Surface of frame reconfigurable, capable of shifting mass to reduce damage, taking the place of missing appendages and forming extra appendages if necessary.
Frame can redistribute mass at high speeds to serve as a zero range melee attack.
Chainsaw frame. Includes chainsaw arm option.
Heavy Particle Projectors * 4 (Autonomous or back mounted)
All purpose, all range, variable power weaponry. Fires in either bursts or continuous. Fires exotic particles as standard to deal damage in a variety of ways. Capable of combining and reconfiguring into different forms to suit the situation at hand. Can function as a point to point communications array. Can function as a scanner illuminator.
Broad Spectrum Laser (Autonomous or optical ports mounted on multiple frame hard points)
All range, variable power weaponry. Output is either burst or continuous. Deals damage through EM radiation and radiation pressure. Can function as a point to point communications array. Can function as a scanner illuminator.
Our beamcannons are also radar and antenna.
Anna: "I'm communicating!"
Melee Halberd, Plasma Lance (Handheld or emitters on fingertips)
Melee combat, zero range, moderate power weapon. Output of blade is continuous. Cuts through high temperature and can overcharge to add mass/energy negation principle to blade.
...Once Koujirou gets his trick strong enough to crack the Impeller, he's going to find his sword broken off. Again.
Broad spectrum sensors: Manifests receivers on top of helmet as a pair of horns.
Allows for a high level of awareness of surroundings. At high Valkyrie compatibility levels, upgrades into Omni-Sensors.
Omni-sensors: Allows for practical omniscience down to the elementary level within a small radius. Drastically increases range of standard sensors.
She can not only see through your clothes, but what you had for lunch.
Onium batteries: No external components. (Destroyed. 6 days until auto repair complete.)
Allows for the additional storage of energy. Can serve as projectiles when charged. Can serve as reactive armour.
Sounds like good purge armor for particle beams, but I'm not sure about the projectile qualities.
Solar dynamos: Either layered over armour plates or extrudes from surface of frame as a mist.
Absorbs EM radiation and converts it to energy. Can be used to mitigate a moderate amount of damage from laser weaponry.
Energy dynamos: Layered over armour plates. (Destroyed. 11 days until auto repair complete.)
Absorbs kinetic energy for storage. Can be used to mitigate a moderate amount of damage from projectile weaponry.
Beam and physical weaponry only make her more killy.
Talent: 0
Initial Valkyrie Compatibility Rating: 1% (Stat maximum: 2)
Training multiplier: 1.0
Valkyrie Core Synchronised Hours: ~78,000 hours.
Valkyrie Core Combat Hours: ~20,000 hours+
Current Valkyrie Compatibility Rating: ~100%
Rating: Peerless
Stat maximum: 200
Training Multiplier: 10x
Points gained for skills per training action: 10
She's been in combat 1/4 of the time since she found Durga. Holy shit.
Target Rich Environment (Unique)
You are extremely capable at dealing with large numbers of enemies, seemingly scaling up with the numbers of enemies presented. Grants average competency with any weapon system if skills present do not qualify, excluding Exotic Principle Weaponry.
Didn't realize Target Rich Environment was an Anna-unique invention. But then she already had had a lot of experience in a target rich environment. Just not the dakka supply for it.
Short Ranged: 100m - 15km
Anna: "15 kilometers is a short distance in Alaska."
Hardened Impeller Field:
Directs the Impeller to thicken at site of incoming attack reducing damage taken by Impeller.
Energy Distribution:
Allows the Impeller Field to redirect incoming attacks evenly, reducing damage taken by Impeller.
Energy Absorption:
Allows for the Impeller Field to store incoming energy rather than releasing it right away.
Layered Impeller Fields:
Allows the creation of multiple layers of Impeller Fields to prevent singular attacks penetrating the entire field at once.
Partitioned Impeller Fields:
Allows for the creation of Impeller Fields with limited coverage to prevent attacks from harming multiple areas at the same time. Reduces Maximum damage from one attack to a certain level of Impeller and Frame within reason.
Spatial Manipulation:
Allows for the distortion of spacetime, manipulating relative distances between points. At high speed, high precision and high range, this ability can mitigate damage taken or increase damage done.
Coupled to the Kinetic/Beam absorb she has going on, she's INCREDIBLY good at tanking damage. I wonder if she can manage to catch and redirect Higgs attacks eventually. From the sound of it she's great at capturing enemy attacks, so she just needs to work it into throwing the stuff back.
Closed Space:
At the continuous expense of Impeller Field integrity or Higgs Particle expenditure, create a closed, stable space time bubble. Unshielded objects within the closed space will take constant damage, damage taken depends on their relative mass to total mass of closed space. At high precision, storage of unshielded items for prolonged periods of time without damage is possible.
Is that a Simulator Field?
That she can project personally?
At the expense of Impeller Field integrity or Higgs Particle expenditure, move mass a large distance instantaneously. At moderate speeds this ability can be used to escape attacks. At high precision and speed, unshielded units can be disassembled with this ability.
At the expense of Impeller Field integrity or Higgs Particle expenditure, create a spatial tunnel. At high speed, this ability can be used to deflect attacks. At high speed and high precision, this ability can reflect attacks. At high range and precision, this ability can spatially shear an unshielded volume of space from existence.
At the expense of Impeller Field integrity or Higgs Particle expenditure, in a moderate radius around the Valkyrie, spatial manipulation effects are prevented. In a large radius, spatial manipulation effects have are slowed and degraded in performance. At high speed, this ability can mitigate some Spatial Manipulation damage. At high precision and speed, this ability can corrode spacetime, freezing and crushing all unshielded matter within the afflicted area.
...oh my. Is that the base for initiating Wave Force?
The Main Character, a Clueless Moron
Valkyrie Cadet First Year, Rokusabe Koujirou
He is rather skilled at sleeping.
Incredibly so.
The Ojou, one who follows Noblesse Oblige
Valkyrie Cadet First Year, Aleksandra Marianne Cambridge.
She's very... intimate in greeting people.
She'd have to be good at them given how much hair she has.
The Estranged Childhood friend
Valkyrie Cadet First Year, Masaya Setsuna.
Has some martial arts ability, seems to specialise in kicks.
Zero range plasma caster (Wrist and ankle mounted, serves primarily as thrusters)
Cannons, Variable Munitions Launcher *2 (Hip mounted)
Flame kick? Because that's a setup for a flame kick.