Attempting to Fulfill the Plan MNKh Edition

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
The questions of "what do we do if/when automation causes the reserve to drain slower than it grows" is one of the great unknowns of this quest. If we're lucky we actually will be able to leverage that into UBI or at least much shorter weekly hours.

I expect the immediate reaction to decreased employment due to automation (other than investment in industry to increase employment directly) to be:

- Reduced weekly working hours.
- Increased vacation time.
- Increased mandatory schooling.
- Lowered retirement ages.

Basically, an attempt to more or less "evenly" spread the benefits of more time due to automation across the population, rather than subsidizing a group which doesn't work at all while others still need to labor to provide essential services.
I expect the immediate reaction to decreased employment due to automation (other than investment in industry to increase employment directly) to be:

- Reduced weekly working hours.
- Increased vacation time.
- Increased mandatory schooling.
- Lowered retirement ages.

Basically, an attempt to more or less "evenly" spread the benefits of more time due to automation across the population, rather than subsidizing a group which doesn't work at all while others still need to labor to provide essential services.
That's assuming the USSr bureaucrats do something dumb like just seeing it as a number goes up innovation and refusing to acknowledge that maybe it might be causing increased unemployment.
A private sector is fine-ish so long as it's worker run. We don't need to nationalise it, we just need to give all power (in the private sector) the soviets.
Except it isn't worker run. The managers and owners are overwhelmingly party members who use their insider connections to ensure they stay successful above anyone else at cost to the rest of society. Or as I like to call them, the nobles in red drapes.
Except it isn't worker run. The managers and owners are overwhelmingly party members who use their insider connections to ensure they stay successful above anyone else at cost to the rest of society. Or as I like to call them, the nobles in red drapes.
Our private sector has plenty of co-ops actually, so a good part of it theoretically is.
Except it isn't worker run. The managers and owners are overwhelmingly party members who use their insider connections to ensure they stay successful above anyone else at cost to the rest of society. Or as I like to call them, the nobles in red drapes.
Almost all of the people Voz refers to as managers are state sector, not private. To him, it's more of a mid-ranking bureaucracy that got to big since the good old days/is a constant political annoyance to wrangle.
Yeah mao died in a plane crash, so this clusterfuck in Vietnam is probably the first time they've blundered. Fortunately it's also a hell of a lot less damaging than Maos Excellent Ideas so they'll probably continue industrializing at a steady pace provided they get the not dumb as hell faction back in charge, which isn't a guarantee.
Famine is possible
Look I'm not a fan of that one child idea but China has a monstrous population and I don't trust the Chinese leadership which has proven to be unstable.
Famine is possible
Look I'm not a fan of that one child idea but China has a monstrous population and I don't trust the Chinese leadership which has proven to be unstable.
Eh, China hasn't inherited the horrible Soviet agricultural system in this timeline, as we purged the soviet leaders who held those dumb ideas in the first place years ago. And considering Soviet Agriculture is in a far better place then OTL and the Chinese tended to copy off the soviets early on, I imagine their agriculture section is far far better than it was at the same time OTL.

Chinese leadership is still seemingly horribly incompetent. SO who knows lol
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Yeah mao died in a plane crash, so this clusterfuck in Vietnam is probably the first time they've blundered. Fortunately it's also a hell of a lot less damaging than Maos Excellent Ideas so they'll probably continue industrializing at a steady pace provided they get the not dumb as hell faction back in charge, which isn't a guarantee.
I am thinking that after Vietnam there will be some Chinese leaders that retire for health reasons or are reassigned.
Turn 68 (July 1st, 1961-January 1st, 1962 ): Scientific Development
Turn 68 (July 1st, 1961-January 1st, 1962 ): Scientific Development
Resources per Turn(RpT): Base 2700 +480 Trade +90 Commitments Discount +280 Private Sector -130 Rocketry -30 Grant Allocations - 30 Reserve -1140 Plan Commitments -300 Repayment = 1920 with 5 in storage

Space/Internal Politics

With the expansion of more orbital and technical projects, a unique line of attack has been formed in the Supreme Soviet. Instead of attacking the ministry for what it has yet to do, they have instead focused on the orbital and broader space program, asking a multitude of questions on the necessity of certain programs. The little rat Aristov is expected to have done most of the damage, taking the time to review budgetary reports and noticing the massive over-run in conventional ministry budgeting towards orbital development. In theory, the argumentation can die down, but that is only in theory. In practice every conservative and liberal with a grudge located one attack vector and can drag the fight into every possible committee.

Before the annoyances can manage to sway people of actual importance to the ministry, unfortunate cut backs have to happen to preserve the space program and create the appearance of acting decisively in the race to the moon. Actual cuts will round out and combine several projects and render the program slightly weaker, but if cuts are not undertaken constant political ammunition will be given to the opposition over an insistence on pie-in-the-sky projects. Every year, almost two plants of funding go to the space program, and for what? The ability to put a man in space and kill someone. Creating a counter-narrative that the ministry is responsive at putting an end to wasteful expenditure and prioritizing science over American overspending can help this image.

Later on, it will be possible to ensure that Aristov pays in blood for every annoying disruption, but that is a problem of the future. For now, the highest priority is damage control rather than striking back. The man has dirt and plenty of it, and if it can be transferred to Kosygin's pet investigator then something might even be done about it. If the man gets to spend ten years doing hard labor for imbecility and corruption it would be too short, but at least minimally adequate for forward progress. Reducing funding going to the space program will also, at least as a side benefit, enable more funding for economic projects, possibly accelerating growth and enabling the funding of more terrestrial science.

