Ok, but here's the important question: BAHHSQ/RWBY crossover omake when?

Sorry, sorry! This sounds like a tough time for you, but the joke just begged to be written!

Ehehehehe. The answer you are looking for is "yes, but maybe not how you think." nobody ever said Anna had to end up with HPPs, and god almighty but I could write Crescent Rose fight scenes...

You think Anna is a Mexican-Canadian Mormon? Theres a minority if I've ever seen one.

Come off it softly, you don't want to go cold turkey.

Believe me, if I had a choice in the matter I would. But as it stands I'm filling 70-ish% of my free time with RWBY right now, which is an absolutely intolerable rate of consumption because replenishment takes vastly longer, and I have basically nothing to replace it with. This is down from 85%, which is good! But still... Waaaay too much.
Believe me, if I had a choice in the matter I would. But as it stands I'm filling 70-ish% of my free time with RWBY right now, which is an absolutely intolerable rate of consumption because replenishment takes vastly longer, and I have basically nothing to replace it with. This is down from 85%, which is good! But still... Waaaay too much.
Well why don't you try writing the extra?
Found a shipgirl image that reminded me of the description for Sandra.

This except less Stars 'n' Stripes and more Union Jack
Ignore me, I'm being dumb.
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Well, we know she's white. And one of her ancestors immigrated up north sometime ago.

And she still keeps the name Sanchez meaning either one or a combination of two things. First, the patriarchal side of her family tree are those not native to Alaska/Canada as they would pass the surname down the generations. Or one of the women down the line reverted back to her maiden name of Sanchez after some incident.

Anyway, eww, statistics and probability (not gonna do that). But the chance of her keeping a non-Canadian/American name decreases the earlier a Sanchez immigrated to North America.
I'd guess that Sanchez comes from someone who moved from California to Alaska, either an immigrant or someone from California before its annexation by the USA. Either way it's going to be hard to trace. Reliable genealogical records are much easier for European immigrants, as their countries had been tracking such things since the 1800's and immigration records make it easy to note their entry into the US.
is dat a knock off excalibur in her... left?

Not really. Cruciform swords are a staple of European medieval weaponry, and it'd hardly be the first time that one was decorated like that.

Hell, it's likely not even the first time one was decorated like that in real life, although in that case it'd be a ceremonial blade more than a functional tool of war.
~9/15 :V

Pretty damn good.
Senpai noticed me~!
Quick question @Avalanche, just caught up with your work, and the omakes, and the WoGs (love it all) and was a bit curious.

Kouji, Setsu, and Yukari are obviously Japanese. Shuri is Pakistani.

However, Sandra and Anna have surnames which point to several cultural/nationalities (as much as they count). Sanchez and Cambridge, or Mexican/Filipino/Spanish/Hispanic and English/American/Australian/Anglo-Saxon.

For the life of me, Sandra will always have an English slang in my mind's ear.
Also, discussions of characters' parts are always fun. However, aren't we Anna?
PTSD attack when?
Yeah but this is an anime so it won't happen.

Bleurghhhhh... Okay so, basically, I was about to write the rest of the next post and put it up, like, uh, Wednesday? Thursday? Of last week.

And then like 85% of my personal life just kind of spontaneously disintegrated. I haven't been depressed before in my entire life, now I have gone through some of that experience.

So I buried myself in something new: RWBY.

Since... Whenever this started, Wednesday I think, I've watched the first 2 volumes of the series, listened to tracks off of the show over 700 times, and read... I want to call it >500,000 words of fanfiction, but it might be a couple hundred thousand more. I'm saving volume 3 for... Something. Dunno. Swapped my laptop background to Ruby with Crescent Rose, etc etc.

There's, like, two ways this could end -- either I come down off of this softly or I hit the end of the 20k+ in the RWBY archive on ff.net and slam into a brick wall. I dunno. Anyway, here I am now trying to go to sleep and writing this to help me get there (gotta come off everything first). I'm recovering from the depression crap pretty nicely, for now. If I manage to get to a point where I can think about something besides RWBY without dying inside, we should have more writing.

Anyway, TLDR, I'm not Dead, I'm just dead and the timing was really bad. There's an impending doom in the near future (back of the archive) and if that hits me hard enough, uh. Yeah.

Thanks for listening to my tale of stuff. I'm gonna see if sleep makes me feel better or not, now. I hope. Gnight.
That explains the lack of posting from you. Even though it may not mean much, I'm sorry for what you have had to go through recently. Depression and its side effects are no laughing matter. If it was caused by a severe lack of Anna blame @Avalanche .
Found a shipgirl image that reminded me of the description for Sandra.

This except less Stars 'n' Stripes and more Union Jack
Ignore me, I'm being dumb.
Yay more happy pics! Also I am loving for the imagery and backstory about all of the characters in this quest. Everything so far has been enjoyable and worthy to dissect and reread many times. Credit to @Avalanche for creating such an interesting and amazing world.
I'd guess that Sanchez comes from someone who moved from California to Alaska, either an immigrant or someone from California before its annexation by the USA. Either way it's going to be hard to trace. Reliable genealogical records are much easier for European immigrants, as their countries had been tracking such things since the 1800's and immigration records make it easy to note their entry into the US.

Yeah, anyway, we know Anna's Caucasian so she's as Canadian as Canadian can be. Though I'm unfamiliar enough with the accent without devolving it into a caricature where every sentence begins and ends with "hockey" and "eh? ".

Also, discussions of characters' parts are always fun. However, aren't we Anna?
PTSD attack when?
@Avalanche for creating such an interesting and amazing world.

She'll go catatonic from all our ramblings. But, luckily, we're more her collective subconscious who Durga has the common sense to squash before we mentally touch Canada with a 10km pole.
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Yeah, anyway, we know Anna's Caucasian so she's as Canadian as Canadian can be. Though I'm unfamiliar enough with the accent without devolving it into a caricature where every sentence begins and ends with "hockey" and "eh? ".
Contrary to popular belief, we don't talk much differently than the Yanks do. We actually have less of a broad range of accents than our pants southern neighbours.
Came for the comedy, stayed for the Canadian Xenocide Dandere.

This quest, man.

Also, something I noticed:

Ms Anna "Never read the manual" Sanchez' Stats said:
Initial Valkyrie Compatibility Rating: 1% (Stat maximum: 2)
Current Valkyrie Compatibility Rating: ~100%
Stat maximum: 200
(Edited for brevity)

We don't have enough data to be sure, but it seems like our maximum stats are 2x(Our percent compatibility). Five precent compatibility would give us max stats of 10, etc.

The significance of this? Not much, but we can hedge a guess (Talent may or may not influence max stats, and per word of god Anna is low-tier in that regard) at the Synch-Levels of characters with revealed stat caps. Which is only really one person, but still.

Ms Shuri "We can rebuild her" Kravala's Notable skills said:
Range: ???/???
Precision: 80 (Mastered)
Speed: 80 (Mastered)
Efficiency: 70/80

Pfft. Double digits. Am I right, guys?*

Assuming her Max Stat multiplier is 2 like ours, she has a Compatibility Rating of 40%. The next possibilities are 20% (Max stats 400), 16% (500), 10% (800), 8% (1.000) and the exceptionally unlikely 1% (80.000). (Equally unlikely is 80% with max stats of 100).

Again, not all that useful, as the quest is driven by narrative rather than numbers, but assuming Avalanche is being as subtle as the Alt!Universe animators, keeping an eye on these numbers might give us a rough understanding of how experienced our comrades are.

Congrats to Avalanche on receiving 10.000 ratings. That's a number!

*Rem is not right
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