Attempting to Fulfill the Plan MNKh Edition

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] Plan Trains and Transistors
-[X]1730/1730 Resources (0 Reserve), 37 Dice Rolled
Infrastructure (5/5 Dice, 330 R)
-[X]Secondary City Metro Lines(Stage 5), 1 Dice (75 R)
-[X]Passenger Rail Network(Western SU), 1 Dice (75 R)
-[X]Construction of the Paved Road Network(Stage 5), 1 Dice (60 R)
-[X]Telecommunications Infrastructure(Stage 4), 2 Dice (120 R)
Heavy Industry (6/8 Dice, 445 R)
-[X]Kolomna Locomotive Works Modernization, 2 Dice (120 R)
-[X]Dneprodzerzhinsk Metallurgical Combine Expansion, 1 Dice (100 R)
-[X]New Automotive Plants(Zaporozhye), 1 Dice (75 R)
-[X]Development of the ZIL Automotive Plant, 1 Dice (80 R)
-[X]Bus Plants(Riga), 1 Dice (70 R)
Rocketry (3/3 Dice, 100 R)
-[X]Communications Satellite Testing, 1 Dice
-[X]Ballistic Capsule Program, 1 Dice
-[X]Development of the Stalingrad Plant(Stage 3), 1 Dice (100 R)
Light and Chemical Industry (11/8 Dice, 570 R)
-[X]Petrochemical Pipelines(Stage 4), 1 Dice (50 R)
-[X]Volga-Ural Petroleum Basin Exploitation(Stage 2), 2 Dice (60 R)
-[X]Pre-Caspian Petroleum Basin Exploitation(Stage 2), 1 Dice (30 R)
-[X]Samara Refinery Complex(Stage 2), 1 Dice (40 R)
-[X]Gasoline Standardization, 2 Dice (140 R)
-[X]Plastic Production(Stage 4), 1 Dice (55 R)
-[X]Pesticide Production Plants(Stage 4/5), 3 Dice (195 R)
Agriculture (5/5 Dice, 185 R)
-[X]Peoples Dietary Initiatives, 1 Dice (40 R)
-[X]GOST Standardization, 2 Dice (40 R)
-[X]Housing Expansions, 1 Dice (45 R)
-[X]Development of Additional Fruits, 1 Dice (60 R)
Services (2/0 Dice, 100 R)
-[X]Film Studio Formation (Stage 3), 1 Dice (60 R)
-[X]Professional Service Development, 1 Dice (40 R)
Bureaucracy (5/5 Dice, 0 R)
-[X]Decisively Strike at Wages, 1 Dice
-[X]Advocate Cross CMEA Standardization, 1 Dice
-[X]Weigh in on CMEA Trade Negotiations, 1 Dice
-[X]Defend Space Prioritization, 1 Dice
-[X]Uphold the Red Book, 1 Dice

Compared to Plan Death to Rolls Royce, this plan does:
-1 Car plant (Zaporozhye), -1 Novo train plant, +2 Train modernization (Kolomna)
-1 Lunar propulsive landing, +1 Film Studio Formation
-1 Determine Coalitional Alignments, +1 CMEA standardization
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[X] Plan Death to Rolls Royce

Due to taking a milder approach on reforms, and it eking out some more R through auto plants while we are still early in the plan, I prefer this one. The train plants are definitely something to get though. We also should really knock out a couple more pesticide/fertilizer levels as soon as we can spare more dice fromgas.
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Compared to Plan Death to Rolls Royce, this plan does:
-2 Car plant (Zaporozhye), +2 Train modernization (Kolomna)
-1 Lunar propulsive landing, +1 Film Studio Formation
-2 Determine Coalitional Alignments, +1 CMEA standardization, +1 Automation/Cybernetics initiative
Thanks for including this comparison, it reduces the mental effort needed to compare plans. I'm unclear on how important Conditional Alignments is, but the rest seems pretty good.

[X] Plan Trains and Transistors
Note that a slight edit has been made to Plan Death to Rolls Royce. Now it is 1 die on Coalitional Alignments instead of 2, and 1 die on Uphold the Red Book (which is an Internal Reform.) Since Coalitional Alignments isn't so urgently needed that it needs 2 dice.
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What exactly are the consequences to us of not doing Coalitional Alignments often enough, or with poor rolls? Reduced ability to do bureucratic actions due to not knowing what's going on politically?
What exactly are the consequences to us of not doing Coalitional Alignments often enough, or with poor rolls? Reduced ability to do bureucratic actions due to not knowing what's going on politically?
It updates our political readout on the status page. So the penalty for not doing it is having increasingly out-of-date information. Which, ok that's probably fine to let sit for a while during periods of calm, but there's been a lot of political movement since the last time we did the action a year ago - it can't hurt to get a fresh read.
Note to Voters, after review, it's been found that both Plan Death to Rolls Royce and Plan Trains and Transistors risk pushing us below our Discount-to-Infra Steel Surplus if Dneprod doesn't finish. I've altered my Plan accordingly, taking away a Bus die in exchange for a die on a Locomotive Plant, that way less projects finish and thus less Steel is used.

I assume Plan Trains and Transistors will be getting an edit of its own to avoid the risk of losing the Steel Surplus and the discount it gives us.
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So, full analysis (Note that A%/B% means without/with omakes):
We need a 50+ surplus to keep the discount. That means we have 46 available steel, of which 13 is already allocated to private/military.
100% to finish ZIL, -12 steel. This brings available down to 21.

Old plans had 88%/94% to finish Riga, -25 steel. 1-dice plans still have 13%/28%. That would bring the steel total below the critical 50+ threshold unless we roll very well on the CIs (I'm going to ignore these for simplicity's sake)

Plan Death to Rolls Royce has 14%/23% to complete Zaporozhye, -24.
Plan Trains and Transistors has 74%/83% to complete Kolomna, -7. But since available is 21 that's not a problem.

46%/61% to finish Dneprod. If it finishes then we've got plenty.

I'm changing Plan Trains and Transistors to do -1 Riga, +1 Zaporozhye.
Updated Plan Death to Rolls Royce: 1-(.86*.87)=0.33*.39= 10% chance to lose surplus bonus, 17% with bad omake completion
Updated Plan Trains and Transistors = .13*.39= 5% chance of losing the bonus, 11% with bad omake completion
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The issue is that the renovations are going to be big projects, enough so that even if we fund them quickly they're still likely to take a good couple of years to actually finish. I vaguely recall "the end of this plan" being a good baseline for having the projects funded by if we want the construction itself to finish by 1967.

Which was why I was wondering if we could do it.

Besides, it's a Free die. That's not nothing.
I look away for a minute and we are involved in a reverse Vietnam. Dammit China if you didn't present such a good future economic partner and fossil fuel market I would be even more furious. On the plus side we might be getting an early version of arpnet, the first step in reaching the fabled fully automated luxury communism.