Hmm... So, just counting, we've got Mari vs Gendo vs SEELE vs possibly Misato/Kaji if they catch on like in canon vs any other groups that wants to play. No one trusts any of the others, and pretty much every one is working against the others. Mari and Misato/Kaji could work as allies, but how would they ever know? Even Mari is still ignorant of a good bit of what Gendo or SEELE are up to.

And then we've got Shinji, Asuka, Kaworu, and the other Pilots, who might constitute a group of their own, or be part of the other ones. Rei is... will she side with Gendo, or break with him as canon?

This is going to be a mess! :)
So the new interlude is almost done and will be thrown at Stryp when possible but for now I will regale you with my experience yesterday at Anime North. I wanted to post this yesterday but by the time I got home I was hot tired and sweaty and just fell into bed and imploded. The first thing you notice is obviously the cosplayers who were everywhere but especially outside the main hall doing photo shoots. This was my first time at Anime North and was honestly really surprised by the number of cosplayers in comparison to Fan expo which I have gone to several times. I liked it but will admit that had some flaws, in my case I was a bit disappointed by the panel selection on the day I went. There was a lot of good fan artists plying their wares and I am proud or... perhaps proud is the wrong word. I am happy to say that I got my hands on some Evangelion posters.

And a official Eva gag manga.

Which describes itself as training the pilots through video games (though I assume it will be nicer then BNB Asuka) so that will be fun to read. I also got myself a Eva button of Kaworu since I could not find any posters of him.

Over all was a long day on my feet but a great time. I met up with my sister and some of her friends at one point so that was nice. I have some pictures of cosplayers I liked but I don't feel comfortable sharing them on the internet because so many of them have random people in the background so there's that.

The posters were done by Quirkilicious while the button was done by Gum Gum Pins in case any of you are interested in them or they are interested in repaying me for shilling their products to my tiny tiny audience. :p

Thank you for reading the newest installment of the personal diary of me descending into weebdom.
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So the new interlude is almost done and will be thrown at Stryp when possible but for now I will regale you with my experience yesterday at Anime North. I wanted to post this yesterday but by the time I got home I was hot tired and sweaty and just fell into bed and imploded. The first thing you notice is obviously the cosplayers who were everywhere but especially outside the main hall doing photo shoots. This was my first time at Anime North and was honestly really surprised by the number of cosplayers in comparison to Fan expo which I have gone to several times. I liked it but will admit that had some flaws, in my case I was a bit disappointed by the panel selection on the day I went. There was a lot of good fan artists plying their wares and I am proud or... perhaps proud is the wrong word. I am happy to say that I got my hands on some Evangelion posters.

And a official Eva gag manga.

Which describes itself as training the pilots through video games (though I assume it will be nicer then BNB Asuka) so that will be fun to read. I also got myself a Eva button of Kaworu since I could not find any posters of him.

Over all was a long day on my feet but a great time. I met up with my sister and some of her friends at one point so that was nice. I have some pictures of cosplayers I liked but I don't feel comfortable sharing them on the internet because so many of them have random people in the background so there's that.

The posters were done by Quirkilicious while the button was done by Gum Gum Pins in case any of you are interested in them or they are interested in repaying me for shilling their products to my tiny tiny audience. :p

Thank you for reading the newest installment of the personal diary of me descending into weebdom.
does quirkilicious have a page or something? I might be interested in getting a print or something
Interlude 7
Hey guys I hope you enjoy this. It was originally part of the new chapter but it grew and grew until I thought it was best to just make it it's own interlude. Credit goes to @Strypgia again for editing for which I say a deep thank you. Everyone else I hope you enjoy and would love your thoughts and opinions. They really do mean the world to me.

