Edit: Looking at the map, it looks like the Antagonists control Sri Lanka and that island in the sunken West India.
Actually those countries are independent. They're just kind of similar to AG red. The Antagonists don't 'control' any areas outside of their main blocks in Europe, Africa and NA. The UN is very sure to crush anything of that sort. No Antagonist gaelic villages no siree.
Besides, I'm already at 4.5k, it can't go much more than another 2k right?
Edit: I'm slightly frustrated by the fact that the Calif. breach is at San Francisco and not LA. Does anybody care? I've already written it into Mors as LA, and Vae has had it as LA since... a long time ago. But, it wouldn't be very hard to change... Actually, it WOULD be a pain to change it for Mors... idk. I just don't even know. lol.
What the Los Angeles Breach is actually the San Francisco Breach? What how where?

*Checks notes*

No that's not it... I've always called it the Los Angelese breach...

*Checks last update*


*Sounds of smashing keyboard*

Are those two cities even near each other? My fucking god not even close, SF is near Sancremanto.
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>>Cadet Zara Wight: (12,330) (556)
>>Cadet Marianne Braun: (12,100) (583)
>>Cadet Leah Muller: (2970)
>>Cadet Julia O'Conner: (13800) (330)
>>Cadet Sofie Iversen: (6850)

Did everyone else notice this before? I assume its been mentioned in the 100 pages since update 14, but I haven't read through those and just noticed these while rereading through bits. Looks like the Estimated Combat Rating and their 300 rank if they qualify. There's a lot more higher-ranked valkyries still attending the school than I expected, though none shown so far beat Shuri.
So, I found this thread yesterday, and, naturally, stayed up 'til just-shy-of 2AM to read all the story posts. I just have to say how much I'm enjoying reading this character. She's such a woobie, and her life has sucked so very much. She's basically a cybernetically augmented autistic child soldier who is vaguely attempting to pass for someone learning how to be a people again. The background with her town is just all kinds of d'aww and sad as well.

So many feels for our unfortunate mob-driven PC.
Actually those countries are independent. They're just kind of similar to AG red. The Antagonists don't 'control' any areas outside of their main blocks in Europe, Africa and NA. The UN is very sure to crush anything of that sort. No Antagonist gaelic villages no siree.


What the Los Angeles Breach is actually the San Francisco Breach? What how where?

*Checks notes*

No that's not it... I've always called it the Los Angelese breach...

*Checks last update*


*Sounds of smashing keyboard*

Are those two cities even near each other? My fucking god not even close, SF is near Sancremanto.


*hugs avalanche-senpai*



No, seriously, Mors has references to fucking street names in it. I'd have to go and do more research to retconn this stuff.


(I may have been watching too much of John Oliver with his televangelist stuff recently lol)

Edit: I want everyone who reads this to understand that Avalanche-senpai is a very good sportsman. I'm racing him to the post, and yet he takes the time to encourage me by pointing out that I'm not screwing up three entire scenes. This shit was half of what stopped the writing for a while yesterday! Hell, I woke up this morning and I wasn't looking forward to dealing with this stuff! So, thank you, good sir, for being such a... well, a good sir! In fact... *starts writing again*
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Did everyone else notice this before? I assume its been mentioned in the 100 pages since update 14, but I haven't read through those and just noticed these while rereading through bits. Looks like the Estimated Combat Rating and their 300 rank if they qualify. There's a lot more higher-ranked valkyries still attending the school than I expected, though none shown so far beat Shuri.
Likely and it's optional to display as well since Blake doesn't have hers shown.
Did everyone else notice this before? I assume its been mentioned in the 100 pages since update 14, but I haven't read through those and just noticed these while rereading through bits. Looks like the Estimated Combat Rating and their 300 rank if they qualify. There's a lot more higher-ranked valkyries still attending the school than I expected, though none shown so far beat Shuri.

Been noticed before, most valkyrie are tight-knitted and it is not surprising we'll see some in the category that can be nominated for the 300. Shuri herself probably qualifies.

Besides, we're playing the number one. It is kind of hard to be surprised after that fact.
Been noticed before, most valkyrie are tight-knitted and it is not surprising we'll see some in the category that can be nominated for the 300. Shuri herself probably qualifies.

Besides, we're playing the number one. It is kind of hard to be surprised after that fact.
Not just probably.
Her service record has her listed at Rank 201 and considering that the system is less about having everyone ranked at 300 and better constantly in a 300 suit and more about making sure that the 300 can be deployed together with someone capable of using it effectively around the clock, odds are people up to the 400s get to use them frequently and every Ace has a chance to end up in one when they're available and others are not.
So, I found this thread yesterday, and, naturally, stayed up 'til just-shy-of 2AM to read all the story posts. I just have to say how much I'm enjoying reading this character. She's such a woobie, and her life has sucked so very much. She's basically a cybernetically augmented autistic child soldier who is vaguely attempting to pass for someone learning how to be a people again. The background with her town is just all kinds of d'aww and sad as well.