The MKAS by itself is a failure in most ways, with easy blame placed on the army, as they cannot even accomplish the simpler part of constructing a proper transport plane for it. Ignoring the fact that we have neither the engines, orbiter design capacity, or the materials to build it, the blame naturally falls on the army for failing the first hurdle as all of our issues are technical challenges that will eventually be overcome. The next reasonable cutback is the hydrogen engine program, as it is not likely to produce a functional result quickly and we have a functional expander cycle for lighter rockets. The ballistic capsule program may as well be retired as it is unlikely to make an impact, with focus instead going towards the refit of Vostok for the capacity for two cosmonauts. In theory, the PKA can also be cut back despite being mostly completed, as while it is a new capability, it is more an evaluation of a large quantity of poorly tested theory then a mature platform. Furthermore, the expansion of funding towards the RLA system can be returned to its old level without too much disruption, but that risks the main ministry carrier vehicle being completed on time.

[]Cancel MKAS and Hydrogen Engines

[]Cancel MKAS, PKA, and Ballistic Capsule

[]Cancel MKAS and cutback RLA

Free dice to allocate 5 Dice.
Infrastructure: 5 Dice

[]Secondary City Metro Lines(Stage 5):
The further and practically final development of the metro project for a time involves constructing a further system in some core industrial sites. The Kazan and Chelyabinsk metros will be built in a direct repetition of the old pattern, ensuring all industrial areas can receive a steady supply of workers. The more complex Odessa metro will involve only a single integrated linking line due to the cost of working near the water table, but this should still be more than sufficient for the efficient transportation of labor. (75 Resources per dice 79/150) (-3 Electricity) (Pork Project)

[]Moscow Renovation: The capital and, more specifically, the rapidly constructed urban growth areas have needed renovation for the last decade. Due to the prioritization of the last leadership and the issues in obtaining sufficient funds, these projects have been delayed. Taking a new look towards constructing a proper House of Soviets in a modernization of the old plan along with a dedicated building for several ministries, work can be moderately sped up while further developing the cityscape. Productivity isn't expected to improve significantly, but new networks of communication and capacity will at least ensure moderate improvements. Residential reconstruction will further assist with this, as far higher capacity units than the broader housing effort indicate will be built at higher localized densities on the metro network, optimizing labor movement. (60 Resources per dice 0/500) (Pork Project) (+1 Free Action)

[]Leningrad Renovation: Home of the revolution and rapidly increasing in size over the last few decades to the point that rapidly constructed moderate-density Mikoyan and wartime-era housing predominates entire districts. Through a dedicated modernization towards a proper skyline in those areas based on the high-density metro integrated district model, it is possible to significantly improve labor and organizational throughput. Dedicated areas for the organization of the largest enterprises and developmental areas for several critical aspects of the economy will be designated, ensuring that any large services projects can have a sufficient degree of bureaucratic space and a rapid flow of labor. This will be accompanied by moderate protective work to ensure that further inclement weather doesn't damage the city. (50 Resources per dice 342/400) (Pork Project)

[]Passenger Rail Network(Western SU): Electrification is a fundamental improvement in the transportation of personnel at high speeds, as diesel locomotives are not properly optimized to run at such a pace. Utilizing several innovations in rectification and localized drives for passenger units, it is possible to provide similar or better speeds across the HSR network. These new units will require a large-scale modernization and be limited to serving passengers. Still, as there is already a network specializing in the task, this optimization is more of a question of specialized production. Electrification of the track itself will be done according to a 25kV AC catenary scheme, allowing a reduction in power loss across the vastness of the Union. (75 Resources per Dice 1732/2250) (-16 CI1 Electricity)

[]Trans-Siberian Road: Constructing a simple road across the vastness of Siberia and the Far east is a massive but highly important undertaking. By committing to building out a single road line across the entire nation and bypassing any slow down a high-speed corridor can be built. This should greatly enhance traffic through towns while minimizing the load on local roads while also providing a critical avenue for the maintenance of the trans-Siberian and an important military corridor. The program itself is also more involved in the construction of bypasses for urban concentrations rather than a new road itself, saving a considerable degree of funds while improving through-flow. (60 Resources per Dice 0/150)

[]Moscow High Capacity Road Ring: A four-lane combined road system for the linkages around the Union's core industrial city is important for both local development and for further initiatives toward the construction of more automotive capacity. Truck shipping is steadily becoming a larger factor of conventional enterprise and it needs to be supported to improve general economic throughput. The current plan calls for the construction of a number of rings of high capacity unlimited speed roads around Moscow with interlinks built into them along with links to the broader urban network. Expansions might eventually be necessary, but for now, the proposal should be sufficient for a decade. (60 Resources per Dice 0/300)

[]Western USSR High Capacity Roads: Spreading development into far more interlinks and proper four-lane systems across the Western Union is economically important as road-based travel and shipping have increased exponentially. Expansions will reduce the load on trucks, improve transportation efficiency, and contribute to a growing internal demand sector for automotive production. These interlinks will be focused on reaching and then bypassing major urban concentrations, enabling easy travel with a minimized degree of congestion. Some additional new construction of roads will be necessary, but as much of the work is expansion disruption and costs should be minimized. (60 Resources per Dice 0/700)

[]Water Distribution Systems(Stage 6): Now that several rural areas have a sufficient supply of clean water, the focus can be shifted towards a two-pronged campaign of improving popular health and water supplies in urban areas. High-pressure water systems with new filtering mechanisms and a fluoridation program are set to improve public health considerations for a minimal cost. Pressure levels are set to be further standardized with most old pumping infrastructure replaced. Further efforts will focus on renovating the sewage system, as current developments in the water supply are expected to result in greater health developments. (70 Resources per Dice 48/500) (-11 CI1 Electricity)

