've read of BnB, it seems to do that really well.
To be honest a lot of the AU elements of BnB kinda crept up on me or were spur of the moment decisions. The story started with the conceit of my Mari which is based on the manga but extrapolated in a lot of ways. In my first thoughts the divergent point would have been Mari replacing Rits with Shinji being the same as canon. But I dashed that as I felt it did not do enough unique to justify its existence so I thought if her raising Shinji. Then like a series of dominos things added up. Mostly in an effort to be different yet the same. So Shinji got the S2 engine and the up with Asuka (Rebecca was a last minute addition based on a meta joke about fan art but I like how she has developed in my mind.) The angel fights being new was both because i noticed in other fics the angel fights being a bit of a after thought, and with Shinjis power up his enemies needed one too. Kunohama was due to two factors. One I wanted to explore Shinjis family on his mother's side ans two i wanted at least one of the major players to be female (canon has a bit of a problem tearing down all the powerful women in my opinion). Other additions were simply due to things not being shown in canon. So things like Nerv America is whole cloth by necessity. I know it's a lot to take in (I could probably turn it into a original setting without massive changes) but it has been a fun ride coming up with stuff.

One a side note. The next chapter is almost done but I will be very busy over the weekend with family stuff so I can' promise anything. I don't want to overshadow but in general the last month has been very chaotic personally.
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To be honest a lot of the AU elements of BnB kinda crept up on me or were spur of the moment decisions. The story started with the conceit of my Mari which is based on the manga but extrapolated in a lot of ways. In my first thoughts the divergent point would have been Mari replacing Rits with Shinji being the same. But I dashed that as I felt it did not do enough unique to justify its existence so I thought if her raising Shinji. Then like a series of dominos things added up. Mostly in an effort to be different yet the same. So Shinji got the S2 engine and the up with Asuka (Rebecca was a last minute addition based on a meta joke about fan art but I like how she has developed in my mind.) The angel fights being new was both because i noticed in other fics the angel fights being a bit of a after thought, and with Shinjis power up his enemies needed one too. Kunohama was due to two factors. One I wanted to explore Shinjis family on his mother's side ans two i wanted at least one of the major players to be female (canon has a bit of a problem tearing down all the powerful women in my opinion). Other additions were simply due to things not being shown in canon. So things like Nerv America is whole cloth by necessity. I know it's a lot to take in (I could probably turn it into a original setting without massive changes) but it has been a fun ride coming up with stuff.

One a side note. The next chapter is almost done but I will be very busy over the weekend with family stuff so I can' promise anything. I don't want to overshadow but in general the last month has been very chaotic personally.
It's been an absolute pleasure watching you build the world of bnb, and I love every part of it.
If anything I feel like my original fiction is easier to write than fanfic because I don't need to worry about keeping characters and worldbuilding details consistent with canon etc. The benefit of fanfic is the larger audience than you could get from writing original fiction.
Not i have to nit pick this a bit. It's only "easier" in that you don't have to worry about getting every little detail to match canon, even with AU. However the trade off is that you are stuck with trying to make one yourself. Meaning alongside trying to make a coherent plot, and all that comes with it, you need a world that not only allows said plot, but you have to make sure everything makes sense, make enough to work with(as in you can't make a world spanning tour if you only have a place no bigger then a small town), make a bunch of characters from scratch and try to make them make sense. All in all it's still a lot of work, just in a different way.
I mean, the alternative is to just declare your piece AU and remove whatever details you don't think work particularly well. That's always been my personal view on things: the fiction side of it being more important than the fan, and if your work needs things to be slightly nudged around in order to get the themes, character arcs, what-have-you functioning properly, then that's what you need to do in order to get a good story running.
I agree wholeheartedly. While you should keep characters within character to an extent(as then you might as well make OCs) other series are the ore that you need to forge to make something. Honestly i am honestly bored with all the fics that are "100% Canon You Know, New Character To Make It Less Stale". Seriously. While just adding a character wouldn't 180 everything just by having them in story it should at least make something different enough where are not getting exactly what we got from canon frame to frame.
It's been an absolute pleasure watching you build the world of bnb, and I love every part of it.
Agreed. Alex has done fic right.
So my weekend was very chaotic (helped a family member move so it was pretty exhausting) But I did manage to sneak in enough time for myself to go see a Eva rebuild movie marathon on Sunday. So I will share my experience about that here and hope people enjoy. For the event itself, it was nicely handled if a bit small in scale, which really helped establish a more casual atmosphere. Someone was selling various custom made T-shirts and stickers of which I could not help but indulge myself in.

There were some technical problems with the subtitle track (they put it on in English first but changed to Japanese when asked, at which point the theater all applauded.) But it was sorted out without much issue. Still, of all the lines to be stuck on "it keeps happening" is a really funny one. They had a fan art contest which I was one of the winners of. Behold my ineptitude.

Which just goes to show kids, even if you lack talent intelligence and skill you can get pretty far on funny.
After the second movie ended the crew tried to turn it off at the credits but I stood up and said to wait for the post credits stinger involving Kaworu spearing Shinji like a fish. (Not like that) Which made me officially the nerdiest person in the room.
Between movies 2 and 3 there was an intermission in which they served bento boxes.

Which was quite tasty. Overall I was a very happy camper.

I will post a semi in depth review of my thoughts on the films in a bit in a separate post.