How much of a chance would we stand against said hypothetical 300/rookie, with the benefit of Transcendent Offence? (Since it relies more on field manipulation than physical force.)
Um. How much chance? Well if they aimed to kill another person, they're done. Your skill with you Impeller field specifically and with your Valk in general is considered supernatural.
Honestly, it's not actually that hard a theory to prove or disprove. It basically hinges on what exactly happens to cores that lose their operator, and whether a new/different person can pick them and operate them instead and with what side-effects. If the cores have traits and equipment settings that persist between operators, it stands to reason they could all eventually become like the 300 suits, and the 300 are simply cores that have been in use for a very long time.
Valkyrie cores having quirks is well known, though most Valkyries describe them as having a temperament rather than something quite as complex as a personality.
Valkyries being able to influence the temperament of Valkyries is less well known, but still broadly accepted. The first generation Valkyries who held the line did not have the luxury of choosing a frame that matched them well, and a few noted that with enough time, they worked better with their Valkyries.
I'm curious to know what the difficulty is, since it specifies "upon success".
Standard opposed roll. Beat them, they take serious damage, fail to beat them, they dodge the Wave. Certain things such as redoubts, battleships, Hive Cores and such without dodge capabilities will simply have you succeed.
Where do frame names usually come from? Are they given, or do they have their own to start with? Who named Durga?
Valkyries tend to name their frames and if they stay with them for any notable amount of time whilst thinking of the frame by the name, even a period as short as 72 hours synched, the frame will have a tendency to keep it, though a new Valkyrie could rename the frame just as easily.
FYI: edits below
Setsuna named Kosenjoubi, but then, she's had around ~70 synced hours, so it was named a while back.
Durga was named by an Hindu family of refugees who arrived into your town after you saved them from Antagonists fairly early on, you decided to keep it as you hadn't bothered to name it before hand.
@Avalanche , what are some of the options we could take for Afternoon classes?
Hmm, right now, it's basically pick a special modifier and study it to attempt to make it better, as the normal studying that the other students are doing don't benefit you notably. Right now you are studying Target rich environment specifically.
You can basically suggest something to the effect of "I want Anna to git gud at firing lasers" and with a successful roll, you might unlock a special modifier that's a subset of Target rich environment. With an excellent roll, you might unlock a completely new special modifier.