[]Civilian Airports(Stage 2): Development of airport assets in tier two and tier three cities is essential, as it is not expected that large scale travel to them will be available for decades. While the rail lines do provide some degree of mobility, many are far too remote to reach with anything short of a challenging drive on poor roads or a slow train. For the movement of soviet workers and the development of these critical industrial and extractive centers, further airports must be constructed. Most will be a small single runway for regional jets, but even that should be sufficient for expected passenger loads. (50 Resources per Dice 0/200) (-4 CI1 Workforce)

[]Unified Canal System(Step 1 of 3): The lowest cost option for entirely unifying the waterways of the Union rests in the restoration of the Ob-Yenisei Canal and deepening it preemptively to match the required depth of the Western deep water system. Barge traffic forms an essential part of the economy, and its further expansion will contribute to the development of the Far East. Work is expected to primarily focus on deepening the current remnants of the Tsarist attempt, ensuring that it can move sufficiently heavy barges in preparation for further construction efforts. (50 Resources per Dice 51/100) (-1 CI1 Workforce)

[]ASU: Theoretical deployments of the old model of computing mainframes along with an intensive training program and data consolidation system can help with further consolidations. Consolidation of human calculators can be accomplished easily as a computer can do their work for almost nothing, and combined payroll management can be transferred to single machines instead of massive lists. The gains from a current implementation are limited, but with further theoretical developments in computing far more can be done. Overall, labor savings are expected to only be moderate, but a large degree of work can be done towards enhancing the proliferation of computational power to important enterprises. (60 Resources per Dice 0/400) (2 CI5 Workforce) (Secondary Projects Opened/Computing Tech will change this)

Heavy Industry 8 Dice

[]Kolomna Locomotive Works Modernization:
Instead of building an entirely new plant dedicated to new models of electric trains, a modernization of the standard production of diesel-electric can be implemented. Switching the diesel for a DC converter and lightening the load of the standard locomotive can enable a cheap train to be produced for a moderate increase in cost. This would inherently be a secondary line and only moderately help along the electrification of the cargo system, but having a consistent production line for new locomotives for the passenger project will help to reduce prices. Later refits towards a dedicated model can be accomplished after a sufficient degree of design experience builds up on the enterprise's initiative, limiting the necessity of direct funding. (60 Resources per Dice 0/150) (-7 CI1 Steel -4 CI1 Electricity -5 CI2 Workforce)

[]Novokuznetsk Steel Mill Expansion: Novokuznetsk forms an important center of steel production, and is far closer to the Kuzbas coal deposit for easy extraction. Additionally, local iron ore reserves are far greater than those for other plants, ensuring stable continued operation for quite some time. Workforce cadres are already present at the site and expected to be experienced with the latest in steel-making technologies, making the task of expansion far easier. The plant itself has also already partially done the expansion from incentive funds alone, enabling a far more ambitious and larger scale project to turn it into a second Magnitogorsk. (100 Resources per Dice 0/350) (119 CI10 Steel -22 CI6 Electricity -32 CI4 Coal -8 CI2 Workforce)

[]Temirtau Metallurgical Plant: A new metallurgical plant set to improve local labor participation and contribute to the exploitation of novel iron deposits. By transferring a significant cadre of skilled personnel and establishing a number of local metallurgical institutes, an expansion in both education and production capability can be secured. The yields from the process would inherently be less than expanding already established plants, but the low local cost of labor should provide a continuous effect in reducing operational and construction costs. (100 Resources per Dice 0/250) (52 CI4 Steel -10 CI2 Electricity -15 CI2 Coal -13 CI2 Workforce)

[]Rustavi Metallurgical Plant: Local caucuses enterprises have a decent demand for steel and the construction of a local mill can serve to continue lowering prices and ensure a degree of local surplus. The mill itself is practically designed in the standard scheme and is only capable of producing a few megatons of steel. The largest part of the project itself as with all other secondary steel plants is a focus on education and the production of local cadres for further expansion. The primary limiter towards diverse economic development has come down to a lack of experienced personnel as while the supplies of graduates are sufficient, very few have actual experience. (100 Resources per Dice 0/200) (44 CI4 Steel -9 CI2 Electricity -12 CI2 Coal -12 CI2 Workforce)

[]Bekabad Metallurgical Plant: Now that Tashkent has become a major manufacturing city, supplying it with Steel in sufficient quantities has become a priority. To minimize overall rail loading and continue to develop local production capacity, a fairly large associated metallurgical plant can be constructed in Bekabad. A larger mill project can be initiated using a mixture of local and imported cadres, ensuring a sufficient steel supply for a few larger manufacturing initiatives. Low labor costs and proximity to major coal deposits further incentivize the site, as it should be possible to secure massive quantities of acceptable-grade steel for almost nothing, relative to the other mills. (100 Resources per Dice 0/450) (111 CI9 Steel -21 CI6 Electricity -30 CI4 Coal -17 CI2 Workforce)

[]Tikhvin/Severouralsk MMK(Stage 1): With the increase in industrial utilization of Aluminum across all sectors and the considerable demand for ore in the civilian sector, it is time to properly develop several novel extraction complexes. Most of the involved funding and labor are expected to go towards the expansion and construction of the initial mining infrastructure, but later efforts will focus primarily on expanding electrolysis capabilities. (75 Resources per Dice 0/150) (17 CI2 Non-Ferrous -32 CI5 Electricity -4 CI1 Workforce)