Interlude 7

Toshiro stepped out his car and onto the bustling street. The faint buzz of neon signs overhead was nearly drowned out by the moving crowds. Inwardly he smiled, though kept it to himself. He had been afraid that given the recent danger and those moving away from the city that business in the area would dry up, which would cause no end of headaches for him. He supposed that some had left while the overhanging danger had driven others to enjoy themselves while they could. Walking down the street, towards the large building at the end of the road, Toshiro passed bars, restaurants, clubs, and baths. If you had the money to spend there was no end to the things one could do. Moving past a staggering man and his friends who were still singing from the karaoke upstairs, Toshiro rounded the corner and made his way to the familiar building painted in pink neon by a glowing sign proclaiming it The Rose. Nodding to the man at the door, Toshiro went inside.

Toshiro tried not to be annoyed by endless beeps and buzzers from the rows of machines or the slack-jawed expressions of the patrons manning them. It was a simple, easy gig compared to some of the jobs of his youth. There was no need to shake anyone down when the people were practically begging to get in and throw their money at you yen by yen. Not to say it was not without its issues, like drunks, fights, and men who were a bit too rough with the hosts or the girls upstairs. There were always issues, but compared to the old days it was an oasis. 'If only Hanami was here to enjoy it.' Toshiro shook his head. He needed his mind sharp for what was ahead. Making his way to the bar. he made eye contact with the man behind it. "Is she still here?" Toshiro asked flatly.

The bartender nodded. "Upstairs in a private room with Hitomi and Yukina. Two best we got, just like you asked. I have to say the girls were pretty surprised when I told them who they were taking care of. We don't get many les..."

"Less of that," Toshiro grumbled. He could not say he was particularly comfortable with it, but such was the nature of things. Selling vice quickly wore on you. "I owe her a great debt and besides..." Toshiro turned so that he was closer to his compatriot "I suspect she may bring some great opportunities with her."

The bartender sighed and ran a hand through his hair, his sleeve falling down his wrist to reveal the edges of a dark tattoo. "Are you sure about that? Did you talk to the bosses? I don't want to risk a good thing here."

Toshiro leaned forward, his brow stern. "Leave the bosses to me. They put me in charge here and trust my judgment in these matters. Besides," Toshiro tried to shrug "We work with NERV all the time to one extent or another. There's no paycheck in this city that doesn't start with them in some way."

The bartender rolled his eyes "There is NERV and then there is NERV. This isn't us dealing with some middle management lackey. This is someone who could hurt us in a big way if she wanted to. Do you even know what she wants?" The man looked scared for a moment before patron walked past and the bartender was all smiles again.

"I have my suspicions but nothing solid. Keji, after what she has done for my family I owe her at least the opportunity to hear her out."
Keji sighed. "Just be careful. She's in room number four at the end of the hall."

Toshiro nodded and walked through the smoky crowd to the stairs to the upper levels, signaling to one of the bouncers as he went. Everything Toshiro had been taught told him that he should be grateful and welcoming to the doctor and yet there was a subtle unease in his stomach as he approached the room at the end of the hall, his heavy feet bending the polished wooden floor under him. There was a power in the woman's eyes when they met before, a callousness in her voice that reminded him of some of the old bosses. He only hoped he knew what he was getting into. Reaching the door Toshiro tried to ignore the sounds coming from within, simply rapping his knuckles hard several times on the dark wood. After a moment the noises stopped and Toshiro heard a scampering at the other side of the door, followed by it being opened a sliver to reveal a semi-dressed young woman Toshiro vaguely recognized as Hitomi.

"Oh, ah...hello boss." She made a motion to try and cover up what she could while avoiding eye contact.

I can't imagine what she thinks of me, the big bad yakuza muscle.' Still, fear had its usefulness. "Go and cleaned up and take Yukina with you. Your client and I need to have a chat."

Blushing, Hitomi closed the door for a moment. Toshiro could hear a scrambling for clothes and some back and forth between Hitomi and another young voice who Toshiro assumed to be Yukina. The two of them slipped past, both still half dressed as they awkwardly nodded and bowed to Toshiro before scurrying off down the hall. After shaking his head and giving his guest one final moment of privacy Toshiro made his way into room four. It was dark, as such places usually were, with lighting consisting of a thin window letting in the moonlight and the dozen or so scented candles that blanketed the place in a bouquet of sandalwood and honey. Looking up he saw Doctor Mari Makinami sitting on the couch, legs spread and clothes wrinkled. She wore a black suit jacket and pants with a maroon shirt that seemed to have been buttoned up in some haste. Both sides did not seem to match but it was what was across her chest that stood out to Toshiro more than the chest itself. "I heard you had come from America but I did not expect you to bring a gun. Let alone the hand-cannon you're carrying."