So many feels for our unfortunate mob-driven PC.
Congratulations! Now go back and read all the omake! It should only take twice as long as reading the actual story!

...Honestly though, some of them are very much worthwhile.
What the Los Angeles Breach is actually the San Francisco Breach? What how where?

*Checks notes*

No that's not it... I've always called it the Los Angelese breach...

*Checks last update*


*Sounds of smashing keyboard*

Are those two cities even near each other? My fucking god not even close, SF is near Sancremanto.
Leave it. You said that the difference between the + and - worlds wasn't the antagonists being stronger or humans being weaker it was bumans not fighting as effectivly. This is a good incident to demonstrate it, the breach got named by some general who sucked at american geology, everyone was too busy panicking to correct it and it got embedded in the bureaucracy.
Kinda similar to what actually did happen.
Leave it. You said that the difference between the + and - worlds wasn't the antagonists being stronger or humans being weaker it was bumans not fighting as effectivly. This is a good incident to demonstrate it, the breach got named by some general who sucked at american geology, everyone was too busy panicking to correct it and it got embedded in the bureaucracy.
Kinda similar to what actually did happen.

The issue here is that prior to 55 PI when the AGs arrived, humanity was using breaches as free energy because they're full of Higgs. So, there wasn't a frantic moment of naming these things, we had like 40-50 years to catalogue them at our own pace.

The fact that I can quote that off the top of my head makes me pretty sure I have been researching for this shit way too goddamn much.
Ah, the classic problem of a non-native writer: fucking up a places geography.
Well, at least sempai doesn't have to worry about me complaining over Florida.;):(*Drowns some more, along with everyone else who's homes are underwater*
Edit: I want everyone who reads this to understand that Avalanche-senpai is a very good sportsman. I'm racing him to the post, and yet he takes the time to encourage me by pointing out that I'm not screwing up three entire scenes.
Obviously a part of his grand master plan to delay you with your praise of him.:V
Obviously a part of his grand master plan to delay you with your praise of him.:V

It's hard to really explain how much him pointing that out did for me. It seems so small, right? What does it matter if an omake gets a city name wrong?

But... I can get pretty worked up about this stuff lol. When I got the idea in my head that it was SF breach and not LA I had just finished writing a major scene in SF using SFO, highway 101 -- these by name, not "the airport" or "a street." And, I mean, I've been to SF a couple times -- MRW I first saw the inside of SFO I literally said, word for word, "holy shit, this is what a civilized country looks like" -- and so I'm thinking to myself, okay, where's this thing I saw and can I call this other thing by its name? And I'm going on google maps and I wanted a street somebody might take from SFO up to downtown, and I came up with highway 101, which I've been on before. And the whole time I sorta have the city in the back of my head, partly because of google maps, and I'm getting used to "I'm writing this scene in this big city, there's a lot of traffic so the timestamps come farther apart, I've been IN that traffic I was in that traffic four, five months ago." And eventually I end up deciding what adjectives I'm going to use for the view of the city from above.

And right after all of that, I went and I looked at the last post and read that typo, and I was like, "WHAT? BUT, BUT -- WTF!" It really took the wind out of my sails. I've never been to LA in my life, I've never given a photo of LA a good look in my life, I don't know jack shit about LA. And if I shouldn't have been using SF because there was a breach there, then I would have had to use LA, and it really kinda killed me for a while. That was when I stopped writing last night.

Right up until Avalanche was like "WUT? Nononnonono."

I literally went and wrote an entire scene right after he posted that I was so relieved.

Anyway, I just have to figure out what I'm doing with the one arc, whether it needs one scene or two, idk. Whether or not the people from it come out alive. Stuff like that. Three major scenes and an epilogue, I already know how to write two of three and I kinda know what the epilogue looks like. With a bit of luck... Some time between 4 and 5, CST. Maybe.
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Well, at least sempai doesn't have to worry about me complaining over Florida.;):(*Drowns some more, along with everyone else who's homes are underwater*
OK, that's it! You've been drowning for at least a hundred pages now! Either die and start bloating, or grow some darn gills, ya damn kobold! (Thats right, I see through your disguise!)
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I always interpreted that as them getting bigger... And therefore closer... o_O

...That interpretation doesn't quite make sense to me, but I can't quite put into words why I think them actually traveling instead of growing is what was meant... Maybe I should go back and check the story posts to see if I can put my finger on it.

Edit: Found it!

"There's also the Tamanrasset double Breach, we definitely can't let those two approach each other for much longer."

The map zoomed slightly towards central Africa, showing two Minor Breaches, slowly creeping towards each other, a projected timeline for their convergence appearing.

Maybe it's just me, but this doesn't sound like growth. This sounds like they're moving in definite directions. Slowly, sure, but still moving. Then again, I could be wrong.
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