[]Kuzbas Deposit Exploitation(Stage 2): Rail loading is expected to massively increase as more coal is extracted, but more coal is critically necessary for the development of the Union. Expanding the mining complex with more machinery and more mining personnel will ensure a surplus of coal across the Siberian and Ural regions while intensifying production. Haulage tons across the main rail network will increase, but as a large portion of passenger traffic has been split off of it, there is still a good bit of underused capacity left in the main lines. Further coal will be challenging, but new technology can overcome any issue. (60 Resources per Dice 80/300) (76 CI10 Coal -5 CI2 Electricity -11 CI2 Workforce) (Stage 3 Limit without rail electrification or Stage ⅔ Canals)

[]Coal Power Plants: With the stabilization of the coal economy, now is the time to start increasing coal power production. Using older parts and a simpler combustion cycle, the plants are expected to generate a good quantity of electricity, if at a far lower efficiency then the combined cycle gas plants. This surge of power can go towards any number of critical projects, ensuring that the Unions power demands can be met for long enough to bring larger hydro-electric, gas, and nuclear projects into full operation. (100 Resources per dice 0/200) (64 CI4 Electricity -24 CI3 Coal -3 CI1 Workforce) (Repeatable)

[]Expansion of the Automotive Plants(VAZ): The Gorky and the Volga automotive plants are excellent targets for mass expansion to close the gap toward the needed consumer goods targets. The managers there have already initiated large-scale extensive expansions of the production lines, but further efforts can be undertaken to improve output. Incremental improvements to the current models can be broken away from in favor of integrating several novel features, ensuring an adequate degree of foreign market utilization. Novel engine improvements can also be made on the production line, further improving throughput. (80 Resources per Dice 0/250) (-40 CI3 Steel -12 CI2 Electricity -9 CI1 Workforce)

[]Second Generation Precision Machinery: With further computational developments, a program towards modernizing precision and defense critical machinery needs to be initiated. While the army is at best useless at funding what is necessary for economic development, doing them a partial favor as a consequence of natural expansions of capability should encourage a further degree of dependency and limit the Ministry of Defenses ability to politically maneuver. Current goals call for the development of a limited stock of computer integrated machinery and creating a few standard models capable of general machining tasks. These will then be rapidly shifted towards production, with a significant expected degree of internal supply especially for the aerospace industry. (150 Resources per Dice 0/150) (-10 CI3 Steel -15 CI2 Non-Ferrous -16 CI2 Electricity -4CI1 Workforce)

Rocketry 4 Dice

[]Cancel Project (10<Projects<15, -2 Dice) (120R/t Funding Cap)

-RLA System (-50 RpT) (See T62R) (Finished H2 1965)
-Hydrogen Engine Program (-10 RpT) (See T66R) (Finished ???)
-Alloy Development (-5 RpT) (See T53R) (Finished H1 1964)
-Venera Program (-5 RpT) (See T63R/T67) (Launched/Flyby)
-Mars Program (-5 RpT) (See T63R) (Launch H2 1962)
-Vostok Follow-On Program (-5 RpT) (See T66)
-Ballistic Capsule(-5 RpT) (See T65R) (Finished H1 1964)
-Abort Program (-10 RpT) (Crash-Program) (see T67R) (Finished H2 1962)
-Luna 2 Program (-5 RpT) (See T65R) (Finished H2 1964)
-PKA Program (-5 RpT) (See T55R, T60, T64R) (Finished H2 1963)
-MKAS Program (-15 RpT) (See T64R) (Finished ??)
-Vacuum Electronics (-10 RpT) (See T66R) (Finished ??)

[]Cosmodrome Expansion: While technically capable of taking a 6m stage from a barge, actually launching a rocket heavy enough to justify such a large stage is a different question. Expanding the Yeraliyev cosmodrome further and increasing the scale of its facilities, a far greater rate of launches and larger launches can be enabled. The plan calls for the construction of three additional light pads for minimal configuration RLA or R7U launches along with the construction of a large scale pad made to launch the fully built RLA or any of its partial configurations. (40 Resources per Dice 0/200)

[]Dual-Crew Capsule Testing: Expanding Vostok towards the development of a two crew variation would be a short and fast project, expanding capabilities and ensuring further space first. Sending up two crew in the compact capsule will be a technical challenge, but a considerably achievable one with everything that has already been completed. The program is expected to go for a launch in the next few years, ensuring a low cost glorious achievement in orbital development. (1 Dice) (Expected Project Cost 5RpT)

[]Hypersonic Wind Tunnel: Getting air speeds into the hypersonic and high supersonic range presents a massive technical challenge, but an important one for the further testing of a number of important concepts. By committing the funding towards building a dedicated facility testing can be accelerated and far more progress can be made on testing with models rather than attempts at calculation. Full speeds for things like re-entry are not going to be achieved, but high mach dynamics are a critical area of study for both the military and for the rocketry program, plus a significant political victory can be secured by getting their enterprises to use our tunnel. (70 Resources per Dice 0/100) (-6 CI2 Electricity -3 CI1 Workforce)

Light and Chemical Industry 8 Dice

[]Volga-Ural Petroleum Basin Exploitation(Stage 3):
Intensification of heavy oil extraction isn't currently necessary but can serve to improve the general state of the petrochemical industry. As oil and oil products are already a leading export, further expansion can risk price instability. Other exporting states have started to do a modicum of price altering, but for now there is a bit of an untapped market. (30 Resources per Dice 58/200) (-8 CI1 Electricity -4 CI1 Workforce)

