So, Anna breached the Breach along with the bunch of Valks assigned to Saskatoon Breach, right? Why does she end up soloing the Hive then?

No, Anna breached the Breach solo.

No one from the UN forces was in the area until the time when Anna returned from soloing the breach. At the time, they were still engaged with the Fairbanks minor. They later sent scouts, who ran into Anna. Possibly they sent scouts in reaction to detecting the use of Wave Force Manipulation, as it was apparently measurable from facilities across the world.

I don't understand how you could reach that conclusion from that sentence at all.
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She clinically notes that Koujirou is male, but it never occurs to her that this means that she could theoretically pair up with him and start a family.
I don't think she has the idea of starting a family with anybody. I mean, given the crazy stuff that Valkyries can do and the state of medical tech, I would not be surprised if uterine replicators were practical. If this is true, then Anna could, if she felt the need, start a family with anybody, or even have Durga clone a bunch of little Annalets.
And honestly, I'm not sure that she would know what to do with a girlfriend or boyfriend if she somehow got one.
Cuddle with them in the pillow fort?
Attack a breach?
1: You fly through the Breach.
2: Enter the Hive.
3: Fuck it up.

Is the rough summary anyway...

When there are more than one Valkyrie involved, things get more complex and planned.

As for AGs, no spoilers.


E: Ninja'd by Avalanche. But, c'mon, did you really expect him to give the plot away like that?

Mou... Kaizuki is thinking and learning and planning and asking and modeling! It was worth a try, even if It senpai wouldn't answer!
No, Anna breached the Breach solo.

No one from the UN forces was in the area until the time when Anna returned from soloing the breach. At the time, they were still engaged with the Fairbanks minor. They later sent scouts, who ran into Anna. Possibly they sent scouts in reaction to detecting the use of Wave Force Manipulation, as it was apparently measurable from facilities across the world.

I don't understand how you could reach that conclusion from that sentence at all.
I think what he understood it as was "Anna participated in the attack that penetrated the breach with the other forces of the offensive, and was the only one to enter the sub-space." What actually was said was "The Alaskan offensive occurred. One of the many objectives was destroying the Saskatoon breach. Anna penetrated and destroyed the breach alone."
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I think what he understood it as was "Anna participated in the attack that penetrated the breach with the other forces of the offensive, and was the only one to enter the sub-space." What actually was said was "The Alaskan offensive occurred. One of the many objectives was destroying the Saskatoon breach. Anna penetrated and destroyed the breach alone."
Not to mention that she also killed a Class C Type Zero singlehandedly as well.
Anna: Babies come when two consenting adults cuddle in a pillow fort together, right?
Koji: ... Yukari, you wanna handle this one?
Yukari: I don't know, remember when mom and dad outsourced your Talk to me?
Koji: ... No.
Yukari: That's because I hid in my room and refused to come out until they stopped trying.
Koji: So THAT'S why you spent a week in your room when I was ten!
My chain of logic concerning "The Talk":

We are trying to get Anna to adopt our flight members and Yukari as family, kind of like how a cat adopts people. The best way I can see to this goal is to have them engage in activities normally reserved for people who Anna trusts (Grooming, for example. Never underestimate how much work can be put into hair in a Girl's Spotlight episode of a Harem Anime, even if something like a Valkyrie core is keeping it perfect. I suspect that Anna will not discern the point of the exercise, though, until somebody explains it to her). Thus, I want Anna to unconsciously pressure Yukari into giving Anna the Talk, so that in both of their minds that awkward moment will linger forever. Never underestimate the bonding power of an awkward moment concerning something that family members do (although it will be tinged with sadness if Yukari explains that it's parents who are supposed to explain it)! It's a risky plan, but probably worth it!

... And I'm just making a note here at the bottom of this post that it's about 1:40 in the morning for me, so this may come off as sideways as my attempts at typing right now.
inb4 SV decides that their little dakka darling needs the Talk and whole convoluted write-ins were created for that sole purpose.
Coincidentally, this is why I don't really ship Anna with anyone.

No one is good enough for her, no one will ever be good enough for her :mad:

So I'll just be off to the side here, sitting with my anti ship shotgun vote

Oh, I agree, no one's good enough for Anna... yet.

That's what the training is for. :)

Plus it gives Anna time to work out the issues illuminated previously in regards to relationships!
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Oh, I agree, no one's good enough for Anna... yet.

That's what the training is for. :)

Plus it gives Anna time to work out the issues illuminated previously in regards to relationships!
But because this is a harem anime, we will certainly be thrown into a shipping situation at some point in the future. (Hopefully there are other options than Pair of Aces, Queen High)
But because this is a harem anime, we will certainly be thrown into a shipping situation at some point in the future.

That's why, even if Harem Antics tries to draw us in, we blissfully stomp all the tropes. We get hit on by creeps? Scare them off with DAKKA. The MC trips and channels the spirit of Yuuki Rito? We sweep him up, and upright him before he realizes he was about to fall. Who the hell do you think we are? We are the Pinnacle of Humanity! As if some cross-dresser could make us fall!

Or, you know, whatever Avalanche does is fine...
Okay, this is going to sound strange but I have the next part of the omake out and I kind of need a beta. Any volunteers?

Unless I somehow don't have any internet (what pls no satan I'm not ready for the apocalypse) anyone who wants a beta can haz a beta, usually within 3hrs but never more than 12.

Unless it's something like @Chaosbrain and his evil squicky ick. <3 u chaos but ew.