Mari shrugged and smiled a toothy grin, leaning back and resting her arms on the back of the couch to show off the holster and its harness across her chest. "What can I say? These days its better safe than sorry. Japan is not the happy island of my youth anymore. The cherry blossoms have bloomed their last, and such."

Toshiro sat down and tried his best to look strong but friendly. "Perhaps with NERV's continued help they may bloom again. But of course, I leave such things to the experts." Toshiro smiled. NERV loved to keep its secrets, which could be infuriating even if they were useful.

"I thought the Japanese wanted us gone as soon as the Angels were defeated?" Mari smiled coyly.

Toshiro laughed. "That seems to entirely depend if the person in question is employed by or for NERV. Livelihood has a way of putting things in perspective." Toshiro knew that more than most. Looking over to a bucket of mostly melted ice propping up a bottle of sparkling wine, Toshiro winced. "You don't drink?"

Mari shrugged, leaned over, and picked up the bottle followed by the two clear flutes that stood next to it before placing on the table between her and Toshiro. "I do. But only when I have a good reason to. Like to mark an occasion or sealing a deal."

"In that case," Toshiro said, taking the bottle from her and fought with the cork for a moment before a there was a sharp pop and a squirt of wine from the bottle which landed on the thickly carpeted floor. "Let us do something worth marking or rather... we can celebrate something already worth applauding. Namely your incredible kindness to my son."

Mari sighed. "You can lay that at Shinji's feet. He is too kind for his own good. Sometimes I wonder how he will survive in this world."

"I have tried to teach my son to be strong, but we can only do what we can, can't we?" Feeling the subject was lingering a bit too much on his family, Toshiro coughed lightly before pouring them both a glass and handing one Mari. "I hope that I can help in any way I can."

Mari smiled, her eyes hard to make out over the glare from the glasses reflecting the flicking light of the candles. "That is actually why I came here tonight. Well that and..." Mari laughed and made a sweeping gesture with her arms. "Everything else," she said before taking the glass in hand.

"If it is reasonable I am sure we can work out some kind of arrangement," Toshiro said clinking the flutes together to create a reverberating ting. "What was your idea?"

Mari took a moment, her smile fading for the first time since Toshiro had entered the room. "Someone like me... I am sure you know how valuable an ear to the ground can be. And I struggle to think of anyone in this city closer to the ground than someone like you... no offense."

Toshiro took a long drink of the wine, almost wincing at how sweet and tart it was compared to his usual soju and whiskey. The idea that Mari would want more information about the people of Tokyo-3 was not a stunning insight but the why made Toshiro think. Who was Mari looking out for? Or against? Was this an internal issue or was she just being paranoid about the JSSDF and agents of the Diet? In truth, it could be none of them or all of them. And if these mysterious enemies did come knocking what would they think if they saw him connected to Mari? Toshiro shook his head. It was too late for questions like that and he was not so much a coward as to hide from enemies he did not even know existed. This woman had given his son a new chance at life. She deserved more than nothing. "We do pay attention when it suits us." Toshiro tried to smile again. The last thing he wanted was to look weak. "Some things can be passed on, depending what you want. I have to ask though, not for myself but from my bosses; They will expect some payment for this, you understand. One man's gratitude only goes so far."

"I can't promise cash. At least not for a while. Too many things are in the air for me to promise something like that. But I have the next best thing."
Toshiro leaned forward, his interest whetted. "Oh?"

"One of my duties and responsibilities is to monitor and program the MAGI. The MAGI does the vast bulk of the bureaucracy of not just us but also the local governments. This includes things like contracts and real estate zoning. It would not be hard at all for me to... push some things to be more favorable. Either to you or friends of yours."