[]Pre-Caspian Petroleum Basin Exploitation(Stage 3): Liquified gas reserves are important for the modernization of heating and the general power grid. While they are for now not necessary as heating modernizations have stalled in favor of other projects, their completion can significantly assist in further efforts. This will also not be heavily competed with, as natural gas is primarily a local-use resource. (30 Resources per Dice 2/250) (-9 CI1 Electricity -3 CI1 Workforce)

[]Samara Refinery Complex(Stage 3): Mass expansions of the core refinery complex and refinery systems will involve the construction of several important enterprises. Refining techniques have further been developed to yield far more desirable fractions and the broader modernization of the complex will only serve to increase useful yields. Chemical production will also be benefited by the increased production of petrochemical products as they form essential feedstocks. There is currently no shortage, but expansion needs to be considered in the future if current use increases continue. (40 Resources per Dice 101/150) (-17 CI1 Electricity -3 CI1 Workforce) (Supports Stage 3 Pre-Caspian and Volga-Ural 2 Gas Projects When done with both)

[]District Gas Heating(Stage 3): Further developments of gas heating is more a rollout to the last few areas still using coal for central heating. Further pipeline construction out to more rural areas will take some time, but they do not have the density to produce significant smog concentrations anyway. Effectively entirely moving away from coal heat will make us dependent on the continued extraction of natural gas, but the deposits are sufficient for long enough that something better should come along. If nothing else, the extraction of tight gas with nuclear charges will more then solve any shortages. (60 Resources per Dice 122/150) (25 CI4 Coal 3 Workforce)

[]Plastic Production(Stage 5): Further mass expansions towards common-use plastics are expected to yield a considerable economic return. Production will focus on the expansion of polyethylene and polypropylene, as both polymers are expected to be in the highest demand. These will mostly go towards the private sector, but interest has been expressed by the army and by a massive number of enterprises to secure plastics production. Even with incentive funds rapidly going towards expanding plastic production, far more is needed in order to satiate the massive markets for it domestically and abroad. (55 Resources per Dice 38/380) (-29 CI3 Electricity -6 CI1 Workforce)

[]Fertilizer Plants(Stage 4/5): High-intensity production of several types of fertilizers is required to fulfill the target for already utilized agriculture and continue the current expansion of land under cultivation. It may not be possible to become an economy where the agricultural sector is not a drain on state funds. Still, a continued shift towards cheaper nutrition can only benefit the workers. Nitrogen-fixing apparatuses will be modernized and continuously improved, along with several vertical layout improvements developed in the petrochemical sector being implemented at all levels. (60 Resources per Dice 512/560) (-46 CI3 Electricity -7 CI1 Workforce)

[]Consumable Product Initiatives(Stage 1): The private sector has so far served sufficiently in providing excess consumable products for the general population, but the sector itself is considerably under-utilized. While an enterprise might produce toilet paper on the side, this is comparatively inefficient and lacking in scale. By taking up the production of standard consumables into major centralized enterprises, the economy can be made more efficient and the supply of consumptive goods across CMEA can be enhanced. This will include a degree of increasing production of certain food goods, ensuring that the average citizen will have cheap access to standardized products. (50 Resources per Dice 0/150) (-7 CI2 Electricity -5 CI1 Workforce) (Pork Project)

[]Book Production: Sourcing more books is essential for improving the popular understanding of literature and improving Soviet influence abroad. By transferring funding towards increased production of literary works a considerable amount of turnover can be secured. This can be followed up on with a program of funding a number of domestic authors producing work in a scientific scheme, encouraging people across CMEA to participate in the scientific apparatus. Building more book printing enterprises will also contribute to an increase in publishing throughput, bringing yet more variety to the Soviet people. (50 Resources per Dice 0/100) (-4 CI2 Electricity -6 CI1 Workforce)

[]Electrified Appliance Production: The demand for more modern appliances has generally been met by incentive funds from previously established enterprises, but more funding can always help. By improving the production of newer models and ensuring that domestic demand is entity-saturated, programs can start to look towards export. The demand in CMEA is only expected to increase as electrification broadens and more workers receive modern accommodations. This will contribute significantly towards also improving safety in the home, as electricity is far safer than any variety of open flames. (60 Resources per Dice 0/175) (-8 CI2 Electricity -5 CI1 Workforce)

[]Synthetic Rubber Plants(Stage 1): Rubber demand is partially being met by natural rubber and the steadily expanding wartime plants, but more is needed to meet the demand for automobiles and export. By committing funding towards greatly expanding overall rubber production everything from civilian shoe-making to critical war industries can stand to benefit. New techniques of production should also serve to lower prices on rubber products, making them more accessible. Cross-CMEA demand is still fairly moderate due to access to natural rubber, but there is a significant opportunity in increasing production for export yields. (75 Resources per Dice 0/150) (-9 CI2 Electricity -2 CI1 Workforce)

[]Textile Industry Modernization(Stage 2): The popularity of synthetic fibers is massive and sustained across the entire Union, and it would be remiss to ignore. Instead of continuing the strong focus on cotton, diversification is the primary priority of this stage of development. The private sector has already adopted the materials at scale, with use only going up every day. The state cannot allow for a gap in the production of new fiber, and with a commitment of funding, new consumer goods can be made for both domestic and foreign consumers. (50 Resources per Dice 3/200) (-5 CI1 Electricity -8 CI2 Workforce)

