Well, once again a vote is called before I'd even read through all the proposed plans, let alone decided how to vote...
Can I just say that the fact that a whole quarter of our energy needs are being filled by hydro is amazing
I read that as being "a quarter of the electrical capacity added
this plan".
Do you know any reputable sources suggesting 'nuclear incineration'? Because that sounds like a pretty bad idea. For one, this will turn your garbage into radioactive garbage. For another, my understanding is that nuclear reactors don't actually get very hot: The special alloys that makes them tick can't take the high temperatures a dumb lump of steel and refractory brick can.
I was talking about using heat from a nuclear reactor to pyrolize the plastic waste, incinerating the hot gasses that are cooked off and using the sludge left over as bunker fuel for ships, making new plastics or burning for power as well.
I'll be honest, the bureaucracy speak is making it much harder to understand what we're voting on and what any of the issues and options even mean. I had no idea what the option we apparently should have taken meant and I suspect that many of the other voters are in the same boat. Between that and the plans getting much more complicated it's hard to figure out what to prioritize and focus on for people who don't have access to the Discord or are good at reading bureaucrat.
I would strongly recommend toning down the complexity of options in the bureaucracy or giving them clearer names at the least. A name like "cooperate with anti-corruption investigations" would have been easier to parse and would have gotten the attention it deserved.
Voz's excessive and opaque jargon is one of the reasons why I've not been terribly keen to defend him.
Plus, I've really been looking forward to a new set of eyes looking things over because I have been getting worried about what problems might be accumulating in Voz's blindsides.
Hell, even compared to normal ish ones Voz was fairly understandable, if strange in his notions.
Darn, that is pretty damning of how opaque and jargon-filled the various Marxist-Leninist organizations in the world are/have been...
(Then again, it took me something like a decade to learn the misleading language and jargon non-Maxist-Leninist organizations in our world use, something something animal spirits something something tightening the belt, supply side something something technocratic centrism.)
Really? I only ever skim the politics sections because its so dense that its all greek to me, from what i remembered i just thought he was a libetarian hiding his actions as socialism.
Voz considered him a bit right wing, but Voz was kinda going paranoid control freak on us...
Of course, the flip side of that is that one can argue it's time to put Kosygin out to pasture...
Yeah, I am not sure... Masherov sounds like someone who could Gorbachev the Soviet Union potentially (once he gets more experience he could be fine). Abramov seems alright. But in general I have liked Kosygin's calls and wouldn't mind if he got another 5 years or so...