Toshiro ran a hand over his bald head and sighed. It was a good offer, quite good. He could already see some of the older bosses objecting out of a flat hatred of NERV, but those were becoming increasingly outnumbered by younger, more pragmatic people. "I will have to speak to some of my superiors for specifics but I don't see any reason why we cannot do business."

Mari smiled and stood up, grabbing her coat and slinging it under her arm. "I understand. We all have people we answer to. For better or worse. Thank you again for the connection, by the way, the girls were quite good. I might come back if I can manage to crawl out from the lab I..." Mari stopped and hunched over, dropping the coat as a hand clutched her chest before a series of long hacking coughs into her sleeve before wheezing and breathing deeply.

Toshiro not knowing what to do but not wanting to get too close for fear of getting on the wrong side of that revolver simply waited for the episode to pass before asking with mild concern. "Is everything alright, doctor?"

Mari waved a hand dismissively and picked up her jacket, but headed for the door. "Its fine, it's just... those stupid candles mixed with the girls' perfume. It's enough to turn the stomach. Forgive me, Mister Suzuhara, but I think I should go. The Germans will be coming soon and there is much to be done to meet them."

Toshiro nodded and let the woman go, not commenting on the red stain on her sleeve, quite visible even in the dim light of the room.
I liked that little segment, I think you really managed to capture the atmosphere and tone of that sort of environment and discussion quite well. It felt like it'd really fit within the series or some sort of gangster film/show. Good job.

It's interesting that Mari is making deals/getting herself involved with those sorts of people. It makes me wonder what he grand plan is, with her condition she definitely has to put all her pieces into play sooner rather than later, she doesn't have the luxury of time like the others will. Definitely excited to see where it goes.
Call her Mari Curie... man that joke has been a long time coming. :p

Totally worth it.

Much Later

"Behold, Jet Alone! Unlike NERV's Evangelion units Jet Alone's thermoelectric fission reactor can power it for a month! No five-kilometer long extension cords required!"

"Aww nuclear fission, how cute!"

"Don't you try to frighten us with your sorcerer's ways Dr. Makinami, you've been rambling on about that perpetual motion machine for years but still haven't delivered!"

"Au contraire, my S2 Engine is powering everything in this city!"

Mari produces a walkie-talkie

"Cut the engine sweetie!"

Shinji, sitting in the ocean lets out a sigh and yanks a massive umbilical cable from Unit-04's back, plunging the city and the Jet Alone stage into darkness.
Both sides did not seem to match but it was what was across her chest that stood out to Toshiro more than the chest itself. "I heard you had come from America but I did not expect you to bring a gun. Let alone the hand-cannon you're carrying."
Mari has become FREEDOMIZED. :)
I might come back if I can manage to crawl out from the lab I..." Mari stopped and hunched over, dropping the coat as a hand clutched her chest before a series of long hacking coughs into her sleeve before wheezing and breathing deeply.
Uh oh... and I bet you're 'fogetting' to tell Shinji how bad you are, too. Mari, he's already lost a lot. You better not snuff it without preparing him for the loss... :(
Oh no, Mari has come down with a case of Blood-In-Mouth Disease! That means she could die anytime it gets too dramatic! Quick Shinji, get involved in some romantic comedy before her condition worsens!
Oh no, Mari has come down with a case of Blood-In-Mouth Disease! That means she could die anytime it gets too dramatic! Quick Shinji, get involved in some romantic comedy before her condition worsens!
Its an element I wanted to include since first hashing out the base of the fic when it started. The scifi cancer was mostly to put a check on Mari's character since she is basically a OC and I didn't want someone like that to waltz into the story and be better than everyone at everything. It tied in with her hyper focus and risky behavior and made her efforts to protect Shinji more believable since she knows she won't be around forever. On the other hand and this is personal, my mother was (I don't know the right word to describe it) she had a battle with cancer a few months ago (shes more or less fine shes doing better all tests are clear for now) and it did leave me in a place where I really did not want to write about that stuff at least for a while. I hope you guys understand.
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Hmm... So, just counting, we've got Mari vs Gendo vs SEELE vs possibly Misato/Kaji if they catch on like in canon vs any other groups that wants to play. No one trusts any of the others, and pretty much every one is working against the others. Mari and Misato/Kaji could work as allies, but how would they ever know? Even Mari is still ignorant of a good bit of what Gendo or SEELE are up to.