[]Chemicalization of Alcohol Production: The demand for lighter drinks sold at food distribution points rather than stronger brews has shifted the entire sector around and left it more able to be optimized by chemical production methodologies. The production of low-alcohol derivative brews from grains, honey, fruit, and grapes can improve quantity and quality. Licensed ultrasonic cleaning methodologies from the Americans can also be applied towards flavor enhancement, enabling a similar profile of general taste to that of aged products, saving time, and enabling a greater markup and alcohol tax turnover. (50 Resources per Dice 0/150) (-12 CI3 Electricity -7 CI1 Workforce)

Agriculture 4 Dice

[]Expanding Rural Production:
Intensification of conventional agriculture has a massive degree of return and now that the chemical industry has steadily caught up, it is all a question of implementation. Higher degrees of processing in order to increase food preservation and accessibility while intensification with chemicalization can bring up agricultural production. Current methods of increasing production will likely increase export opportunities and maintain the relative profitability of the agricultural sector, ensuring that it doesn't become an active drain on finances. (50 Resources per Dice 93/250) (-2 CI1 Electricity -4 CI1 Workforce) (Significant Agricultural Profitability Increase)

[]Continuing Consolidations: Individual and family farmers do not compare favorably to large agricultural enterprises in either labor efficiency or integration. Enabling enterprises to consolidate out the smaller farmers will cause some unrest, but as they are already relocating to cities along with the younger generations, most should be fine. Increased rural industrial integration and private sector integration is expected to pick up a large number of displaced personnel. Simultaneously, freeing more labor from the countryside will enable an acceleration in industrial development. (40 Resources per Dice 0/150) (9 CI1 Workforce) (Increased Rural Migration)

[]Bringing Land Under Cultivation: The expansion of agricultural enterprises and the provision of land for no cost to any farmer willing to utilize it is an essential frontier. As new techniques are developed for the operation of virgin lands and growth near permafrost zones, the overall utilization of land can increase. Some of those in areas can also be re-connected towards overall development, expanding utilization at almost no cost and further distributing populations for defensive purposes. As before, more farmers should be willing to make the move as prices for mainstream goods drop, ensuring that they have the correct incentives to stay in the business until better transportation networks can be built out. (40 Resources per Dice 0/150) (-2 CI1 Workforce)

[]Secondary Agricultural Production: The old enterprises developed to take advantage of the many secondary products from the broader agricultural sector have been constructed with a dramatic underestimation of the overall demand curve. Through the foundation of a further series of specialty cheese and meat processing enterprises along with several further processed products being developed, the Soviet worker could receive far cheaper consumptive products. These are then expected to improve overall agricultural turnover while cybernetically incentivizing several other enterprises to increase the production of previously secondary feedstocks. (60 Resources per Dice 239/300) (-17 CI1 Electricity -11 CI1 Workforce) (Large Agricultural Profitability Increase)

[]Zoo Program: The current program for zoo animals for the amusement of the public has a long and storied history, but it is not the most practical. The amusement from gawking at an animal in a cage isn't great for either the animal, continued public interest, or people actually re-visiting a zoo. By moving some state funding towards expanding the program and setting minimal habitat standards a source of public amusement can be made while contributing to the rich ecology of the Union. (40 Resources per Dice 0/200) (-4 CI1 Workforce)

[]Light Transportation Systems: The subsidized distribution and recycling of old trucks for agricultural work is a tradition, but more efforts can be made to equip farmers with the tools to easily transport their goods. By improving the mechanization of the agricultural enterprises themselves, a faster transfer of goods can be enabled, ensuring that only the freshest produce reaches the workers. These initiatives will also accelerate the refrigeration of rail cars, steadily increasing their stock and prevalence and allowing products to reach stores in the lowest amount of time. These speed improvements should also accelerate the overall cybernetic loop inherent to the agricultural system, optimizing both the strength and the decisiveness of the mechanism so that workers may better judge what crops to plant. (50 Resources per Dice 0/200) (-10 CI1 Electricity -4 CI1 Workforce) (Increases Agricultural Profitability)

Services 0 Dice

[]Communal Museum Programs:
The wealth of artistic and cultural output is useless without a method to display it to the general public. Instead of the capitalistic structure of expensive museums that are restricted to the bourgeois, a number of public art and scientific museums can be opened for the general public. These would display the collection of art of a number of more modern and older painters along with several items purchased from foreign collections, ensuring that every worker can culturally develop further. The program will be a moderate economic cost, but free access to art should enhance people's contentment far more than a number of other trifles the money can purchase. (40 Resources per Dice 0/150) (-3 CI1 Workforce)

[]Review of the Pharmaceutical Industry: The current pharmaceutical industry has been made as one of the highest rates of export goods for the Union, requiring little but high precision synthesis work. This has worked for long enough, but some cracks are starting to show in domestic availability as the foreign market pays far more than any domestic health system. By reviewing where these shortfalls are occurring and then subsidizing insufficiencies alongside increasing production they can be compensated for. (60 Resources per Dice 0/100) (Possible Persistent Cost)

[]GOST Medical Standards: Now that food goods have been broadly standardized, a further standard can be made for domestic medications. This will take some time as the industry has practically been allowed to grow with minimal intervention, but it is essential towards checking and improving medical standards. Most of the work will be assessments and evaluations of the drugs currently for sale, with some independent testing conducted for efficacy as quick confirmations of effects. (50 Resources per Dice 0/150) (Possible Persistent Cost)

[]Rural Clinic Programs: Despite a strong insistence on giving every citizen of the Union healthcare, the rural areas have been mostly ignored outside initial proposals to use them as a training system. Reforms have made the system less of a nightmare in functionality but far more need to be built outside the guidelines of the planned expansion. Now that supplies of new doctors and medical professionals are available, a moderately ambitious expansion can be conducted. In areas of intensive rural housing construction, central clinics capable of dealing with common cases can be built, with ambulances and helicopters reserved at central hospitals for fast transport. (50 Resources per Dice 0/250)

[]Hotel-Enterprises: Travelers for business and vacation need somewhere to stay while vacationing, and older proposals are far too grand for the throughput produced by the HSR system. Instead of going towards weird temporary models, building up a stock of new buildings with partially served accommodations and a morning meal can encourage tourism and the cultural unification of the Union. At most major cities and vacation destinations, a few hotels will be built as modified derivatives of standardized housing, ensuring that every vacationer has a place to stay. (60 Resources per Dice 0/200) (-5 CI1 Workforce)

[]Canteen Enterprises: Thousands of small private stands have been built in order to supply the walking proletariat with cheap food items. Involving the state in the sector will ensure a greatly increased deal of funding and an improvement in cultural unity. Nationalizing several private brands, bringing them into the fold, and providing enough investment for massive expansion will ensure that they can be better distributed. If the people want to pay significant amounts for exotic foods, the state may as well take a cut. (30 Resources per Dice 0/200) (-9 CI1 Workforce)

Bureaucracy 5 Dice (No Free Dice can be Used)

[]Dedicate Focus Towards a Project():
By committing additional time towards personally organizing an initiative and going over some heads, it should be possible to bypass the political imbeciles that are tragically still present in the middle rungs of leadership. (1 Bureau Dice for +10 per dice on a project) (Unrolled)

[]Force Anti-Alcoholism Campaigns: With every day alcoholism has continued to impact the productive forces of the economy and the overall Soviet people. It is a major contributor to domestic violence and a massive wellspring of lost productive hours. Instead of listening to the softer wings and allowing them to struggle on their own, a far harsher effort is needed. Testing for alcohol for suspected alcoholics, with greatly increased criminal penalties for intoxication during crimes. Alcohol distribution further increased in tax and was only allowed with bottles printed with images of the end stage of alcohol poisoning or liver failure. If society refuses to be made productive in the soft way that Kosygin wants, Shepilov's methods will do just fine. (1 Dice, Rolled) (Supreme Soviet Reform)

[]Restructure Housing Prioritization: Housing going towards families first is an acceptable policy for long-term growth, but it is a suboptimal one for enhancing industrial development. By pushing forth the transfer of personnel to specialty projects as designated by the ministry, it should be possible to ensure that many enterprises are far more content with their positioning. Low-cost laborers that are freshly educated can be transferred to several positions necessitating industrial intensification, ensuring that a requisite political favor can be obtained. (1 Dice, Rolled) (Supreme Soviet Reform)

[]Encourage CMEA HSR: To cybernetically accelerate the development of material conditions across our fellow socialist republics, a program of easy worker movement is necessary. If it takes a Bulgarian worker days to reach his new employment in a Soviet enterprise, there will be chances for him to be turned back. Instead, if efficient transportation of immigrants, tourists, and students can be encouraged far more can be secured. As an added benefit, some domestic workers can travel further on their vacations, improving morale to some extent. (1 Dice, Rolled) (Supreme Soviet Reform)

[]Push Towards Trade Agreements: The Union needs to find more capitalists willing to spend their money on the goods leaving our factories. While we produce enough for domestic consumption across most sectors, exports are critical if we are to secure further capital for industrialization. By continuously taking a strong pro-export policy and leaning on the MFA to work towards lowering barriers to trade, significant amounts of funding can be secured. CMEA has been rendered a limited growth market, as we are restricted to their rate of growth, but there is a massive number of workers globally that have yet to have their demands satiated. (1 Dice, Rolled) (Supreme Soviet Reform)

[]Equivocate on Trade: Taking lines on trade is a position that Kosygin himself likely doesn't even support. By instead taking a mixed stance and equivocation on it while backing whatever the committees of party experts trot out, a degree of influence in the party can be secured. Not much is expected to be accomplished, but the political gains of working with the party can pose an advantage especially if further political events continue to occur. (1 Dice, Rolled) (Supreme Soviet Reform)

[]Currency Agitation: Getting things ready for a major currency reform is a massive effort in the ministry, as accounts will need to be changed and updated. Despite the reform being ostensibly a help in securing more resources from the broader CMEA, it will also be a major disruption. If internal changes can be delayed until the next plan, any fluctuation will have far more time to sort itself out. Simultaneously, ensuring interconvertibility will tie the various Comecon economies tightly to ours and plans need to be made towards high-viability export goods. (1 Dice, Rolled) (Internal Reform)

[]Fire Incompetents: The ministry has no shortage of semi-influential incompetent imbeciles in the lower ranks. While firing them may lead to some minor disruptions, failures on their quarterly reports is enough of a reason for their removal. Conveniently, this should ensure that the Stalinist taint is rolled out of the ministry, one poor performer at a time. Some of the capacity to work on independent projects might be lost, but the newly graduating and educated classes coming into the system should be prioritized for promotions well over the old guard. Not everyone incapable will be removed with this wave of retirements, but a good number will be cleared out. (1 Dice, Rolled) (Internal Reform)

[]Build Management Cliques: The core internal base of the ministry rests in the enterprises themselves, and directly addressing them and utilizing them is important to maintain stability in the system. Those with correct views can be promoted to more administrative positions, while those that have delusions can stay on outside of the core political system. Some may protest these changes, but as there is enough ministry power held in the center now, it is the time to decisively strike. (1 Dice, Rolled) (Internal Reform)