And then we've got Shinji, Asuka, Kaworu, and the other Pilots, who might constitute a group of their own, or be part of the other ones. Rei is... will she side with Gendo, or break with him as canon?

This is going to be a mess! :)

I think I have lost track of all the different sides of this coin... it's like rolling a freaking d20 here...
I think I have lost track of all the different sides of this coin... it's like rolling a freaking d20 here...
Heh it is quite multifacted I admit. It sort of came about like a lot of things in this fic. I wanted to do something I have not seen much in other fics. In this case a story that went into more depth into SEELE and how it worked. From there the idea that the it was less monolithic (pun) then it looked in the show came pretty naturally. These are people who decided to blow up the earth to in a bid for immortality. I imagine each council member of SEELE as someone of great power wealth or influence such people would be at each others throats at the best of times let alone when some have such massively different goals then others.
Heh it is quite multifacted I admit. It sort of came about like a lot of things in this fic. I wanted to do something I have not seen much in other fics. In this case a story that went into more depth into SEELE and how it worked. From there the idea that the it was less monolithic (pun) then it looked in the show came pretty naturally. These are people who decided to blow up the earth to in a bid for immortality. I imagine each council member of SEELE as someone of great power wealth or influence such people would be at each others throats at the best of times let alone when some have such massively different goals then others.

Khil wants to turn everyone into Tang. Another faction wants to turn everyone into Sunny D. The third faction that nobody likes talking with wants to turn everyone into tomato juice.
Heh it is quite multifacted I admit. It sort of came about like a lot of things in this fic. I wanted to do something I have not seen much in other fics. In this case a story that went into more depth into SEELE and how it worked. From there the idea that the it was less monolithic (pun) then it looked in the show came pretty naturally. These are people who decided to blow up the earth to in a bid for immortality. I imagine each council member of SEELE as someone of great power wealth or influence such people would be at each others throats at the best of times let alone when some have such massively different goals then others.

I do enjoy it a lot though... don't give up the ship! its great stuff.
Bleh. New chapter almost done then I can throw it at Stryp for editing. Sorry it took a bit longer then expected. First I got distracted writing porn and then there was a technical issue that made me have to restart the chapter entirely. On the upside I think this version is better then 1.0 as I tried to communicate information in a more efficient natural way. I want to say that I am really grateful and excited by all the input and feedback I get and that going forward I am going to try to update more regularly. I really appreciate this experience and this chance to throw myself out and hopefully give you some enjoyment along the way. To all those who are sticking with me, thank you.
I hate when that happens... in my fic, brand new day, I re-wrote a chapter 5 times... start to finish... all because I didn't like something... only to finally cut out the part I didn't like, leaving the original first cut intact, added some WAFF and moved along... it really was a waste of about 3 weeks...

but my NGE fic is on hold while I am currently circumnavigating south America... crappy ship internet is crappy... and I cant research for the remaining 2 chapters. also writing a legit fiction that I started from scratch. and I have to put every bit of effort into it, because I am shooting to put it on store shelves and on amazon, apple book store, etc...
Not me. Making super strong or otherwise powered up characters is my poison. Shinji who is a Bount/Hollow hybrid anyone?
Heh I remember reading Bleach years ago but gave up around the middle of the Hudeco Mundo arc. It was a fun ride but I was feeling the repetition in the story at that point. That said I do think Kubo has a great talent for visual design and more specifically character design. The soul captains are all examples of how you can guess a whole characters shtick at a glance. I think a Eva bleach thing could be fun but you would have to plan it out ahead a lot and figure out the mechanics of the combined setting.