[]Consolidate Ministry Departments: The current dispersed state of the ministry across the republics and inside of the broader Union has led to some issues in coordination. Taking advantage of the current independence of enterprises, the ministry decision-making apparatus can be properly centralized in Moscow and further improved. This will be accompanied by a consolidation of power at the upper levels, bringing several political figures closer to the center of power and ensuring the minimization of costly expenditures of political influence internally. Simultaneously, the shift in focus for the main apparatus will provide a degree of distance from the enterprises, reducing their direct influence over most regional administrations. (1 Dice, Rolled) (Internal Reform)

[]Determine Coalitional Alignments: The current supreme Soviet may have just been re-seated, but already the closed-door debates have intensified. By taking time to personally discuss with several influential bureaus and members, it should be possible to obtain a general idea of the exact state of the various blocks present. The current poorly organized diaspora will only ensure that the ministry cannot operate with a proper idea for political margin, limiting capabilities at all levels. (1 or 2 Dice)

Current Economic States:
Coal: -4 CI5 (0 RpT, Net Import, Moderate Cross Border Volume, Low Prices)
Non-Ferrous: -21 CI6 (-40 RpT, Net Import, Moderate Cross Border Volume, Very High Prices)
Steel: 90 CI12 (20 RpT, Large Net Export, High Cross Border Volume, Low Prices) (-10 RpD Infra)
Electricity: 13 CI9 (Insufficient Infra for Trade)
Food: -20 RpT (Large Net Export, High Cross Border Volume, Low Prices, Subsidized)
Oil: 180 RpT (Large Net Export, High Cross Border Volume, Low Prices)
Medications: 90 RpT (Large Net Export, Moderate Cross Border Volume, Medium Prices)
Consumer Goods: 190 RpT (Net Export, Very High Cross Border Volume, Low Prices)

Plan Effects:

Housing Construction Efforts:
(-7 Infra Dice -420RpT Modified by Steel Prices) (Reduction in Communal and Barracks Housing Forms to 10% of the adult non-student population by 1965)

Hydroelectric Power: (-2 Infra Dice -120 RpT (30(+5 per year) Electricity per Turn) (Conventional Dams Done, Upper Lena, Upper Yenisei, Lower Irtush, and Upper Ob Cascades Opened for the 8th Plan)

Power Plant Construction(CCGT): (-2 LCI Dice -240 RpT) (56 Electricity -2 Workforce per Turn)

Rural Modernization Programs: (-2 Agri Dice -180 RpT) (Stage 6 by 1965) (+6 Workforce a Turn)

Healthcare Expansion: (-2 Services Dice -120 RpT) (Completes up to Stage 6 and Modernizations) (-3 Workforce a Turn)

Education Expansion: (-2 Services Dice -60 RpT) (Completes Stage 7 Polytechnic, Completes Stage 3 Sociological, Completes Stage 4 Economical, Starts Secondary Schooling Expansion) (Cuts Workforce Expansion by ~1/4) (Delays Full Boomer Utilization until 1966)

Chita-1+Perm-1 and 2: VVER-300 nuclear cores set to be completed in 1964 (16 CI1 Electricity 7 CI3 Coal -2 CI1 Workforce)

State of the Workforce:
Labor Reserve: 22
Labor Reserve: 10 RpT Cost
Prison Reserve: 20 RpT Cost
22 CI7 Net Men Entering the Workforce
24 CI6 Net Women Entering the Workforce
13 CI7 Movement from Rural Areas

Foreign Labor Added to System:
(18(7 Stayed))1957

Civilian Sector Demand Changes:
(30 RpT Grant Allocations)
Coal: -2 CI4
Non-Ferrous: 12 CI4
Steel: 4 CI6
Electricity: -31 CI5
Workforce: -17 CI5

Projected Military Demand Changes:
Non-Ferrous: -7 CI1
Steel: -5 CI2
Electricity: -4 CI1
Workforce: -3 CI8

24 Hour Moratorium
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Big Plane is not working out I see. We can't lose our next general-purpose launcher and a successful space plane is too cool to give up, so I guess Hydrogen Engines have to to the chopping block.

EDIT: We got a +100 resource boost for promising a moonshot and our rocketry passive expense is 130 RpT- perhaps going too far over a hundred there is causing us to get stink eyes?

Also, two turns in a row that civilian net steel has gone up. That nat 100 on arc furnaces really payed off.
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As every previous turns i will remind people that doing "Second generation precision machinery" without doing an MMK is a bad idea because we are already hovering up so much aluminium that if we expand our usage by 15 more we are going to end up importing from the US with massive political repercussions not to mention the price
Was wondering when the sup sov would get tired us us funding every space project when it hits the docket. Still I think this is good for us. With a cap we now have a target to political around rather than the whole program.

For cuts the RLA has been rolling good and would be a good primary rocket for like the next 30 years so I don't want to cut it if we can. Same with the PKA, we have use for it and it's almost complete, so another turn or two and it's costs go away.

By comparison the MKAS has stalled out since it's funding and the hydrogen engines aren't far enough along to make continuing it worth it, so I say cit those. If we really need the engines we can see wait for it to show back up in the docket when we get some slack. For that matter we might want to consider cutting more programs just to give us some slack.
As every previous turns i will remind people that doing "Second generation precision machinery" without doing an MMK is a bad idea because we are already hovering up so much aluminium that if we expand our usage by 15 more we are going to end up importing from the US with massive political repercussions not to mention the price
Well fuck. And that would also mandate doing a full coal plant this turn. Thank for the heads up. With our net civilian/military change of +5 the machinery only really increases it by 10 this turn, but yeah probably best not risk it.

Put 3 dice on coal plants. Or maybe even four, since we're definitely going to need a second run soon anyway.